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April 12, 2017Onstead PromenadeRain site: Union 333 BC


Eleventh Annual

Flight MemorialApril 12, 2017

Noon Onstead Promenade

Presentation of ColorsUNT Air Force ROTC

Accompanied by the UNT College of Music Pep Band

Welcome Grant Hale

President – Student Government Association Political Science and History Major

Remarks Dr. Neal Smatresk

President University of North Texas

Address Christopher Lee

Student, Photography MajorUNT Student Regent

Representatives Student Representative – Barrett Cole

Vice President - Student Government Association Integrative Studies Major

Alumni Representative – Rob McInturfExecutive Director

University of North Texas Alumni Association

Staff Representative – Christi HestandChairperson-Staff Senate

Intuition Equity & Diversity

Faculty Representative – Dr. Barbara BushCounseling and Higher Education Faculty

Ringing of the Bell

Alma Mater – Glory to the Green and White UNT College of Music Pep Band

Closing Remarks Grant Hale

Retiring of ColorsUNT Air Force ROTC

StudentsKelsey Baber

Kelli Cox

Jennifer Fischer

Raleigh R. Gleason

Derrick Jones V

Summer Kinnard

Daniel McClendon

Colin J. Meyer

Burke Morris

Thomas C. Nokes

Florencia A. Padilla

Kilah Webster

Faculty/StaffJoseph L. Bacon

Barbikay B. Bissell Pohl

Patrick D. Burks

Barbara Colegrove

Curtis Condray

Victoria M. Corum

John C. Crawford

Patricia A. Esther

Frank Halstead

Alice T. Hanselman

Mary N. Hudgins Mailman

Lorie J. Ingram

Howard W. Johnson

Etta Mae Landers

Peggy Sue Lee

Virgie Mae Meeker Burrows

Jack Miller

Rosemary G. Moore

James Nicklas V

Rama Pfaffly

Donald J. Scaggs

Bruce C. Stover

Elmer Taylor

Roy G. Trapp

Leroy Vaughn

Venita Williams

Jean S. Yoas

AlumniJoyce M. Adams

Robert L. Adams

Ada B. Adams

Hollis D. Adams

Ora E. Addis

Mary B. Albin

Betty V. Alder

H. Alford

Roger Allen

Jack C. Allen

Jesse L. Allen

Howard E. Allen

Betty Allison

Claudia M. Almaraz

Joseph S. Ambrose

Dana Lee Anderson

Frank D. Anderson

William J. Anderson

Richard W. Arbogast

Nell Armstrong

Frances Arnold

Jana Rae Atkins

Charles W. Austin

Kelsey C. Baber

James H. Bailey

Calvin M. Baker

James R. Balch

Charles R. Ballard

Quentin E. Barber

James W. Bardwell

James L. Barnes V

Marie B. Barnes-Ormerod

Anna J. Barnett

William Barrow

David H. Bartlett

Francis E. Beaty

Jerold E. Beazley

Harold G. Beckham V

Pamala J. Bell

Douglas R. Benscoter

Dorris J. Benz

Rosalie G. Bergman

George E. Berry

Charles H. Billingsley V

Billy F. Bishop

Gordon C. Bishop

Clyde C. Bishop V

Howard B. Blagg

Lennijo Blair

Clarence J. Blakeley

Barbara L. Blakeley

Raymond O. Blummer

Catherine J. Boyce

Rondell Brackett

Howard B. Bram

George W. Bramblett

James H. Branch

Fred L. Brasfield

James H. Brecheen

John M. Brindley

Jean M. Brinkley

Ismael P. Brionez

Gina C. Brown

James H. Brown

Philip J. Brown

C. Barry Brown

James H. Brown

Billy F. Browning

Melba L. Bruce

Roy D. Brunson V

Thomas C. Bryan

Doris O. Bry-Nildsen

Robert B. Buchanan V

Patrick D. Burks

Homer E. Burns

Virgie Burrows

Gene D. Burton V

Charles V. Burton

Sammye J. Caldwell

Arthur Calton

Bobby G. Cannon

Bill W. Cantrell

Billy L. Cardwell

Sherilyn R. Carlson

John R. Carmichael

Nina G. Carson

Edna Carter

Robert L. Casey

Lewis W. Cass

William D. Castleman

William P. Certo

Anita G. Childress

Doyle E. Chrisman V

Joseph Churchman

Robert J. Clark

Rheba C. Clark

James D. Clark

Helen L. Hendricks Clark

Wincle L. Coan

John W. Cobb

Richard L. Cole

Shannon L. Cole

Barbara Colegrove

Charles A. Coltman

Joyce Ann W. Colvard

Linda C. Colvin

David B. Combs

Jane W. Compton

Edna R. Condra

Curtis M. Condray

Gerardo Contreras

Melva Cook

Marguerite Coomes

Joe G. Cooper

Deloris D. Corder

Jerry M. Cosper

Bobbye Jean Cotton

Cecilia A. Cowan

Joe D. Cowan

Lucius L. Cox

Velma Rae Bateman Craft

Jane E. Craighead

Gayle R. Crain

Sophia S. Cranshaw

Betty Sue A. Crawford

Darwin T. Creagh

William A. Crisp

Donald P. Crockett

James L. Crouch V

Edwin A. Crozier

William W. Cudd

Mary K. Cude

Jackson P. Culwell

Mary B. Cummings

Sonia R. Cummins

James E. Cunningham

John A. Cunningham V

Larry D. Cunningham

Phillip J. Cunningham

Rosemary T. Curl

James H. Daniel

Marilyn Darnell

Dorothy Daugherty

Bonnie L. Daugherty

Patsy C. Daunis

Harold L. David

Robert L. Davis

Carol L. Davis

Judy Ann C. Davis

Ray D. Davis V

Helen L. Davis

Clifford G. Dawdy

Dorene De Meulenaere

David T. Deaton

V. Lyle DeBolt

Jose A. Deleon

Deborah E. Dennis

Sylvia Deonis

M. Priscilla Devous

Miles H. Dial

Jeffie C. Dickey

Pauline A. Dickey

Ermintrude Dickinson

Weldon Dillard

John Dipasquale

Christopher J. Dixon

Henry C. J. Dodd

Russell R. Dougherty

Jessie L. Downing

Jan B. Drath

Stephen T. Driskell

Iris J. Dubose

Jack Durham

Charlotte A. Duross

Michael J. Eckert

Winnie B. Edwards

Lee M. Elder V

Gary W. Ellison

Stephen M. Elmore

Thomas W. Ely

Jean S. Erdenberger

Dortha A. Erwin

Lillie Erwin

Patricia A. Esther

Clester H. Evans

Bruce W. Evans

Barbara L. Evans

Penelope C. Farris

Anne Fields

Gilbert R. Fischer

Darren B. Flatt

Jimmy D. Flickinger

Nadine L. Flinders

Javier Flores

Ronald L. Floyd

William B. Floyd V

Emma L. Floyd

George A. Flynn

Dorothy F. Foote

Betty F. House

Augusta M. Fox V

Patricia S. Francis

June Freeman

David L. Fritz

Thomas W. Fulton

William E. Gaddy

James H. Gamble

Carl B. Garner

Frances F. Gebhart

John M. Geer

Deborah G. Gentry

Edwin A. Gerloff

Donald R. Gibson V

Dorothy Gibson

Lee R. Gibson

Gilbert S. Gil

Barbara A. T. Glasgow

Ethel C. Glenn

Alfred W. Godwin

Billie V. Goforth

Lauren A. Gough

Nancy B. Green

Mildred R. Greenstein

Weda F. Griffin

Floyd R. Griffin

Anna L. Guffin

Anita Gunderson

Sallie S. Marsh Hale

Joe A. Hall

Francis E. Halstead V

Carolyn L. Halter V

Bobby Jack Ham

Charles D. Hamilton

Eleanor R. Hammond

Rita H. Hankins

Mary Ann Hanna

Catherine S. Hardy

James R. Hargrave

Dorothy L. Harlow

Michael D. Harmon

James M. Harned

Deann Harp

Orrie L. Harris

Robert B. Harris

Edward L. Harrison

Evelyn M. Harrison

Bernadette Harrison

Danny S. Hart

Andrew N. Hawkes

Misty D. Hawley

William C. Hay

Dora S. Hayden

Billy G. Hays

Donald J. Heaton

Margery M. Henderson

William H. Henderson

H. Wayne Hendrick

Paul A. Hendryx

Ruth Henry

Donn R. Herring

Jennifer C. Heuer

Elmer D. Hiett V

Sherry Marie P. Hill

Robert L. Hilliard V

Charles R. Hipkins

Jean McCarty Hoard

Floyd W. Hobby

John W. Hocker

Don Hodge

Russell W. Hodges

Robert W. Hoffman

Reta Fain W. Holland

Rhonda Holmes

Lee S. Holmes

Kay L. M. Hood

Keith W. Hoover

George M. Hopkins

Charles E. Horn

William R. Hornsby

Tom Hoskins

Gayland Howell V

Judie C. Hoyenski

Diana H. Hrabovsky

Lee A. Huddleston

Tommy Hudspeth

Glenn W. Huffman

Vester T. Hughes

Edward C. Hughes

Charlie E. Huston V

Carol E. Hyatt

Harey B. Imbeau

Lorie J. Ingram

Billy J. Irby V

Grant H. Jacobson

William D. Janes

Jeanette M. Jenkins

Conley Jenkins

Jeffrey M. Jenneman

Warren M. Jensen

Frankilou Jett

Douglas O. John

Edward J. Johnson

Howard W. Johnson

J.K. Johnson

Opal W. Jones

Donald M. Jones

Frank W. Jordan

Earl J. Jordan

Levis C. Judson

Larry G. Kaatz

Anne F. Kadingo

Donald D. Karges

Robert M. Keefe

Mary L. Keith

Laverne K. Keith

Sherry L. Kelley

Roeland E. Kelly V

David M. Kennedy

John T. Kennedy

Ruth L. H. Kever

Edward F. Kilcrease

Betty L. Kindle

Timothy L. King

Chloe S. King

Molly King

Ronald H. Klemm

Quetha B. Lacy

Korri E. Lake

Yvonne Lancaster

Sean M. Landry

Billie Lane

Guinn C. Largent

Stephen M. Lassetter

William P. Latham

Aaron L. Lavergne

Raymond C. Lee

Eugene C. Lee

Dwight L. Lee

Ethelyn M. Lewis

Scott D. Lindsey

Patricia Long

Dorman Longley

Allen J. Lovelace

Erma J. Loveland

Darlene Lucas

Roger D. Lucas

Madonna L. Ludlum

Anthony C. Lycan

Billy J. Lyon

Naylene Lyons

Gregory J. Mack

Pearl Cherrington Mackey

Mary N. Mailman

Mario F. Malacara

Ruth M. Malone

William H. Mannes

Kenneth A. Maroney

Harriet S. Marr

Fred D. Marsh

Robert A. Marshall

Leslie A. Martin

Paul L. Martindale

Bruce B. Mason

John W. Massengale

Martha J. Massengill

Deidra Massey

Betty S. Matthews

Lloyd M. Maxon

Bonnie Maxwell

Manda N. Maxwell

M. Lou Beckham May

Maxey Huffman Mayo

Rachel Mays

Glenn C. McAdams

Mark Thrasher McBride V

Paul H. McCament

Blanche A. McClain

Audrey McClellan

Daniel R. McClendon

Hilliard B. McClendon

Margaret McClintock

Benny P. McCollum

Kevin A. McCown

Miriam C. McCreary

Adrian McCulloch

Helen McDaniel

Nancy J. McDonald

Roy K. McKenzie

Jerry McKenzie

Juanita McMahan

James G. McNeff

Billye D. McSpedden

Bruce A. Meador

Betty K. Meador

William Meadors

Beatrice Medlin

Frankie F. Medlin

Shamus Mehaffie

Hoie C. Meinzer

Gerald E. Melton

Billy M. Menefee

Deborah K. Merki

Timothy E. Merrell

Susan A. Merrill

Colin J. Meyer

Billy G. Michael

Shirley J. Michie

Gerald E. Mickey

Beverly H. Middleton

Emil J. Milan

John C. Miller

Jack Miller

James J. Miller

Dwight W. Miller

James H. Miller

Richard A. Mills

Brian J. Milmo

Lonnie D. Minke V

Rosalys L. Minnerly

Janet Young Miranda

Connie S. W. Moehler

Rosalinda Molina

William C. Montgomery

William P. Mooney

Charles C. Moore

Virginia C. Moore

John L. Moore

Rosemary G. Moore

Carol Faith L. Moore

Morgan D. Moorman

William L. Morris

Ruth E. Mosley

David H. Moss

James D. Moss

Barbara Louise Moulds

William J. Mounger

Catherine M. Muehlbrad

Patricia G. Mullen

Rebecca J. Mulroy

Judy B. Murphy

Marion L. Murray

Mary S. Naugher

Laura M. Navarro

Nelda Neale

Ronald J. Neiman

Brian Nennmann

Kenneth C. Newell

Alexander B. Newsom

Charles E. Newton

James R. Nicklas V

Thomas C. Nokes

Fred Nolting

Larry Norman V

William H. Nunn

Randall Y. Odom

Cynthia A. Ogden

William S. Ogden

Albert P. Oglesby

Fred R. Orr

Ian Powers Page

Maxine Page

Edward R. Parish

Nancy Parker

Stephen R. Parker

Tally F. Parker

Carol A. Parker

Benny W. Parkey

John C. Parshall

Melanie R. Parsons

Morris J. Paschall

Katherine Patterson

Annie J.Payne

Elizabeth Pels

Jake D. Penney

Calvin G. Percy

Antonio H. Perez

Louis M. Perkett

Margaret A. Perry

Brenda D. Petersen

Janice M. Pettit

Rama C. Pfaffly

Austin L. Phillips

Barbikay B. Pohl

Linda A. M. Pope

Laurie B. Porter-Way

Martha J. Preston

Ronald Pribble

Pauline Price

Mildred L. Priddy

Alesia M. Pruitt

Jan Pruitt

Gordon C. Pulliam

Jimmy K. Puryear

Catalina K. Quiles

Earle R. Ramsdell

Gilbert W. Randall

Ronald E. Raney

Audre J. Rapoport

John H. Rasor

Gary W. Ratliff

Charles M. Redding

John J. Reese

Botter L. Reeves

Virginia W. Reeves

M. Barrett Renfro

Frank W. Reyes

Virginia J. Rhodes

Kyle D. Richards

Lavon P. Richardson V

Fred L. Richardson

Andy L. Richey

Charles P. Riley

Paul J. Riordan

Charlotte L. Risinger

Robert B. Roark

James M. Roberson

Rodney W. Roberts

Rosalyn F. Robertson

Laron D. Robinson

Fenton W. Robnett

Adrian J. Rodriguez

Wendi K. Rogers

Eileen M. Roitsch

Randy Lawrence Roland

Roland Rose

Robert L. Ross

Barry L. Rosson

Roger B. Rush

Dorothy M. Rushing

Gholamreza Sabzghabaei

Larry K. Sandberg

Martha J. Sanford

Thomas B. Sappington

Margaret H. Saunders

Donald Scaggs

Gerald M. Schafer V

June K. Schmidgall

Charles L. Schneider

Frances K. Scurlock

Edward S. Seale

Everett L. Secrest

Elizabeth A. Segler

Dixie L. Seibel

Leanor A. Seibert

John A. Seidel

James E. Sellars

Patricia A. Sellers

Charles R. Senter

Janice I. Shanks

Larry D. Shaw

Nancy L. Shehane

Nelda M. Shelton

James Shields

Bertha Shillingburg

Ed Shipman

J D Shipp

William L. Shook

Jim A. Shugart

Phil R. Simmons

Paul H. Simonsen

John W. Simpson

Billye Y. Slaton

Tison E. Slayton

Juanita G. Sloan

Peggy S. Sommers

Edwin A. Sowders

Ena L. Spalding

James H. Spearman

Jennifer L. Spears

Melissa J. B. Spikes

Bob J. St. John

James C. Stallings

Timothy P. Stanley

Carl R. Stapp

Gwendolyn W. Starlard

Lenora A. Steadman

Kelly M. Steckler

Anna T. Steele

William M. Stewart

William Stockard

Edward H. Stoddard

Edgar N. Stone

James W. Stoneham

Kimberly D. Stordahl

Elizabeth Storey

Bruce Stover

Betty J. V. Strickland

Tony M. Stringer

Darrell Strong

Fred K. Stroop

William N. Strother

Barbara A. Strubhar

Jean J. Stuart

Stephen C. Summy

Clint C. Surles V

Donald M. Tabor

Lee H. Tannahill

Charles T. Tarvin

Elmer E. Taylor

Carole C. Taylor

Jerry M. Temples

James E. Teter

John Thompson

Loretta F. Thompson

Bruce F. Thyfault

James W. Tiller

Elvin W. Timmons

Doris P.W. Tipps

Dorothy K. Truly

Nancy Turner

Abner B. Vann V

Zuzu Verk

Roy E. Vick

Walter C. Vincent

Charles O. Wade

Philip S. Walker

Roger E. Wall

Carl M. Wallace

Rodney J. Walter

Diana L. Ward

Herbert G. Warthan

Shanon D. Watkins

Thomas E. Watkins

Doyle E. Watson

Jackie R. Watson

Gerald T. Watson

Wayne W. Haygood

Doyle Weatherby

Doris L. Weaver

Francisca M. Welch

Mollie C. Wells

James G. Wheatley

Harold Lynden White

Bernice D. White

Dana Whitson

Martha K. Wiant

Roma Wilcke Estate

Tobias Hunt Wildbrett

Ray E. Williams

Marchia F. G. Williams

Dorothea J. Williams

Mary L. Williams

Waymon D. Williams

Venita K. Williams

Dennis B. Williams

Herschel E. Williamson

Barbara J. Williamson

Theo Creighton Willis

John H. Willmarth

Nick Wilson

Betty A. Wilson

Karen S. Wilson

Samuel P. Wilson

Frank E. Wilton V

William E. Winfrey

Hal D. Winston

Archie L. Wolfe

Marilyn Wolford

Royce C. Womble

Cecilia Wood

Betty G. Woodring

Marcheta Wright

Norma R. Wuerz

Michael F. Wurst

William R. Yeager

Jean S. Yoas

Jerry D. Young

Dora E. Young

Jo Ann R. Zweiacker

Though reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this program at the time of printing, it may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Those honored today passed between March 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017. V - Veteran

UNT Memorial

Shrader Pavilion

Dean of Students Office Division of Advancement

Division of Student Affairs Greek Life

Green Jackets Holly’s Gardens and Florist

Human Resources NT40

Office of the President Student Government Association Union Scheduling and Catering

University Union UNT Air Force ROTC

UNT College of Music Pep Band UNT Parking & Transportation

UNT Talons

In honor of our fallen Eagles, the University of North Texas flags will

be flown at half-staff today, April 12, 2017.

Special Thanks:

he Sustaining Arch Memorial, located in the Onstead Promenade, is a lasting tribute to the students who are no longer with us. Three flag poles on the south side of the

promenade display the American, Texas and UNT flags. The Dean of Students calls for the UNT flag to be lowered for seven days when a currently enrolled student passes away. The flag is then presented to the student’s family.

o honor those who have fallen, a memorial has been placed within the Shrader Pavilion, just west of the Student Union. The names of the eagles who are no longer with us are

displayed for reflection and prayer. We encourage you to visit the site before or after the ceremony.


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