by isabelle and evan hope you enjoy. irish famine the irish famine lasted 5 years from 1845- 1849. ...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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COFFIN SHIPS  Coffin ships helped people to travel around the world to escape the famine.  Many people died on coffin ships.  Coffin ships had 2 classes.  Two of the most famous coffin ships of the famine were the Dunbrody and the Jeanie Johnston.


The Irish Famineby Isabelle and Evan HOPE YOU ENJOY

IRISH FAMINEThe Irish Famine lasted 5 years from 1845-1849.The Famine killed 1/8 of the Irish population.There used to be around eight million people in Ireland but because of the famine there is only about four million people.

COFFIN SHIPSCoffin ships helped people to travel around the world to escape the famine.Many people died on coffin ships.Coffin ships had 2 classes.Two of the most famous coffin ships of the famine were the Dunbrody and the Jeanie Johnston.

Black 47Black 47 was the worst year of the famine.Black 47 was so bad that artists made statues of the year. Black 47 it was so bad that the poor had no clothes to wear so they had to wear potato bags.

BlightBlight is an airborne potato disease Blight makes potatoes brown and mushy Blight makes potatoes inedible not even pigs would eat them. Blight got even worse in the south west of Ireland.

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