chapters 3, 4 & 5 seven sacraments & baptism oct....

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Chapters 3, 4 & 5 Seven Sacraments & Baptism Oct. 12-30

Key Points

Test on Friday November 6.

Study guide on, or before, Friday, October 30.

Chapter 3

The world is filled with signs of God’s love. The Church is a sign of God’s love and care.

Jesus is the greatest sign of God’s love for us. God sent his only Son to save us and show us how

to live in his way of love.

Each sacrament is a special sign of God’s love.

The sacraments are divided into three groups: sacraments of Christian initiation, sacraments of

healing, and sacraments of the service of communion (of service to others)

Bishops, priests, and deacons are ordained in the sacrament of Holy Orders. Each has different

roles and duties in serving god’s people.

As successor to the apostles, bishops are leaders and official teachers of the Church. Priests are

coworkers with the bishops. Deacons assist the bishops in works of service to God’s people.

A man and a woman promise to love and be faithful to each other in the sacrament of

Matrimony. They live lives of service to each other and to their children.

Chapter 3 vocabulary to know: sacrament, sanctifying grace, Christian initiation, common

vocation, holiness.

Chapter 4

Saint Paul’s journeys brought new members into the Church. His preaching moved many people

to believe in Jesus Christ and accept Baptism.

The sacrament of Baptism should always be seen in connection with the sacraments of

Confirmation and Eucharist. These three sacraments are called the sacraments of Christian


The Son of God came to save us and restore our relationship to the Father.

Christ accomplished this by dying and rising to new life. His victory was our salvation from sin and


Jesus is the priest, prophet, and king. Through our Baptism, we share in these roles.

As a priestly people, we can participate in the liturgy, especially the Eucharist.

As a prophetic people, we are to proclaim the good news and give witness to Christ.

As a royal people, we are called to serve the poor and encourage all people to love God by what

we say and do.

Chapter 4 vocabulary to know: Baptism, Incarnation, salvation, prophet, eternal life, saints.

Chapters 3, 4 & 5 Seven Sacraments & Baptism Oct. 12-30

Chapter 5

Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are the sacraments of Christian initiation.

Not everyone completes initiation at the same time. Some people are baptized as infants, others

as young children, and some as adults.

Through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), the Church baptizes adults and children

in a way very similar to that of the early Church.

An ideal day to celebrate Baptism is on the Lord’s Day, Sunday.

Baptism is the foundation of Christian life.

In the Old Testament, water is described as a source of holiness, a power that destroys yet brings

a new beginning, and means of escape to freedom.

In the New Testament, water plays a significant role in the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus


In the sacrament of Baptism, these images are recalled and used to proclaim that the newly

baptized are freed from sin and given a new life in Christ.

In Baptism, the celebrant can immerse the child three times or pour water over the child’s head

three times while saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit.”

The anointing with chrism, the giving of a white garment, and lighting the Easter candle signify

new light and life in Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The sacrament of Baptism ends with the praying of the Our Father and final blessing by the


Chapter 5 words to know: catechumenate, chrism.

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