chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol-sulfonated polyethersulfone...

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Chitosan-Polyvinyl Alcohol-Sulfonated PolyethersulfoneMixed-Matrix Membranes as Methanol-BarrierElectrolytes for DMFCs

S. Meenakshi,1 S. D. Bhat,1 A. K. Sahu,1 P. Sridhar,1 S. Pitchumani,1 A. K. Shukla2

1CSIR—Central Electrochemical Research Institute—Madras Unit, CSIR Madras Complex, Chennai 600113, India2Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India

Received 13 April 2011; accepted 22 August 2011DOI 10.1002/app.35522Published online 6 December 2011 in Wiley Online Library (

ABSTRACT: Chitosan (CS)-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)cross-linked with sulfosuccinic acid (SSA) and modifiedwith sulfonated polyethersulfone (SPES) mixed-matrixmembranes are reported for their application in directmethanol fuel cells (DMFCs). Polyethersulfone (PES) issulfonated by chlorosulfonic acid and factors affecting thesulfonation reaction, such as time and temperature, arestudied. The ion-exchange capacity, degree of sulfonation,sorption, and proton conductivity for the mixed-matrixmembranes are investigated. The mixed-matrix mem-branes are also characterised for their mechanical andthermal properties. The methanol-crossover flux across the

mixed-matrix membranes is studied by measuring themass balance of methanol using the density meter. Themethanol cross-over for these membranes is found tobe about 33% lower in relation to Nafion-117 membrane.The DMFC employing CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix mem-brane with an optimum content of 25 wt % SPES deliversa peak power-density of 5.5 mW cm�2 at a load current-density of 25 mA cm�2 while operating at 70�C. VC 2011Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 124: E73–E82, 2012

Key words: mixed-matrix membrane; SPES; degree ofsulfonation; methanol cross-over; DMFCs


Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) have been found tobe attractive option for various portable power applica-tions.1 DMFCs employ perfluorinated membranes, suchas Nafion or Flemion, as electrolyte. Although thesemembranes have good physical and chemical stabilityalong with their high proton-conductivity, these areprone to methanol crossover from anode to the cathodethat poisons the cathode and, consequently, affects theperformance of the DMFCs.2,3 Such a situation demandsthe development of membrane electrolytes for DMFCsthat are impervious to methanol.

In the literature,4,5 efforts have been expended to de-velop methanol impervious membrane electrolytes forDMFCs. In recent years, natural and synthetic–polymercomposite membranes have made significant impact aspolymer electrolytes for DMFCs.6,7 Among these, natu-ral polymer chitosan (CS) and synthetic polymer poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) have drawn considerable atten-tion in the past decade.8,9 CS is the second most abun-

dant natural biopolymer obtained by alkaline deacety-lation of chitin, a major component in exo-skeleton ofcrustaceans.10 Because of its low cost of production,natural abundance and ecocompatibility, CS is a pre-ferred membrane material for ultrafiltration, reverseosmosis, and pervaportion.11–13 It is also reflected thatCS-based natural polymeric composite membranes canhelp reducing methanol crossover in DMFCs.14–16 PVAcan also be used as an attractive material for mem-brane electrolyte in DMFCs owing to its good mechani-cal and chemical stability.17 PVA-based blends or com-posite membranes can also offer high electrochemicalselectivity in DMFCs.18,19 Ironically, however, CS andPVA suffer from high modulus of elasticity with lowstrain-to-break and high crystallinity, and hence needto be blended with each other to improve hydrophilic-ity and mechanical properties.20–23 In the literature,20

CS-PVA blend membranes have been prepared andused for pervaporative dehydration of isopropanoland ethylene glycol. Carboxyethyl CS-PVA nanofi-brous membranes have also been used as wound-dressing materials for skin regeneration.21 The effect ofchemical crosslinking and formation of single anddual-network structures in CS-PVA films have alsobeen studied.22 Wu et al.23 have reported that CS-PVAblend has higher selectivity, mechanical strength andstability than the pristine PVA membranes.Our recent findings suggest that PVA-PSSA,24 mod-

ernite (MOR)-incorporated PVA-PSSA with varying

Correspondence to: A. K. Shukla (

Contract grant sponsor: CSIR, New Delhi; contract grantnumber: DU-OLP-0058.

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 124, E73–E82 (2012)VC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

degree of sulfonation and PVA-sulfosuccinic acid (SSA)-heteropoly acid (HPA) composite membranes exhibitattractive mechanical stability and provide promisingDMFC performance.25,26 It is also found that chitosan(CS)-hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), CS-gelatin (GL), andsodium alginate (NaAlg)-PVA blends with their modifi-cation by incorporating HPAs can be successfullyemployed as electrolyte membranes for DMFCs owing totheir low cost and excellent methanol-barrier propertiesin relation to commercially available membranes.27–29

Recently, a variety of hydrocarbon-based sulfonatedpolymers have been synthesized and used as mem-brane electrolytes in fuel cells to mitigate the problemsassociated with perfluorinated polymers or less stableself-supported membranes.30–35 In particular, sulfo-nated poly (ether sulfone) (SPES),30 sulfonated polyether ether ketone (SPEEK),31 sulfonated polyimides,32

sulfonated polysulfones,33 sulfonated polyphthalazi-nones,34 and sulfonated polybenzimidazoles35 havebeen widely used to prepare polymer electrolyte mem-branes for fuel cell applications. Among these poly-mers, polyethersulfone (PES) exhibits high mechanical,chemical, and biological stabilities.30 Sulfonation ofPES can also be performed by chemical modificationmethod and negatively charged sulfonic groups can bechemically introduced into PES backbone using chloro-sulfonic acid or sulfuric acid as sulfonating agent.36

In the literature, studies on mixed-matrix mem-branes of CS-PVA with SPES as a methanol-barrierelectrolyte in DMFC are rather scanty. In the presentstudy, PES is sulfonated with chlorosulfonic acid assulfonating agent and is incorporated with CS-PVAblend wherein CS-PVA polymer networks are inter-connected through the cross-linked covalent bonds byan ion-conducting crosslinker SSA to provide addi-tional proton-conducting groups. In the study, SPESis incorporated based on the limitations experiencedwith PVA-PSSA-MOR and PVA-SSA-HPA on accountof proton conductivity in the case of the former andthe problem of leaching, which is circumvented tocertain extent by stabilizing the heteropolyacids withcesium ions, in the latter. SPES is mainly incorporatedfor enhancing proton conductivity in CS-PVA matrix.Taking in to account the advantage of the hydrophi-licity of the polymer chains and stability of theseblends, SPES can easily be incorporated in the matrixto help mitigating the methanol cross-over in DMFCs.


Membrane and electrode materials

Polyether sulfone (PES, Mw ¼ 132,000, Mn ¼ 94,000)was obtained from Gharda Chemicals, India.Chlorosulfonic acid and dimethylacetamide (DMAc)were procured from Acros Organics, India. Toray TGP-H-120 was procured from E-tek (US). Vulcan XC-72R

carbon was procured from Cabot Corporation (US). Pt-Ru (60 wt % in 1 : 1 atomic ratio) and Pt/C (40 wt % Pton Vulcan XC-72R carbon) were obtained from AlfaAesar (Johnson Matthey). Chitosan (CS) flakes with Mw

of 100,000 (degree of deacetylation > 95%) and 70 wt %sulfosuccinic acid (SSA) in water solution were procuredfrom Aldrich Chemicals. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) withMw of 133,000, glacial acetic acid and concentrated sul-phuric acid (98%) were procured from Loba Chemicals.All chemicals were used as received. Deionized water(18 MX cm�1) was used during the study.

Sulfonation reaction

Sulfonation reaction was performed as reported inthe literature.36 In brief, 5 g of PES was dissolved in20 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid (98 %) under con-tinuous stirring at room temperature to form a homo-geneous solution. Required amount of chlorosulfonicacid was added dropwise to the PES solution withrigorous stirring. The resulting reaction mixture wasstirred further for 10 h at 30�C. After optimizing thereaction time, the mixture was gradually precipitatedinto ice-cold deionized water under agitation, and theresulting precipitate was recovered by filtration andwashed with deionized water until the pH value wasneutral. The dried sample was further used for deter-mination of its ion-exchange capacity and degree ofsulfonation. The yield obtained for the SPES was 70%.

Ion-exchange capacity (IEC)

Ion-exchange capacity (IEC) indicates the number ofmilli-equivalents of ions in 1 g of dry polymer. IEC ofSPES was determined by titration method using the pro-cedure described elsewhere.37 In brief, required amountof SPES sample was soaked in 50 mL of 3M sodiumchloride (NaCl) solution for 24 h, to convert SPES-Hþ

into SPES-Naþ. Nearly 10 mL of the above solution wastitrated against 0.01N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solu-tion using phenolphthalein as the indicator. By meas-uring the amount of NaOH consumed in the titration,the molar quantity of the sulfonic acid groups (ASO3H)contained in the SPES-Hþ sample was determined. Byusing this value, IEC was estimated by eq. (1).


¼Volume of NaOH consumed�Normality of NaOH

Dry weight of SPES

ðmeq=gÞ ð1Þ

Degree of sulfonation (DS)

DS is defined as the average number of sulfonatedgroups per repeat unit. DS could be related to IECby eq. (2).38


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

DS ¼ 232� IEC

ð1000� 80� IECÞ (2)

In eq. (2), 232 is the molecular weight of onerepeat unit of PES, and 80 is the molecular weight ofSO3-group.

Membrane preparation

About 1 wt % CS was dissolved in deionized waterwith 2 wt % aqueous acetic acid to form a homoge-neous viscous-solution. Nearly 10 wt % PVA aque-ous solution was prepared by dissolving PVA inwater at 60�C. And 25 wt % of SSA in relation toPVA is added in situ for crosslinking. When PVA iscrosslinked with SSA, an introduction of negativecharged ion group in PVA by the chemical modifica-tion through crosslinking with SSA occurs. Cross-linking does not occur soon after SSA is mixed withPVA as SSA is diluted to avoid immediate gelationor precipitation. After a certain period of time, thecrosslinking occurred and homogeneous membraneswere obtained after drying the crosslinked solution.Cross-linking reaction between PVA and SSA is rep-resented in Scheme 1. CS and PVA solutions weremixed in different proportions under stirring for24 h to form a compatible blend (Table I). Requiredwt % of SPES dissolved in DMAc solution in relationto PVA and CS was added to the blend to form amixed matrix. Solution was poured on a flat Plexi-glas plate and the solvent was evaporated at roomtemperature (30�C). The resultant membrane waspeeled off and immersed in a cross-linking solutionof 1M sulphuric acid for 4 h to ionically cross-linkCS. Cross-linking occurred when the sulfuric acidcontent in the chitosan membrane was synchronouswith protonation. SO4

2- ions located between twoNH3

þ groups on the chitosan chains bring about

ionic cross-linking. As the reaction time increases,more and more SO4

2- ions diffused to locationsbridging two NH3

þ groups, increasing the degree ofionic crosslinking. Accordingly, ionic crosslinking isdependent on the mobility of SO4

2- ions in the mem-brane. The membranes were boiled with deionisedwater for 5 h to ensure complete removal of anyresidual acid. The pH was regularly monitored untilit showed the neutral value. Membranes were againdried under ambient conditions. The thickness ofthe membranes was � 180 lm. On higher additionof SPES, i.e., more than 25 wt %, an aggregation ofSPES particles in the membrane matrix wasobserved causing membrane brittleness. However, atlower wt %, such aggregation was not found and itwas easier to maintain the rigidity of the matrix.

Sorption measurements

Sorption measurements were carried out using circu-larly cut (diameter ¼ 2.5 cm) CS-PVA blend and CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes. Dry membranesample weights (Wd) were measured and dippedseparately in deionized water for 24 h to attain equi-librium at room temperature. The membranes weresurface blotted and sorbed membranes wereweighed (Ws). Water sorption and swelling ratio val-ues for aforesaid membranes were calculated usingeqs. (3) and (4).

Swelling ratio ð%Þ ¼ Ws

Wd� 100 (3)

Sorption ð%Þ ¼ Ws �Wd

Wd� 100 (4)

In eqs. (3) and (4), Ws and Wd refer to the weightsof sorbed and dry membranes, respectively.For water–methanol mixture, sorption measure-

ment carried out at 30�C and the feed compositionwas 2M aqueous methanol. Preweighed dry mem-branes (Wd) were dipped in feed solution for 24 h toattain equilibrium. The equilibrated membranes weresurface blotted and final weights (Ws) were recordedat ambient temperature (30�C) and water/methanol

Scheme 1 Cross-linking reaction between SSA and PVA.

TABLE ICompositions of Blended Chitosan and PVA Membranes


wt %

Chitosan PVA

CS 100 0CS PVA 75:25 75 25CS PVA 50:50 50 50CS PVA 25:75 25 75PVA 0 100


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

sorption and swelling ratio was calculated from eqs.(3) and (4), respectively.

Proton-conductivity measurements

Proton-conductivity measurements were performedon CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes in atwo-probe cell by AC impedance technique. The con-ductivity cell comprised two stainless-steel electrodes,each of 20-mm diameters. The membrane sample wassandwiched between these two electrodes mountedin a Teflon block and kept in a closed glass-container.The ionic conductivity data for the membranes wereobtained under fully humidified condition (� 100%)by keeping deionized water at the bottom of the testcontainer and equilibrating it for � 24 h. Subse-quently, conductivity measurements were conductedbetween 303 and 373 K in a glass container with pro-vision to heat. The temperature was constantly moni-tored with a thermometer kept inside the containeradjacent to the membrane. AC impedance spectra ofthe membranes were recorded in the frequency rangebetween 1 MHz and 10 Hz with 10 mV amplitudeusing Autolab PGSTAT 30. The resistance (R) of themembrane was determined from the high-frequencyintercept of the impedance with the real axis and themembrane conductivity was calculated from themembrane resistance, R, from eq. (5).

r ¼ L


In eq. (5), r is the proton conductivity of themembrane in S cm�1, L is the membrane thicknessin centimeter and A is the cross-sectional area of themembranes in cm2.

Physicochemical characterization

Universal testing machine (UTM) (Model AGS-J, Shi-madzu, Japan) with an operating head-load of 10 kNwas used to study the mechanical properties of themembranes. For the study, cross-sectional area ofthe sample from the known width and thickness ofthe membrane sample was calculated. The test sam-ples were prepared in the form of dumb-bell shapedobject as per ASTM D-882 standards. The mem-branes were then placed in the sample holder of themachine. The film was stretched at a cross-headspeed of 1 mm min�1 and its tensile strength wascalculated using the eq. (6).

Tensile strength ¼ Maximum load

Cross� sectional areaðMPaÞ (6)

The tensile strength and elongation-at-breakmeasurements were conducted for CS-PVA blend

and CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes.Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) for CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes were conductedusing a SDT Q600 V8.2 TGA/DTA instrument inthe temperature range between 273 and 973 K at aheating rate of 10 K min�1 with nitrogen flushed at200 mL min�1. Surface morphologies for CS-PVAblend membrane and CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrixmembrane were obtained using JEOL JSM 35CFScanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Gold filmof thickness <100 nm was sputtered on themembrane surfaces using a JEOL fine coat ionsputter-JFC-1100 unit, prior to their examinationunder SEM.

Methanol-permeation studies

Methanol crossover can be measured by measuringthe CO2 concentration in cathode exhaust gases by:(a) mass spectroscopy, (b) gas chromatography, (c)gas analyzer, and (d) CO2 gas sensor. These meas-urements do not account for CO2 permeation acrossthe membrane and hence could be erroneous. Thedensity measurement is free from the above prob-lem. Determination of methanol crossover usingdensity measurement method has already beenreported elsewhere.28

The permeated methanol from anode to cathodewas measured by determining the methanol concen-tration based on the mass balance between the meth-anol supplied to the cell, methanol utilized for theelectrochemical reaction and unutilized methanolduring the DMFC operation. The approach followsFaraday’s law39 where concentration of methanolvaries with the load current-density with one moleof methanol being equivalent to 96485 Coulombs.Accordingly, the amount of the methanol cross-over(MeOHcross-over) was taken as the difference betweenamounts of methanol circulated inside the cell(MeOHcir) for the reaction and the methanol con-sumed during the Faradaic reaction to produce elec-trical energy (MeOHrxn).The 2M aqueous methanol was initially supplied

to the DMFC and the cell was allowed to equilibrate.After attaining steady state, the difference in theamount of methanol supplied to the cell and themethanol collected at the anode outlet for a particu-lar time (t) was measured under OCV condition at70�C. The densities of methanol collected from theinlet and outlet of the cell anode were measuredusing a density meter (Mettler Toledo DE51) with20 mL of the collected methanol sample. Subsequentto each measurement, the density meter was purgedwith water and isopropanol followed by aqueousmethanol solution. The molarity of the methanolwas calculated from the measured density valuesusing eq. (7).40


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

Molarity ¼ 10�wt % of MethanolqM

� �(7)

In eq. (7), q is the density of methanol (g cm�3)and M is the molecular weight of methanol(g mol�1).

Inlet methanol concentration (C1) and volume (V1)of methanol, and the outlet methanol concentration(C2) and volume (V2) were measured separately afterthe cell operation was stopped. It is noteworthy thatunder OCV condition, methanol supplied at the inlet(MeOHin) is equal to the sum of the methanol col-lected at the outlet (MeOHout) and the methanolcrossed-over (MeOHcross-over) from anode to cathodeside of the cell. Accordingly,

MeOHcross�over ¼ MeOHin �MeOHout (8)

At a particular current density (I), methanol con-sumed during the electrochemical oxidation reactionover a time (t) was calculated to be 4.19 � 10�3 mL/(A � min). Hence from eq. (9),

MeOHr�n ¼ I� 4:19� 10�3 � t (9)

In eq. (9), I is in A, t is in min. Cross-over metha-nol was calculated using eqs. (8) and (9).


MeOHcross�over ¼ MeOHcir�in=out �MeOHr�n (10)

In eq. (10), MeOHcir-in /out is the difference inmethanol volume at the inlet and outlet of theanode. From eq. (10), equivalent current (ipmtMeOH,

mA cm�2) for methanol cross-over from anode tocathode side was determined.41 The aforesaid proce-dure was carried out under OCV condition, and thecorresponding methanol permeation currents andmethanol crossover rates were estimated. Based onthe results of proton conductivity and methanol per-meability, the electrochemical selectivity values forall the membranes were obtained using eq. (11).41

b ¼ rqMeoH


In eq. (11), qMeOH is the methanol permeability(cm2 s�1) and r is the proton conductivity (S cm�1).

Membrane-performance evaluation in DMFC

The aforesaid membranes were performance eval-uated in a DMFC by making membrane electrodeassemblies (MEAs). In brief, 15 wt % teflonizedToray-TGP-H-120 carbon paper of 0.37 mm thicknesswas used as the backing layer. To prepare the gas-diffusion layer (GDL), Vulcan XC-72R was sus-

pended in cyclohexane and agitated in an ultrasonicwater bath for 30 min. To this solution, 15 wt % pol-ytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) suspension in 2 mLammonia was added with continuous agitation toform slurry that was coated onto the backing layeruniformly until the required loading of 1.5 mg cm�2

carbon was attained. GDL thus obtained was sin-tered in muffle furnace at 350�C for 30 min. Foranode reaction layer, 60 wt % Pt-Ru (1 : 1 atomicratio) supported on Vulcan XC-72R carbon mixedwith binder and coated on to one of the GDL consti-tuted the catalyst layer on the anode while 40 wt %Pt catalyst supported on Vulcan XC-72R carbonmixed with binder coated on to the other GDL con-stituted the catalyst layer on the cathode. The catalystloading on both the anode and cathode was kept at 2mg cm�2. The active area for the DMFC was 4 cm2.MEA comprising CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix mem-brane was obtained by sandwiching between the twoelectrodes followed by its hot-pressing at 100�C for3 min at a pressure of 60 kg cm�2. MEA was eval-uated using a conventional fuel-cell fixture with par-allel serpentine flow-field machined on graphiteplates. The cells were tested at 343 K with 2M aque-ous methanol at a flow rate of 2 mL min�1 at the an-ode side and air at the cathode side at a flow rate of300 mL min�1 at atmospheric pressure. Measure-ments of cell potential as a function of current den-sity were conducted galvanostatically using a FuelCell Test Station (Model PEM-FCTS-158541) procuredfrom Arbin Instruments (US).


IEC and Degree of sulfonation

IEC is an indirect but reliable estimate of protonconductivity that provides information on the ion-exchangeable groups present in a membrane for pro-ton conduction.42 It is seen from the data in Figure 1that IEC can be directly related to degree of sulfona-tion. IEC of SPES is varied between 0.08 and 0.41meq g�1 with time for different SPES samples takenat each time interval. The IEC for SPES is lowbecause of the low reactivity of the aromatic ringsdirectly attached to the sulfone groups.43 It is note-worthy that the degree of substitution of ASO3Hgroup increases with time with concomitant increasein the degree of sulfonation from 12 to 30% andreaches a steady state value after 10 h; the reaction isaffected by both the electrophilicity of the sulfonatingagent and the electron-donating characteristic ofSPES.36,44 There may also be the electron withdraw-ing effect of the sulfone linkages that deactivates theadjacent aromatic rings for electrophilic substitution.44

Polymer degradation occurs as the postsulfonation isperformed under harsh conditions.


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

IEC values for the mixed-matrix membranes aregiven in Table II. IEC values for the CS-PVA blendand mixed-matrix membranes of CS-PVA-SPES arehigher in relation to pristine SPES. This is due to thepresence of sulfonic acid groups present in SSAused for crosslinking CS-PVA that facilitates theadditional ion exchange groups and affects themembrane sorption and proton conductivity.

Sorption for the membranes

The water sorption and swelling ratio for CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes increases withincrease in SPES content as shown in Figure 2. Thisis due to the higher sulfonic acid group of SPES andits strong affinity to water. The hydrophobic back-bone and hydrophilic sulfonic acid groups of SPESare principally responsible for the water uptake.45,46

It is conjectured that at low percentage of SPES, thehydrophilic part is isolated in continuous hydropho-bic phase. When SPES content is increased, thehydrophilic ionic domains become continuous andform large channels.47,48 Figure 3 shows the effect ofwater–methanol sorption and swelling ratio in CS-PVA blend, CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes.Interestingly, as SPES content is increased in the CS-PVA membranes, water–methanol uptake and swel-

ling ratio decreases contrary to increase in wateruptake and swelling ratio for water sorption. It isconjectured that water sorption trend is reversed inwater–methanol sorption. Hence, it is conjecturedthat in aqueous methanol solution the membranehas preference for water sorption in relation tomethanol. This assumption is validated by methanolpermeability and polarization studies.

Scanning electron microscopy for the membranes

Figures 4(a–d) shows surface and cross-sectionalSEM micrographs for CS-PVA blend and CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes. It is noteworthyfrom the surface morphology that SPES is uniformlydistributed in the CS-PVA matrix. It can be seenfrom the cross-sectional micrographs that voids ofCS-PVA matrix are filled by SPES and there is amolecular level distribution. It is noteworthy thatuniform morphology of the membrane is desirablefor its use in DMFCs.

Mechanical properties of the membranes

The tensile strength of pristine SPES, CS-PVA blendand CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes under

Figure 1 Degree of sulfonation and ion-exchangecapacity vs. time for PES polymer.

TABLE IIProperties of Blend and Mixed-Matrix Membranes

Membrane typeIon exchange

capacity (meq g�1)Tensile

strength (MPa)Elongationat-break (%)

Activationenergy (kJ mol�1)

Electrochemicalselectivity (�10�4 S cm�3 s�1)

CS-PVA 0.47 1.8 4.7 31.9 0.24CS-PVA-SPES (5 wt %) 0.52 4.0 1.6 21.6 0.06CS-PVA-SPES (10 wt %) 0.58 5.1 5.9 18.4 0.21CS-PVA-SPES (15 wt %) 0.61 11.8 9.2 15.5 0.34CS-PVA-SPES (20 wt %) 0.63 10.4 4.4 10.2 1.89CS-PVA-SPES (25 wt %) 0.69 8.3 5.7 8.1 2.41SPES 0.41 8.2 0.6 – –Nafion-117 0.90 18 32 7.46 3.69

Figure 2 Water sorption (number of percentage) andswelling ratio (number of percentage) for CS-PVA blendand CS-PVA-SPES (5–25 wt %) mixed-matrix membranes.


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

sorbed conditions are shown in Table II. On incorpo-ration of SPES content the CS-PVA matrix exhibitsimproved tensile strength. Morphological study forCS-PVA and CS-PVA-SPES also clearly shows thaton incorporation of SPES, surface homogeneity ismaintained and there are no defects. It is noteworthythat tensile strength increase in relation to percent-age of SPES, i.e., up to 15 wt %. However, it

decreases when the % of SPES increases beyond15 wt % in relation to the similar membranes stud-ied in the literature.48 This is attributed to the flexi-ble chain mobility of the CS-PVA-SPES mixed matri-ces. In contrast, there is a restriction in chainmobility due to the higher addition of SPES whichaffects its tensile strength. However, for pristineSPES, in sorbed condition, elongation is less in rela-tion to all the other membranes. It is also attributedto the force/stress applied in sorbed membranes.The force/stress applied to attain the maximum loadfor CS-PVA-SPES is more that in turn affects theelongation. The membranes are more rigid at higherwt % of SPES, i.e., up to 15 wt % of SPES in sorbedcondition, and thereby elongation is higher at maxi-mum load. However, beyond 15 wt % of SPES, elon-gation is lower at maximum load. In case of Nafion-117 membrane, both tensile strength and elongationare higher at maximum load.

Thermal properties for the membranes

The thermal stabilities for the CS-PVA blend andCS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes are studiedby TGA and the data are presented in Figure 5. Threemain degradation stages occur due to the processesof thermal dehydration, thermal degradation and

Figure 3 Water–methanol mixture sorption (number ofpercentage) and swelling ratio (number of percentage) forCS-PVA blend and CS-PVA-SPES (5–25 wt %) mixed-matrix membranes.

Figure 4 Surface and cross sectional SEM micrographs for (a and c) CS-PVA blend and (b and d) CS-PVA-SPES (25 wt%) mixed-matrix membranes.


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

thermal decomposition of the polymeric backboneand mixed matrices as reported for similar kind ofmembranes.25,27,49,50 The first weight loss between343 and 393 K is due to the loss of absorbed watermolecules from the CS-PVA matrix. The secondweight loss between 393 and 673 K is due to thethermal degradation of CS-PVA matrix. In addition,the second transition occurring over the temperaturerange between 600 and 723 K is attributed to theloss of sulfonic acid (ASO3H) group, i.e., desulfona-tion in SPES.37 The third weight loss observedbetween 673 and 973 K is due to the decompositionof main chains of CS and PVA. However, the weightloss observed beyond 900 K is for the decompositionof SPES main chain.37 There is a decrease in weightloss for CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranesduring three stages of degradation due to the intro-duction of SPES which in turn increases its intermo-lecular ionic interaction and thermal stability.

Proton conductivity for the membranes

The proton conductivity for Nafion-117, CS-PVAblend and CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranesincreases with increase in temperature as shown inFigure 6. It is observed that the proton conductivityincreases with increase in SPES content from 5 to25 wt %. Both the water/methanol sorption and IEChave profound effect on membrane conductivity. Atroom temperature, high water sorption helps pro-tons to transport suggesting involvement of intermo-lecular proton transfer during the mobility of pro-tons; a process termed as structural diffusion. In allthe mixed-matrix membranes of CS-PVA-SPES,molecular diffusion dominates intermolecular protontransfer with increasing temperature.26,51,52 How-

ever, proton conductivity for Nafion-117 is higher inrelation to mixed-matrix membranes due to themore conducting pathways compared to mixed-matrix membranes.Figure 7 shows the Arrhenius plots for the proton

conductivity as a function of temperature for CS-PVA blend and CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix mem-branes. It is noteworthy that activation energy islower for CS-PVA-SPES mixed matrices than for CS-PVA blend membrane as shown in Table II, suggest-ing that lower energy is required for proton transportas seen clearly from the conductivity data for the CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membrane. However, acti-vation energy of Nafion-117 is lower than all themembranes. All membranes exhibit Arrhenius-type

Figure 5 TGA for CS-PVA blend and CS-PVA-SPESmixed-matrix membranes.

Figure 6 Proton conductivity vs. temperature for Nafion-117, CS-PVA blend, and CS-PVA-SPES (5–25 wt %) mixed-matrix membranes.

Figure 7 Log conductivity vs. 1000/T plot for Nafion-117, CS-PVA blend and CS-PVA-SPES (5–25 wt %) mixedmatrix membranes.


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

temperature dependence and the minimum energyrequired for proton transport is obtained fromeq. (12).

r ¼ roe�ðEa=RTÞ (12)

In eq. (12), r is the proton conductivity (S cm�1),r0 is the preexponential factor, Ea is the activationenergy in kJ mol�1, R is the gas constant (8.314J mol�1 K�1), and T is the absolute temperature (K).

Methanol crossover and performance evaluation ofmembranes in DMFCs

Figure 8 shows methanol crossover-flux for theNafion membrane, CS-PVA blend membrane andCS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes at open-circuit potential (OCP). It is noteworthy that themethanol crossover flux gradually decreases withincreasing SPES content in CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes. Under OCP conditions, theelectro-osmotic drag for methanol is higher than thatfor water providing an accurate comparison for allthe membranes studied. From Figure 8, it can beclearly seen that methanol cross-over flux forNafion-117 is lower in relation to CS-PVA blendmembrane as electro-osmotic drag for methanol ishigher for CS-PVA blend membrane at OCP condi-tions. The hydrophilicity for CS depends onhydroxyl groups (AOH) and amino groups (ANH2),while that for PVA depends on only hydroxylgroups (AOH). Accordingly, for CS-PVA blendmembrane, hydroxyl group can form strongerhydrogen bonds with water as well as methanolmolecules20 thereby increasing the methanol cross-over for CS-PVA blend membrane. However, when

SPES is incorporated into CS-PVA matrix, methanolcross-over gradually decreases due to the higherelectro-osmotatic drag of water in presence ofASO3H groups, and at 25 wt % of SPES, it is foundto be lower than that for Nafion-117. Proper balanceof proton conductivity and methanol crossover isessential for better electrochemical selectivity of themembranes.53 However, in CS-PVA blend mem-brane and CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes,proton conductivity as well as methanol crossoverrate is decreased, which affects its electrochemicalselectivity, as shown in Table II. Methanol permeabil-ity in Nafion-117 membrane is observed due to thestrong fluorinated structural hydrophobic backbonethat attracts the methanol molecules along with waterwithout affecting its proton conductivity and increas-ing its electrochemical selectivity.54 However, dualhydrophilic interactions of CS-PVA blend and SPESdecreases the methanol permeability at increased con-tent of SPES. However due to the lower proton con-ductivity of the mixed matrix membranes thanNafion, the electrochemical selectivity is lower.Polarization curve for the fuel cell with Nafion

MEA at 60�C using air as oxidant is compared withCS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membranes. Peakpower density of 70 mW cm�2 at load current den-sity of 225 mA cm�2 is observed for Nafion-117membrane. By contrast, CS-PVA-SPES (25 wt %)mixed-matrix membrane electrode assemblies usedfor DMFC operation with methanol as a fuel and airas an oxidant exhibit area-specific resistance (I) of 2X cm�2 in the ohmic region of Figure 9. The cellpolarization for the MEA using the CS-PVA-SPESmixed-matrix membrane is 0.23 V at load current–density of 25 mA cm�2 at 60�C with power densityoutput of 5.5 mW cm�2 as shown in Figure 9. Thisreflects that these membranes can be used in

Figure 8 Methanol cross-over flux for Nafion-117, CS-PVA blend, CS-PVA-SPES (5–25 wt %) mixed-matrixmembranes.

Figure 9 Cell polarization data for DMFC with Nafion117 and CS-PVA-SPES (25 wt %) mixed-matrixmembranes.


Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

DMFCs. However, a proper balance between protonconductivity and methanol permeability needs to beoptimized to achieve higher DMFC performance. As theblend membranes of CS-PVA exhibit substantially lowopen-circuit voltage, the polarization data for CS-PVAblend could not be obtained. The present study is basedon controlling the degree of sulfonation of SPES in rela-tion to time and its effect on DMFC performance. Stud-ies are in progress to optimize the DMFC performanceand further improvements are highly likely.


Sulfonated-polyether sulfone (SPES) is preparedusing chlorosulfonic acid as sulfonating agent with30% degree of sulfonation. CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrix membrane is found to be a methanol-barrierelectrolyte in DMFCs. Simple and cost-effectivepreparative method for CS-PVA-SPES mixed-matrixmembrane is attractive for its use in DMFCs. How-ever, the durability and the performance of thesemembranes need to be improved.

The invaluable support and help from K. K. Tintula,S. Alwin, and Thomman Thomas is gratefully acknowledged.


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