cfe level 2 mnu 2-10a jg.cwk (wp)...©teejay publishers jan 2011 page 2 level 2 mnu 2-10a b b c 1 b...

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  • 1. 0840 can be written in words as twenty minutes to nine in the morning.

    In the same way, write in words the times shown on these clocks :-

    a b

    2. Timothy checked his watch after he went back to class just after lunch.

    Write this time in am/pm notation.

    3. Write the following as 24 hour clock times :-

    a twenty five past four in the morning b 5.42 pm

    c three minutes to eleven at night d 8.01 pm.

    4. Write the following in 12 hour clock format :-

    a 0450 b 1320 c 2106 d 2359.

    5. Here is an Edinburgh to Newcastle bus timetable.

    a What time did the bus leave Edinburgh ? (Answer in am/pm notation).

    b How many minutes before 3 o’clock did the bus reach Galashiels ?

    c The bus passed through Hawick 20 minutes after passing Galashiels.

    Write the Hawick time in 24 hour clock notation.

    d Write out in words the time when the bus reached Hexham.

    e Half an hour on from Hexham, the bus reached Newcastle.

    Write this time in 24 hour clock notation.

    ©TeeJay Publishers Jan 2011 Page 1 Level 2 MNU 2-10a

    Mathematics Assessment (CfE) - Level 2

    (MNU 2 - 10a)I can use and interpret electronic and paper-based timetables and schedules to plan events and activities, and make time calculations as part of my planning.

    1346 1451 ........ 1548 ........

    Edinburgh Galashiels Hawick Hexham Newcastle




    7 6 5






    0758 2043

  • ©TeeJay Publishers Jan 2011 Page 2 Level 2 MNU 2-10a

    B B C 1 B B C 2 S T V

    6. Shown below is part of a TV guide for the three channels, BBC1, BBC2 and STV.

    a What programme will be showing on BBC1 at 11.30 am ?

    b What programme starts on BBC2 at 1715 ?

    c How long do these programmes last :- (i) The Jeremy Kyle Show (ii) Live Snooker ?

    d The ITV News; Weather Programme lasts for 36 minutes followed by 4 minutes of adverts.

    At what time on STV will the next programme, “Gardener’s World” begin ?

    7. Here is part of the train timetable from Glasgow Central to Birmingham :-

    a I hope to arrive in Glasgow at 2.20 pm.

    What is the first train I can catch ?

    b How long would this train take to get me to Birmingham ?

    c I don’t arrive in Glasgow till 2.50 pm.

    How long must I wait for the next train ?

    d At what time does the 5.40 pm train from Glasgow Central arrive in Birmingham ?

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