blue note 4:6

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Dec 12/Jan 13 edition of The Blue Note


►The Bimonthly Newsletter of the Dorchester County Democratic Party◄ ►The Bimonthly Newsletter of the Dorchester County Democratic Party◄

December 2012/January 2013 Volume 4, Issue 6

‘O’ for 2! OUR WINNERS

Barack Obama President of the United States

Jim Clyburn

U.S. Congress, District 6

David Pascoe Solicitor, 1st Circuit

John Matthews Jr.

State Senate, District 39

Robert Ford State Senate, District 42

Patsy Knight

State House, District 97

Joseph Jefferson State House, District 102

David Mack III

State House, District 109

J. Seth Whipper State House, District 113

Obama wins second term


2013 Goals—page 2 Special Thanks to Jim Clyburn– page 3 Survey Results– page 3 What DCDP is most thankful for—page 5 Where Obama won in Dorchester County—page 7 Obama win latest gain for Southern, SC Dem gains—

page 8 The Lost Voter—page 8 Polls predictions contest winners—page 9 Candidate Recruitment—page 9 Stay Active—page 10 Calendar of Events—page 11

Obama took 62.6 million votes, winning 26 states and 50.6 percent of the popular vote.

2012 is almost gone, yet it was a breakthrough year for the Dorches-ter County Democratic Party. We now have a strong reputation for organizing and leading in a very “Red” county. We demonstrated that although President Obama received less than 50% of the vote in our County, we energized the Democratic Base – registering voters by the hundreds, supporting our local candidates to the maximum, and get-ting our Democratic Base out to vote. I am still getting calls from candidates and Democrats both inside and outside the county thanking us for the job we did. It was exhilarating seeing how our headquarters was the hub of Democratic Party sup-port in Dorchester County. I am so proud of the leadership of Dot Brown, Ethel Campbell, Diane Urig, Deb Mortellaro, Rob Groce, Marty Turney, Nancy and Clayton Seufert, David Rison and Jeni Atchley, as they ran the voter registra-tion, candidate support, and Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign. And I’m proud of YOU, all the Democrats who supported our party in this last election. Now we need to continue the momentum – and spend 2013 getting ready for the Governor’s race in 2014. What are our priorities in 2013? Well, your elected officers met and discussed in detail what we need to do now in 2013 to have a successful election in 2014. We decided on a three- prong 2013 campaign:

1. Voter ID – make sure all Democratic voters have a Voter ID by the end of 2013.

2. Candidate Recruitment – make sure we have Democrats running in all key races

3. Precinct Leadership -- make sure we have strong leaders in each of our 72 precincts.

Voter ID is law starting on January 1st. We lost in the courts. So at the County level we need to make sure the Republicans do not get what they want – to restrict people from voting! We need to make sure that every person that wants to vote has access to and gets a Voter ID card if they do not have a driver’s license. We will win on this issue by making sure everyone in our respective precincts has a valid Voter ID – so get ready for a major effort to find every Democratic voter in your precinct who needs an ID and get them that ID so they can vote! Remember, in the 50’s African Americans had to meet in secret to study for the literacy tests so they could vote! If they could do that, we surely can make sure our voters get their Voter ID! Candidate Recruitment – This is hard, and we tried in 2012, but look-ing at the ballot you can tell we did not succeed. We must do better in 2014! Our goal is to run a candidate in House District 97, House District 98, House District 94, and County Council Districts 1, 2, 3 and 7. We will be going against incumbents in most of the races, so we must start early. Please think hard about running for these offices. Precinct Leadership – We found this year the only way to succeed is to have strong grassroots leadership. Each Precinct needs to have two good leaders (Exec Committee Member and President), and a cadre of four-to-six supporters to make sure Democrats in their precincts get the information needed to vote, and register new people in the pre-cinct to vote as they move in to the area. Please support this effort – it is a great way to get involved at the local level. So let’s have as successful a year in 2013 as we did in 2012! Richard Hayes, Chair

2013 Goals: We’ve just started!

CELEBRATION! Four more years!

Dorchester Democrats celebrate at party headquarters on Election Night after Obama is announced the winner.

On a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), how well do you think Dorches-ter Democrats performed this election year? You gave us a terrific score of 4.09! In your opinion, what did our county Democratic Party do well for this year's elections? (listed in order) Voter Contact New Voter Registration Candidate Support Election Day Work Public Events Advertising Others: Our office and social networking What could DCDP have done better?? (listed in order) (tie for first)) Public Events and Advertising New Voter Registration Voter Contact Candidate Support Election Day Work Others: “nothing” (twice), more candidates, more communication with the public What should DCDP do to prepare for the 2014 elections? ? (listed in order) Promote “Voter ID” awareness Recruit candidates Register new voters Advertise/promote the party Organize social events Others: work year-round and recruit younger Democrats

Did you have any problems when you went to vote? Only nine survey respondents said they had problems, and six of them were the long waiting lines at the polls. Of the remaining three, one each said there were problems with the voting machines, poll workers gave incorrect information, and a candidate bothered them at the poll-ing place.

Special Thanks to Rep. Jim Clyburn While DCDP is very grateful to the many people who helped us in this election season, we owe our greatest thanks to one per-son in particular. Rep. Jim Clyburn provided our county party with funding to ac-quire the many Obama campaign signs, buttons and bumper stick-ers we used this year. Those were vital to reward volunteers and to make our presence known

to voters throughout the county. Mr. Clyburn also provided funding we used to organize our Elec-tion Day strategy, too. Let’s return the favor to him in 2014, when he’ll be up for re-election!

Survey Results Well, not enough of you responded to our recent survey, which asked for your opinions on how our party performed in the recent election as well as future goals. The error rating was 13.66 percent, which means these results are not truly indicative. It was still fun to do, though, and many thanks to all who completed it! Here are the (non-scientific) results:

We agree with you 100 percent that DCDP could have done more in the fields of advertising and public events. There are a couple of reasons we couldn’t do more, though, and they share the same basis: funding. First, after setting an advertising budget early in the year, we later had to accommodate new state laws about advertising not just for candidate registration and precinct reorganization, but even for our county convention. Those unexpected expenses hurt our pre-planned budget. Second, we also had unexpected and undeterminable legal ex-penses; we didn’t know how much they would cost, so we had to restrict spending in many areas. We did, though, host a terrific “stump” event, and had parties for each of the debates at our office, as well as other events. DCDP also did a swell of ads in local newspapers (both print and online) for the last two weeks before the election, too. We would love to do more in both of these categories (advertising and public relations) in the next two years, though. And to do them correctly, we need your help. Please donate to DCDP!

With this latest edition, we’ve now completed four full volumes of The Blue Note!

During the 2008 elections, we noticed that we had made contact with many more Democrats here in Dorchester County. DCDP started this bimonthly journal in early 2009 to maintain regular communication and keep you informed of pertinent topics.

Since then, our contact list has grown, and many more now re-ceive our newsletter. In these four years, The Blue Note has been a small fundraiser for our party, too, through advertising sales.

We intend to continue this journal, but could use your help. We produce these every two months, and need your contributions—articles, commentary, ads, and even forwarding The Blue Note to your friends by email.

The next time we have a PR/Advertising Committee meeting, please join us. We have a lot of work to do, and we could really use your help!

What were you most thankful for on this recent Thanksgiving Day?

I'm so thankful and proud of my wife Miriam for the job she did. I'm thankful for her getting her name out there and all the great people that we met and all the great people that helped Miriam in this campaign. I am thankful to be a Dor-chester County Democrat. -Jamie Birdsong

That President Obama was re-elected and the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party is getting some of the blame for Romney losing! -Debbie Lodge My family and friends.—David Rison

I’m thankful for all the hard work and how every-one united/helped for the cause, and thankful that Obama is still our President. -Mary Haynes

I am thankful this Thanksgiving for my life, health, family, friends and my community.—Yvonne Allen-Hawkins

I am most thankful for my family! -Sylvia M. Brown

That in spite of the amount of money given to the Republi-can Party it was the votes of the regular people that won the election for our President! -Harriette Vanderhorst

My wife Debbie.—Rob Groce

As an avowed atheist I must confess the need to reassess my beliefs. Obama and Biden DID get re-elected, after all! Maybe there IS a God! - Bob Ielfield

Everything! Also, that Obama won! -Ann Ozark

I, Pat Johnson, am thankful to be alive and healthy! Praise be Our God and savior Jesus Christ.

I am thankful that Willard didn't win and the country didn't choose his direction for our country. Robert F.

If DCDP was a person, and if that person was you…

Other Survey Responses

What would you want for Christmas? Your answers were strategic, of course! The top answer from seven of you was “more Democrats in office” (local and state). After that, you wanted tickets to the president’s inauguration (five), many candidates for 2014 (four), and some wanted to keep our office open after the election (three). Some hoped we could get lots of money (and we agree!), and two of you even wished for improved relations with our counter-parts who belong to other political parties. Below, though, were the three classiest responses our survey received to this question:

Many wealthy supporters willing to contribute obscene amounts of money to liberal and progressive political action committees. Like, enough to start a massive PR campaign to correct the ridiculous misperceptions many people seem to have about Obamacare--like the idiotic notion that it will mandate death panels for senior! Or a relocation fund for the fools who have signed the secession petitions--maybe we could set them all up somewhere like the Republic of Alaska?

There was some strange mistake in the vote counts...beginning 1/1/13...100% of our county, state and national government is Democratic in heart and action.

The miracle of Republicans with common sense and good will, including a desire to actually solve problems rather than creating them. (Yes, I know that I am living in a dream world.)

What would be your

New Year’s resolution? The top answer to this question was to, in general, make the county Democratic party stronger (seven responses). Other responses were a bit more specific, such as to hold more party events (four). Recruiting more candidates and prepping for the 2014 elections were the resolutions suggested by three each. Three particular responses were quite noble, and ones we should follow in 2013:

My resolution is to work hard to keep the spirit of the season - the election season, that is - alive by reaching out to the commu-nity and promoting Democratic principles, treating our brothers and sisters with kindness and offering a helping hand where needed, and never passing up an opportunity to make new con-tacts to grow our party in strength and numbers so that one day, we really can turn our county, and this state, blue.

My New Year's Resolution would be that community leaders and professionals would volunteer more in our low income areas to show our young people that no matter where they live or what their circumstances are, with hard work they can change it all for the good. We may be helping our future President!

To make the party a stronger party by becoming more vocal in town, city, state and national elections and issues and more in communities.

Clayritha Abernathy Viola Aiken Sean Alford Roy Allen

Tracy Archie Renate Arnett Jeni Atchley Dawn Bass

Joan Benbrook Major Bernard Eddie C. Bines Jake Birdsong

Jamie Birdsong Miriam Birdsong

Barbara Blackwell Harry Blake

Annie Nell Blocdorn Gloria Boyd Rose Boyd

Bob Brandenburg Penny Brandenburg

Dixie Britt Aaron Brown

Dot Brown Shirley Brown

John W. Brooks Carrie Bryant

Ethel Campbell Karen Campbell

Audrey Clarke-Pounder Barbara Cox Bob Cushing

Diane Cushing Bernice Davis Jasmin Davis Joyce Davis Willie Davis Virgil Deas

Teresa Delee Andre Dixon

James Elmore Darrell Ellington Barbara Felder Donna Fields Pamela Fields Kent Fleming Robert Ford

Amanda Doty Fralix Phyliss Gadsden

Margaret Goodwine Jacquelyn Green

Rob Groce Dena Haddock Lee Haddock Precilla Hall

Thelma Harper

Richard Hayes Nancy Haynes Bob Helmrick Sharon Hill

Leonard Hilton Sanodice Hilton

Christine Hodges Kimberly Holt

Charlotte Holtry Martha Sue Hope

Pat Howard Marguerita A. Hoxie

Karen Hudson Candance Huggin Brad Humrighouse Patricia Jamison

Snowmire Jamison Edward Johnson Patsy Johnson Annette Jones Donna Kauth John Kauth John King

Patsy Knight Ella M. Lewis Evalyne Lewis Herbert Lincoln

Rosa Lincoln Michelle Godkin List

Judy Lilly Debbie Lodge

Barbara McGowin Erin McKee

Marie McMichael Gracie Martin

Darrell Mazyck

Janet Millen John Miller

Angela Mizell Jerome Moorer

John Moorer Debbie Mortellaro

Viola Nash Ricky Nelson

Paulette Nesbit Janice Nolan

Hazel Parson-Starkes Sheronda Parker

Diane Paul Tammy Pearson

C. Perry Jr. Ansonia Pinckney

Betty Profit Masi Rahman

James Ravenel Tiffany Rice

Xandrina Riley David Rison

Janet Rosenzweig Patricia Ruckes

Tony Sass Violet Saylor

Waymond Saylor

Clayton Seufert Nancy Seufert Andrea Shecut

Betty Shine Herb Shine

Wanda Simmons Deloris Singleton Lauren Singleton Victoria Singleton

Cohen Smalls Lisa Smalls

Debbie Smith Diedre Smith Evelyn Smith Louis Smith

Minerva Smith Sequois Smith

Anthony Sordelli Allen Stephens Ron Stoklosa

William Summerhill Jr. Gail Taylor

Tamara Taylor Joe Thomas

Fran Townsend Myra Tucker Brian Turner Joyce Turner Marty Turney

Robbie Walker Renee Wamer

Johnnie Washington Joseph Washington Catherine Wheeler

Linda Whetsell Genaris White Matthew White Mary Williams Sam Williams

Travis Williams Leonard Wilson Sarah Wilson

Jessica Winkles Antoinette Winston Jeanette C. Witter

Diane Urig Grace Zagami

What are we most thankful for? YOU! This election year, very many people attended our party functions, helped at our office, volunteered with DCDP and our candidates, worked on Election Day, aided campaigns, and gave so much of their time and effort. That’s what we are most thankful for this holiday season (and every other time of year, too). There were so many that we may be missing a name or two in this listing below; if that’s the case, just let us know and we’ll run it in the next edition of The Blue Note.


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Precincts Won By Obama

Rosinville St. George 1 Grover Ridgeville Ridgeville 2 Delemars Coastal Trolley Carolina Indian Field Indian Field 2 Windsor Lincoln Patriot Givhans 2 North Summerville 2 Tranquil 2

This same time one year ago, The Blue Note 3:6 identified seven particular precincts that have high presence of Democratic voters, but that had very low turnout in the 2010 elections. We suggested that these seven precincts be tar-geted this year, too. In the very next edition, we told you how DCDP started reaching out to voters in those particu-lar precincts by mail, reminding them of the importance of their votes. We continued the contact with these and other key precincts be-fore the election, too. The results? Those same precincts increased their voter turnout by an average of 13.4 per-cent for this year’s elections. And President Obama took the majority of the vote in all seven of those precincts (Rosinville, St. George 1, Ridgeville, Coastal, Indian Field, Lincoln, North Summerville 2).

Where Obama won in Dorchester County

It might sound strange for our county party to brag about having a great election year. After all, President Obama only took 41.24 percent in Dorchester County. But that’s almost identical to what he took here in 2008 (41.61 percent). We already anticipated a lower percentage of voter turnout; that’s what happens in presidential election years that in-clude an incumbent. This year, though, we saw only a slight lapse in voter turnout in Dorchester—far less than expected— and there was no decline in votes for our president, either. To get more voters out there this year, and to get almost the exact same percentage from 2008, means that DCDP did a pretty good job, and that all of you who helped us did a GREAT job. We hope that you’ll be with us in 2014, when we intend to do a FANTASTIC job!

Barack Obama’s reelection in 2012 capped a well-run campaign and made him the fourth Democratic president in the last 96 years to be elected to two terms. Back in 1916, Woodrow Wilson was elected to his second term. In 1936, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to his second term. Both Wilson and Roosevelt easily carried South Carolina which then was part of the solidly Democratic South. Roosevelt was elected to two more terms, but tied in 1945, shortly after being inaugurated to his fourth term. After Roosevelt, the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution was ratified to make it impos-sible for a president to be elected to more than two terms. The next Democrat to win two terms was Bill Clinton, who first was elected in 1992 and again in 1996. In 2012, Democrats were able to retain control of the United States Senate while Republicans remained in control of the House of Represen-tatives. In the last thirty years the South has moved from voting mainly for the Democrats to voting mainly for the Republicans. The De-mocratic domination of the South was a reac-tion to the Republican opposition to slavery and the Republican domination of the South during Reconstruction. For years after the end of the Civil War and Reconstruction in the

South, where black voters could vote, they voted for the party of Lincoln, the Republican Party. That changed slowly during the 1930s and the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt. During the ‘30s and after, blacks moved out of the South in record numbers and voted in northern cities for Democrats, even while Democrats in the South were committed to opposing civil rights. Gradually the Democratic Party, even in the South, changed to endorse civil rights and black voting. The Republican Party pursued what Richard Nixon called the “Southern Strategy,” and got more support from Southern white voters for its conservative politics and its perceived opposi-tion to sweeping civil rights legislation. In 1980 and again in 1984, Republican Ronald Reagan won the presidency with strong support from Southern white voters. Of course, Barack Obama was the first African American elected president of the United States. He inherited an economy going into recession. Gradually things have gotten better under Obama, and most voters did not blame President Obama for the downturn in the economy that started before he took office.

We all hope that unemployment will continue to decline. Although President Obama did not win in South Carolina in 2012, he did carry Florida and Virginia and only narrowly lost North Carolina. Democrats can be optimistic that demographic changes caused by increased migration to the South from Northern states will gradually change Southern politics. In 2012, 44% of South Carolina voters supported Obama, and in 2010 Vincent Sheheen only narrowly lost the governorship to Republican Nikki Haley. South Carolina Democrats need to work hard to elect a Democrat as governor in 2014. Democrats are gradually coming back in the South.

The Lost Voter By Marty Turney, who lost her mind I have read with interest the tasks before us in the upcoming months to re-claim the Governor’s Seat. Registering voters is always a great, yet tireless job. Not only to get people registered but to build them up with purpose of voting in the next election. It matters not if the election is for federal, state or local offices, the important thing to do is encourage them to vote, in every election. I couldn’t help but notice how many people did not know how to use the vot-ing machines in our precinct. This is the same machine that has been used for the past several years in Dorchester County. Granted, some were new to our area. Some were new voters, thanks to the great registering effort by Diane Urig and her co-registrants, Ethel Campbell, Dot Brown, and others. But the tickler are the ones that, though registered, either had not taken advantage of voting or who stated they only voted in Presidential elections. This last reason for unfamiliarity with the machines was the vast majority. Yes, we need to continue our efforts to register voters by encouraging new residents to register. Most of all we need to beat the bushes, by identifying, supporting, persuading and promoting the idea of voting in every election. It is so important and one of the only ways we will win the offices we seek.

Obama win latest gain for southern, SC Dems

By “Colonel” David Rison, proprietor of South Carolina Fried Politics


“2012 was Finger Lickin’ Good!”


Lowcountry League Jakes NFL Greats 7-5 Rison’s Raiders 6-6 Turney’s Tornadoes 6-6 Rising Star 5-7

Palmetto Pack Mamasez 7-5 Rob’s Roosters 6-6 Ziggy’s Patriots 6-6 GCharp62 5-7

Sandlapper Section WINNING 9-3 Mort’s Killer Kats 7-5 NO MORE MR. NICE GUY 4-8 Stomp’n Like Suh 4-8

Winners of the Poll Predictions Contest

Of the 538 total electoral votes, how many will Obama take in the election?


Ethel Campbell Actual: 332 Ethel’s prediction: 354 What percentage of the total popular vote will Obama get in the nationwide race?


Pat Johnson Actual: 50.6% Pat’s prediction: 50 % What percentage of the vote will Obama get in our state of South Carolina?

Winner (tie):

Ann Ozark and Richard Hayes Actual: 44.09 % Ann’s and Richard’s prediction: 46 % What percentage of the vote will Obama get from Dorchester County?


Dot Brown Actual: 41.24 % Dot’s prediction: 40 %



for 2014

Starts Today! We just had an election, and we are already thinking about the 2014 election? Absolutely -- especially in the offices where we will be going against Republican incum-bents. We need to start now – identifying the citizens who want to serve their country by running for public office, getting name recognition for the voters and funding for the candidates. Our targets are the key County Council offices – District 1, 2, 3 and 7. We of course do not have to worry about District 1; Councilman Willie Davis is our stalwart and leader. We also will need candidates for House District 94, 98, and maybe 97 if Patsy Knight, who won a great victory this year, decides to retire. We tried for 18 months this last election and we did not succeed in getting enough candidates to run. It is not easy to run for public office. It is an honor to represent voters, but it does take many hours meeting, talking, and listening to the voters. It also involves fundraising. But Patsy Knight and Miriam Birdsong this year were outstanding examples of how it can be done. This year we are going beyond just having a Candidate Recruitment Commit-tee, and will be involving all the Precinct leaders to find the best candidate for each of these races. It may take more than one race to win these seats, but we can do it because Democrats are on the “right” side of the issues, and the Republicans have a horrible track record running this state! So if you are interested in working on this critical goal for the County Party, or even running, please call me at any time! Thanks, Richard Hayes, Chair


(insert name here)

IN 2014!


STAY ACTIVE! The election may be over, but the work has just begun! Here’s some news on what we do regularly

as a party, even when there are no elections, and on what all of us can do as Democrats.

Demonstrations against risks to Social Security and Medicare are taking place nationwide, including here in the Lowcountry. Dubbed “Protect our Future,” the Charleston Central Labor Council is organizing a rally on Monday, Dec. 10 from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. in front of Rep. Tim Scott’s West Ashley office (2000 Sam Rittenberg Blvd).

The risks stem from a combination of bills, both proposed and expiring, that could reduce earned Social Security benefits, raise Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages, and even increase taxes on middle-class by making work benefits such as insurance become taxable. Scott’s voting record indicates a need for his constituents to speak up on these issues, CLC says. For example, he ardently supported the House Republican budget plan, which called for cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, as well as a privatization of Social Security.

Without immediate address to these topics before the end of the year, CLC says, over 1 million South Carolinians could be negatively affected. Approximately 925,000 in the state receive Social Security benefits, which would reduce in cost-of-living adjustments under Republican pro-posals.

Proposals to Medicare would raise its age of eligibility to 67; the almost 750,000 South Carolinians currently enrolled in Medicare would face increased premiums, as well. Medicaid is used by almost 900,000 in the state, and these benefits are at risk of 21 percent ($11 billion) in reduction over the next 10 years. In addition, South Carolina residents would see an average tax increase of $1,683, according to the Tax Foundation, if the temporary cuts aren’t extended.

AFL-CIO also has an online petition asking Congress to end tax cuts for the wealthy and to prevent cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medi-caid.

The Charleston demonstration is one of 19 nationwide that day. About 75 others also promoted by the AFL-CIO took place across the country on Nov. 8.


Our county party sponsors a two-mile stretch of Dorchester Road, which we clean up regularly. (This picture is from our most recent one in October.) It’s fun, actually. It only takes about 90 minutes, and we spend just as much time having coffee and chatting afterwards. Please join us next time!

Monthly Breakfast Meeting Join us at 9 a.m. on Saturday, January 19 for our next monthly breakfast meeting! It’ll be at the same location we’ve been using (Ryan’s at

1314 N Main St in Summerville), and for the same old price (just tell the cashier you’re there for our meeting, and you can pay just $8 in the back room where we meet). Guest speaker at this next meeting is Fran Townsend, chair of Dorchester County District 2’s school board.

Calendar of Events


December 4 Move to Amend Barnstorming Tour

7 to 9 p.m. ILA Hall, 1142 Morrison Dr in Charleston

National activist David Cobb speaks about need to amend the U.S. Constitution to end

improper corporation influence on politics. (Free, but donations accepted)

December 8-16

Happy Hanukkah!

December 10 “Protect Our Future” Rally on Human Rights Day

5:30 to 6:15 p.m. 2000 Sam Rittenberg Blvd in West Ashley

(right in front of Tim Scott’s local office) Public rally/demonstration to remind Tim Scott to protect

our Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid.

December 25 Christmas Day

We want a bicycle and a pony and a doll house and a GI Joe and a truck and a trip to Disney World and…

December 26-January 1

Happy Kwanzaa!


January 1 New Year’s Day

I, (state your name), do hereby resolve to dedicate more of my time and energy to the

Dorchester County Democratic Party as it prepares for the 2014 elections.

January 14

Executive Committee Meeting 7 p.m. at the County Code Building

500 N Main St (Directly behind the County Council Building when you enter the parking lot from N Cedar)

January 19

Breakfast Meeting 9 a.m. at Ryan’s

1314 N Main St in Summerville $8 for breakfast buffet and coffee Guest speaker is Fran Townsend,

DD2 School Board member

January 20 Inauguration Day

January 21

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

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