c at h o l i c c h u r c h - stthomaspilotpoint.org · sacristan mary lou d. theresa switzer pam...

Post on 30-Jul-2018






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S t . T h o m a s A q u i n a s C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

400 St. Thomas Aquinas Ave.

Pilot Point , TX 76258 Office: 940 -686 -2088, Fax: 360-925-2952,

Office Hours: Mon -Thurs 9 :00am -5:00pm

Extended Hours on Wednesday, 9:00am -6:00 pm

Off ice Hours on Friday: 9 :00am —1:00pm

Emergency: 817 -980 -9272

Emai l: o ffice@st thomaspilo tpoint .org

Website: www.st thomaspilo tpoint .org

Mass Schedule Weekend Saturday 5:00 pm (vigil)

Sunday 8:00 am


12:45pm (español)


Weekday Monday 8:30am

Tuesday No Mass

Wednesday 6:30pm

Thursday 8:30am

Friday 8:30am Friday 10:00am (Nursing Home)

Holy Day Day Before 7:00pm (vigil)

Morning 8:30am

Evening 7:00pm

Reconciliation Saturday 3:15-4:15pm

Parish Staff and Contact Information

Very Rev. Tom Kennedy Pastor


Moisés Camargo Deacon

Cell 940-395-0732

Dave Garza Deacon

Cell 515-988-9530

Linda Thomas Office Manager


Yoli Arzate Office Assistant


Kim Jaresh Director of Religious Education


Jeanette Houle Coordinator of Youth Ministry


Bulletin Editor bulletin@stthomaspilotpoint.org

Sacramental Preparation/

Preparación Sacramental

Hispanic Ministry Contact Deacon Moises Camargo- (940) 395-0732

Baptism/Bautismos Call the office to enroll in classes or to schedule a baptism/

Primer Sábado del mes. Los interesados deben registrarse con

anticipación. Soledad & Raciel Camargo 940-206-9412

Marriage/Casamientos Contact the parish office at least one year before the

wedding Deacon Dave Garza 515-988-9530

Registrarse con 12 meses de anticipación.

Diacono Moisés Camargo (940) 395-0732

Ministry to the Sick/Ministerio al Enfermo Contact the parish office if you know of anyone who is sick/

Contacte la oficina de la iglesia si usted sabe

de cualquiera que está enfermo

Quinceañeras Registrarse con 12 meses de anticipación. Llamar por favor a la

oficina de la iglesia para hacer una cita con Moisés Camargo,


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 26th, 2015

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish

Mission Statement

The mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to our greater community.

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish inspires, nurtures, and educates by following the teachings of our Lord and

Savior, Jesus Christ.







8:00 AM


11:00 AM



Sacristan Mary Lou D. Theresa Switzer Pam Bisi PLEASE


Ushers Alois Pelzel

Gary Garcin

Shannon Stephens

Kevin Kemp

Stacy Hardin

David Berend

Clarence Boerner

Mike Anselmi

Billy Lantrip

Brian Robinson

Bob Kubala





Nathan Heitzman Dakota David

Dawson David

Ava Dennis





Lectors Conrad Boerner John Corcoran

Barbara Ettredge

Kevin Ware PLEASE


EMHCs J. R. Boerner

Pat Boerner

Nettie Garza



Georgia Burleson

Clay Cundiff

Brian Dwyer

Jeanette Houle



Mass Schedule for weekend of 8/1-8/2

Mass Intentions & Readings: 7/25-8/02

Sat 5:00pm † Irene Tribble

Sun 8:00am † Frank Klufa

11:00am † Michael Angelo Yanity

12:45pm † For The People

5:00pm † Walter Dankesreiter

Jer 23:1-6; Ps23:1-3, 3-4, 5,6; Eph 2:13-18; Jn 10:27; Mk 6:30-34

Mon 8:30am † Mary D. Smith

Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; PS 106:19-20, 21-22, 23; Jas 1:18; Mt 13:31-35

Tues No Mass No Mass

Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; PS 103:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13; Mt 13:36-43

Wed 6:30pm † Ronald Tischler

Ex 34:29-35; PS 99:5, 6, 7, 9; Jn 8:12; Jn 11:19-27; or Lk 10:38-42

Thurs 8:30am † Margaret Bezher

Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; PS 84:3, 4, 5-6a and 8a, 11; See Acts 16:14b; Mt 13:47-53

Fri 8:30am † Kevin Switzer

Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; PS 81:3-4, 5-6, 10-11ab; 1 Pt 1:25; Mt 13:54-58

Sat 5:00pm † Don Church

Sun 8:00am † Irene Tribble

11:00am † Adella David

12:45pm † Emilio Tejerina

†Anabel Santos

5:00pm † For The People

Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Mt 4:4b; Jn 6:24-35

Needed Weekly Collections: $9,000.00

General Collection: $10,914.61 (+1,914.61)

Y-T-D Needed: $27,000

Y-T-D Collections: $27,083.75 (+83.75)


Religious Education News


Altar Server Julie Holloway

Lector & EMCH Chrystel Fritcher

Sacristan Pat Boerner

Ushers Kyle Holloway

Funeral Coordinator Nancy Dechaud

Grief/Loss Program Mary Maurer

Ministry to the Sick Rose Ann Henzler

Money Counters Kathy Whitley

Knights Of Columbus John Dechaud

Ladies of St. Thomas Tommie Barta &

Nettie Garza

Men of St. Thomas Bill Pietrosky

Sunday Funday Mary Maurer

Rosary Social Group Charlotte Petermeier

Rosary Making Group Charlotte Pete

Prayer Shawl Group Sandy Brown

Widows Group Mary Maurer

Renovation Group Sharon Pelzel

If you are interested in

any of these ministries,

please contact the

church office for more


Gifts To God

Collection for Weekend of 7/18-7/19


5:00 PM


8:00 AM


11:00 AM


12:45 PM


5:00 PM

120 86 174 308 72

Mass Attendance for Weekend of 7/18-7/19


Catechists Are Needed For These Grades:

2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th!

Interested in leading adults? Call us! Training

available! (see below) Call Kim if you can help

with K-6th or Jeanette for 7th-12th & Confirmation.

Catechist Orientation/Training

Save the Dates Aug 7 & 8

Did you see our flyer? This two day Orientation/Training

is for anyone interested in becoming a catechist and for all

returning Catechists! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Mark Your Calendars for RCIA Registration/Orientation

Wed. Aug. 24 at 7:00 pm

Join us for an informative session for anyone who is interested in

becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church or an adult “Cradle

Catholic” looking for a way to enrich your Faith Life. Please call Kim at

the Church office to sign up for sessions.

July 26tH, 2015—SevenTEENth Sunday in Ordinary time Page 3

Pastors Corner

Calendar of Events 7/26 Gordita Sales

Giron Baptism





7/27 & 7/30 Jovenes de Cristo 7:00pm PC

7/31 Spanish Adoration 8pm-8am Church

8/1 50th Anniversary 11:00pm Church

8/1 Monreal Quinceañera 1:00pm Church

8/1 Baptism Prep in English

Baptism Prep in Spanish




8/1 Castorena Baptism 2:30pm Church

7/31-8/2 Jovenes de Cristo TBA PC

Youth Ministry News YOUTH OUTING: Let’s take the DART to see The

Samurai Collection in downtown Dallas, Thurs, July

30th. Forms A & B a must. You’ll need money for lunch and

transportation to & from the DART station in Denton.

Chaperones needed! Register w/Ms. Jeanette.


from Ms. Jeanette.

Parish Announcements

The family of Marie “Rie” Strittmatter

would like to thank everyone for their

kindness, sympathy and prayers. We would

like to thank those who prepared, donated

food and helped with the meal for her

friends and family. Thank you to the choir for the music

and everyone who helped with the funeral service. We

would also like to thank Father Kennedy for a beautiful

Mass and his kind words about Aunt Rie.

The Family of Rie Strittmatter

In today’s Gospel Jesus sees the needs of the people. He

has them recline on the green grass, green pastures if you

will. He restores their strength with his food. This is not

just about loaves and fish. Jesus is performing a prophetic

action. He provides the banquet Psalm 23 spoke of, the

Banquet of the Lord. Those who eat this food will continue

to eat it in the House of the Lord forever. When we receive

communion, we share in the meal of the Kingdom of God. We

are united to people throughout the world and throughout

time who also share in this meal. Picture yourself at the

table on Thanksgiving Day. Around the table are all your

loved ones, including those who have passed on to the Lord

many years ago. This is the Banquet of the Lord we share

every time we receive communion.

How great is our God? He is so great that He has

created billions and billions of people in the world, and, yet,

has found a way to treat each person as an only child. How

great is our God? He is so great that He loves every person

here as though each of us were the only person He ever


When we receive communion, we are present at the Last

Supper, the First Supper, the Banquet of the Lord. When we

receive communion we enter into the intimate union with

God that Jesus came to earth to provide.

How much our God cares for us! He has found a way to

nourish our spiritual lives. His very Body and Blood keeps

us strong. He gives us the strength to proclaim his Kingdom.

We need to ask ourselves at communion time: "What am

I doing?" Am I just following the crowd? Hopefully not. Am

I receiving some sort of blessing? Hopefully, we realize that

communion is much more than a blessing. What is it that I

am doing when I receive communion? I am receiving the

Food that God provides.

Today we pray for a deeper appreciation, a deeper

reverence for the great gift of Love that is the Eucharist.

Fr. Tom Kennedy

Capital Campaign Update Approximately $41K has been donated since the June report. This

brings the total donated to $1,548,371. Last month we surpassed the Fall 2012 goal of $1.5M! This $1.5M was needed for renovations to

the Parish Center, Church, and REB, and for construction of the new classrooms. Thanks to your generosity we have accomplished

all of the above without any loans and should be moving into our new classrooms in the next month! We are now working to collect the additional $700K needed to cover the sports court, address the cemetery needs, repair and extend the parking lot, construct a new

rectory, and convert the existing rectory into parish offices. The building fund collection will be next week and all money collected

will go to this capital campaign as usual. If you have received a pledge envelope from the diocese, you may put it in the building

fund collection or mail to the diocese.

Father Tom will be beginning his rehabilitation soon.

If you are interested in assisting him by providing

meals, please call or text Sharon Pelzel 940-391-3697, or

email sypelzel@gmail.com

Priest Care Fund Special Collection

August 1-2, 2015

“Care for Those Who Care for Us”

Your contribution to the annual Priest Care Fund Special Col-

lection on August 1-2, 2015, will help support the expenses of

medical and long-term care for our retired and infirmed

priests. These expenses are in addition to what is covered by

their insurance, income benefits or personal resources. In ad-

dition to the Sunday collection, donations can also be made

online at www.advancementfoundation.org.

Please give generously.

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In loving memory of my beloved husband Bob Story and our parents Ike Story & Paul & Alma Riney, our son Stephen Story, sisters Nick Berend, Edna Weber and Gwen Bridges, brothers John

Paul, J.C. & David Riney, our nephew Dan Berend and our neice Lora Thurston and All the Souls here at St. Thomas

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