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Bridging the Gap Between Hazard Mitigation and Climate

Adaptation NHMA-CCAP Webinar

December 10, 2012 Edward A. Thomas Esq.

President Natural Hazard Mitigation Association


This presentation is copyrighted. Permission to use is granted, provided credit is given to Edward A. Thomas Esq., LLC and the Natural Hazard Mitigation Association

Howdy! I appear today in a pro bono presentation on behalf of: The Natural Hazard Mitigation Association This is not and cannot be legal advice; nor does this

presentation necessarily represent the views of anyone other than Ed Thomas

This presentation based on general principles of law,

engineering, policy and emergency management.


Presentation Notes
This presentation Is Not-Anti Development It is Pro-Good, Thoughtful Development Which Does Not Harm People and Property

First Some Words From Our Sponsor What is NHMA? NHMA WAS CREATED IN 2008 TO BRING TOGETHER



Fundamental Principle: Hazard Mitigation Is Plain Common Sense

"Disaster risk reduction is not a luxury. It's an essential insurance policy for a more disaster-

prone world, and one of the smartest, most cost-effective investments we can make in our

common future. The benefits of this investment will be calculated not only in dollars saved, but

most importantly, in saved lives."

Jan Egeland, Former U.N. Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator


Fundamental Thought:

What is the Best Form of Disaster Relief?


Key Themes We need to think broadly to solve our serious problems- including

sea level rise and climate variability, uncertainty and climate change

We must stop making things worse

We need to work with many persons and groups to solve our serious disaster, water resources, and other related issues

Right now we have a system which rewards dangerous behavior

Yet, some places like Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Metropolitan Denver area, and other locations are heroically overcoming obstacles and reducing losses

NHMA is forming a network of such communities called:

Resilient Neighbors Network (RNN)

“Superstorm” Sandy Tremendous learning and teaching opportunity NHMA has numerous articles and resources: We all really need to work together to take this window of opportunity to educate policy makers about ways to build a safer, sustainable society. Alessandra and I would be happy to further discuss with any of you after the presentations – write or call!


Safe Development Is Affordable The American Institutes for Research has conducted a detailed

study on the cost of floodproofing and elevation That study supports the idea that elevation and floodproofing

costs add very small sums and have a significant societal payback The Multihazard Mitigation Council, a group which includes

private industry representatives, reports that hazard mitigation has a proven 4 to 1 payback when retrofitting past mistakes NHMA is currently working on a White Paper which indicates

that the payback for “Safe Development” from the beginning of a project may be more than 100-1


The Choice of Development or No Development is a False Choice!

The Choice We Have as a Society is Rather Between: 1. Well planned development that protects people and

property, our environment, and our precious Water Resources while reducing the potential for litigation; or

2. Some current practices that are known to harm people, property, and natural floodplain functions-… and may lead to litigation and other challenges


Presentation Notes
Sustainability and triple bottom line

We Have long Recognized That There Are Two Major Impediments to Safe Regulation

NOAA recently completed a study which surveyed planners as to impediments to safe development

Two major reasons cited:

Fear of the “taking” issue

Economic pressure



12 12

The Impediments to Proper Hazard Mitigation: #1: The Problem of Economics & Externality

When One Group Pays Maintenance or Replacement of Something Yet Different Person or Group Uses That Same Something, We Often Have Problems Classic Example Is a Park Bench Disaster Assistance Is Another Classic Example of

Externality Who Pays For Disaster Assistance? Who Benefits?

Presentation Notes
One of the fundamental floodplain management challenges that we face as > a Nation > is Externality. By that I mean that at least the short term benefits of unwise or improper floodplain development flow to: a) developers (profit on sale and occupancy) b) local governments (real estate and sales taxes-jobs etc) c) State government (some sales tax-jobs etc.) d) mortgage companies (profits on loans etc.); and e) the occupants of floodplains who may benefit from a lovely place to stay for a while, anyway. Unfortunately, the costs of flooding are usually largely borne by: a) the Federal and sometimes the State Taxpayer through IRS Casualty Losses, SBA Loans, Disaster CDBG funds, and the whole panoply of federal and private disaster relief described in my publication "Patchwork Quilt; and b) by disaster victims themselves. The resulting externalizing of the costs by those who benefit from improper development is exacerbated in our Nation by the fact that those who benefit also usually make the decisions about land use; and those who pay usually have little influence on land use. The NFIP, especially through the CRS program, has made a good start at solving this problem. But, the NFIP alone will likely not be enough.

Who Pays For Disaster Assistance? Costs of flooding are usually largely borne by:

a) The federal and sometimes the State taxpayer through IRS Casualty Losses, SBA loans, Disaster CDBG funds, and the whole panoply of Federal and private disaster relief described in the Ed Thomas et al. publication:

Planning and Building Livable, Safe & Sustainable Communities: The Patchwork Quilt Approach

b) By disaster victims themselves


Presentation Notes

14 14

Cui Bono? (Who Benefits?) At Least the Short Term Benefits of Unwise or

Improper Floodplain Development Flow to: a) Developers (profit on sale and occupancy) b) Local Governments (Real Estate and

Sales Taxes-Jobs etc.) c) State Government (Some Sales Tax-Jobs etc.) d) Mortgage Companies (Profits On Loans

etc.) e) The Occupants of Floodplains Who May Benefit

From a Lovely Place To Stay For a While, Anyway

Presentation Notes
Cui bono ("To whose benefit?", literally "[being] good for whom?") is a Latin adage that is used either to suggest a hidden motive or to indicate that the party responsible for a thing may not be who it appears at first to be. With respect to motive, a public works project which is purported to benefit the city may have been initiated rather to benefit a favored campaign contributor with a lucrative contract. Commonly the phrase is used to suggest that the person or people guilty of committing a crime may be found among those who have something to gain, chiefly with an eye toward financial gain. The party that benefits may not always be obvious or may have successfully diverted attention to a scapegoat, for example.


The Impediments to Proper Hazard Mitigation #2: Fear of a “Taking”

Hazard Mitigation Has a Strong Legal Basis

Safe Development and Low Impact Development Water Resources Management Is: A) Legal B) Equitable C) Practical D) Defensible in Court

Presentation Notes
Don’t Flood Thy Neighbor!!!!

16 16

Taking Lawsuit Results

Regulations Clearly Based on Hazard Prevention and Fairly Applied to All: Successfully Held to be a Taking – Almost None! Many, Many Cases where Communities and

Landowners Held Liable for Harming Others

Presentation Notes
Lucas-essentially denial of all economic use where others allowed to build; Lutherglen upheld on appeal Not quite what you may hear from unhappy permit seekers, is it?


We Need To Also Recognize A Third Major Impediment To Safe Development: A Perception of Immunity Some public officials believe that they are immune from suit for the

consequences of actions they take which harms others

Many Floodplain Managers have told me that such an attitude is making their jobs much more difficult

This topic was covered at some length in a FEMA funded Workshop put on by the Arkansas Association of Floodplain Managers through the Association of State Floodplain Managers

Power Points and a CD of the Workshop will soon be available on the Arkansas Floodplain Managers and the NHMA websites


Another Impediment: Please Understand That Many Folks Have a Fervent Belief Climate Change is Hooey Or A Plot Some folks sincerely and most definitely believe that

they know exactly what “Climate Change is” They think that it is a vast left wing conspiracy,

involving the government seizure of private property and an attempt through the United Nations to destroy America’s private enterprise system and eventually destroy the United States

Many of these folks have the power to make or influence community development decisions



Overcoming Impediments With Facts: Fact A: Does Nature Cause Disasters?

Some Folks Say: Global Warming Sea Level Rise-Causes Harm: Mother Nature is at Fault

Are Natural Disasters “Natural”? Dr. Gilbert White Stated What I Believe to be Correct:

“Floods are Acts of Nature; But Flood Losses Are Largely Acts of Man”

Presentation Notes
As was said in the really excellent Stormwater Presentation on at NAFSMA, Land Use is the first BMP-helps water quality and flood depth and velocity. Geoff Brosseau said look for powerful BMPs-land use No Adverse Impact Floodplain Management is one such powerful thought.

The Enemy Is Us! Should we blame Mother Nature or some other

“force” for our devastating flood losses?

Or perhaps can the blame be put on human engineering, architectural and construction building improperly in areas where natural processes like tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, wildfires will foreseeable take place.


Fact B: Morally, Legally, Ethically Government Has Certain Rights and Duties: Government, at its most minimalistic has the right and

duty to stop us from harming each other

Right now development decisions are making future disasters worse-even without regard to climate variability, sea level rise, and Climate Change



Fact C: Trends in Damages Following Natural Events: Wind, Flood, Earthquake, Wildfire losses

are increasing quite dramatically

Demographic trends indicate great future challenges

More challenges from sea level rise

Even more challenges likely from climate change, variability, uncertainty

$6 billion annually

Four-fold increase from early 1900s

Per capita damages increased by more than a factor of 2.5 in the previous century in real dollar terms

And then there were Katrina, Rita, Wilma

Trends in Flood Damages

$2.2 $2.0

$2.9 $2.4

$3.4 $2.2

$4.9 $3.3

$5.6 $10.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

Billions (adjusted to 1999 dollars)

Average Annual Flood Damages

23 Source: Association of State Floodplain Managers 23

Presentation Notes
The key here is that despite what we have done and the money we have spent this century, damages continue to go up -Unnecessarily, in our opinion Then there was Katrina --- $6 Billion +

Flood and Wind Disasters Have Been Increasing For Decades

Source: Munich Re

Courtesy of Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.


Fact D: Disaster Damages Will Continue To Increase Due To Past Development Practices

Even if climate stopped changing, we will have millions of people at risk

Dr. Roger Pielke superimposed models of storms which actually took place on today's land use and occupancy

The results are downright scary

US Damage If Every Hurricane Season Occurred in 2005

Courtesy of Dr. Roger Pielke Jr


Wendler Collection Joel Gratz © 2006

USA: Coastal Development Miami Beach 1926

Miami Beach 2006


Flood Risk = P (Probability of flood) X Consequences)

Courtesy of Pete Rabbon USACE 28

USACE Slide courtesy of Pete Rabbon


All Shareholders Can Also Contribute to Increased Risk!



RISK Increase Factors

Vastly Increased Residual Risk

Initial Risk

Critical Facilities Not Protected From Flooding

Infrastructure Not Properly Designed/Maintained

Lack of Awareness of Flood Hazard-Lack of Flood, Business Interruption, DIC Insurance

Increased Development

No Warning/Evacuation Plan

Upstream Development Increases Flows

30 30

Fact E: Event Need Not Be a Disaster

Preparedness Planning A Community a Business or an Industry

Insurance Disaster Continuity Plan

Individual Planning Insurance Disaster Kit/Plan

One’s Community Disaster resistant building codes/zoning Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning Post-Disaster Mitigation Planning Pre-Planned Mutual Assistance compacts Disaster Contingency Planning Planning to Manage Volunteers


Fact F: There Is Hope! New and Exciting APA and ABA Awareness and Initiatives Improved FEMA Flood Mapping Program-Risk MAP The Formation of the National Hazard Mitigation

Collaborative Alliance Formation of the Natural Hazard Mitigation Association Corps of Engineers Silver Jackets Program Numerous Organizations in the United States and

throughout the world are working on sustainability, climate adaptation & disaster preparedness

Recent excellent and even inspirational publications and presentations

Media Catching on to some of the reasons disasters are increasing

American Bar Association


Summary of ABA Resolution 107 E: “The following recommendations of the Financial Services Round Table Blue Ribbon Commission on Mega-catastrophes are highly desirable loss mitigation suggestions:

> State of the art building codes > Cost-effective retrofitting > Land use policies that discourage construction posing high risk to personal safety or property loss. > Property tax credits to encourage retrofitting

These and related elements of loss mitigation are designed to ultimately bring to market affordable insurance policies with broadened coverages.”

Participation in Hazards Reduction by Climate Adaptation Centered Groups: Another Example of Progress!

Steve Winkelman

Dr. Kelly Klima CCAP's new program and blog:



Self Help: Loans, Savings, Charity, Neighbors 1. Insurance Disaster Relief: A Combination of

Social Insurance and Self Help 2. Litigation

The preferred alternative is… To have NO DAMAGE Due to Land Use and Hazard Mitigation

Fact G: Three Ways to Support Reconstruction Following Disaster Damage

Hazard Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation Essentially identical concepts-yet the two

communities have not had much interaction

In addition Hazard Mitigation relies on many calculations, especially for flooding, which are done through hind casting, through looking at historic events as a total guide to future events


Looking Only at Past Events For Future Guidance Is Like: Driving Down the Highway at 80 Miles an Hour Steering By Looking in the Rear View Mirrors Only


Climate Change Adaptation permits, even requires us to look forward too!

Unlikely to produce safe results!

Key Issues We are losing the battle for a safe and sustainable

society in the United States and throughout the world

Looking to the past for a vision of future risks, in an era of climate variability and change is even less likely to work than ever before


Part II How Can We Proceed?

Ignoring the confusion surrounding Climate Change or fervently held beliefs about the topic is not going to work

We need principled negotiation and outreach to others We need to deliver our message about Safe & Sustainable

Development or NAI to other folks, who may not share our beliefs, or even have any sort of affinity with or liking for us in:

A) their lingo B) about their concerns, passions, beliefs, fears, and vision

Fundamentally we all need to work together


Part III Hazard Mitigation Related



Get Ready to Take Advantage of the Opportunity Presented by any Crisis To Discuss A Safer Future for Our Nation and the World

NHMA Website:

Some Other Available Tools: FEMA Risk MAP Products NOAA Digital Coast StormSmart Coasts Products and Web-Based Information CCAP websites Georgetown Climate Center


Special Edition for: ASFPM

November 2011

Available on Both NHMA & StormSmart Coast Websites

Patchwork Quilt: A Creative Strategy

for Safe Post-Disaster


Exceptional Book

Available on Amazon A must read, must have for your library, if you care about floods, or climate variability

Summary Fundamentally our society must choose either: Better standards to

protect resources and people or Standards which inevitably will result in destruction and


We Need To Make Allies and Friends To Get Our Message Across All of us can and should play a key role in planning a safe

and sustainable future


Contact Information:

Natural Hazard Mitigation Association P.O. Box 55352 Metairie, Louisiana 70055 504-914-6648


46 617-515-3849

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