chan grassland (1)

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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By Chan

Garter snake is the single most widely distributed genus of reptile in North America.

The lion is one of the four big cat in the genus panthera and a member of the family felidae.

Lilac Breasted Roller

It’s living in Sub Saharan grassland like Serengeti in Tanzania and it sitting on tree tops to see lizard, insect and scorpions to eat.


Rhinoceros are living in Africa and Asia and they are eating plants ,and their skin is thick and protective, also their horn is made of keratin.

Scissor Tailed Flycatcher

Scissor Tailed Flycatchers are living in Savanahgrassland and they are eating insect particularly grasshoppers, cricket and beetles. When they fly they flies in straight lines with fast wing beat and it’s called Scissor Tailed Flycatcher because it’s tail look like a scissor.


Cheetahs are living in Savannah grassland, and they are carnivore so they are eating Impala, Thomson gazelle and Springbok and they are the fastest land animal but they can’t run long distance.


Horse are living in Asia and as you know they are very fast and they are herbivores. When they are happy they put head high and try to make a circle with their nose.

Humming bird

Humming bird is small and they can stay still in the air because their wing beat is fast and they are eating nectar from the flower.


Giraffes are living in a Africa and they are herbivores and they are tall. Their leg is so strong that they can kill lion with one shot.


Zebra is living in grassland, savannah, woodland and they are herbivore and they have black and white stripes.


Bison is living in America and Europe and they are herbivore. Their height of the shoulder is 150cm high and their weight is about 1350kg.


Skunk is eating grasshopper, fruit, lizard and snake and they have white stripe on them and when they are in danger they spray a stinky liquid in enemy’s face.


Kangaroo is living in Australia and they are herbivore and they can jump very high and if they run really fast it’s 64km


Elephants are biggest land animal in the world and elephants are herbivore. Elephants are using their ears to get cooler and they use nose for a hand.

Jackson’s widowbird

The Jackson's Widowbird is a species of bird in the Ploceidae family. It is found in Kenya and Tanzania. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland and arable land.

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