by cole j i. bonsai, auct's. 's bank of maryland, books. a...

Post on 21-May-2018






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The alarm begins It dissipate, and the just feeling of onr strength, anjd resources wilt in a i i u l e t i m e completely destroy those fatal impressions. The receipts have been so pro­ductive 'and the income tax promises such happy results, that t! is certain the loan for the service of next year "Will not exceed tVtflve millions sterling.

P H I L A D E L P H I A , February 16. Our river which was frozen from side to

side as low down as Marcus Hook, in the severe spell we had -on Friday night the 6 lh instant, is now entirely tree from ice, & yesterday morning the ship Agness, captain Bunce, & seven or eight others sailed from this port ; and four schooners came up as far as the Point, where they lie wind-bound. Extract of a letter from Amsterdam, dated

•December 29, received in this city yester­day. " On account of the vigorous measures

pursued against the British trade, the prices of sugar and coffee are daily advancing,

<; Coffee St. Domingo 19 1-2 a 23 ; Java, 22 a 25. Sugars Havana brown, 13 a 3 5 , whi te 16 a SI ."

W e are informed that the supreme court of the United States now silting at Wash­ington, have decided the same poin': which occurred in the case of Dutilh v, (Satliffe, determined by the supreme court of this s ta te in the same manner, viz. " That the insured has a right to abandon when he re­ceives information that the property insured Las been captured and libelled, and may re­cover for a total loss." This decision of the highest court of judicature of the United States settles the point : and we learn, the cour t have laid down the law of insurance i d s trong and plain terms ; we hope to be fa­vored ere long with their opinion.

Cleared, ship William Tell,Collier, Cork ; Lorenzo, Dill, Bordeaux : brig Louisiana, M'Favlan. Leghorn ; sch's Dolphin, Cox, Lisbon ; -Win. Davis, Foster, Havana ; Tri­umph , Fallen, do. ; Ranger, Berry, New-Providence ; Trial, Harding, Gibraltar; Coil-guest, Hall, St. Thomas.

R I C H M O N D , Feb. 13. A court of enquiry was held by the ma­

gistrates of this city, on Thursday last, up-AO William Nash, a soldier belonging to the public guard, for the murder of Mr. John M'Credie. It was the unanimous opinion of the court, that he be sent for further trial to the district court, to be held i n this city in. April next.

N E W - Y O R K , February 13. ARRIVED,

T h e brig Comet, Center, 38 days from N a n t z . Passengers, John Herber, Madam Dobe t , Madam Joano, William Brown, and Madam Cheney. Sailed from Nantz river, Jan. 3 , in co. with ship Crawford, H e n r y , for New-York ; brig Mentor, of ditto, for Lisbon ; and ship Brutus, Pren-dergast, of do. for ditto. The ship Justin, of New-York, sailed 20 days before for

1 L isbon. T h e brig Thomas sailed a month bef>re for New-York. Left ship Missis­sippi, of Nevr-Orlstans, for Lisbon, in 4 days ; brig Equator, of Portsmouth, for d o . in 3 days ; brig Unity, of Newburypoit, for d o . in 6 days ; brig Jemima & Fanny, of Charleston, for do. in 10 days ; ship Montesquieu, of Philadelphia, for China, i n 15 days ; ship Patsey, of Norfolk ; a Gloucester ship ; and schr. Sally, just arriv­ed from New-London . Spoke, Jan. 13, lat. 4 3 , long. 32 , the ship Osage, Maffer-ton, 12. days from Bordeaux, for N. York. January 2 3 , lat. 42, long. 42 , 30 , brig Re . ward , 11 days from Salem for Smyrna.

Cleared, ship Grand Seignior, Snow, Alexandria ; brigs Sukey & Polly, Cromar-tie, Jamaica ; Amazon, Copp, Savannah ; schr. Mariner. Gale, Curracoa.

T h e brig Clothier, in 36 days from St. P ier res , for New-York, has arrived at New­port .

w u n nam


T h e character of Modern France has be­come so notorious, that when we find her

"pretending to great friendship for any par­ticular district of Europe, it may be consi­dered as her fixed determination, to seize the favorite spot. Thus Switzerland was, im­mediately previous, and as a first step, to the usurpation, declared " t h e first Daughter o f L ibe r ty . " W e now find in Napoleon's mes­sage to his senate, an avowal of passionate fondness for the Ottoman empire : therefore h e will soon undertake to manage its affairs. T h e French emperor may use the Porte as a n auxiliary in the destruction of Russia— but so soon as this meditated conquest is effected, he will have discovered some error 1ft the government of Turkey, some loving st imulant foraffording proof of his devouring friendship. This seems evident from a pas­sage in a late imperial address to the senate.

" Iff this new position (says NspoJeon)we have adapted for the invariable principle of ou r conduct , to evacuate neither Berlin nor W a r s a w , nor the provinces which the force o f arms has made to fall into our hands, be­fore the general peace be concluded, the Spa­n i s h , Dutch and French colonies restored ; before the foundation of the Ottoman power be strengthened, and the absolute indepen­dence of that vast empire, the first interests o f our people, irrevocably consecrated."

Thus it appears, that the smiling plains of T u r k e y , and the celebrated hills of Greece have inspired this more than Alexander w i t h a desire to protect the descendants of t h e great heroes of ancient times. Napoleon •will not have the once martial spirit of Lace-demon to contertd with ; he will combat no Lermidas at Thermopylae, and he will rit down at Corinth and at Sparta, occupying al l of Peloponnesus, without fearing Byzan­t i u m .

^, Paris paper of Dec. 6 states, %\i:& the

imperial decree ugoti the blockade of the British islands has been put in execution in Holland, and all the countries of the north, which are occupied by French troops.

Same day the following project of senatus consultum was read : That 80,000 conscripts shall be raised in 18 rj. They shall be called on at periods fixed by imperial deerees. They shall be taken from the French born from & comprising the 1st Jan. 1787, to the gist Dec. of the same year.

From a Correspondent, I t afforded no small gratification t o the

friends of internal improvement, and to all who delight in the increasing splendor and prosperity of Baltimore, to witness the promptitude with which the shares in the different Turnpike roads were taken.. It is to the creation of a well-furnished universal market, and to the ease with which our friends in the country may reach it, that this ci ty will eventually, and we trust speedily, be indebted for a commercial character se­cond to none in America. This desirable re­sult will be a sure & an ample reward for the untiring assiduity exhibited by our monied men in the pursuit of honorable & lucrative enterprise.

The shares in both the Frederick and the R'.isterstown roads having been all taken, it is much desired that the Commissioners of the YORK TURNPIKE ROAD wpuld proceed with all possible haste to open their books. From the interest which the inha­bitants of Baltimore county feel in the in­tended road, no fears need be harbored of a failure in the attempt. ,Along this road must come to our marl»t , a. large proportion of the Lime used here, Fire-wood, Timber, and Country Produce generally : for it will not only pass through the richest part of Balti­more county, but will embrace the trade of great part of Harford, Adams, York and Cumberland counties. It is expected that the York Turnpike will commence at the Hay-scales, and approach the Pennsylvania line near a place called the Blue Ball, passing through about 30 miles of very- interesting and thickly settled country.

The Commissioners, by an act passed at November session 1804, chap 51 were em­powered to receive subscriptions to the a-meunt of 100,000 dollars, in shares of 20 dollars ; but when 80 persons shall have sub­scribed 40:O00 dollars (2000 shares) the plan may go into operation.

T h e legislature of Delaware have passed an act to establish a Farmers Bank in that state.

Insurance on American vessels, at Lon­don, is said to have risen to ten guineas per centum.

Accounts from Hamburg, says the Bos­ton Gazette, state, that innumerable bank­ruptcies had taken place there.

The British ship Tartar, Mitchell, in 54 days from Angola, has arrived at Charles­ton, with 240 slaves, consigned to J . Ha­milton of that place. .

Extract of a letter from our correspondent at Washington, dated Feb. 12.

This da_y was introduced in the senate of the U. States by doctor Logan, a resolution to repeal all those laws and parts of laws which allow drawbacks. Thi? resolution was ordered to lie on the table, and will pro­bably be taken up to-morrow.


By Gray's Packet, we received late Nor­folk papers : they afford nothing new.

Gen. Adair and Mr. Ogden have arrived under custody, at Fort M 'Henry .

LONDON, December 5. Extrae of a letter from Edinburg, Dec. 5,

This day came on at Holyrood house, the election of sixteen Scots peers.

The peers present were the following : Dukes ot Buccleugh and Argyle ; Earls

of Errol , Elgin, Morton, Aboyne, Had­dington, Leven-, Dalhousie, Kelly, Balcar-ras, Selkirk, Crawford, Aberdeen, Kin-noul, Cathcart. Elphinstone, Glasgow, Lauderdale, Hume, Breadalbane and Stair ; Lords Northesk, Somerville, Arbuthnot, Napier, Reay, Kinnaird, Sempill, Ellibank, Rollo, Forbes, Blantyre, and Bclhaven. Poll of the election of the sixteen peers of

Scotland, December, $th 1806. The candidates were the following :

Lord Cathcart protester! now, as on for­mer occasions, against lord Saltoun's name preceding his in the peerage.

From the Merchants' Coffeeyllouse Books. February 17.

Arrived, sch'r Cassius, Travis, I9 days from St. Pierres (Mart.) 14 days to the capes ' —sugar and coffee -Lewis Fuulke. Passed the sch'r Three-Friends, Harvey, from Ma­laga, in the bay.

Also, ship Severn, Dryden, 75 days from Bremen—linens, etc.—Schultzeand Vogeler. Left at Bremen, November 28, ship Union, Porter, for Baltimore in a few days. Same day spoke in the river, ship Philip, Willi­ams, from Baltimore, bound up. January 4, lat. 44, long, 32, spoke ship New-York Pack­et, from N. Y. for Bristol. Next day spoke the homeward-bound British West-India fleet. Offthe capes was boarded by theBrir tish ship Mermaid, two other ships in co. The Severn has been in the bay since the 5th Lost two of her men on the coast & two others in the bay, by the intense cold.

February 18. Arrived, sch'r Three-Friends, Harvey,

from Marseilles, Barcelona, and 63 days from Malaga—wine, dry-goods and fruit—Henry Messonier and Lewis Pascaull.

The sch'r iinterprize, Biiggs, from, the City of St. Domingo, is below.

The ship Comet, captain Hart, of this port, has arrived at New-Orleans, in 21 days passage.

Married last evening, by the Rev. D r . Bend, John Li. Murray, esquire, of the city of N . York, to Miss Harriet Rogers, daugh­ter of col. Rogers, at Druid-Hill , his seat near the city of Baltimore.



By arrivals at N . York from Nantz, Am-.sterdam & London, European intelligence has been received to the last December, from which we collect,

That the emperor Napoleon, having con­centrated his forces, by recalling all the de­tachments, that were not employed in gar­rison duty, had advanced into Poland, and established his headquarters at Warsaw, where he had announced by proclamation, his intention to restore the integrity, and independence of Poland.

The king of Prussia had refused to ratify the t reaty negociated by Lucchesini and Zastrow with Duroc, and is said to have joined the Russian army, with the remnant of his troops, amounting to 20,000 men, in the vicinity of Warsaw, where the operati­ons of the campaign were expected to be continued, notwithstanding the advanced season of the year.

The decision of the Turkish government is stated in opposite terms in the French and English accounts—it appears, however, most probable that the Porte has.taken part with France, in which case the pressure on Russia will require tbe utmost resistance of her power, to prevent the dismemberment of her dominions.

The article most interesting to the Ame­rican reader in the London papers, is the de­claration said to have been make by lord Grenville to a committee of merchants, that the differences between Great-Britain and the United States were on the point of ad­justment.

Dispatches for government, received by the Kingston, were yesterday forwarded from the post-office by express. ;

I t is stated from Hamburg under date of the i7th of December, that the deputation from that city to the emperor Napoleon had been favorably received, and an assurance given that the property in their bank, would be held inviolate—The severity of the French measures at Hamburg had greatly relaxed.

Errol Elgin Leven Selkirk NorthesV Balcarras Aberdeen Stair Glasgow Forbes Cathcart Elphinstone

44 46 44 46 43 53 43 44 5° 43 54 53

Somerville Blantyre Reay Kennaird Strathmore Kelly Haddington Dalhouse Aboyne Saltoun Sempill Napier

47 5 ' 45 4i 31 35 34 37 3« 6


36 The sixtean first were elected. All those chosen by the single exception

of lord Aberdee*, were supported by the earl of Lauderdale and his friends.

None of the royal family voted except the prince of Wales as duke of Rothsay.

A petition was presented by a person claiming tbe titleofduke of Roxburgh ; their lordships refused to receive or acknowledge the claim,as it is pending in the house of lords.

Another petition was presented by lieut. H u m e , of the navy, claiming the title of earl of Marchmont. It was refused, & the claim­ant .referred to the house of lords.

A letter from the American consul at NantK, dated 20th of December, states that he had received accounts front Paris that re­mittances would be permitted to go from the continent to England through the ports of Rotterdam and Lisbon, and that it was highly pobable that the intercourse through Nantz would not be obstructed.

£New-York paper.~\

Frotn our Correspondent at New-York, dated February 1 <j.

Captain Haley, from St. Bartholomews, reports, that the French privateers had 23 days ago began capturing American vessels to and from British islands, and sending them to Guadeloupe and Martinique.

Port of Baltimore.

E N T E R E D , Sch'r Nimrod, Cathall, N . Orleans

Eliza, Sever, Norfolk President, AValker, do.

Ship Severn, Bryden, Bremen SchV Sally, Silvester, Demerara

Valona, Wheeler, Laguira Three-Friends, Harvey, Marseills,

Barcelona, & Malaga Thacher, Haws , New-Orleans

C L E A R E D , Ship Ritson, Brown, Cork Sch'r Harriot, Russell, St. Bartholomews

Mary, Woodbury, Boston

N O T I C E . The Members of the St. Andreivs Society,

are requested to attend a special meeting at Bryden's, the 19th instant, at 6 o'clock, P. M. When and where, business important to the institution, •will be laid before them.

By order,

ANDREW BURT, Secretary. Febrziary 18. 2f

By Cole ?J I. Bonsai, Auct's. THIS PRESENT.EVENING, Feb, 18,

Ami every succeeding Evening' this week, will be sold without reserve, an extensive assortment of


BOOKS. Those arranged for this evening are a Mis­

cellaneous mixture, chiefly Second hand, tube sold without Catalogues.

To-morrow, Friday, &. Saturday, tbe Books will be entirely new, of which Catalogues may be had on tbe Morning' of each (lay.

Sale to commence at half past 6 o'clock. February 18.

. Sale by Auction.

TO-MORROW MORNING, TlieWthinst at 1-2 past 10 o'clock, at the vendue

ware-house, at the corner of Second and Fre­derick-streets, wilt commence the sale of

A variety of Dry-Goods. And at 12 o'clock,

47 bhds. of good Guadaloupe Sugar, 30 bhds. Trinidad do. 60 bags Coffee an-.l 40 do. Pepper, A few pipes choice Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, of excellent quality, .55 qr chests Hyson & Young' Hyson Tea, 12 casks Bottled Porter, 7 pipes London Particular Madeira,

40 casks Raisins and 20 boxes Prunes, A few casks Sulphur and Copal, Varnish

iii bottles Also, 23 tons Campeachy Logwood.

THOMAS CHASE, Auel'r. February 18.

Public Sale.

ON FRIDAY, At 2 o'clock, will be exposed to Public Sale, at

the house of jbchn Gordon's, No. 46, Alisa°na-strtet, Fell's-I'oint, all the personal estate of Sarah Wilson, deceased,

Consisting of, a variety of

Household Furniture. JOHN GORDON, Adm'r.

's Bank of Maryland,

February 18. d3t j

T h e s u b s c r i b e r i n t e n d s a p ­plying to the judtres of Baltimore county court, two months from this date, for the be­nefit of the last insolvent law, to release him from all debts, as well individual as those con­tracted by the firm'of John G. IS C. Bed, which misfortunes disable him to• discharge.

JOHN G. BECK-January 14. . . . 2S-W2JB

New Holland Herrings, JUST received and for sale bv

WESSELS & PRIMAVESI , No. 127, Market street.

February 18. eo4t

English Coal, OF an excellent qunlitv, for sale by

THOMAS BARK) . IE , • Lovely-I.ane

February 18. . c'4t

Just Received, Per the Severn, from B emen,

S bales White Ticklenbur^s, 4 baies Osnaburgs, and 3 boxes White Rolls, Which I offer for sale at the corner, bead

of Smith's dock. CHAS. G. BCERSTLER.

February 18. dl2t

Clayed Sugar. Just received from Guadaloupe, per schooner

Five Sisters, 80 hogsheads. Clayed, and 10 do. Musco­

vado Sugar. They will be landed to-morrow atBowly's wharf, opposite tbe store of Messrs. Lormanand Fulford, and will be sold low off the whiif. BRISCOE & P A R T R I D G E .

February 18. dot

Just Received, Per the schooner Three Friends, Edward Bar* ney, from Marseilles, Barcelona and Malaga,

lt '5 casks Clarot, iron hoops 16 pipes Brandy, 4th "and 5th proof

100 boxes Frontiguon Wine, of 12 bottles each

20 boxes Gruyere Cheese 3 hogsheads Mobin Almonds 3 ditto Halffm Almonds 3 ditto Walnuts

An assortment of Perfumery, Sattin Rib-bonds, Tafetas, Silk Stockings and Gloves, Elastic. Garters, Silk Shawls, Embroidered Druggist, Thread, Umbrellas, Lace, one box Florence CidriU, one box Silk Stuff Broobies.

65 bales Writing Paper 41 qr. casta Malaga Wine

500 boxes -Bloom and Muscal Raisins. For sale, bv

HENRY MESSONNIER. February 18- eolra

l o r Sale, . J^TcN Tbe fine Coppered Ship

fc^SSfovT ROBEKT i S i i L ~ 2 & j s r Mounting 10 Guns, burthen •5fc%#«eir**§K!5 600 hhds lias lately gone thro' a thorough repair, and is now ready to rer ceive a cargo ALSO,

-. FOR SALE, The substantial Ship

HERO, fe Now undergoing a thorough

repair, a^jl will be ready in a few days to receive a cargo. For terms apply to

W I L L I A M YOUNG L E W I S , 20, Calvert-street.

Who has imported in the ship Severn, capt. Bry­den, from Bremen,

20 ijfdes Cerman Linens. And has cm hand,

40 bales of India Muslins, and a general assortment of goods suitable to the approach­ing season ; all of which lie is determined to sell very cheap for cash or good paper.

Country merchants and others, shall be sup­plied with India and German goods upon as good terms by the tingle piece, as if they bought by the bale

February 18. eolOt

Anne-Arundel County Court. September term, 1806.

RULED by the court, that all suits trans.-mitted from the general court to this court, under the act of assembly, entitled an act to provide for the organization arid regulation of the courts of common law in this state, and for the administration of justice, and continued last court, under the rule to employ new counsel, shall not continue longer than to the end of the next court, under the said rule, and the suitors iij£ereste'd*fherein, are hereby required to appear lo the same in parson or by counsel, on or before the second day of next term, or the same will be tried or discontinued, as the case maybe , during the said term.

Ordered by the court, that tlie said rule be published in the Maryland Gazette, of Anna­polis, and the federal Gazette of the city of Baltimore, once a fortnight for six months.

By order, NICHOLAS H A R W O O D , Clerk.

October 14. * e3W13 _


FOR SALE AT THIS O F F I C E . February | i . 4

P rlT5\f NOTICE \-> hereby given, that the Rooks

will be opened at Annapolis, on Monday the I3tn day of Apr':! next, and continue open the next day icr UK1 disposal of the number of Shares remaining unsubscribed in 1 he Farmers Bank, on the Western Shore ; the subspripti-011 to be taken at the Bank,, between thfl hours of ten and five, each day ; the subscrib­ers tp pay ten dollars en each share at the time of suhscribiiig; smd residuf as follows, to wit 1 Ten dollars on the. thirteenth day-of June j ten dollars on the 13ai clay of August; ten dollars on the thirteenth day .a October ; St ten dollars on the twelfth day of D^cembeJ? next, but reserving to any subscriber the li­berty of paying at any one of those days, ths whole of his subscription then due The shares which m&v be subscribed above the number Hunted, to be reduced by a proportional deduction throughout the several counties, on. the Western Shore, or l.y lot, if necessary, and tbe monies thut may !>c paid thereon, to> be immediately repaid at the Bank.

If any stockholder shall fail '0 make regit-: lar payment of any instalment (after the first payment) such stockholder's money in Bank, shall remain free from interest and not entitled to dividend, until such instalment, or caR shall be made good, and the dividend there­after to be paid to such stockholder (as well upon.the money by him rc-ularlv paid r.s up­on the money paid after def.rtilt) shall be cal­culated only thorn the time when said last'hi-stalment wss made good.

The subscribed shares of the Farmer's Bank having already risen above par, and be . ing in great demand, the directors deemed it to be their duty to give every facility in their power to tbe citizens of every p/rt of the Western Shore, to become proprietors of a Stock, to which experience has already at­tached an high degree of confidence and an enhanced value, and which from' every apT pearance, would rapidly appreciate vvbeever the subscription of the surplus shares should ' remove the possibility of procuring the stock at a lower value, than tbe successful! man­agement of the institution and the public opi­nion should have conferred on it, notwitbstand. ing, therefore, th. t the charter directed tbat the subscription Books for this stoek shall 1» opened at Annapolis, yet tbe directors hold themselves at liberty and have defermined it to be their duty, to devise means to accomm»- 1 date the citizens of the several counties, who might wish to subscribe, but ! bo cannot'at­tend at Annapolis ; in conformity therefore, to a determination that had already obtained, at a joint meeting of tbe directors of the Bank and Branch Bank, on a similar occasi­on, the board have adopted the following re­solution t'f

That the directors for the several counties on the Western Shore, be authorised and di­rected to receive in their respective counth ss from all persons who may offer to subscri' a for Stock in the Farmer's Ban^, on the UJ or days appointed for subscribing, powers ot attorney, enabling some person to subscribe for them at Annapolis, and also to recciv;-. trom persons so disposed to subscribe, the sums which are made payable, on subscriu. tions personally made, and all subscription^ made under powers as aforesaid, shall b e held and deemed as valid, as if made by the individuals themselves at Annapolis.

By o r d c , J O N A T H A N FINKNEY, Cashier.

Annapolis, February 12, 1807-February 18, law.tl3thA

Benj h Geo. Williams ' Offer for sale, at No. 3, Bowly's viharf,

14 pipes 4th proof Cogniac Brandy, | W 46 do. do. While Spanish do. | ^ ". lo do. Red Aloque Wine, •' § £• 30 half pipes do. do. SO qr. casks White do. do. J • 20 do. do. Malaga So. do, J

500 bbk. 1st and 2d quality Pork, 50 do. Navy and Mess Beef,

100 boxes' Mould Candles, • 20,000 lb. Bacon Hams,

§ cases English (?ot)ds, 90 bales India Cottons, of various descrip­

tions. Aj-so,

Russia Hemp, Russia and Ravens Dnck, Russia Sheetings, Russia and Swcedish Iron, Copper Bolts and Spikes, Fig Lead, RSisins Chocolate, Mackerel, Liverpool Fine Salt, &c. &c. &c.

January 20. d4t 2awl2t | |


At a Court, Held at Chestertown, in and for Kentcoun-

ty, en the 3d Monday of September, in the year 1806, return and conformation of the commission, issued on tbe petition of Del rick W. Barker, and M«ry his wife, oiie of the heirs of William Meirs, late of Kent coun'y, deceased, for a division, or sale ol .the real estate of ihe said deceased, was made by the judges of the said court. William Meirs, one of the heirs of the said deceased, entit­led to an election of the said estate, is theupon notified, to appear in Kent county court, at March Term, 1807, on the 20th day of the said month; and make his election to take, or renounce to take the said estate.


February 16. MP;Th

bale by Auctiam. On Thursday, ihelQth of Marchnext, at&o'clock,

in the Afternoon, icill be sold on tlw Premises, A Lot70 fen' fronton North Liberty-street,

and running back 81 feet to Forest-lane. Ad­joining the lot of George Reinecker on the North, and Samuel Smythe on the South.

One fourth of the Purchase money to be paid in two months and the residue in one year. Bonds on interest with approved security will be ret:uired.

THOMAS CHASE, Auel'r February 7 2aw5td6

For Sale or Rent, T H E PROPERTY belonging to the s u b .

scribe.r, beautifully situated en the Reister 's-town,.road, adjoining Mr. John Henry Hop* kins's, and but a small distance above the:

;.;ary. The Property was lately ren te4 and occupied by Mr. Jacob Oltesson, at three hundred dollars per annum. No further des ­cription of the property is thought necessary, as it is expected persons desirous of purchas­ing or renting, would wish to view the plao* previous to engagement. For further parti­culars, enquire of the subscriber, at the new Assembly Rooms-

* JAMES W I N T K L E . N. B. A Lad of decent connection would

be taken as an Apprentice to the painting bu? siuess. Enquire as above.

January 8. Th&M

I i*quest all persons having business with me to call at tiie office of Satn-J. Donaldson, esq. as I shall be absent frorft Baltimore for a few weeks.

G A K R 3 T T B A R R Y . February 13. iavy^t

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