champions on the field - · 2 1 champions meet the champions winning isn’t...

Post on 23-Jun-2018






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championson the field



Meet the championsWinning isn’t everything. It calms the pain and hides the hole, but it will not heal the real problem. Winning never lives up to the dreams of those who give their lives to win it.

Work hard. Do your best. Ethics that even Jesus would sponsor. But why do you strive to be a champion? Are you in it for yourself? Or is there someone greater you look to as your champion?

Learn from the champions. Hear the stories of those who have reached the top but found success somewhere else. Watch their films. Meet their champion.

champion story......................................................................................................... 03

rethink success ........................................................................................................ 05

choose success ....................................................................................................... 09

emtpy success ......................................................................................................... 13

Leader’s Guide

let’s get started ........................................................................................................ 16

helps ......................................................................................................................... 18

Be sure to register your group at

© 2010 e3 Partners Ministry. All rights reserved.

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OpenerQuestion: Introduce yourself to the group. Who are you and what brought you to this group?

HearWatch: the Sam Bradford film.

Question: What did you like about Sam’s story?

TalkLive and Tell: Each of you now has the chance to share your own story with the group. If you were sitting in the white chair, what would you say? Answer some of these questions as you tell your story.

a. What is the biggest hurt or hang-up you have in your life?

b. Who has been a champion to you in your life? Explain.

c. Where are you on your spiritual journey with God?

d. Why did you decide to come to this group?

champion story


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OpenerWatch: the Tony Dungy film.

Question: How did Tony find success?

Share: Do you feel like you have found success? Explain.

Hear the Bible Read this as a Group

Background: Nicodemus was among the elite leaders that served on the Jewish ruling council. For Jews this council held ultimate authority on all religious disputes. If you had a question, this council had your answer. Nicodemus was a champion leader in his day.

rethink success

Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

“How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!”

Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be

born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.

“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.”


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Talk about the BibleWhat it says

1. What did you like about this story? What was Nicodemus looking for from Jesus?

2. What did you not like or find confusing about this story? What did Jesus mean by “born again”?

What it means

3. What does this story teach about people? Why do you think Nicodemus came at night?

4. What does this story teach about God? What did Jesus say Nicodemus needed? What did Nicodemus need to do to be “born again”?

Live and tell

5. What will you do now? What do you need to change to be a champion at life? Be specific. Be practical.

6. Who will you tell? Who do you know that might be interested in hearing these stories about success?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever

believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”

John 3:1-18 (NIV)


OpenerWatch: the Jason Witten film.

Question: What was interesting to you in Jason’s story?

Share: What do you think you need to be a success?

Check-upLive and Tell: Last time you met you talked about finding real success. What steps have you taken to live out what you have learned? What do you still need to do to walk towards real success? Who have you talked with about what you have learned?

Hear the Bible Read this as a Group

choose real success

A certain ruler asked him [Jesus], “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.’”

“All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said.

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth.

Jesus looked at him and said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Those who heard this asked, “Who then can be saved?”

Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”

Peter said to him, “We have left all we had to follow you!”

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come, eternal life.”

Luke 18:18-30 (NIV)



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Talk about the BibleWhat it says

1. What did you like about this story?

2. What did you not like or find confusing about this story?

What it means

3. What does this story teach about people?

4. What does this story teach about God?

Live and tell

5. What will you do now? The rich man had a choice. Follow his riches or follow Jesus. What do you choose? Starting now, how will you define success? Will you define success by your money and job title or will you define success as following Jesus? What changes will this mean for your life? Be specific.

6. Who will you tell? Who do you know that might be interested in hearing these stories about success?


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community dialogue 0.4

Opener Watch: the Greg Ellis film.

Question: What does success mean to you?

Share: What is your story? Share about a time when you felt like a failure.

Hear the Bible Read this as a Group

Background: Paul was a Pharisee, a powerful and influential religious and political party in Israel during the time of Jesus. Pharisees were considered the elite followers of God among the Jews. Paul had all the right credentials to be an important leader in this important group. Paul was the equivalent of an MVP or celebrity CEO in his culture.

empty success

The ones with the real mark of God are those who worship by the Spirit of God, glory in Christ Jesus, and do not rely on human credentials- though my credentials are significant.

If someone thinks he has good reasons to put confidence in human credentials, I have more; I was circumcised a Jew on the eight day of my birth. I was born of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of all Hebrews. I lived according to the Jewish law as a strict Pharisee. In my zeal for God I persecuted the church. According to the righteousness stipulated in the law, I was blameless.

But these things I considered a profit, I now consider a loss because of Christ. More than that, I now regard all things as a loss compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. In fact, I view them all as dung! - that I may gain Christ, and be found in him, not because I have my own righteousness earned from the law, but because I have the righteousness that comes by way of Christ’s faithfulness, a righteousness from God.

Paul’s letter to the Philippians 3:3-9


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Talk about the BibleWhat it says

1. What did you like about this story?

2. What did you not like or find confusing about this story?

What it means

3. What does this story teach about people? What does this story teach about success?

4. What does this story teach about God?

Live and tell

5. What will you do now? How has this discussion changed the way you view success?

6. Who will you tell? Who do you know that might be interested in hearing these stories about success?


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How to Start your I am Second Group Getting a group started may be the most frightening, yet exciting, idea you have had in a long time. But you are not alone. Groups like this have been started all over the world. You can start one, too. Below are simple steps to help get your group started.

1. Talk with God. God cares about what you are about to begin. He wants to work through you. He wants to change lives. Through this whole process, continue to ask God to help you and your group.

2. Find a Time and a Place. Open up your calendar and see when you typically have time. Are you usually open during lunch, in the evenings, or on weekends? Find a time that you can commit to on a regular basis. Meetings should be held where the people are. If you are inviting your work friends, find a place at or near work. If you are inviting neighbors, then meet at your home or one of theirs.

3. Talk to Friends. Begin introducing your friends, co-workers, family and/or neighbors to I am Second films. Talk to at least 10 or 15 people. Ask them what they think of the videos, and tell them what they mean to you. Be sure to keep it natural- the goal is simply to get the conversation started. Share with them the time and place of your meeting and extend a personal invitation.

4. Remind your Friends. A week or so before your group begins, remind everyone about the meeting time and place. Talk to them personally, call them, send out emails

5. Meet. It is as simple as that. Not everyone will come, but you will be surprised by how many people are interested in discussing spiritual things. They probably are not interested in hearing you preach but many are interested in discussing things.

6. Meet Often. If you can meet more than once a week, do it! That will accelerate the learning of everyone. Just leave enough time to do your “live and tell” commitments.

How to Lead your I am Second Group As you start your group, keep in mind that I am Second is about much more than knowledge. It is about changed lives. It is about finding the truth. It is about people becoming free. It is about being Second. Keep in mind the following tips:

1. Keep Talking with God. You have a big job in front of you, so continue to ask God to help you. It is a simple step that is often overlooked, but you will be glad you did it. You are on your own only if you forget to ask for God’s help.

2. Be Authentic. Be your real self as you lead. Model to your group that this is a place where honesty and acceptance are normal and expected. As a leader you will need to open up about your own pain and be vulnerable. Ask tough questions that will help the group do the same.

3. Keep it a Discussion. This is a discussion group- not a time to practice your public speaking skills. Make sure discussion happens by asking good questions, bringing short challenging thoughts, and keeping the discussion on point. Allow people time to truly wrestle with what the bible says without forcing an answer. Before you start, make sure you as the leader are familiar with this material. And as the group discusses ask yourself, “Have we talked about the main things?”

4. Don’t Skip Parts. Each part of each lesson is important. It is especially important to do the “live and tell” and “check-up” discussions. Learning how to be Second is good. Living it out in real life is what God really is looking for.

5. It’s Ok Not to Know Answers. Sometimes the discussion will raise questions to which you do not know the answers. When this happens, remember you, as the facilitator, are not expected to know all the answers. It is perfectly acceptable to tell your group that you just do not know the answer. Volunteer to research the questions further, or ask someone in the group to find the answer. Sometimes postponing certain questions like this until a later time is the best way to go.

leader’s guide

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champion story Summary: The main goal of this lesson is for everyone to openly share with the group where they are in their spiritual journey. There are no right or wrong answers. There are no good stories or bad stories. And there is no room for judgment and criticism. Each person should be accepted and welcomed into the group wherever they are in their spiritual journey.

As leader, you must model the kind of openness and acceptance that this group needs. When you tell the story of your spiritual journey, do not appear to be the perfect saint. Be honest, raw, and vulnerable so that the group sees that you too have not arrived at perfection and need to continue to grow spiritually. This also means that when you hear the stories of others you do not judge or criticize. In fact, thank each person as they share their story.

The time to provide answers, spiritual guidance, and the truth of the gospel will come. But this meeting is not it. This meeting is a time to get to know each other and to see where everyone is spiritually.

rethink successSummary: Nicodemus knew he needed more. He looked to Jesus to find the answers. Do you have a hole in your life, an emptiness you cannot fill? Find real success in Jesus.

Opener: Watch one of the films and start a conversation. Openness and honesty are hard roads to travel, but are the only ones that lead to real success.

Some Help with the Discussion:

Have you talked about the main things?

1. What did you like? Nicodemus was looking for answers. Even as a successful religious leader, he felt emptiness in his religious achievements. Jesus taught that success was not measured by religious achievements but through faith in Jesus. Nicodemus’ religious stature meant nothing to Jesus. He needed a spiritual rebirth. He needed to leave his religiousness behind and follow Jesus.

2. What did you not like or find confusing? To some people the idea of being “born again” can be as confusing today as it was to Nicodemus. Jesus wanted Nicodemus to start over and be reborn in a spiritual sense. He wanted Nicodemus to stop trying to earn spiritual success. As a Pharisee, Nicodemus was religious but his religiousness was

empty. He thought spiritual success was something you earn. Jesus taught that spiritual success was a gift you receive through faith in God’s Son. Being born again means trusting Jesus, the Son of God, to forgive your wrongs, fix your relationship with God, and give you new life. If you think spiritual success comes through earning it, then you need to start over, be reborn, and just trust God.

3. What does this teach about people? Real success is not in religious prestige or through being a good person. God wants you to be good, not to earn his love, but because he already loves you and wants you to live a full and meaningful life. Wasting your time by focusing on money, pleasure, or empty religion breaks God’s heart. Start over today. Be reborn. Follow God because of his love, not out of duty or tradition.

4. What does this teach about God? God loves you for you. He is not impressed with your religious achievements or your workplace achievements or anything else you have to offer. Real success is found in humbly trusting God for salvation, not because you think you earned it.

Live and tell: Be practical. Be specific. Help people make attainable, measureable, and challenging goals

for their lives. What needs to change in your life? What needs to change in the lives of those around you?


leader’s guide


choose real success Summary: The rich ruler asked Jesus how to achieve spiritual success. Jesus asked him to give up everything and follow him. Salvation is found in trusting only in God and not in anything else. Some trust in good works, others trust in money. Neither will earn you a place with God. Will you choose real success? Or will you choose the path of the rich ruler?

Opener: Watch the film and start a conversation. Openness and honesty paves a hard road to travel but the only one that leads to real success.

Check-Up: The last time you met your group committed to make some changes. If they have not taken any steps towards living out what they learned, then urge them to do so. Knowledge alone will not change lives. Knowledge must be used to bring about change.

Some Help with the Discussion:

Have you talked about the main things?

1. What did you like? The rich man was honest. He had money and he did not want to give it up. He lived a good life. But he knew there was more to life than what he had.

2. What did you not like? Jesus told this rich man that in order to inherit

eternal life he must give up all his riches and follow Jesus. Does this mean that Jesus wants all his followers to be poor? Jesus does not want you to use your riches, your good works, or anything else to try to earn a right standing with God. When you say “I am Second,” you are saying that everything you have and everything you are is second to God. When given the choice, this rich man chose his riches over Jesus. Jesus may not ask you to sell everything. But if he did, would you do it?

3. What does this teach about people? The more you have, the harder it is to give it up. Jesus does not want half-hearted followers. He wants you to follow him with everything you have.

4. What does this teach about God? God wants all of you, or none of you. I am Second means you give God everything. You can choose to hold on to what you have or you can choose to give it all up to follow Jesus. This is a matter of priority. You may not have to sell your house, but your house and everything else must be Second to God if you are to follow Jesus.

Live and tell: Jesus wants to change your priorities. He wants to change the way you measure success. Following Jesus means living life by Jesus’ standards. What will you change in your life to pursue real success? For

some this will mean choosing to follow Jesus for the first time. For others this will mean rearranging priorities and recommitting to be a stronger Second. What will you do? Who will you tell?

empty success Summary: Good is not good enough. Paul tried to earn his way to God, but in the end realized that success was found in knowing Jesus. He needed Jesus to save him. A right relationship with God comes through faith in Jesus, not in just being good or in finding success by your own standards.

Check-Up: The last time you met your group committed to make some changes. If they have not taken any steps towards living out what they learned, then urge them to do so. Knowledge alone will not change lives. Knowledge must be used to bring about change.

Some Help with the Discussion:

Have you talked about the main things?

1. What did you like? Paul teaches that those with the real mark of God are not those that appear to be perfect, but rather are those that have trusted in Jesus and what he has done to heal their lives. Paul found freedom from the pursuit of perfection through Jesus.

2. What did you not like? Success will never live up to your expectations.

Paul found that reaching the top without Jesus is empty. This does not mean you should be lazy at work or at life. It means that the reason you work and strive towards success needs to change. Living life for yourself or even for your family is not enough. True success is found when you admit that you and everything you have are Second and Jesus is First.

3. What does this teach about people? Everyone wants success. Everyone wants the sense of fulfillment and peace that comes with knowing that they are important. The problem with success in this world is that it is empty and short-lived. The only success that really counts is the success found in following Jesus.

4. What does this teach about God? All the success in the world is worthless without Jesus. Paul discovered that being a success, even in religious circles, is worthless if you do not know Jesus.

5. What will you do? How has this discussion changed the way you view success? Get specific. What makes someone a success? How can you help your group begin to orient their life around this picture of success?

6. Who will you tell? Have you learned anything useful today? Share it with someone else. Your friends deserve to hear the same truth you have found.


leader’s guide

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what is the DNA of an I am Second group? I am Second’s immediate appeal is aesthetic with its slick design, cool website, and inspiring films. But the real difference is more than skin deep. As you lead, keep in mind the heart behind I am Second’s materials:

Stories and small. Encourage people to tell their story. Listen to the stories of others. Then discuss stories from the Bible. Keep your group small (between 2 and 8 people) to maximize impact and allow everyone to discuss these stories.

Everyone learns. Help people learn how to do these things themselves: a) tell others about Jesus, b) study the Bible, c) pray, d) live in community, and e) endure hard times. They learn these things as they go through the I am Second curriculum.

Consider everyone a potential leader. View everyone as a potential leader, both before and after they trust Christ. Give people opportunities to lead if they continue to obey and progress. Hand over leadership roles to different people each meeting.

Obedience based, not just knowledge focused. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide people in the life changes they need to make as you do the Live and Tell questions. Then as you start the next session, ask each Second to share how they did with their Live and Tell commitments. Consider not moving on if people did not complete them. This creates an environment in which loving Jesus means obeying Jesus.

New groups rather than big groups. As people share with others, encourage them not to invite the new people to your group, but instead start a new group. Encourage new leaders to stay in your existing group, which is a “learning” group for them. Their new group becomes their “leading” group. So they get on the job training, but stay connected for ongoing training and accountability.

Discuss and discover. Focus on the Bible. Trust the Holy Spirit to help each person discover the meaning of Scripture as your group discusses it. Lead through asking questions rather than lecture. Help everyone participate.


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6. Choose a Discussion Guide. Below is the I am Second core curriculum. We recommend going in sequence, for each guide builds on the ones before it. Download at Or order printed copies from the I am Second store. A good next step is highlighted below.

Prayer JournalHow to Start Second GroupFilm Discussion Guide (stories of Jesus relating to people) 1.0 What’s First (how to tell others about Jesus)2.0 Second Start (four steps to feed yourself spiritually)3.0 Jesus Says (Part 1: how to live the seven basic commands of Jesus)4.0 Jesus Also Says (Part 2: how to live the seven basic commands of Jesus)5.0 Follow as I Follow (how to make disciples)6.0 Multiply your Group (how your group can start new groups)7.0 Lead (help others start to lead)8.0 Go: Local (develop an Acts 1:8 strategy locally) 9.0 Go: Global (develop an Acts 1:8 strategy internationally)10.0 Where to Go from Here (continue strong as a group)11.0 Commit (commit to continue to obey Jesus)

7. Multiply. Don’t let your group grow too big. As additional people become followers of Jesus, start new groups in their homes or work places. Teach those who lead people to Christ how to lead their own groups. Show them how to identify persons of peace through whom they can make more followers of Jesus and start more groups.

8. More I Am Second tools. Check out for other leadership kits, small group material, t-shirts and everything else you need to start your Second group. Lots of good stuff to help start spiritual conversations.

9. Register. Connect with I am Second by registering your group at

10. Questions? Do you need help or have questions? Email us at

1. Follow and trust Jesus. Want to follow Jesus? Tell him you know youdo wrong. Tell Jesus you believe that He died to pay the penalty for your sins, and then rose from the dead. Ask Him to forgive you. Tell him you trust only in Him for eternal life. Commit to follow Him today.

2. Keep meeting. Download the next discussion guide and keep meeting.

3. Talk with God. God cares about what you are doing. He wants to work through you. He wants to change lives. Through this whole process, continue to ask God to give you His plan. Listen for His voice. You are only on your own if you forget to ask for God’s help.

Need help about how to talk with God? Download the free I am Second Prayer Journal at or purchase a printed copy through the I am Second store.

4. Keep it simple. In your I am Second group, forget big church models where a skilled musician leads worship and a highly trained teacher preaches a sermon. Teach new believers how to hear and respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit through His Word and in their hearts. Encourage everyone to take part.

5. Keep it biblical. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. ” (Acts 2:42) “When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church.” (1 Corinthians 14:26)

Perhaps share a meal when you meet. Ask what the Lord has done in each person’s life during the week. Make time to study God’s Word. Discuss its meaning and specific applications. Don’t answer questions yourself; point people back to Scripture. This helps to establish that the authority is God’s Word, not a person. Take time to pray for one another and for those who have not put Jesus First.

where next?




champions 0.0


I am Second®

All scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide.

You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material provided that you include the following copyright notice:

© 2010 e3 Partners Ministry. All rights Used with permission.

Rev. 122010

I am Second Discussion Guides are published by e3 Partners Ministry.

Content contributors of the Champions Guide include:

Writer ....................................................................................................... Doug Bender

Editor .................................................................................................. Mike Jorgensen

Creative Design ..................................................... Kristin Baxter, Fernando Gonzalez

Photography ........................................................................... Stanley Tongai, Trey Hill

Production Assistance ............................................... Allison Johnson, Laura Garison

Distribution ........................................................................................... Kristin DeRight

Additional I am Second discussion guides and DVD’s of I am Second films can be found at For more information on other I am Second products, ministry opportunities and how to get involved e-mail us at:



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