by: meenal nandwani. karma yoga jn ā na yoga bhakti yoga r ā ja yoga hatha yoga

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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By: Meenal Nandwani

Karma Yoga Jnāna Yoga Bhakti Yoga Rāja Yoga Hatha Yoga

Coiled up energy

Can be aroused through yoga, meditation, and deeksha

Passes up the spinal cord to the brain

Muladhara (Life)Svadishthana


Manipura (Wisdom)

Anahata (Love)

Visuddha (Power)

Ajna (Imagination)

Sahasrara (Understanding

& Will)

(1) Muladhara

(2) Svadhisthana

(3) Manipura (4) Anahata

(5) Vishudda

(6) Agnya

(7) Sahasrara

Location: Base of Spine, at the tailbone base of spineColors: Red, BlackEarth Element: Minerals, Bones, Flesh, Skin, Nadis and Hairs of the Body.Attributes: Patience and Greed. Desire: Survival. Activity: Collecting and Saving. Sense: Smell

Location: Genitals.Colors: Orange, BrownWater Element: Plant Kingdom, Semen, Blood, Fat, Urine and Mucus.Attributes: Purity and Attachments.Desire: Family and Friends. Activity: Peaceful Jobs. Sense: Taste

Location: Solar Plexus. Color: YellowFire Element: Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Lethargy and Digestion. Animal Kingdom.Attributes: Anger. Desire: Achievement and Supremacy. Activity: Hard Labor. Sense: Sight

Location: Heart.Colors: Green , PinkAir Element: Running, Hunting, Using Strength, Contraction and Expansion. Attributes: Restlessness. Desire: Action. Activity: Movement Within & Outside Body. Sense: touch

Location: Throat. Color: Sky BlueSound Element: Also know as Akasha. Love, Enmity, Shyness, Fear and Attachment. Ether, angelic realms.Attributes: Ego. Desire: Solitude. Activity: Thoughts and Ideas. Sense: Hearing

Location: Between Eyebrows. Color: IndigoBeyond Element: Beyond. Spiritual vision, archangelsAttributes: Transcending Senses, Experiencing God-In-Self or Atman. Desire: Becoming Non-Acquisitive, a neutral observer. Activity: Mercy, Honesty and Forgiveness. Sense: Telepathy & Imagination

Location: Top of the Head. Colors: Violet, WhiteElement: Cosmic kingdom = THE SOURCEAttributes: Kundalini Shakti rises up the spinal column to unite with Shiva here. One understands Non-Duality, Governs connection to cosmic consciousness ,spiritual, wisdom aspirations knowledge of truth.

1. What type of yoga do we practice here

in our Bhajan class? - Bhakti Yoga

2. How many chakras are there?- Seven

3. What is the name of the chakra at the heart?- Anahata Chakra

4. What Chakra has the role of Imagination & Telepathy and where is it located?- Agnya Chakra at the center of eyebrows

5.Where is Sahasrara Chakra located?- Top of the head






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