cbd marketing kit

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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CBD Marketing Kit



Alex and Ani, LLC. offers eco-friendly, positive energy products that adorn the body, enlighten

the mind, and empower the spirit, designed by Carolyn Rafaelian and made in America. Carolyn

believes that every individual has a positive message to share with the world and by

incorporating powerful symbolism and design into each (+) energy piece, Alex and Ani

provides a vehicle for the wearer to express their individuality in an organic, spiritual way. She

believes it is her life’s work to inspire her customers to relish what is unique and authentic

about themselves, revealing the beauty that resides within.


Alex and Ani is a company dedicated to creating products of unparalleled quality and beauty

that promote consciousness and unity. Manufacturing in the United States and re-using and

recycling materials is an integral part of Alex and Ani’s mission as a conscious and eco-friendly

company. Alex and Ani’s collections are not only eco-friendly, they are made up of powerful,

meaningful, and spiritual pieces, which uplift and inspire all who wear them.


The Alex and Ani aesthetic underscores the idea that what is pure and natural is most

beautiful and creating jewelry from recycled materials enriches the beauty of each piece.

Designer Carolyn Rafaelian, Founder and Creative Director embraces a philosophy that is

based upon using eco-friendly, recycled materials made entirely in the United States. Carolyn

believes that by creating designs that support the environment and encourage social

consciousness, consumers can use their purchases to make a difference in protecting our

planet and our future.


The signature expandable concept is the cornerstone of Alex and Ani. Utilizing an innovative

patented and completely original technology, this concept replaces traditional clasps with a

sliding mechanism, making each piece adjustable. This signature expandable feature is

available in expandable wire bangles, rings, chain necklaces, and endless hoop earrings. This

completely original design allows everyone to have a piece of jewelry customized for a

perfect fit. Available in precious metals and a variety of trend finishes, including our

signature Russian Gold and Russian Silver.


At the heart of Alex and Ani is the most powerful of all positive energies, love. Their pas-

sion for making the dreams of charitable organizations come true is channeled through

Charity by Design, a unique department focused solely upon giving. Charity by Design

empowers charitable organizations to reach their goals by sharing what they do best, the

power of positive energy through innovative, creative design. Their customized symbolic

charms capture the essence of a charity making it more accessible to the public while

raising awareness and funds. Proceeds are donated directly to non-profit organizations

who strive to enhance the quality of lives.


Charity by Design’s purpose is to serve any cause that aims to uplift the quality of life of



It takes one individual who embodies the position to spread the positivity to the world.

Charity by Design is the collection of these individuals spreading the same message and

sharing their stories.

Through Charity by Design, Alex and Ani contributes to social well-being

through partnerships, donations, community involvement and volunteerism

with international, national, and local charitable organizations.


Alex and Ani’s Party with a Purpose is a unique shopping experience designed to give back to your community. It is an opportunity for you to bring friends and family to shop at any of our Alex and Ani stores and we will donate 15% of all sales during the event to the non-profit of your choice. We want to help make it easy for you to give back and raise funds and awareness.


Alex and Ani’s exclusive Bangle Bars (mobile store) allow customers to design their own unique bangle sets with empowering and personalized pieces. At an Alex and Ani Bangle Bar, the consumer can use their individual power of purchase to give back to a charitable organization. 20% of all sales from the Bangle Bar will go directly to the featured non-profit. Perfect for all fundraising events, Bangle Bars are a great way to create awareness and support a notable organization.


Alex and Ani donates unique bangle sets to organizations for use at events to be either raffled or auctioned off with all proceeds going straight to the non-profit.


The creation of exclusive charms for Alex and Ani’s partnering organizations are another important component of Charity by Design. Such partnerships between Alex and Ani and the non-profit organization happen so organically that it is based on the relationship built with the organization rather than criteria requirements. Once the relationship has been maintained, artwork, meaning cards, and signs are created for the charm to help spread awareness along with the exposure on our website. 20% of proceeds from all sales of the Charity by Design bangle will go directly to the organization.





Launch videos essentially allow viewers to learn about the partnering organization and the mission behind the organization and Charity by Design.

This gives viewers a face that they can connect with, which will make them more inclined to seek more information on both organization as they strive to be new philanthropists.



Blogs can be for the launch of a charm, events, and/or community involvement.

Alex and Ani Supports Operations Shower

Alex and Ani In the Wild at Roger Williams Park Zoo

Alex and Ani Charity by Design Presents to you the Shark Finn

We want to make sure you have the opportunity to connect with us, and most im-

portantly, with each other. Whether it's to share stories, or to communicate with

like-minded individuals, you can find us on all of the popular social media channels.

Facebook | @AlexandAniUSA | Google+

Tumblr | Pinterest | LinkedIn

Eventful | Klout | Instagram

YouTube | Foursquare | Blog

We believe that companies and individuals each have a role to play in making

our communities great places to live and work.

We support this belief by encouraging employee volunteerism which not only

supports our communities but provides a valuable outlet for employees to

express their passion for people, animals, and the environment by helping

those around them in practical and meaningful ways.



Micaela Connery, President and Founder

Unified Theater

From our Rhode Island roots to our passion for all things inspirational, our

desire to help people connect with each-other and the world around them to

our celebration of creativity — the alignment between Alex and Ani and

Unified Theater is so wonderfully strong and we are so excited to have this

partnership around our bangle.

Kerry Burns, Mother of Finnegan and Founder

Finnz Fundz

This bangle has truly been a tangible representation of all the work and love

we’ve put into Finnz Fundz so far. It means so much to have this charm on the

wrists of so many, further spreading our dear Finn’s influence and love. We are

so proud to have had the opportunity to partner with Alex and Ani, and feel that

our relationship with this great company lends our foundation a sense of

legitimacy in the world. We look forward to the next steps in building our

foundation and helping more families.

Kate McLetchie, Former Executive Director

African Rainforest Conservancy

After a successful three-year run with the Tree of Life Bangle, ARC is thrilled to

deepen its partnership with Alex and Ani with the newly launched Tree

Hugger bangle. The proceeds from this bangle will allow ARC to plant an

additional 10,000 trees in Tanzania’s Eastern Arc Mountains this year – giving

communities tangible alternatives to cutting down the rainforest for timber, fuel

wood, etc.

Wendy Fournier, President

National Autism Association

The puzzle piece has special meaning to families affected by autism. Originally,

the design symbolized the need to solve the puzzle of cause and treatments for

autism. With 1 in 88 children now being diagnosed, it is also symbolic of the

fact that it truly takes a village to support those who are affected. The funds

raised through sales of this bracelet will provide meaningful help to families

through NAA’s programs. To all of you, who choose to add this beautiful piece to

your #charmed arms, please know that YOU are a vital piece of the puzzle.

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