building strong business roots presented by the wild women: janice knight, the business sage phyllis...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Building Strong Business RootsPresented by The Wild Women:

Janice Knight, The Business SagePhyllis Orzalli, The Creative MuseFreddy Zylstra, The Word WizardJudy Nichols, The Numbers Guru

The Sustainable Business Cycle

Meet Michelle, The Cupcake Lady

Harness “the Force”

Aligning Vision, Mission and Values with Passion and Purpose

Branding Brings Purpose to Life

• Branding is more than a logo• Branding requires deep, memorable

roots• It requires you to understand the Brain

and the “Consumer’s Mind”

What’s different about my business in ways that matter to my customers?

You and The Consumer Have Two Brains

The Evolutionary Brain•Old Brain- 4 to 5 Millions Years Old

• Reptilian-Lizard Brain (DECIDES) -instinctual• Limbic -Leopard Brain (FEELS)- emotional

•New Brain- 80,000 to 100,000 Years Old• Prefrontal Neocortex (THINKS)- logical

The Consumer’s Mind

• A Brand is a Memory in the Consumer’s Mind

• The non-conscious (subconscious) mind decides what to “put into memory”

• Images and emotions are the language of the mind

• The consumer has “two brains”• Dopamine drives the consumer’s action


• Bypasses Limbic Brain• Expands Possibilities• Clarifies Who You Are• Works Best with “Professionals” In

and Out of Your Industry

What Really Matters to You?What Really Matters to Your Customers?

Do You Know?

Exercise: Let’s see what sticks!

On each sticky note write one attribute (a quality or characteristic) of one person whom you truly respect and admire

Write 5 attributes about this same person- one attribute per sticky note.

Get Your Brand Out with….

Practical and Repeatable Systems•Branding Consistency•Marketing Your Brand•Systems that Help You Deliver What You Promise

• Financial• Customer Retention &

Relations• Quality Control• Operations• Staffing

Standing Out in a Crowd

• Know Your Audience• What Emotional Needs Do You Meet• How Do You Get Your Message Across










Michelle’s Integrated Marketing System

Creates marketing system that allows your business to sell to:

•The Right Person•At the Right Time•At the Right Place•With the Right Message

Integrated marketing requires:•Customer centric focus•Goal to direct highly relevant, personalized messages•An ongoing conversation with your customers and prospects•Technology to organize, automate and synchronize data and processes


Vision, Mission, Values

Value Proposition

Profit Formula

Business Development SystemsClient Fulfillment & Relations

Human Resources

Testing, Tracking & Adjusting

Your Business “Rootprint”

Business is a Numbers Game

• Cash Flow is King• You Need More Than a Crystal Ball• Projections Protect You• Knowledge is Power

Full Circle

The Wild Women Thank You and Invite You to Our Monthly Fire Up Your Business Meetup- Third Tuesday of Every Month at Briar Patch

Community Room, 5:15 to 6:00 p.m.

Phyllis Orzalli…….Janice Knight……..Freddy Zylstra……..Judy NicholsCreative Muse Business Sage Word Wizard Numbers Guru

140 Litton Drive, Ste. 200, Grass Valley, CA 277-6301; Copy of this presentation available online under “Events” drop down menu.

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