by : stacia deutsch book report by: treston. rise of the guardians takes place in the north pole...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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By : Stacia Deutsch Book report by: Treston


Rise of the Guardians takes place in the North Pole throughout most of the story.

Other places throughout the story are

• Easter Bunny`s underground factory

• A small town in Russia

• At the Tooth Palace

• In Pitch’s lair.

Somewhere in my dreams…

Protectors of our dreams & Pitch…• Jack Frost – Is the main character

and has special powers that make ice .

• North – Is Santa ,and he flys a sleigh to give presents to good kids.

• Tooth – Is the Tooth Fairy , and flys around to get teeth from good childhoods.

• Sandy – Is the Sandman , can make good dreams and can fly.

• Bunny – Is the Easter Bunny , and uses boomerangs to destroy bad dreams.

Who are the Guardians?

Pitch has taken teeth that hold memories of children’s happy times . Pitch is tired of parents telling their children to not be afraid of him or believe in him.

What’s Pitch’s deal?

Jack Frost has woke up from his sleep and he went in to town and was taken by Bunny because North wanted him.

Jack and Bunny…

Jack Frost has met the Guardians and is going to be a Guardian because the man on the moon made him a Guardian.

Becoming a Guardian…

Pitch has taken the teeth from Tooth`s Teeth Palace and the Guardians are chasing him and they get in a fight with Pitch.

Pitch the tooth thief…

The Guardians are not believed in by kids because of Pitch. Once the Guardians start the fight, the children then start to believe again.

Why should we believe in you?

The final fight has begun in the town and they fight to be believed in again.


The Guardians win the battle because the Nightmares smell Pitch’s fear.

I smell fear

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