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Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

Issued by: Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC)

Date: 2016-02-29

Version: V1.3

Deliverable number: D-4.2

Task number: Task 4.3 – 4.4

Status: Final Deliverable

Dissemination level: Confidential

Document history

V Date Organisation Author Description

1.0 20/12/2015 BCC Maria Zheleva Initial version – Pilot TTT

1.1 21/12/2015 BCC Ana Pirinska Proofread

1.2 18/02/2016 BCC Djani Antova Second version – Core TTT

1.3 29/02/2016 BCC Maria Zheleva Final Deliverable

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016


I. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 3

II. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................... 4

1. Training Structure ................................................................................................................ 4

2. Monitoring Scope and Methodology ................................................................................... 4

III. SURVEY Questionnaires ....................................................................................................... 6

1. ENERPRO PILOT TTT DUBLIN, 9-13 NOVEMBER 2015 ......................................................... 6

2. ENERPRO CORE TTT BULGARIA ............................................................................................ 8

IV. PILOT TRAIN-THE-TRAINER MONITORING – DUBLIN......................................................... 11

1. Pilot TTT E-learning ............................................................................................................ 11

1.1. Overview ..................................................................................................................... 11

1.2. Monitoring results ...................................................................................................... 12

1.3. Conclusions and Recommendations .......................................................................... 13

2. Pilot TTT Course ................................................................................................................. 13

2.1. Overview ..................................................................................................................... 13

2.2. Content ....................................................................................................................... 14

2.3. Monitoring results ...................................................................................................... 15

2.4. Conclusions and Recommendations .......................................................................... 21

V. CORE TRAIN-THE-TRAINER MONITORING - BULGARIA ......................................................... 23

1. TTT Aid and Programmes ................................................................................................... 23

2. Core TTT Bulgaria ............................................................................................................... 23

2.1. Overview ..................................................................................................................... 23

2.2. Content ....................................................................................................................... 24

2.3 Monitoring results ...................................................................................................... 27

2.4 Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................... 33

VI. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 35

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

I. OVERVIEW The project BUILD UP Skills EnerPro (EnerPro) aims to elaborate a core of required technological competences related to the energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) solutions in buildings. The Consortium has therefore developed new and adapted existing EE training programs, using the experience of Passive House Institute (PHI) – a German independent research company who has established and commercialized the Passive House concept internationally. As a next step, the EnerPro initiative is to create capacity for professional training of trainers, train and certify a sufficient number of Bulgarian teachers and professionals through a network of Centers of Excellence.

The following document is complementary to Work Package 4, with the purpose of monitoring the Train-the-trainer (TTT) session that transfers the Passive House knowledge for two professional directions “Civil engineering” and “Electricity engineering and energy sector” into the Bulgarian VET education. The Report has the objective to monitor the delivery of the TTT courses, ensure quality and consistency, gather feedback from the participants and fine tune the EnerPro results, targeted at trainers. Therefore it aims to:

Monitor several TTT sessions with at least 50 participants from Bulgaria;

Gather feedback on all aspects of the course through qualitative and quantitative methods, in particularly content, structure, methodology and e-learning;

Analyze and incorporate users’ feedback;

Suggest revisions and adjustments of the training course package, based on users’ feedback.

The Report begins with a review on the scope and methodology of the training and the monitoring objectives. The document then provides on-the-training-monitoring of the first Pilot TTT, conducted in Dublin, Ireland and several series of Core TTT, conducted in 7 Bulgarian cities. The following training aspects are described in detail: quality of the theoretical knowledge during the classroom trainings, practical experience, content and usability of the e-learning environment as well as content and effectiveness of the training aids and programmes. Furthermore, the Report analyses the actual trainings and the survey results, answering the key questions: was the Passive House knowledge transferred efficiently; is the training well adapted to the Bulgarian realm; does the training provide essential content to serve as a primer for trainers; do the results need further adjustments? And finally, the Report presents recommendations for additional improvements in the EnerPro TTT course.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016


1. Training Structure The EnerPro TTT encompasses the following three elements: e-learning, TTT sessions and Training аids and programmes. The e-learning is developed during the first year of the project by the German partner PHI, focusing on the essentials of the nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB) and the Passive House concept. These online modules are aimed to serve as a primer for future trainers in preparation for the actual TTT courses. The TTT for the professional directions “Civil engineering” and “Electricity engineering and energy sector” is planned to be conducted in two phases. The first one – the Pilot TTT, transfers the core nZEB and Passive House knowledge to selected future trainers from leading training institutions and builds capacity for the continuous implementation of the EnerPro training in Bulgaria. The participants are set up to cover the following disciplines, crucial for the construction of nZEB: building fabric, building systems, building technologies and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in buildings. Namely these are the trainers who are to conduct the Core TTT in Bulgaria, through two series of intensive courses. The second training phase has the purpose to disperse the unique Passive House concept locally. Between the Pilot and the Core Trainings, the experts, entrusted to teach the subject during the TTT courses locally, are to develop detailed TTT aids and programmes for two professional directions. These are envisaged to guide the future trainers through training contents, exercises and aids.

2. Monitoring Scope and Methodology The Pilot Training is implemented in Dublin, Ireland, by the PHI Certified organization – Passive House Academy (PHA). Up to 10 Bulgarian trainers from various industries are planned to be recruited for this session, to acquire the essence of the nZEB construction techniques. The monitoring of this Pilot TTT has a twofold purpose. First, to provide quality control on the transfer of the Passive House knowledge, and secondly to gather feedback, provide recommendations and if necessary, improve the TTT course and make amendments before its implementation locally. The second phase of the training – the Core TTT is conducted in several sessions in Bulgaria by the trainees of the Pilot TTT. The Consortium envisages to recruit at least another 40 trainers and pass the nZEB knowledge during two unique training sessions. The monitoring during the local training sessions has to unveil whether the knowledge acquired during the Pilot training is transferred accurately on a local level. Furthermore, the monitoring will assess whether the TTT aids and programmes targeted at the Bulgarian teachers are sufficient and useful and whether any amendments are needed. The Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) – partner in the Consortium, is responsible for the EnerPro TTT Monitoring. The Monitoring strategy embarks on the observation, qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the EnerPro TTT. A BCC representative is to participate during the Pilot and the Core Training sessions and perform on-the-site monitoring, using the

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

observation method. The latter will evaluate the overall training performance, including training rooms, trainees’ and trainers’ attitudes and presentation quality among others. The on-the-site-monitoring will be backed up by qualitative and quantitative analysis of the training parameters. All trainees are expected to fill in an online, multiply choice and open-ended questions so as to evaluate all the training aspects, such as e-learning, classroom trainings, practical exercises and training aids. The survey is facilitated through the following online tools Kwiksurveys for the Pilot TTT and Moodle for the Core TTT. Please note that Kwiksurveys keeps the results for a limited period of time. That is why the survey results will be exported and presented only in a pdf format. The questionnaires for the qualitative and quantitative feedback are presented in the next chapter.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

III. SURVEY Questionnaires The following chapter presents the questionnaires that will be used to evaluate the EnerPro TTT package, including the Pilot and the Core sessions.


1.1. Multiply-choice questions

A. E-LEARNING MODULES, designed by PHI, preparatory for the TTT

1. Did you go through the English version of the e-learning before the TTT in Dublin? a. Yes (continue with the questions from section A – E-Learning modules) b. No (skip section A)

2. How long did it take you to finalize the e-learning course?

a. > 8 hours b. Between 8 and 16 hours c. Between 16 and 32 hours d. < 32 hours


Agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly


3. The modules are well structured and logical

4. The content is comprehensive and exhaustive

5. The further materials (links) are valuable and sufficient

6. The quiz is useful and enhances future learning experience


OVERALL Strongly Agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

7. The training venue was suitable for training

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

8. The training room was easily accessible and well equipped

9. The practice rooms provided sufficient Passive House training models

10. The mixture of theory and practice provides essential knowledge to serve as a primer for trainers

11. The training session duration was realistic and appropriate

Presentations - THEORY Strongly Agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

12. The training is customized according to the needs of the Bulgarian trainers.

13. The modules achieved their objectives and provided good understanding

14. The presentations were well structured and logical

15. The theoretical content is comprehensive and sufficient

16. The trainers presented the ideas and concepts of the training clearly and in organised manner

17. The trainers were very well prepared

Demonstrations - PRACTICE Strongly Agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

18. The demonstration and practice workshops were well equipped

19. The necessary demonstration facilities and practice rooms enabled active participation

20. The exercises were sufficient to learn how to apply the theory in practice

21. The trainers effectively demonstrated the equipment, tools and methods

1.2. Open-ended questions 22. Which presentations were the most interesting to you? 23. Which presentations were not interesting to you? 24. Would you exclude any of the modules? 25. Is there any theme you are not comfortable with? 26. Are you confident that you will be able to transfer locally the acquired knowledge? 27. Are there any other comments, ideas or suggestions you would like to share?


OVERALL Strongly Agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. The training venue was suitable for training

2. The training room was easily accessible and well equipped

3. The mixture of theory and practice provides essential knowledge to serve as a primer for trainers

4. The training session duration was

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

realistic and appropriate

5. The training is customized according to the needs of the Bulgarian trainers.

Presentations - THEORY Strongly Agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

6. The modules achieved their objectives and provided good understanding

7. The presentations were well structured and logical

8. The theoretical content is comprehensive and sufficient

9. The trainers presented the ideas and concepts of the training clearly and in organised manner

10. The trainers stimulated valuable debates among the participants

11. The trainers were very well prepared

Was the presentation useful to understand the following:

Strongly Agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

12. What is the road to nZEB

13. What is at the core of the nZEB concept

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

14. How to design and build passive buildings

15. How to achieve airtightness

16. How to warm-up, ventilate and cool-down passive buildings

17. How far can we reach

For which theme/type of training would you acquire further


Strongly Agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

18. Passive house principles

19. Building envelope

20. Thermal bridges

21. Airtightness

22. Ventilation with recuperation

23. Best practices and examples

24. Practical exercises for design

25. Practical exercises how to work with specific products and materials, applicable to passive houses

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016


1. Pilot TTT E-learning

1.1. Overview The e-learning module is a video course, designed by Passive House Institute – Darmstadt during the first half of 2015. This result is introductory to the training of trainers in all tradespersons’ specialties, including in cross-craft training schemes. The e-learning is available online at address Focusing on the essential nZEB and Passive House knowledge, the modules aim to serve as a primer for future trainers in preparation for TTT courses. They present the interrelations of the basic nZEB and PH principles (“whole building design”) and stress upon integrated approach in the design process from the very beginning of the construction process. The Bulgarian version of the e-learning module is addressed to future Bulgarian trainers, who will provide courses to local tradespersons. Contentwise, the ten modules display the key aspects of the following themes: 1. Passive House: basic principles, aim and scope 2. Building envelope:

Opaque elements: continuous insulation layer and insulation materials

Transparent elements: windows and insulation

Thermal bridging

Airtightness and airtightness testing 3. Technical Equipment: Ventilation and MVHR, Heat supply, Heat storage, DHW, distribution and cooling

4. Passive House Planning Package 5. Certified Passive House tradesperson scheme The e-learning is divided into subtopics, presented in video format. Each of these short films is abundant of visual presentations. The description of themes is clear and crisp. The modules are well presented and the narrator leads the trainee gradually to the essence of each subtopic. The key outcomes of the video slides are summarized in a separate panel, on the right-hand side of the screen, which facilitates the learning process. The chapters are backed up by further reading to dive deeper into the Passive House particularities. At the end of each subtopic, the trainee needs to fill in a quiz to test their knowledge and understanding and get immediate feedback on the learning progress and possible needs to reiterate the chapter. The final quiz is comprehensive and sufficient for the adequate evaluation of the participants’ knowledge. In the end, each participant receives a report and a pass or fail rating. The successful passing of this test is a prerequisite to register for the actual TTT-course. Regarding the technical environment, the e-learning is hosted by the open-source distance learning platform Moodle, operated by PHI. The software is user-friendly and provides numerous opportunities for interactive and pleasant learning. In order to enroll in the course, a registration procedure is required with an individual user account. Participants are then

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

enabled to access the course via internet and log on at any time. All user-related information is to be administered there, from the initial registration to the final test results and the subsequent report. EnerPro Consortium has ensured the sustainability of the e-learning by applying particular rules to facilitate its future use, such as mutual rights of use on the materials among others, strict registration procedures and free of charge usage.

1.2. Monitoring results Overall, the e-learning ensures continuous attention and positive learning experience. Frequent tests and tasks motivate own reflection and give immediate feedback on how successfully the knowledge has been comprehended. The e-learning ensures that the participants share a common ground of knowledge and terminology at the very beginning of the TTT course. The platform is well secured; open access is envisaged for current and future use. According to the survey results, the majority of the course participants have gone through the English version of the training, besides two of them, who had language barrier. It generally takes between 16 and 32, and more than 32 hours to complete the training. The majority of the trainees agree that the modules are well structured and logical and that the further materials are valuable. Detailed breakdown of all the multiply-choice answers is provided below.


1. Did you go through the English version of the e-learning before the TTT in Dublin?

2. How long did it take you to finalize the e-learning course?

78% YES

22% NO > 8 hours

Between 8 and 16 hours

Between 16 and 32 hours < 32 hours







*Participants who have not gone through the e-learning

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

3. The modules are well structured and logical.

4. The content is comprehensive and exhaustive.

5. The further materials (links) are valuable and sufficient.

6. The quiz is useful and enhances future learning experience.

1.3. Conclusions and Recommendations Overall, the e-learning is well done and ensures continuous attention, positive learning experience and knowledge testing. The modules have proven that they can ensure common ground of knowledge and terminology for the participants and serves well as a preparation for the TTT course. Based on the participants’ survey responses the e-learning is well received and considered comprehensive, useful and user-friendly. The technical environment is also positively evaluated. The e-learning experience and the learning outcomes could be improved if this section is made compulsory for the rest of trainers envisaged for the Core TTT in Bulgaria. Furthermore, the translation of the e-learning into Bulgarian should be speeded up and presented to the Core TTT participants well in advance.

2. Pilot TTT Course

2.1. Overview

The Pilot Train-the-Trainer was implemented in Dublin, Ireland, by the PHI Certified organization – Passive House Academy (PHA) in November 2015. The latter is selected due to

Strongly agree







22% 11%

44% 22%

22% Strongly agree








Strongly agree









Strongly agree





Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

its leading positions in the international nZEB educational domain, high reputation in provision of internationally accredited Passive House Courses and well equipped practice rooms. Over the past 15 years, the PHA has proven its excellence in Passive House training, development, certification and consultancy, with a dedicated team of highly experienced educators with sufficient on-the-ground practice. The organization has trained over 800 graduates of the Certified Passive House Designer, Certified Passive House Tradesperson and PHPP trainings in dedicated facilities for practical trainings. Ultimately, the knowledge provider is wisely selected to deliver high quality training in energy efficiency standards, focused entirely on hands-on training and actual implementation of energy efficient solutions. Further, PHA is able to contribute to the exchange of know-how about contemporary technologies and practical solutions in the construction of passive and nZEB projects. The Pilot TTT was a five-days, intensive Passive House Course, comprising of 40 hours of equally distributed practical lessons and theoretical workshops. For this session, nine participants were recruited to acquire the Passive House knowledge. These represent the following sectors, relevant to the nZEB construction: High school education, VET, NGO, architecture and consulting. The Pilot participants were trained as trainers, who will provide TTT-courses in Bulgaria during the EnerPro project and after. As envisaged in the proposal, these trainees were selected from leading training organizations with the anticipation to pass a training with practical emphasis. The face-to-face trainings for the disciplines Building envelope and Building services were provided by Art McCormack - co-founder of PHA, architect and Passive House trainer with more than 15 years of experience. The training for the other discipline Electrical Engineering and RES was presented by a lecturer with long practical experience in RES. The theoretical presentations were conducted in English. Translation was provided for the few non-English speakers.

2.2. Content During this Pilot TTT, the trainees covered the major qualification groups of disciplines, crucial for the construction of nZEB, namely building fabric, building systems, building technologies and RES in buildings. The following themes were presented by the Passive House experts (classrooms): Qualification group 1: BUILDING ENVELOPE

Summary of Passive House bases and overview of PHPP

Thermal Insulation: Insulation (including Lamda and U-values), Passive House windows and doors (including U-value calculation demo),

Thermal bridges: Thermal (and repeating) thermal bridging and materials demo

Airtightness: Increased airtightness and site examples; Airtightness equipment and testing

Qualification group 2: BUILDING SERVICES

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

Ventilation: Mechanical ventilation, Mechanical ventilation flow calculation demo,

Passive House Quality Assurance and Certification

Economics/Energy cost comparison between PH and Normal Professional direction: “ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ENERGY SECTOR”

Introduction to and theory of photovoltaic and solar thermal systems

Introduction to and theory of wind energy systems The theoretical presentations are backed up by the following practical demonstrations and exercises: Building envelope:

Introduction to and tour of Building Workshop, model description

Model sketching by Trainees and description

Review of retrofit techniques in reference to models

Passive House construction using different practice models

Demonstration of airtightness construction and testing

Construction and energy performance of 4 case study retrofits

Passive House construction using different practice models Building services:

Introduction to and demo of mechanical ventilation systems

Whole-house Passive House design demo (example) and exercise (performed by the Trainees)

Passive House detail design exercise (new build and retrofit) RES:

RES Practical demonstration of photovoltaic and solar systems

RES Practical demonstration of wind energy systems

2.3. Monitoring results

2.3.1. Observation method Based on the results of the monitoring observation method, the Pilot TTT was professionally executed. The knowledge provider accordingly selected to deliver high quality training in energy efficiency standards, focused entirely on hands-on training and actual implementation of energy efficient solutions. Furthermore, the trainers were experienced and well prepared to pass the Passive House knowledge internationally. With some exceptions, the presentations were logical and well-structured, gradually leading the participants to the essence of the NZEB construction techniques. The lecturers ensured that all future trainers are listening carefully and that they are involved in the classroom training, by showing interesting examples and provoking intriguing discussions.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

The Pilot TTT trainees were appropriately selected to represent various industry niches, including architecture, building, RES, economics, engineering and journalism. In such way, EnerPro ensured that the knowledge is spread across various disciplines and remains comprehensive for experts from all building related domains.

The Pilot TTT comprised a sound mix of theoretical and practical sessions, logically spread throughout the course of the training, to ensure that trainees have enough time to comprehend the theory and apply it into the practical models. The emphasize was set on the hands-on learning, ensuring that all participants are able to apply Passive House construction techniques into actual nZEB projects and train other experts accordingly. In terms of equipment, the training center in Dublin provided a wide range of Passive House building envelope, building system and demonstration models. These include: two timberframes each with a different cladding system; one solid concrete block with external insulation, one wide cavity between concrete block walls and one insulated concrete formwork (ICF). They all include representation of ground floor structure, external wall with cut window section, suspended first upper floor, ceiling and roof, executed with different materials and methods for ensuring optimal energy efficiency.

During the demonstration, all trainees were instructed how to perform hands-on construction techniques using the different practice models. The trainer showed different techniques of work with airtight membranes, tapes and insulation, showing how to achieve uncompromised results even at tight corners, window frames, junctions and pipe openings. At the end of each demonstration package the participants were asked to test these systems themselves. The practical exercises included drawing and presentation of a selected model, ensuring continuous insulation; apply wind tightness and airtightness membranes on various building models; demonstration and testing of single-room MHVR unit; pressure measuring; solar and photovoltaic panels and carpentry techniques among others. The most complex exercise was conducted in small groups, applying wall and duct insulation, airtight membranes and taping on practical models, after which the successful performances and the mistakes were discussed within the group.

All the practical exercises stimulated efficient team work and showed both typical mistakes as well as successful building solutions, provoking interesting discussions on the applicability of the models in Bulgaria. All participants were actively involved and excited about this session, showing great interest in the workshop facilities and their implementation in Bulgaria.

2.3.2. Quantitative and qualitative method The quantitative and the qualitative feedback was gathered through questionnaires, filled by all Pilot Training participants. According to survey results, the TTT in Dublin is graded as excellent. Based on the multiply choice questions, the meeting venue was highly ranked, the training facilities were easily accessible and well equipped, and the Passive House training models were sufficient and useful. The theoretical session was well perceived: the majority of the participants considered the acquired knowledge essential to serve as a primer for trainers; the training was customized to the trainers’ needs, most of the presentations were sufficient and

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

44% 56%

Strongly agree





comprehensive; generally, the trainers presented well their ideas; the content was useful, logical, well-structured and appealing. The practice rooms were also highly rated. The evaluation of the timing for the Pilot TTT and some practical sessions was not as satisfactory though. Apparently, the RES lecture was too fast and incomprehensive for most of the trainees due to the technical details and the need to rush through the presentations. In addition, due to time constraints the economic aspects of the Passive House were not examined in depth. Last but not least, for some participants the practical exercises, typical for the Passive House construction, could have been more. The pie-charts of the answers to each multiply-choice question, related to the Pilot TTT are presented below. A. TRAIN-THE-TRAINER, OVERALL

7. The training venue was suitable for training.

8. The training room was easily accessible and8well equipped.

9. The practice rooms provided sufficient Passive House training models.

10. The mix of theory and practice provide essential knowledge to serve as a primer for the trainers.


33% 56%

Strongly agree







Strongly agree







Strongly agree





Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016



Strongly agree






B. TRAIN-THE-TRAINER, Presentations – THEORY 12. The training is customized to the needs of the Bulgarian trainers.

13. The modules achieved their objectives and provided good understanding.

14. The presentations are well structured and logical.

15. The theoretical content is comprehensive and sufficient.

11. The duration of the training was realistic and appropriate.



Strongly agree







Strongly agree






44% 56%

Strongly agree







Strongly agree






44% 56%

Strongly agree





Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

16. The trainers presented the ideas and the concepts of the training clearly and in an organized manner.

17. The trainers were very well prepared.

C. TRAIN-THE-TRAINER, Demonstrations – PRACTICE 18. The demonstration and practice

workshops were well equipped.

19. The necessary demonstration facilities and practice rooms enabled active participation

20. The exercises were sufficient to learn how to apply the theory in practice.

21. The trainers demonstrated effectively the equipment, tools and methods.

An overview of the answers to the open-ended questions is provided below:

Which presentations were the most interesting to you? The majority of the themes are considered interesting by at least one of the participants. The building specialists prefer the modules related to Building envelope and Building services, whereas the RES modules are more appealing to the electrical engineers. Apparently, the course was very



Strongly agree







Strongly agree







Strongly agree







Strongly agree






44% 56%

Strongly agree





44% 56%

Strongly agree





Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

useful for one of the architects, who shared that upon commencing work on certain construction project, investors and clients are mostly in talks with architects. Thus, the latter need to be very well informed about all matters related to the building envelope as well as the basic engineering principles. Last but not least, the participants rated the practical exercises and the demonstrations very high. According to one of the respondents, irrespective of the role – builder, engineer or designer, the physical touch provides a different feeling and understanding of the building problems and the corresponding solutions. Therefore, the practical exercises are important for all building disciplines and are likely to facilitate the communication among the team members by boosting the knowledge about the processes and their respective argumentation.

Which presentations were not interesting to you? There is no module classified as not interesting. However, one of the participants shared the RES content and presentation duration could be improved.

Would you exclude any of the modules? None of the respondent would exclude any of the modules. One of the respondents noted that some of the modules were not as comprehensive as needed, especially the RES themes. This was not such a drawback though, as the participants had a mixed background and it was to be expected that some understand more than others. Furthermore, the main goal of the course was to provide an overview about the Passive House principles for all participants in the building process and not to train electrical experts in particularly. Therefore, each future training course should comprise participants from various backgrounds.

Is there any theme you are not comfortable with? Generally speaking the participants with construction background are less comfortable with the RES topics and vice versa. According to one of the respondents, the preparation was never enough, however, the knowledge and skills acquired by this course provided a sound basis to consult and train in the field of nZEB and Passive House. The only exception was the information, related to the economic aspects and the profitability of the nZEBs. Another participant noted that the information about the elimination of thermal bridges was insufficient and could be elaborated. Another interesting opinion is that the building process was above all an interdisciplinary teamwork, which required each team member to be an expert in their own field. The key for success is to learn and refresh one’s knowledge constantly, as the technologies and concepts are changing on an every day basis. An engineer was not expected to suggest spaces arrangement and color selection; neither was the architect expected to calculate formulas. The most important was each team member to possess sound knowledge in their respective field and to know their exact role in the design and building process.

Are you confident that you will be able to transfer locally the acquired knowledge? The participants feel more confident to pass the knowledge in their respective disciplines. Engineers are less confident to teach about the building process and vice versa. Only one of the respondents shared that the course wasn’t sufficient to train trainers and specialists. Others noted that usually the courses for specialists are not longer than 3 days, thus, the TTT was quite intensive and useful for specialists.

Are there any other comments, ideas or suggestions you would like to share?

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

o “Overall, the course is very useful and pleasant and the most valuable part is the attractive practical exercises and the professional trainers”

o “The online module should be further developed and should be made compulsory. The course content should be discussed more actively with the participants. More leisure time should be envisaged in case other courses are conducted abroad. The course should be accompanied by a final test and a certificate for completion.”

o “The RES module was extremely fast and incomprehensive. The soft copy of the presentations for this module were not provided and this is very important due to the numerous graphs and charts (only the paper copies were handed out). I think we should have spent more time on this topic.”

o “The utilization of Passive House is directly linked with the unique climate conditions in each region, their profitability and cultural particularities. I think we should have spent more time to explore Ireland’s culture and landmarks.”

o “I could have used more “hands-on” exercises. For instance, the mounting of Passive House windows is very specific process which startles the clients at times. One could think of few more exercises, typical for a Passive House.”

o “Generally speaking, the course was very useful, the core lecturer was excellent and the practical rooms were very well equipped. However, I had the feeling that we rushed through some of the modules, for instance RES and economic aspects, whereas for others the theoretical part was longer than the practical or repetitive with the e-learning. In my opinion we should have spent more time on the economic aspects as these are extremely important drivers of investments. Even though living in a Passive Houses has significant advantages, it is very useful to know how much more would it costs and how much does the investment price differs from country to country. Also, I think we should have had more practical exercises. We spent half of the time in the practice rooms; we examined very interesting models and practices, however, we did not “get our hands dirty” enough.”

2.4. Conclusions and Recommendations Overall, the Pilot TTT was conducted in a professional and efficient manner. The venue and the trainers were well selected in order to achieve high quality Passive House knowledge transfer and train efficiently future trainers from Bulgaria. The classrooms were convenient and provide all necessary training facilitators such as projector, white board, sufficient light, etc. The training materials were useful and sufficient, containing enough theoretical background and practical case studies. The practical session allowed systematic understanding and presentation of alternative high performance constructions, including trainer description, trainee drawings and trainee description, while each of those proves to be an extremely useful means of effective teaching and learning.

The participants were adequately selected for the purposes of the training. They represent various industry niches, including architecture, building, RES, economics, engineering and

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

journalism, ensuring that the EnerPro knowledge is spread across various disciplines and remains comprehensive for experts from all building related domains. All the trainees were satisfied with the training and feel confident to transfer the newly acquired knowledge in their own professional domain.

However, the Monitoring process identified a few weaknesses. Even though translation was provided for the non-English speakers, there was still a language barrier. Few of the trainers were fluent in verbal English, which is why many of the discussions, clarifying terms, models, materials, etc. were held in Bulgarian language, excluding the lecturer. Thus, the latter was not able to add a professional touch to the classroom debates. Furthermore, the questions asked during the classroom trainings revealed that some of the participants have acquired only a superficial knowledge from the e-learning. This slightly slows down the teaching and understanding process. Therefore, the e-learning should be made compulsory for everyone willing to undergo the Core TTT and recruiters of future trainers should stress on its importance for the successful training process.

For many participants the RES modules were too fast and unclear. Apparently, for non-engineers these themes were tough and participants are not confident to pass this knowledge locally. Therefore, the Core TTT should ensure that each module is taught by lecturers with the necessary background and confidence in their knowledge. It might be useful to split the modules into several parts and appoint trainers for each section. Furthermore, the content of the presentation could be amended to match the actual Trainers’ needs in Bulgaria.

The practical exercises specific to the Passive House construction could be extended as these were evaluated the highest. Furthermore, the module about the economic aspects should be presented in more details.

Some informal talks with the participants revealed that some of the Pilot training participants are not quite familiar with their future role as Trainers in the EnerPro project. Therefore, partners should put some additional efforts in explaining and clarifying the rights and responsibilities to all future Passive House lecturers during and after the TTT as well as throughout the entire course of EnerPro project.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016


1. TTT Aid and Programmes The Training aid and programmes were finalized between the Pilot and the Core TTT. Passive House Institute – Darmstadt, the founder of the PH concept, provided numerous training materials that were used as a basis to for the preparation of this deliverable. The Bulgarian experts then elaborated on these materials, extended their content and customized them to the Bulgarian realms. The end result is compact and user-friendly TTT aids and programmes for two professional directions, comprising videos, photos, quizzes, tests, textbooks and exercises aimed to guide the future trainers in Bulgaria.

2. Core TTT Bulgaria

2.1. Overview

The Core TTT course in Bulgaria - the intensive train-the-trainer campaign, was organized by the Center for Energy Efficiency (EnEffect), a non-profit NGO, one of the country’s forerunners supporting the efforts towards sustainable development through efficient energy use. The team of trainers from the Centre covered all the subjects of the course in Dublin and performed the face-to-face trainings in the premises of the BUS EnerPro consortium members assigned with the actual conduction of the trainings, and other partners. The course structure follows the logic of the Pilot TTT. The Core session was conducted in the following 7 Bulgarian cities, covering almost the whole territory of Bulgaria:

Sofia: 2 courses

Pazardzhik: including trainers from Bratsigovo

Plovdiv: 2 courses, including trainers from Kardzhali

Stara Zagora, including trainers from Haskovo

Burgas, including trainers from Sliven and Yambol


Ruse More than 100 participants were trained as a results of the training sessions, which is exceeds twice the initially set success indicators. All of these future trainers received access to the compulsory, auxiliary, online train-the-trainer platform. Each face-to-face session was scheduled in 8 hours lessons, comprising topics corresponding logically and consecutively to the objectives and goals of EnerPro training. These were enhanced by presentations explaining the core of the nZEB concept using technical justification, demonstrations and visual materials. The trainees were aware of the subject-matter and the raised questions illustrate good understanding of the topic, as well as solid educational background. The presentations’ content, the level and pace of knowledge delivery were adequately tailored to correspond to the capacity of the audience. Most of the training aspects have been thoroughly considered, planned and demonstrated to the best of their abilities.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

2.2. Content The content of the sessions covered all the essential topics of the nZEB idea and the PH philosophy, the nZEB construction techniques, the necessity of implementing renewable energy sources and their role in the buildings, as well as heating, ventilation and airtightness quality tests. The course started with a short presentation of the program, the trainers and the participants in the Core TTT, followed by a concise, but comprehensive introduction by the organizers reviewing the session content and targets, as well as EnEffect’s mission, main goals, current and future projects. The moderator used the opportunity to encourage the audience to go through the online training, emphasizing that it corresponds to the educational background of the participants who will afterwards get a certificate for their participation. The following topics were covered in the session program:

2.2.1. Path to nZEB

The Path to nZEB was explained in the first presentation, including the following aspects:

National definition of nZEB

Impact of the new legal base on the design and construction practices

New thermal requirements for building components

Capacity building and how to reach nZEB levels

While discussing the PH roadmap it was pointed out that the path towards nZEB depends mainly on the aims, then on the content, and afterwards on the focus, which is the energy efficiency in the buildings. The reason for this is the low thermal comfort in the country /the thermal transmittance in Bulgaria is 0.28/, that’s why the bottom line is to renew the existing buildings. Another discussion point was the economic characteristics of the PH, in particularly the investment costs that raise by approximately 4-11%. The presentation clarified the features of the Bulgarian legislation first, then the European aspects, specifying the implementation of the EU requirements and the results so far. The EU is heading towards common energy norms and standards. The challenges related to the expected social impact of the energy efficiency policy were raised and considerations for the estimated future RES implementation were shared. The presentation also demonstrated the results accomplished by EnEffect team, namely 10 books in green architecture, green courses, the first certified building and kindergarten built according to the PH principles.

2.2.2. PH performance

The presentation of the PH performance started with a video from Dublin Pilot TTT Course, focusing on insulation and airtightness. The demonstration materials were easy to understand and the explanations, followed by appropriate comparisons, were quite illustrative and comprehensible. The themes about the insulation materials and the technical information were

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

well presented and easily accepted by the audience, because the video explained not only the PH principles, but also justified the purpose of focusing on PH – by ensuring airtightness of the building we provide not only comfort but also long life of the construction, without risks of decay and rot.

2.2.3. PH concept

How to understand the PH concept was in the focus of the following presentation. The lecturer delivered it in a well-structured and logical succession, starting with a short introduction of the panel and a very friendly icebreaking. The trainer explained the shift from the definition of PH to nZEB and the usage of the word passive, as a bridge to his next main points. In his presentation he emphasized on the word “comfort” with a personal message towards the teachers who are often exposed to conditions lacking good ventilation, to which the participants reacted very lively. The issue of comfort and hygiene was demonstrated in a very comprehensive way and some of the examples possessed the hallmark /TM/ of PHI. Illustrative examples with photos from Bulgaria were also included in this presentation, but it was underlined that the newly built passive residential houses are not certified, because the process of PH certification is very expensive. In return, photos of the first PH kindergarten that is already certified were shown, as well as a sports center and a church that are currently under construction. The idea of the photo selection was to give examples of buildings with diverse purpose, habitability and architecture. The trend of the increased demand for PH worldwide was shown in a graph, presenting the steep hyperbole that demonstrates the raising attractiveness and implementation of the PH concept.

2.2.4. PH Principles

How to design and build PH and the six main principles were explained in the following presentation. For better understanding, the speaker visualized the rules and demonstrated the interconnectivity between the principles through a chart where the key aspects were popping up one after another, including:

Optimal solar panels

Building envelope


Airtightness line

None or minimal thermal bridges

Ventilation system with heat exchanger

Using a different chart, the lecturer once again explored the main principles, emphasizing on the fact that all these principles are determined by the characteristics of the building, e.g. building envelope, building systems, etc. The additional requirements of the nZEB were explained afterwards, as well as the socio-political elements of the PH concept, including economic efficiency, high rate of RES, minimum CO2 emissions and focusing on the fact that nZEB buildings will be compulsory from 2018-2020.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

In the second part of this presentation the speaker explained the main 6 principles in details – from the perspective of a building, e.g. exposure, shape and form:

A comparative approach was employed to explain the meaning of optimal solar gains. A graph was shown as well as a photo of existing nZEBs in European towns.

Building envelope – the main significant points were highlighted in a graph showing a building divided into two sections: a) left, with normal thickness of walls, roof and floor, and b) right, with thermal insulation. In this way, the final result was easy to understand and knowledge transfer was successful. The session participants reacted that the topic about the surface insulation is not new to Bulgaria; the point is about its quality.

High-quality windows – comparative graph showing before and after installing high quality windows and demonstrating the thermographic bridges was presented. It was specified that there is a certified, wooden, Bulgarian PH window with a standard norm of 0.7.

High airtightness - explaining the difference between air and steam though photos from the practice, and defining what is right and what is wrong in the sense of achieving continuous layer.

Minimum thermal bridges – giving examples with different types of balconies in Bulgaria and Germany. Interesting German solutions for balcony construction were presented - by limitation of joints to just a few points with small dimensions thermal losses can be decreased significantly. However, the German approach to balcony construction raised a vivid discussion in the classroom due to the impossibility of its implementation, because of legal obstacles and seismic particularities.

From nZEB to PH o High share of RES o Minimum CO2 – for BG through nZeb at least 55%

An additional panel devoted to inner insulations demonstrated possible solutions to the main challenges in the sector and provided definitions, targeted buildings as well as the type of buildings suitable to use given type of insulation. The information provided under this topic was very thorough and taking into consideration the local problems and particularities, because the main issue in the country is how to reach these high volunteer standards while having low compulsory standards. The basic point was to implement long-term planning with the idea of reaching long-term targets.

2.2.5. PH in practice

What an architect/engineer can use – presentation of a Pilot TTT participant, who used the information available to present the knowhow gathered to build a PH. The speaker focused on photovoltaic systems – definitions, types and recommendations to be followed if one wants to build a PH. The presenter explored the implementation of Photovoltaic (PV) installations with a view of PH design and gave examples of enhancing the PH thinking by providing the basic standard – PV should ensure 60% of the required warm water in a building.

Solar thermic installation – definition and area of implementation

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

Thermo-pumps – definition and types, particularities, technical figures etc. o Area of implementation –mainly heating and cooling, to be used with heat

exchanger systems

2.2.6 PH requirements

The PH Requirements presentation explored the issue of temperature and humidity in rooms. The lecturer used good and comprehensive graphics and appropriate notes to demonstrate the comfort and health that could be achieved by PH. The speaker went deep into the principles of PH ventilation functioning by providing examples from daily routine. The demonstration included both cross-section and longitudinal graphics as well as photos – an interesting and comprehensive way to show the PH requirements. The presenter enhanced his position by giving an example with a standard Bulgarian residential unit. The conclusions that were made were clear and well-articulated. Besides the heating, the cooling was also explained by means of good graphics and simple elements. The presentation included photos of fresh and exhausted air from different angles, followed by recommendations for the diameter of the fittings for fresh and exhausted air. The presentation ended with a conclusion accompanied by illustrative material that is easy to understand and transfer afterwards.

2.2.7 PH ventilation demonstrations

The session continued with a 20-minutes video presentation of the PH ventilation. A blower door test was included in the training schedule, which started with a short introduction of the method, using a standard that is going to be revised soon. The speaker shared the world technical achievements in the corresponding area, as well as some historical aspect of the issue. The blower door principle, the chimney effect and the wind effect were explored in the context of following demonstration – to visualize the air drafts. The presenter used mostly photos and graphs, very few text slides, and provided some info about the trend in the testing in order to prevent false tests.

2.3 Monitoring results

2.3.1 Observation method The observation method was applied to one sample TTT in Bulgaria – the one conducted at Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics "John Atanasoff". Based on the results of the monitoring observation method, the Core TTT was professionally executed. The training providers were knowledgeable, experienced and well prepared to pass the Passive House knowledge in Bulgaria and deliver high quality training. The presentations are logical and well-structured, gradually leading the participants to the essence of the NZEB construction techniques. The lecturers ensured that all trainees are carefully listening and showed interesting visual examples. The presentations were tailored to the Bulgarian realms and included sufficient clarifications and local examples, whenever required.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

The Core TTT trainees are appropriately selected to possess the required educational background and to be able to pass the knowledge after the TTT course. Partners ensured that the knowledge is spread across various disciplines and remains comprehensive for experts from all building related domains. Furthermore, the interest in the training was so high that the target was exceeded twice. In total, 100 trainers were trained as a results of the implementation of the EnerPro activities, compared to the envisaged in the proposal 50 trainers. Furthermore, the trainings were executed in several Bulgarian towns, covering almost the entire territory of Bulgaria, with the idea to set up the scene for a future change of state educational plans in respect to deeper integration of the energy efficiency and RES thematic.

2.3.2 Quantitative and qualitative method The quantitative and the qualitative feedback was gathered through questionnaires, filled by all Core Training participants. According to survey results, the TTT in Bulgaria is graded as excellent. Based on the multiply choice questions, the meeting venues received high score, the training facilities were easily accessible and well equipped, and the Passive House training models were sufficient and useful. The theoretical session is well perceived as well. The majority of the participants consider that the modules achieved their objectives and provided good understanding, the content is comprehensive and sufficient and the trainers were knowledgeable and presented their concepts in clear and organized manner. The training was customized to the trainers’ needs, and the presentations are sufficient and comprehensive to grasp what is the road to nZEB, what is at the core of the nZEB concept, how could one design and build passive buildings, how to achieve airtightness, warm-up, ventilate and cool-down passive buildings. Last but not least, the participants are willing to acquire further knowledge on the following topics: passive house principles, airtightness, building envelope and ventilation with recuperation. The pie-charts of the answers to each multiply-choice question, related to the Core TTT are presented below. A. TRAIN-THE-TRAINER, OVERALL

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

1. The training venue was suitable for training.

2. The training room was easily accessible and well equipped.

3. The mixture of theory and practice provides essential knowledge to serve as a primer for trainers.

4. The training session duration was realistic and appropriate.

5. The training is customized according to the needs of the Bulgarian trainers.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016


6. The modules achieved their objectives and provided good understanding.

7. The presentations were well structured and logical.

8. The theoretical content is comprehensive and sufficient.

9. The trainers presented the ideas and concepts of the training clearly and in organised manner.

10. The trainers stimulated valuable debates among the participants.

11. The trainers were very well prepared.


Strongly agree








Strongly agree






3% 1%

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016


12. What is the road to nZEB?

13. What is at the core of the nZEB concept?

14. How to design and build passive buildings?

15. How to achieve airtightness?

16. How to warm-up, ventilate and cool-down passive buildings?

17. How far can we reach?


Strongly agree








Strongly agree


Uncertain Disagree






Strongly agree






Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016



18. Passive house principles.

19. Building envelope.

20. Thermal bridges.

21. Airtightness.

22. Best practices and examples.

23. Ventilation with recuperation.




Strongly agree






Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

2.4 Conclusions and Recommendations The content of the Core TTT sessions monitored in Bulgaria, reflected precisely the knowledge required to establish capacities for reaching the desired nZEB levels. The presentations consisted of all components covering all general themes, from legal base and standard norms to building materials and technologies, using diverse methods to explain the complex concepts of insulation and modern testing techniques. The information provided to the audience was sufficient, easy to understand and well structured, containing both theoretical considerations in the form of graphics and charts and real examples demonstrating the current state. The scope of the information as a whole was in compliance with the targets set beforehand. The academic language was commensurate to the educational background and knowledge of the participants in the session. The conclusions within the presentations as regards the generalized recommendations were well formulated and well-grounded, since they were explored by means of comprehensive illustrations. However, minor redundancies in the volume of the presented technical information might be considered, for example in the PH requirements presentation, the part with the ducting latch system during construction works could be reduced as it doesn’t contribute much to the course targets. The presentation also explored the common heating system and the subsoil exchanger, but the schemes were quite complex, with lots of text boxes and insufficient time for reading. Nevertheless, the trainer managed to explain the main principles with a solid understanding and simple words and sent a message that was appealing to the trainees.

In addition, the scope of the technical information in the presentation on Designing and building PH might slightly be revised, particularly with respect to the high-quality windows, so as to derive a better balanced course content and concerned participants. The visual materials used in the Core TTT sessions were quite appropriate and contributed substantially to the objectives of each component of the training. The speakers delivered their examples following the logic of their presentations in a narrative and well-trained way. The approach of using technical charts alongside real photos from the country, captured and kept the listeners’ attention. The well-selected examples, as well as the appropriate graphs illustrated in a very perceptive way the importance of the technical information provided in the session. With respect to the three video materials used in the training, with an approximate duration of 15-20 minutes, in general, these were well accepted and understood by the participants. The approach of presenting the insulation materials topic in the form of a documentary was a pertinent way to demonstrate the viewpoint of the speaker. The videos were subtitled in Bulgarian, with a high quality of translation. However, the main requirements in the subtitle creation were not respected, such as too long lines, 3-4 lines and shortage of time between the lines, which impedes reading speed and understanding the information to a full degree. Since the video materials were as a whole well accepted, the wording and the phrasing of the subtitles would significantly contribute to a higher quality of knowledge transfer on a local level.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

The Blower door test presentation was one of the most interesting and vivid parts of the session. The information was delivered in a catchy and memorable way, undoubtedly proving a high academic background alongside the solid practical experience. Tough technical definitions and terms like rain tightness and airtightness were easily understood and knowledge transfer was smooth and sustainable. The slides were not so text-heavy, however, they were thorough in terms of explanations and demonstrations, which indisputably might lead to a broader integration of stakeholders, and for instance this could attract the private sector into the training sessions. The venue was easy to find and entirely accessible, though a little bit chilly. The only improvement that might be recommended as regard to the classroom, is to slightly adjust the location of the projector, which was installed high left on one of the walls. Since this is probably not the best place to follow a full-day presentation, a more ergonomic solution for the projector might be considered.

Quality Control to the Implementation of the Train-the-Trainer Courses – Version 3 - Feb 2016

VI. CONCLUSION Overall, both the Pilot and the Core TTT were conducted in a professional and efficient manner. The content reflected precisely the knowledge required to establish the required nZEB capacities locally. The training materials were useful and sufficient, containing enough theoretical background and practical case studies. The practical session allowed systematic understanding and presentation of alternative high performance constructions, including trainer description, trainee drawings and trainee description, while each of those proves to be an extremely useful means of effective teaching and learning. The presentations comprised all necessary components, covering all general themes, from legal base and standard norms to building materials and technologies, using diverse methods to explain the complex concepts of insulation and modern testing techniques. The information was exhaustive, comprehensive and well structured, containing the required theoretical aspects, visualizations, practical case studies and demonstrations of the key products on the market. The scope and the content of the modules were in compliance with the targets set beforehand.

The participants were adequately selected for the purposes of the training. They represent various industry niches, including architecture, building, RES, economics, engineering and journalism, ensuring that the EnerPro knowledge is spread across various disciplines and remains comprehensive for experts from all building related domains. All the trainees were satisfied with the training and feel confident to transfer the newly acquired knowledge in their own professional domain.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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