ceo observations august 8, 2016 - · disclaimer: the information contained in this document...

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CEO Observations

August 8, 2016

What we previously said

FY2015 results briefing in February


Portfolio unchanged from last quarter

Producers, Traders, and Processors portfolio not under stress

− 71% short-term loans, 46% trade loans; no NPL

Support services portfolio unchanged at $9b

− NPL at 1.3%, expect minimal SP in 2016

Stress-tested overall portfolio at US$20 per barrel

Handful of additional names

Don’t foresee additional SP in 2016

Oil & gas


Dec 2015 Producers Traders Processors Others (include Support Services)



Exposure 6 3 4 9 22

Of which:

Loans 5 1 4 7 17


Large one-offs e.g., a large corporate collapse

Sharp RMB devaluation in the next three months

What’s not in our budget?


“e.g., large corporate,

large oil and gas, large

offshore marine


“10-12 names in the $500-

600m range”

The nature of our exposure to Swiber

S$721m exposure

$403m – to finance working capital for 2 projects

• Working capital based on project cash flow, generally 2 to 3 years

• Dedicated project accounts

• Comprises trade facilities, performance bonds and warranty bonds

• Strong track record. Granted similar facilities on specific projects for oil majors

$121m – mainly secured term loans for vessel and property, and hedging purposes

$197m – for bond redemptions in June and July


Why was Swiber not NPA?

Good underlying projects. Independently corroborated

Up-to-date in payment of interest and principal until June – no overdues

Trade payables up from 90 to 120 days; not unusual for the industry

High leverage to be addressed by bringing in private equity

Short term debt maturities to be addressed by raising equity, raising additional

financing against available assets and disposing assets

Consistent with market


Why did we give additional loans for bond redemptions?

June – bridge to equity after independent validation with potential investor

July – assessment that completing existing projects is best option for all


Portfolio update: Support services

June 2016* Producers Traders ProcessorsOthers

(includes Support




Exposure 8 3 4 7 23

Of which:

Loans 8 2 4 6 19

$2b to state-owned / government linked shipyards

Remaining $5b - 90% secured

$2.3b to 5 names $2.7b to 90 names

1 name has weakness 1/3 of portfolio has


*Excludes Swiber


Portfolio update: Oil and Gas

Producers, Traders, and Processors portfolio

72% short-term loans

55% trade loans

No material weakness

June 2016* Producers Traders ProcessorsOthers

(includes Support




Exposure 8 3 4 7 23

Of which:

Loans 8 2 4 6 19

*Excludes Swiber


Portfolio update: Other commodities

Portfolio grew $3b from Dec 2015

83% short-term loans, 42% trade loans

Steel and coal ~$3b; some weaknesses; already in SP budget

June 2016 Producers Traders Combined


Exposure 4 11 15

Of which:

Loans 4 8 13


Portfolio update: China

NPL steady at $250m

Some weaknesses in

SME and Steel

*China trade loans comprise amounts shown under customer loans and interbank assets. Based on

country of incorporation



*China trade loans comprise amounts shown under customer loans and interbank assets.

Based on country of incorporation

8% income growth to a new high

– Strong loan growth

– Stable NIM

– Record fees; led by investment banking and bancassurance

6% expense growth

– Headcount down slightly

10% growth in profit before allowances


2Q Highlights


Healthy loan pipeline

Margins will come off slightly

Greater China stabilizing

Outlook for operating trends broadly in line with previous guidance


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is intended only for use during the presentation and should not be disseminated or

distributed to parties outside the presentation. DBS Bank accepts no liability whatsoever with respect to the use of this document or its contents.

CEO Observations

August 8, 2016

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