by ustad ahmed al-nashash al teen.pdfperiod of revelation two different views have been reported...

Post on 01-Nov-2020






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Ustad Ahmed Al-Nashash


Period of Revelation

Two different views have been reported from Ibn Abbas: first that it is a Makki Sūrah, and second that it is Madani. But the majority of scholars regard it as a Makki revelation, a manifest symbol of which is the use of the words ha-dhal-balad-il-amin (this city of peace for Makkah.

Aim Its theme is the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter. It states that Allah has created man in the most excellent of moulds but yet there are two kinds of men. One kind is of those who become inclined to evil and their moral degeneration causes them to be reduced to the lowest of the low. Whereas the other kind who by adopting the way of the faith and righteousness remain consistent with the noble position. This existence among the mankind of these both kinds is factual thing which no one can deny. Therefore, as a result how can one deny the judgement and retribution of deeds? If the normally degraded are not punished and the morally pure and exalted are not rewarded and both end in the dust alike, it would mean that there is no justice in the kingdom of God; whereas human nature and common sense demand that a judge should do justice. How then can one conceive that God, Who is the most just of all judges, would not do justice?


حمن الر حيمبسم الله الر

والتين يتون ين ين{ 95/1}والز س {95/2}وطور ين الم وهذاالبلد

يم{ 95/3} تقو رددناهأسفل {95/4}لقدخلقناال نسانف يأحسن ثم

فلهمأجرغير{ 95/5}ساف ل ين ال حات لواالص ينآمنواوعم الذ إ ل

{95/6} ممنون ين بكبعدب الد{ 95/7}فمايكذ أليسالل ب كحكم

ين م {95/8} الحاك


In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

1. By the fig and the olive.

2. And {by} Mount Sinai.

3. And {by} this secure city [i.e., Makkah],

4. We have certainly created man in the best of stature;

5. Then We return him to the lower of the low,

6. Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted.

7. So what yet cause you to deny the Recompense?

8. Is not God the most just of judges?




The basic fact outlined in this sūrah is that God has given man an upright nature.

This is essentially in perfect harmony with the nature of faith. With faith it attains

its ultimate perfection. But when man deviates from this upright nature and from

the straight path of faith he sinks into the lowest abyss.

God swears to the validity of this by the fig, tin, the olive, zaytūn, Mount Sinai,

Ţūr Sīnīn and the secure city of Makkah, al-balad al-amīn. As we have already

seen in many sūrahs in this part of the Qur’ān, this oath is the framework which

perfectly fits the essential facts presented within it.


اسم التين مرة واحدة في القران الكريم في سورة التين، وهو من طعام أهل الجنة، فعن أبا ورد

كلوا التين، فلو قلت إن فاكهة ( صلى الله عليه وسلم)قال رسول الله : قال( رضي الله عنه)ذرذكره السيوطي في الجامع براوية ابن . فطعام الجنة بلا عجم. هي التين: نزلت من الجنة لقلت

(. 1)السني وأبي نعيم . فانفتحت أعينهما وعلما أنهما عريانان)مرة، ففي التوراة 57وذكر التين في الكتاب المقدس

. 7أية - 3الإصحاح –سفر التكوين( فخاطا أوراق تين وصنعا لأنفسهما مآزر –أنجيل متى ( هل يجتنون من الشوك عنبا أو من الحسك تينا. من ثمارهم تعرفونهم)وفي الإنجيل

. 16أية – 7الإصحاح م كل أشجارهم )وفي ألزبور (.2)33أية – 105المزمور ( ضرب كرومهم وتين هم، وهش


الفعالة، عناصر معدنية، كالس يوم وفسفور وحديد وصوديوم وبوتاس يوم مكوناته

وفيتامينات، منها . ومغيس يوم وزنك وكبريت A وB1 وB2 وC %23وماء ،

، وسكريات وأ لياف وأ حماض %69وكاربوهيدرات % 1.3ودهون % 4وبروتين

.(3)وأ نزيمات

فوائد التين، لعلاج الإمساك وكلبخة لعلاج الجروح ومادة مطهرة ولعلاج الثاليل

والبواسير وحالت الصرع وتقرحات الفم والتهاب الفم واللوزتين وعلاج البهاق

والنقرس وخل التين أ حسن مطهر ومعالج للكدمات والجروح


11/والنحل 141و 99/ال نعام)مرات، في سور ( 6)في القران الكريم ( الزيتون ، زيتونة ، زيتوناا )ورد لفظ

رج من طور سيناء تنبت )ومرة سابعة ضمنيا في سورة المؤمنون ( 1/والتين 29/وعبس 35/والنور وشرةا ت

ين آكل هن وصبغ لل ( 20-بلد

نه من شرة )صلى الله عليه وسلم قال رسول الله وفي الس نة النبوية الشريفة، ائتدموا بلزيت وادهنوا به فاإ

ذا ورقة زيتون )وذكر الزيتون في التوراة (. 4)3310-سنن ابن ماجه(. مباركة ليه الحمامة عند المساء واإ فأ تت اإ

.11اية -8الإصحاح-سفر التكوين( فعلم نوح أ ن المياه قد قلت عن ال رض. خضراء في فمها

لى جبل الزيتون)وفي الإنجيل نجيل لوقا ( وتبعه أ يضا تلاميذ. وخرج ومضى كالعادة اإ أ ية – 22الإصحاح –اإ

39 .

لى )وفي أ لزبور ة الله ا اء في بيت الله وثقت برح ا أنا فمثل زيتونة خضر هر والبد – 52أم 8أ ية المزمور ( الد



لى عناصر البوتاس يوم %4، مواد سكرية %13.5، زيت %1.5مكونات الفعالة، بروتينات ضافة اإ ، اإ

والكالس يوم والمغنيس يوم والفسفور والحديد النحاس وأ لياف وكاروتين، وبتحليل الزيت وجد أ نه يحتوي

.ال حماض الدهنية التالية ال ولييك والبالمتيك والينولييك والاستياريك والميرستيك

ويقاوم الش يخوخة ويقي من )فوائد الزيتون، ثمار الزيتون تفض السكر، والكولسترول الضار في الدم

تصلب الشرايين ويخفض من سرطان الثدي والرحم والمعدة والقولون ويقي المفاصل من التصلب ويقي قمل

(. 3)الرأ س، وتس تعمل أ وراق شرة الزيتون في معالجة أ مراض ال س نان واللثة عند مضغها خضراء

وزيت الزيتون على عكس الدهون ال خرى يحمي الجسم من أ مراض تصلب شرايين القلب، ويؤدي تناول

لى هدوء ال عصاب والى انخفاض ضغط الدم المرتفع وتحسين حالة مريض السكر المرضية زيت الزيتون اإ

حيث يحافظ على مس توى سكر الدم والجليسريدات الثلاثية، وملطف للبشرة ودهان ممتاز للشعر، ومانع

(3)لقشرة الرأ س


Japan search team announced his conversion to Islam after they realized that

the findings of modern scientific research, has been referred to in the Qur'aan

for more of 1428 years.

On the story of how the Japanese team, says Prof. Dr. Taha Ibrahim Khalifa, a

professor of medicinal plants and drugs-Azhar University and former dean: A

team of Japanese scientists to search for the article "Almithaleutonidz" theJ have

the greatest impact in removing the symptoms of aging

Read more by going to:


Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas that what is meant by At-Tin is the Masjid

of Nuh that was built upon Mount Al-Judi. Mujahid said, "It is this fig that you


يتون﴾﴿ Ka`b Al-Ahbar, Qatadah, Ibn Zayd and others have (.By Az-Zaytun))والز

said, "It is the Masjid of Jerusalem (Bayt Al-Maqdis).'' Mujahid and `Ikrimah

said, "It is this olive which you press (to extract the oil).''

ينين وطور ﴿ By Tur Sinin. Ka`b Al-Ahbar and several others have said, "It is))س

the mountain upon which Allah spoke to Musa.''


By this city of security.) meaning Makkah. This was said by Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah, Al-Hasan, Ibrahim An-Nakha`i, Ibn Zayd and Ka`b Al-Ahbar. There is no difference of opinion about this. Some of the Imams have said that these are three different places, and that Allah sent a Messenger to each of them from the Leading Messengers, who delivered the Great Codes of Law. The first place is that of the fig and the olive, which was Jerusalem, where Allah sent `Isa bin Maryam. The second place is Mount Sinin, which is Mount Sinai where Allah spoke to Musa bin `Imran. The third place is Makkah, and it is the city of security where whoever enters is safe. It is also the city in which Muhammad was sent. They have said that these three places are mentioned at the end of the Tawrah. The verse says, "Allah has come from Mount Sinai - meaning the one upon which Allah spoke to Musa bin `Imran; and shined from Sa`ir - meaning the mountain of Jerusalem from which Allah sent `Isa; and appeared from the mountains of Faran - meaning the mountains of Makkah from which Allah sent `Isa; and appeared from the mountains of Faran - meaning the mountains of Makkah from which Allah sent Muhammad .'' Thus, He mentioned them in order to inform about them based upon their order of existence in time. This is why He swore by a noble place, then by a nobler place, and then by a place that is the nobler than both of them


Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low.) meaning, to the Hellfire. This was said by Mujahid, Abu Al-`Aliyah, Al-Hasan, Ibn Zayd and others. Then after this attractiveness and beauty, their destination will be to the Hell-fire if they disobey Allah and belie the Messengers

This means decrepit old age.'' This has been reported from Ibn `Abbas and `Ikrimah. `Ikrimah even said, "Whoever gathers the Qur'an (i.e., he memorizes it all), then he will not be returned to decrepit old age.'' Ibn Jarir preferred this explanation. Even if this was the meaning, it would not be correct to exclude the believers from this, because some of them are also overcome by the senility of old age


يتون وطور سينين ين والز والتSinai By mount And the olive By the fig

1 1 1 1

1 6 10 1


وهذا البلد المين Security City (of) And by this

1 3 15

879 19 275


أحسن تقويم لقد لخلقنا النسان في

Stature (mould)

The best in Man We created


1 1 1186 27 21 52

660 194 1701 103 261 406


ثمه رددناه أسفل سافلين The low The lowest

of We reduced

him to Then

1 3 1 337

10 10 58 342


الحا فلهم أجر غير ممنون الص ت

إل الذين آمنوا وعملوا

End Without

A reward Then they shall have

righteous deeds

And do Who believe

Those Except

4 20 11 6 59 53 235 810 662

15 154 109 805 180 360 879 1468 662


ين بك بعد بالد فما يكذ

The recompense After that Cause you to deny

Then what (or who)

3 9 1 86

101 235 282 2182


بأحكم الحاكمين أليس الل

Of judges The best Allah Is not

5 1 733 13

210 210 2851 89


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