business development strategies - how to increase your profits instantly with 1 simple question

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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DESCRIPTION - visit this site to get a free book with 7 business development strategies for better business management and to increase your profits fast. This video is about asking 1 question that 90% more businesses could ask to rapidly and instantly increase their profits.


You’re About to See My 3rd Red HOT Marketing Strategy to Rocket

Your Profits’

This video is on…How to Increase Your Profits by

10% with 1 Question

There’s one question nearly all businesses could ask to increase their profits, & its so easy to ask.

And yet 95% of businesses don’t or won’t ask it

Before I reveal what is it, I need to WARN you about it!


This strategy is so simple, you might ignore it, or not bother to

use it. BIG mistake - HUGE!!!

If your last year’s turnover was $500,000, that could mean an

extra $50,000 in income you are about to receive

And if your turnover was $1,000,000, this could mean an extra $100,000 you’re about to

receive. Just by asking 1 question

Have I got your attention?

The 1 question can be asked various ways from business to


Let me give you an example of one you have heard used, possibly hundreds of times

The question is…

Would you like fries with that?

If McDonalds can train teenagers to ask this question… and add extra millions of $$$ to their sales… can’t you do it too?

You don’t need to ask the same question, but the real opportunity here is in asking any question of

your customers

You really need to do this if you want to HELP your customers

The problem customers have is… they don’t know what they don’t


So how can a customer ask for something… they don’t even

know exists?

Ever heard the popular saying…

“The customer is always right!”

It’s a dumb saying. It should be “The customers’ perception is

right”, or “The customers’ experience is always right”.

These make a lot more sense

Customers can’t be right about something they are ignorant


You are actually doing customers a favour when you ask them a

question. So think of the word “help”

instead of “sell” from now on

There are variations of how you ask customers, so lets look at a few

“Have you considered (B) because it goes well with (A)?”

or“A lot of our customers buy (B)

with (A). Do you mind if I explain why?”

“Do you know about (B)? Its popular with customers who

buy (A)…”

These questions are best asked after they have decided to buy

something already.

McDonalds used it super successfully… so why can’t you?

To get used to it, practice it, when you’re not talking to a

customer… out loudAnd watch your profits JUMP!

My name is Tim Stokes and for over 22 years I’ve focused on

finding, and refining rapid profit growth strategies to enhance

business owers’ business acumen

This video is 1 of the simple profit strategies I’d like to give you. But

there’s even more content on this strategy in my book… and loads

more on my other videos

For a limited time I’m giving away a copy of my book…

Grab it with Your Name & EmailYou’ll instantly get my book & also be

on the ‘Invitation List’ to my next Profit Strategies Webinar that takes

strategies to a whole new level!Act Now, grab the book & start increasing your profits today!

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