blood diamonds(2)

Post on 16-Jun-2015






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Blood Diamonds

By: Samantha Shastany and Ryan Bombardier


The blood diamonds exist because the military is using the diamonds for money for weapons in their own use.

The blood diamonds get there name because people are dying because the military are making citizens slaves to try and get more diamonds.

If the slaves don’t do what they are asked, or if they don’t find many diamonds, there hands get cut off.

If the slaves do good and get a lot of diamonds, they don’t get rewarded, so none of this is for their benefit.

Five present day countries where blood diamonds exist still.

Sierra Leone

Ivory Coast



Demccratice Republic of Congo

Rebel leaders were guilty of telling their troops to chop off hands of the slaves. They were convicted of many ar crimes such as murder, rape, and sexual enslavement.

8.4 million dollars worth of diamonds a year come from African countries.

The Songhay empire was located on the western side of Africa.

Songay Empire

Mohammed ibn Abi Baker Ture, also known as Mohammed Askia was in charge of the Songhay Empire from 1493-1528.

This is the tomb of the Songhay leader Askia Mohammed I, which was built at the end of the 15th century.

Mohammed Askia was important because he fought several military campaigns. He is mostly remembered for reorganizing, modernizing, and bringing stability to Songay.

The wealth and power could be traced back to the Sorka fishermen who lived along the Niger, south east of Gao. They became apart of the Songhay in the 9th century.

The Sorka fishermen began trading relations with Muslim traders in Gao.

Gao is the capital of Songhay.

Songhay fell in the 14th century within the orbit of the empire Mali.

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