church & village€¦ · 1 church & village crawley down december 2017 / january 2018 free...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Crawley Down Residents Association & The Christmas Lights Association host the


on Saturday 2nd December 2017 from 3-6pm Santa’s Grotto, Children’s Carousel and Tea Cups Ride,

Glo Performer, Christmas Market, Entertainment Food & Drink including Bar & Mulled Wine,

Carol Singing plus Christmas Lights Association Raffle!

Including the Lights Switch-On at 5pm

followed by an Evening Party at The Haven Centre - Bar now open to all!

Would you like to help? If so, please email Gail at or phone 01342 719997.

The CDRA host several events in the village each year and have a website and a Facebook page.

To join the CDRA, application forms are available in The Pantry, The Haven Centre and King & Chasemore. Membership is £5 per household per annum and all membership fees go back to the Village Community by way of events like these and grants to local clubs or organisations. Forms can also be downloaded from the CDRA website or by contacting the Secretary, Gillian Granger, on 07889 020792.


T h e E d ito r reserves the right to reduce the length of articles submitted for publication in Church & Village.

The opinions expressed in articles in Church & Village are not necessarily those

of the editor.

Throughout the year a group from All Saints Church has gone into school each week to “Open the Book” - to act and tell stories from the Bible. In December, the school returns the compliment as they invite us to watch the younger children acting the story of Jesus’ birth. It is an occasion we look forward to. There is something special about this story – the thought that Almighty God would come to be one of us in all our busy-ness and chaos, sharing our griefs and joys is quite compelling.

Through this story, God tells us that he loves us enough to become human with us, being born as a baby; that he understands the ups and downs of human life because he has lived it. As we will read in our Christmas services:

The Word [Jesus] became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

“Full of grace and truth …” - not putting on a false show or making over the top demands, but gently, kindly and honestly - that is how God comes to us in Jesus, but when we look closely we see God’s glory shining through the simplicity.

This Christmas there will be opportunities to hear again the story of Jesus’ birth and to marvel at it and let the story touch our hearts and reveal God’s glory. Let’s take time to hear it again and to wonder at God’s love for us.

Happy Christmas! Revd Jill Alderton

CRAWLEY DOWN MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION The Association was delighted with the response to the unveiling of three further plaques in Bowers Place. We were privileged to have two serving members of the Grenadier Guards, the regiment of Charles Waite, who came to honour one of their fallen comrades as well as two representatives of the Royal Artillery Association, the regiment of the other two soldiers.

The children from our school were especially delighted to talk to them and to try on the bearskin hats.

The Rt Hon Jeremy Quin MP was present, alongside Parish, Town and County Councillors. During the Adjournment Debate at the end of the parliamentary day the following week, Jeremy Quin made mention that he had been hugely honoured to be present when students from Crawley Down Village School unveiled the memorials.

We are planning two further plaques in Bowers Place, and hope that these will be installed early in 2018.

LINK TO HOPE : SHOEBOX APPEAL 2017 Once again there has been an overwhelming response to the shoebox appeal. This is a joint venture with All Saints' Church and Crawley Down Village School working together to provide filled shoeboxes for families and the elderly via the Christian charity Link to Hope.

These boxes contain a variety of goods, for example toiletries, gloves and hats, sweets, toys, stationery etc. and are sent to Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine where people are still living in appalling conditions.

Crawley Down Village School held a non-uniform day when children brought in a full box or contributions towards a box. 133 boxes were taken into school and Messy Church volunteers made up 57 more with items from school and church goers. Many people from church, parents and the school covered the cost of postage.

A huge thank you goes to everyone who has donated to this worthwhile cause. The boxes will be distributed over the next few months and will bring happiness to those less fortunate than ourselves.


Services for December and January are :

Morning Morning / Afternoon Afternoon / Evening

Sunday 3rd December 1st Sunday of Advent

8am Holy Communion 10am Worship Together and Christingle

Sunday 10th December 2nd Sunday of Advent

8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Communion

Sunday 17th December 3rd Sunday of Advent

8am Holy Communion 10am All Age Eucharist 6pm Lessons & Carols by Candlelight

Sunday 24th December Christmas Eve

8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Communion 4pm Crib Service

11pm Candlelit Midnight Mass

Monday 25th December Christmas Day

8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Communion

Sunday 31st December 1st Sunday of Christmas

8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Communion

Sunday 7th January 1st Sunday of Epiphany

8am Holy Communion 10am Worship Together

Sunday 14th January 2nd Sunday of Epiphany Baptism of Christ

8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Communion

Sunday 21st January 3rd Sunday of Epiphany

8am Holy Communion 10am All Age Eucharist

Sunday 28th January 4th Sunday of Epiphany

8am Holy Communion 10am Parish Communion


The next Messy Church will be Sunday 21st January at Worth Abbey

For more information about Messy Church see their website

Week beginning Please pray for:

3rd December Birch Close Crawley Down Health Centre - doctors, staff and patients

10th December Bowers Place & Brickyard Lane Crawley Down Dentist

17th December Bricklands Crawley Down Haven Centre

24th December Brookside The Royal Oak Pub

31st December Buckley Place & Sunnyhill Close Crawley Down shops

7th January Burleigh Close & Copse Close Crawley Down businesses

14th January Burleigh Lane Crawley Down Village Hall

21st January Burleigh Way Members of Parliament and the European Parliament

28th January Cranston Way Crawley Down Residents Association (CDRA)

The Church Office is located in the Upper Room of the Glebe

Centre. It is usually open from 9-11am Tuesday to Friday.

The Office will be closed over the Christmas period from 11am on Thursday 21st December until 9am on Tuesday 9th January.

The Church Administrators can be contacted on 01342 718741 or by email at


With effect from 1st December,

the new website address is

On Sunday the 21st of January 2018 at 3pm, there will be an ecumenical service for the

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We will also be organising a special edition of Messy Church

that will also take place at Worth Abbey at the same time as the service. Please join us as for a

time of worship, friendship and fellowship as we look to celebrate being part of the church of Christ

locally, and throughout the world, during this important week in the church calendar.



Baptisms : 22.10.17 Zach Maxwell BULLOCK

22.10.17 Ella Jessica RICE

22.10.17 Mia Isabella RICE

Weddings: 4.11.17 Mark SWINNEY and Samantha PICKETT

Funerals : 29.9.17 Barbara Isabel BURKE - Thanksgiving Memorial Service & Burial of Ashes

24.10.17 Daphne Margaret EVEREST

16.11.17 Sylvia TROTMAN

The Parish of All Saints’, Vicarage Road, Crawley Down, RH10 4JJ Tel : 01342 718741 Email :

Any member of the Ministry Team may be contacted on 01342 704449

Vicar: The Revd Christine Keyte Email :

Assistant Priest: The Revd Liz Logan Email :

Curate: The Revd Jill Alderton Email :

Chairman of the Parochial Church Council : John Wells

Churchwardens: Kerry Scott and John Wells

Deputy Churchwarden: Zenon Wozniakowski

Honorary Church Treasurer: Kerry Scott

The Glebe Centre : Tel : 07971 782799 / 01342 718741 Email :

Honorary Glebe Centre Treasurer: Gill Crook

All Saints’ Church is a Registered Charity No. 1148157


ON FACEBOOK : @AllSaintsChurchCD @GlebeCentreCD @AllSaintsChurchCDMessyChurch


All Saints’ Church (Church of England). See above.

The Roman Catholic Church Mass at Worth Abbey and St Dunstan’s, West Hoathly. Priest: Father Paul Fleetwood Tel : 01342 710313.

The Community of the Servants of the Will of God at Crawley Down Monastery

Copthorne Chapel Mrs Celia Smart (Secretary) 01342 713172

The Prayer of St Richard of Chichester

Thanks be to you, our Lord Jesus Christ, for all the benefits which you have given us, for all the pains and insults which you have borne for us. Most merciful Redeemer, Friend and Brother, may we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day. Amen

The Parish of All Saints', Crawley Down lies in the Diocese of Chichester. The Bishop of Chichester is The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner. The Suffragan Bishop of Horsham is The Right Reverend Mark Sowerby.


Cake & Company is held on the

second Tuesday of the month

in the Glebe Centre from 2-4pm

The next dates are

12th December and 9th January

This combined partnership with Age U.K. is working really well, as they share

their expertise with us and also provide a diary of enjoyable outings in

good company.

The knitting and nattering corner is very productive, but also enjoyed are a

range of puzzles, games and quizzes!

There is a £2 entry charge to cover costs. We look forward to you joining us!

Please contact Liz Logan on 713338

if you would like to join us either as

a member or as a volunteer.


Baptism marks the beginning

of a journey with God

which continues for the rest of our lives, the first step in response to God’s love. It

is also a chance to celebrate with family and friends. It takes place within the

worship of the Church as a part of the family of God, who promise to support and

help you discover the love of God.

All Saints’ Church welcomes enquiries from young & old.

Further Baptism Enquirers Sessions will be scheduled in the New Year.

Please contact the Church Administrator on 01342 718741 or by email at, or contact a member of The Ministry Team on

01342 704449 to arrange an appointment.


OPEN DOOR If you receive your Church & Village early you will see there is our Christmas Music afternoon in Church at 3pm on the first Sunday, 3rd December. There will be tea and mince pies afterwards.

There will be no meeting in January but in February we hope that the Vicar, Rev Christine Keyte, will talk to the group.

On Wednesday 4th March Brian Moore will give his film slide show of the year’s events. This will be at in the Oak Room at the Haven Centre at 2.30pm, with tea and cakes.

In April, Janet and John Longhurst will arrange our lunch outing; venue and date to be confirmed later, with details in February.

All are welcome at our Open Door meetings to enjoy good company and interesting talks.

A Happy Christmas and New Year to you all.

We look forward to seeing you at these events.

Chairman : Brian Moore (714359) Secretary : Janet Rayner (714882)

COPTHORNE CHAPEL We are now looking forward to our Christmas activities starting on the Saturday 2nd December with lunch at the Shipley Bridge.

On the Sunday 17th December at 3pm we will be holding our Carols by Candlelight service led by our ex-Pastor, Gordon Hamilton, with the offering going to St. Catherine's Hospice.

Our main Christmas service will be held on Sunday 24th December at 10.30 am. There will not be a service on Christmas Day or New Year's Eve.

All other services will be on Sundays at 10.30am followed by refreshments - everyone welcome.

For more details, please phone 01342 713172 or visit our website or phone 01342 713172.

Celia Smart, Secretary

CRAWLEY DOWN LADIES’ CHOIR The choir will be holding their Christmas Concert at The Haven Centre at 8pm on Monday 11th December.

Accompanied by Sylvia Trench, we will be singing a variety of Christmas carols and songs, with some for audience participation. Our special guests will be “Les Amis”.

Light refreshments will be served in the interval and there will be an excellent raffle.

Doors open at 7.30pm. Why not come and join us and get in the Christmas spirit?

For further information contact Jean on or 714521 see

Jean Cole, CD Ladies’ Choir


I am delighted to report that the evening of popular music and singing we held in the Glebe Centre on October 14th, to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support was a triumph.

The evening started with a 40 minute set from the Shout Chorus from Crawley, led by their musical director, Nikki Franklin, who had installed mikes and synchronised coloured lights which gave a professional feel to the Glebe Centre stage.

During the interval we drew a raffle and offered free tea and coffee, cup cakes, ginger bread and biscuits, baked by local ladies.

Our raffle prizes were donated by Crawley Down businesses. We are grateful to Dal Nonno's Italian restaurant, The Pantry our delicatessen, Flanagan's the butchers, BodiKind - skin and beauty treatments, and the Coop for their contribution to making our evening such a success.

For the second half we held a sing-along session led by Nikki and well-known drummer Frank Scully, both professional musicians, with the audience making requests from Nikki's extensive repertoire of popular songs.

Nikki brought electrifying energy to the entertainment which really made the evening rock; and the whole Glebe Centre sang, clapped and swayed until we reluctantly had to bring the evening to a close at 10pm. We ended with a rousing mass chorus of the Beatles' Hey Jude.

There was a tremendous atmosphere in the Glebe Centre throughout the evening; we had great fun and raised £377.43 for MacMillan Cancer Support.

Thank you to everybody who performed, helped out or supported the evening. It was great local event.

Zenon Wozniakowski

Y UTH CLUB The Youth Club would like to thank The CDRA for their kind donation. The donation has enabled the Youth Club to enjoy a Dance Mat evening on the 22nd September and will also fund the Christmas Disco on the 15th December.

The Youth Club is for the children in Crawley Down who are in Year 6, 7 and 8; it meets on Fridays during term time from 6.45pm to 8.15pm in The Glebe Centre at All Saints’ Church on the following dates:

Further information from Sarah Hamilton on 01342 712240.

1st December 15th December



Most of the Team are standing down after the Christmas Fayre so it is vital to replace them if the wonderful community events organised by the CDRA are to continue.

The CDRA organise the Annual Village Fayre, the Christmas Market, the Easter Egg Hunt etc. They are able to do this by the funds raised from membership fees. They are also able to provide grants to local clubs or associations from time to time which helps towards the feeling of a strong village community.


The roles on the committee are fun and not onerous. It is a strong and friendly team, but it cannot continue to operate without the willingness of a team of volunteers giving their time.

Perhaps you are retired, a homemaker, work part-time or simply want to give some of your spare time to helping put on these events for our community? In which case, the CDRA would welcome you to join them.

For information about joining the Team, please contact Vice Chair Gail Pettingel-Taylor on 07939 400631 or email

12th January 26th January


AFTERNOON WI Jeremy Clarke was the speaker at our September meeting. Jeremy is a local historian and gave us a very interesting talk about Cuttinglye Woods. The woods can be traced back as far as the 1300s. At one time it was a deer park, and over the years has had many different spellings of the name. We were also told how we can spot the signs of it's history when we are walking in the woods. It was fascinating to hear so much about our local history from an expert.

The Farnham Town Crier, Jonathan Jones, was our next speaker. Jonathan spoke to us about the history and traditions of a Town Crier. He also explained the marvellous regalia that they wear, and how the colours and emblems are appropriate to their own towns. He paid a great tribute, in Town Crier style, to Sheila Henderson for her 90th birthday. Sheila has been a WI member for many years, and has held the position of president more than once. It was a pleasure to see her honoured in this way, and we had a special tea with Birthday Cake to follow.

As the year comes to a close we have two more occasions involving food. A Ploughman's Lunch will precede our AGM in November & in December we celebrate with Christmas Lunch.

This year we have said goodbye to some of our members, but have been glad to welcome some new faces.

We have many interesting and exciting plans for 2018, so why not come along and meet us. We will always be pleased to see you. We meet at 2pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall. Further information, please phone Sandy Bushaway on 01342 712815.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and all best wishes for the New Year 2018!

Jackie Kaldenberg, CD Afternoon WI

Teaching new skills

Camp Fires



First Aid




Meeting new people

Arts and Crafts

Team building


EVENING WI The future of Crawley Down Evening WI is buoyant following a successful request for officers. At our October meeting, Antonia Gallop arrived in full coach-driving regalia and proceeded to strip off, whilst explaining the reasons for each piece of discarded clothing. Antonia’s talk was great fun and most informative.

The Annual Meeting in November went very smoothly since the appointment of officers and committee members for 2018 had already been agreed. The new President is Jan Albury, with Yvonne Leach as Secretary and Jill Yates as Treasurer. Grateful thanks were extended to Sue Barter and her retiring officers and committee for all their hard work and commitment during the past year.

With the business of the meeting successfully concluded, our speaker for the evening, Liz Smith, wife of the artist Neville Smith, was introduced to us. The title of her talk was “The Artist’s Wife”. Liz and Neville live in Sussex and own a Gallery near Storrington. Neville mainly painted water colours of local landscapes, but also undertook commissions which are ideal for those “special gifts”. We hadn’t realised what a dangerous profession being an artist could be until Liz regaled us with humorous stories of how Neville, whilst painting outdoors, had coped with the unwanted attention of dogs, cows, cyclists, talkative people and even fast moving coaches and horses! The paintings were wonderful and the presentation thoroughly entertaining.

Our Christmas meeting is on Thursday 7th December with musical entertainment by Robert Lashmar.

We are a friendly group and visitors will be warmly welcomed to join our meetings which are held monthly on Thursday evenings in the Glebe Centre. For more information call our Secretary, Yvonne Leach, on 712835.

Jean Ford, CD Evening WI


This is how we spend our spare time!

78 Young People need YOU to help! We offer flexible volunteering to fit around your lifestyle. Think about the skills that you can pass on to the Young People of Turners Hill & Crawley Down. Age is no barrier;

From 18……………..???? We will welcome you with open arms.

Turn your spare time into valued time! Please phone John Marsh on 01342 714243

to find out more and arrange a visit to see just what we do and what you can add to Scouting for our Young People.

Thank You


The CDPEG have been taking care of Crawley Down Pond for over 18 years now..

We meet for a couple of hours every month on a Sunday morning and carry out practical conservation work, usually with the help of West Sussex County Council Ranger Simon Rowledge.

Safety equipment tools and training are all provided, as is a welcome cup of tea mid morning.

If you would like to come and join our friendly group, we are next meeting on Sunday 10th December.

We meet by the pond at 10am and we usually finish by 12.30pm

Further details from :

Sue Kipps on 01342 718289 Simon Rowledge (Countryside Ranger) on 01293 542088 Our page on the Crawley Down Village website ( under “Services”

MOTHER’S UNION A recent speaker we had explained the valuable work of the Prison Fellowship. This began following the experience of "Chuck" Coulson of Watergate notoriety. He became a Christian while in prison and felt there was little emotional and spiritual support for prisoners. Gradually, over a hundred prayer groups have been established, praying for their local prisons, leading worship and running courses like Restorative Justice and Letter Link, which offers a listening ear to lonely and rejected people.

We look forward to Christmas celebrations and another year of supporting the many aspects of service at home and around the world, the backbone of Mothers' Union.

You are very welcome to join our meetings.

For more information, phone Chris Sumpter on 713894.


THE NEXT EDITION OF C&V The next edition of Church & Village will be the February/March 2018 issue. All material for publication should be either emailed to by Friday 5th January 2018or posted at The Glebe Centre (NOT the Vicarage) either on paper or on disc/stick.

CHURCH & VILLAGE Church & Village is published six times per year by All Saints’ Church and is distributed free to all homes in the Crawley Down ecclesiastical parish. Do you have an enquiry distribution, advertisements or flyer inserts? Please contact the Church Administrator on 01342 718741 or email




3rd December at 7.30pm : Christmas Music from Handel’s Messiah in the Abbey Church in aid of Worth Irundu Friendship 12th December at 11.30am : Joint Carol Concert in the Abbey Church for the Circle Club and the local nursing homes (Worth Schola and Ardingly College Schola) 17th December at 5.30pm : Evening of Advent Reflection followed by Solemn Vespers at 6pm, after which there will be refreshments in the Narthex. At 7.30pm, D’Arcy Trinkwon, the Worth organist, will perform Olivier Messiaen’s “La Nativité du Signeur” Sunday 24th December, Midnight Mass, 10.30pm Carols and Organ Music, 11pm Concelebrated Midnight Mass followed by refreshments in the Narthex. Monday 25th December, Christmas Day, 10am Concelebrated Christmas Day Mass at Worth Abbey and 10am Parish Mass at St. Dunstan’s, West Hoathly. 6pm Pontifical Vespers of Vespers


Adoration, Friday evenings 7.00 - 8.00pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Confessions, Sunday 9.10 – 9.30am before Mass. Marian Prayer Group, 2nd / 4th Monday, 7.30pm, Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Lectio Divina, Tuesdays 8.20pm for 30 minutes, Parlour 3 (entry from the Narthex) then Compline.

Sunday Prayers for Healing, once a month there is a half hour service of prayers for healing in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, after the 9.30am Mass. Christian Meditation Group, Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 7.45pm for 8pm start to 8.45pm followed by Compline. Contact Gabrielle on 01342 326118 or Catrina on 01243 554001. Bereavement Support, Marian & Clare are available to meet you either at St. Benedict’s or to visit you at home. Contact the team via Parish Office.


December 3rd : 1st Sunday of Advent, 6th : Feast of St Nicholas, 8th : Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, 25th: Christmas Day, 26th : Feast of St Stephen, 31st : Holy Family January 1st : Mary, the Holy Mother of God, 7th : Epiphany, 8th : Baptism of the Lord

MASS TIMES (all at the Abbey unless otherwise stated)

Weekday Masses are at 8am and 5.30pm, a concelebrated Mass. On Saturday morning Mass is at 9am. Sunday Masses : First Mass of Sunday, Saturday at 5pm, Sunday 9.30am (concelebrated) & 11.30am at St Dunstan’s, West Hoathly. Holidays of Obligation : 8am, 5.30pm, 7.30pm (Vigil Mass)


Priest : Fr.Paul Fleetwood (01342 710313) Secretary : Maria Stribbling Email address : Worth on the web :


At our first meeting, the main aim was to introduce Jane Oldacre, the Care-Co-ordinator at Crawley Down Health Centre. She is there to support patients, their family and carers to access the right services and hopefully avoid unplanned admissions to hospital. Finding the right support can be a difficult and daunting task.

Local organisations that support Jane were also represented. Crawley Down Monday Club, Cake and Company, Open Door, Age UK East Grinstead, West Sussex Age UK, and Dementia Champions shared and distributed information that can help the more vulnerable members of our community.

We are hoping to have a coffee morning soon, so keep a look out for details.

If you require more information, please contact Caroline Custard on 01342 715181 or email


Crawley Down - McColl’s/Post Office, The Haven Centre, Denture Care Centre (on Turners Hill Road) and Crawley Down Health Centre Turners Hill - The Ark Copthorne - The Hub and Copthorne Golf Club


The East Grinstead Centre has now moved its base to the library in West Street. The opening hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am-4pm and Fridays from 10am-12noon. At other times, its helpline can be accessed on 0344 4771171. Initial help can be offered on this service with the possibility of a full appointment in person at East Grinstead if necessary.


The Crawley Down and Turners Hill branch of the Royal British Legion would like to thank everyone involved for their support at the Quiz Night held at

the Haven Centre on Thursday 2nd November.

Between you, you raised a total of £395.50 towards this year's Appeal.

NEED BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT? Are you a new mum struggling with breast feeding?

Come along to my new fortnightly drop-in session for helpful and friendly up to date breast feeding advice and information. I am fully trained in breast feeding techniques and postnatal care.

Monday 11th December at 10.30am at The Glebe Centre, All Saints’ Church, Vicarage Road, RH10 4JJ.

Donation of £4 includes tea/coffee and biscuits.


Xmas Eve 12noon-11pm New Years Eve 12noon-1am

Xmas Day 12noon-2pm New Years Day 12noon-6.30pm

Boxing Day 12noon-6.30pm

CRAWLEY DOWN VILLAGE C OF E SCHOOL In October, Years 5 and 6 enjoyed a week on

their Primary School Residential at the PGL site at Little Canada on the Isle of Wight

Activities, friends and fun on the Isle of Wight

When we arrived at Little Canada, we met our group leaders (Dave and Charlie). They each had their own loud, funny personality, singing whatever crazy song they could think of to entertain us. Before dinner, we went to the beach and had an inter-group contest; the first round was stone-skimming, the second round was to find the prettiest stone and the third was beach art. Group 8 won.


After the beach activity we found out which cabin we were in and who we were sharing with. The cabins were in groups of four or six: the cabins of four had two sets of bunk beds, one set of shelves and a nice bathroom. A cabin of six had two sets of bunk beds and another room with an extra set, one set of shelves and a bathroom.


Each day we had different members of staff helping us on our activities. We gave some of them nicknames like: Luke (Captain Freckles), Sam (Man the Sam), Gareth (Mr Gareth), Tia (Tiny Tia). They were all really helpful and kind.

Evening activities

We had a variety of activities in the evenings. Monday was football rounders, on Tuesday we did a murder mystery and on Wednesday we did a quiz. Finally Thursday came and the event we had all been waiting for - the disco! This was a really good way to end the trip. We had the opportunity to get together with other schools and we had a great time!


During our Isle of Wight trip, we did 14 activities altogether in the day time - four each day (except for Friday when we did two!) The two most popular activities were the giant swing and matrix and the other ones we liked were: aero-ball (which, sadly, got flooded meaning that some groups had to do another activity called the cat walk instead), Quad-biking, low ropes, abseiling, survivor and zip wire.


We liked most of the food. It was usually really nice. Some liked the first dessert when we had doughnuts; others didn’t like it! We all liked the dinner when we had sausage/mash/rice/bread best. (There were healthy options like salads too!)

As we got back on the coach, everybody was upset that we had to leave because we had had so much fun. We loved all the PGL leaders and most of the activities. We were, however, all secretly a little bit pleased to be returning to our parents and home comforts.

Written by the Crawley Down Village C of E School House Captains : Bella Kilkenny, Alex Barker, Sienna Excell, Louis Malone, Sophie Custard, Cain Howard, Neve Thornton and Seb Greaves


Our pantomime this coming January is

PETER PAN Adapted to script by Richie Fenwick

Directed by Elliot McGuffie with Musical Director Aaron Hale Dates: Thu 11th Jan 6.30pm, Fri 12th Jan 7.30pm and Sat 13th Jan 2018 at 2.30 and 7.30pm

Tickets : Available from Haven Centre Office 01342 716791 on line at or direct from the cast from the end of November.

Prices : Adult £10, Children £8, Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) £34, Family ticket (1 adult and 3 children) £32

This wonderful story, written by J.M.Barrie, tells how Peter Pan never wants to grow up and convinces Wendy, John and Michael Darling to leave their home to live in Neverland. There they have many adventures. Richie’s adaptation has kept to the story in J.M.Barrie’s book but added more humour to make this an enjoyable pantomime acted out by our very talented cast.

Pantomime is for all ages so join us at the Haven Centre to see Peter Pan wonderfully portrayed by the excellent cast of The Haven Theatre Company.

Linda Dixon Chair HTC

The fee for the rights to use the story of Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie go to Great Ormond Street Hospital.

CHRISTMAS AT THE HAVEN CENTRE / BAR Saturday 2nd December Following the CDRA Christmas Fayre and the Christmas Lights Switch On in the village, the evening continues at the Haven Centre with a live band – all welcome, so why not come along and carry on the festive spirit

Christmas Eve Kids Disco in Bar 5-7pm / Evening Disco in Bar 8-11pm

New Years Eve Kids Disco in Bar 5-7pm / Evening Disco in Bar 8pm-1am


All other dates are our normal opening times


The Café Bar will be open 9.30-12.30pm on 27th, 28th, 29th

December and will re-open on 2nd January

We will be open as usual from Monday to Friday, and throughout December we will be offering tea/coffee and a mince pie for £2, as well as other festive treats.

For further information and to see what’s on, please see our Facebook page or visit our website



Letter from the Chairman

This is only my second newsletter since becoming Chairman in May of this year and it is always difficult to write over a month before you have the opportunity to read it. The council is currently trying to assess which activities are most popular with residents. To this aim, we are setting up a programme of consultations to understand better which activities should be progressed in the next year. You will see in Cllr Scott’s entry that we are proposing several new initiatives, which we will be exploring further. We will also be rewriting the council’s vision during the coming year. I have attached a condensed version of the Vision developed to set out objectives and aspirations for the period 2014-2018. The full vision can be seen on our website under the heading July 2014 Worth Parish Council Vision Plan 2014-2018.

The Parish Council’s Vision for Worth Parish starts with the objective, “To make Worth Parish an attractive, safe and vibrant place to live and work, and ensure the character and unique environment of the villages and open space in the parish is protected and improved for future generations of residents.” The Parish Council aims to do this by: working with and listening to local residents, community groups and businesses to support them in appropriate local developments, using Council influence to shape the future services and development of the Parish area, and developing Neighbourhood Plans reflect that meet long-term challenges in the area. We will be setting up contact meetings in the new year, watch our website or notice boards for details.


Neighbourhood Planning

The lack of smaller, affordable homes being built in the Parish is a growing concern. An analysis of the Council Tax Band of 208 new homes built in the last three years in Crawley Down, shows that there were only 45 in Bands A to C, compared with 163 in Band D to G. The majority of the 45 in Band A to C have been passed to housing associations for rent, leaving only 12 for purchase on the open market. The balance between affordable and executive homes in the village will only worsen if the Secretary of State decides to approve the applications for 104 new homes at Hazel Close and Wychwood.

The Parish Council continues to explore how to modify the Neighbourhood Plan to make it more effective. The Government is preparing a new process for minor modifications to made plans and our MP, Jeremy Quin, has written to the Minister for Housing to ask when this will be issued. In preparation, the Council has conducted a Call for small Sites to complement the Mid Sussex call for sites for 6 or more dwellings.

The District Plan is finally making good progress and should be adopted in January, although the Sub-Committee is concerned that an amendment to the main housing policy will mean that any development of less than 10 homes must be approved if the site is within or adjacent to the village boundary. The Sub-Committee is suggesting that a threshold of 6 homes would better represent sustainable development.

Ian Gibson (Chairman Crawley Down Neighbourhood Planning)

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Elaine Anscomb, Chairman Worth Parish Council

The Council’s Main aims are:

To enhance communication between the Council and the

local community

To enhance leisure and recreational facilities within the

Parish by supporting and improving the Village Greens, Play

areas, Skate parks, Football and other Sports Fields, car

parks etc.

To seek Improvements to Highway Infrastructure,

To seek to improve local retail opportunities, including

disabled parking,

To enhance community safety and reduce the fear of crime,

To be actively involved in production and implementation of

Neighbourhood Plans

Halloween was a lively time in the village. It was great to see so many children, and indeed parents, dressing up. There were also

some wonderful house decorations also. Well done especially to Paul Gould and Charlotte Madgwick for their fantastic display

and costumes - it was spectacular.


General Purposes and Finance

The Council has received a clean Auditors Report for the year ending March 31st 2017.

During the year the Council operated without a Clerk for a short period after the retirement of Jenny Saunders and before the appointment of Jennifer Nagy. When the new Clerk took up her position she noted that some, very few, decisions may have been contrary to the Standard Procedures that need to be observed. Accordingly, these were brought to the attention of the Auditors to ensure that they could be reviewed and, if necessary, appropriate comments made in the Annual Report. The Auditors have reported that no further action needs to be taken and no qualifications need be added to the Report.

The Budgeting exercise for the year commencing April 2018 has now started and Councillors are being asked to put forward spending plans so that the District Council can incorporate our

requirements into the level of Council Rate. Our proportion of the overall Precept is less than 3% which is equivalent to £59 per year for a Band D home.

The Council recognises that budget squeezes on West Sussex and Mid Sussex have resulted in cutbacks in important services and this is sure to continue (for example, reduction in Neighbourhood Policing and Traffic Management). We are therefore examining initiatives that we can take to maintain and improve the services in Worth Parish and will be inviting residents to Open Meetings to discuss potential projects. Arising from this will be a new Vision for the Role of the Parish Council.

The Council will prepare a Budget that will enable it to undertake some of these projects and new services over the next few years. However, it is very mindful of the cost implications and will ensure that any increases in Precept are kept to the minimum.

Kerry Scott (Chairman General Purposes & Finance)

Useful phone numbers Anti-social behaviour 01444 477292 Anti-social driving 01243 642222 Bus Pass 0845 075 1018 Council Tax 01444 477564 Doctor: Copthorne 01342 774888 Doctor: Crawley Down 01342 713031 Dog Fouling 01444 477440 Library: Crawley 01293 651751 Library East Grinstead 01342 332900

Litter bins 01444 477440 Noise Nuisance 01444 477292 Overgrown paths / pavements 01444 477440 Pest Control 03444 828 336 Refuse and Recycling 01444 477440 Senior Railcard 0345 3000 250

Further information can be found here: West Sussex County Council - Mid Sussex District Council - Worth Parish Council -

West Sussex County Council has a service which helps alleviate some of the strain when a loved one dies. Used for more than two thirds of all registered deaths in the county, the free “Tell Us Once” service notifies multiple government and council agencies about a recorded death from a single point of contact. Residents in West Sussex also have access to a more unique service via the Coroner’s team.

When the cause of death is unknown, it is referred to our Coroner but this can take longer to process. Previously this meant that when a death is “registered” it was too late to use the Tell Us Once service. However, with around 3,000 deaths referred to the Coroner each year, the Team decided to register the deceased’s details onto the Tell Us Once website so families can use it straightaway.

The Tell Us Once resource notifies organisations including the HMRC, DVLA and council services through the Department of

Work & Pensions with a single phone call or online registration.

The Tell Us Once Service then notifies individual County Council services - a total of 9,500 notifications across libraries, adult social services, Blue Badge services and concessionary travel. This means that residents have to contact fewer individual County Council departments plus more contacts avoided with other organisations including Council Tax and Identity & Passport Services.

For more information, please visit and search “Tell Us Once”.

For further information please contact the news desk on 0330 222 8090 or email

For urgent out-of-hours enquiries please call 07767 098415.

You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook

West Sussex County Council : NEWS RELEASE - “Tell Us Once”

Queen Victoria Hospital Minor injuries unit

The unit is open 8am-8pm daily and run by emergency nurse/care practitioners who are able to see, diagnose and treat a wide range of minor injuries and ailments for both adults and children over one year old; such as:

Minor head injuries with no loss of consciousness

Minor burns and scalds

Suspected arm and lower leg broken bones (children under the

age of four should be taken to A&E)

Simple eye infections such as conjunctivitis or scratches to

the eye

Foreign bodies in the eyes, ears or nose

Cuts and grazes

Bites and stings

Ear and throat infections

Chest infections (adults only)

Skin infections

Minor allergic reactions

Simple urinary tract infections (UTI) (females aged 17 or over,

who have not had a UTI in the last three months)



Worth Forest Division Mr W Acraman 2 Staplefield Court, Brantridge Lane, Staplefield RH17 6EN 01444 400079

PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS Clerk to the Council Ms Jennifer Nagy

Assistant Clerk Miss Sophia Vaughan

Imberdown Division Mrs H A Brunsdon 83 Blount Avenue, 327200 East Grinstead RH19 1JN

Responsible Finance Officer Mrs Ellen Smith

COUNCIL OFFICES First Floor, The Parish Hub, Borers Arms Road

Copthorne, West Sussex RH10 3ZQ Tel : 01342 713407

Website : Email :

The Council Offices are open to the public from 9.30 am to 12 noon Monday – Friday.

Staff may be contacted there on 01342 713407 (you can leave a message on the answering machine) or send an email.


Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne is consulting us about whether we are prepared to pay more for our Policing as national budget cuts have affected the ability of the Police to sustain Local Policing.

Please take a minute to complete her online survey.

You can find all the information at

Council Meetings

Dates of Council meetings are published on the Council's notice boards and website with at least three working days’ notice. Unless otherwise stated, all meetings are open to the public and are held at 7.30pm at the Parish Council Offices, 1st Floor, The Parish Hub, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, RH10 3ZQ.


Copthorne and Worth Ward Mr J Allen Fagus, 65 Newtown 716694 Mr P B Blakemore 3 Pinetrees Close 715775 Mrs D Curzon 29 Spring Gardens 713886 Mr A Dorey 22 Westway 07802 359123 Mr G Casella 13 Church Lane 07710 019516 Mrs L Field Deer Wood Cottage, 26 London Road Balcombe 01444 819316 Mr C Larkin 19 Knowle Drive 714350 Mr C T Phillips 16 Calluna Drive 712668 Mr G Casella 13 Church Lane 07710 019516

Crawley Down Ward Mrs E M Anscomb 1 Royal Oak Cottage 715213 (Chairman) Mr P A C Coote San Felipe, Lake View Road, (Vice Chairman) Furnace Wood, Felbridge 713443 Mr A Cruickshank 32 Tiltwod Drive 714328 Dr I P Gibson Kiln Wood, Turners Hill Road 716790 Mr J Hitchcock 10 Fermandy Lane 716831 Mr E Lord 5 Spring Copse, Copthorne 714905 Mr K J H Scott Preferred Lie, Rufwood 712213 Mr R Webb Withywindle, Kiln Close 719029


Copthorne & Worth Ward Mr E Matthews 3 Dexter Drive, 301002 East Grinstead

Crawley Down and Turners Hill Ward Mr B Forbes 5 Turtledove Avenue Turners Hill Park 719866 Mr P A C Coote – see under Parish Council Mr A Dorey – see under Parish Council Mr N Walker 10 Clays Close, East Grinstead 327330

X-ray is available for Minor Injuries Unit patients if required Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-1pm and Sunday/Bank Holidays 10am-1pm for adults and children over four years.

We can refer patients as required to different specialties; we are not an A&E, GP service or dental practice. Please contact NHS 111 should you feel you might need one of these services.

If you need help when MIU is closed, please visit Crawley Urgent Treatment Centre at Crawley Hospital, West Green Drive, Crawley RH11 7DH. However, if you think your condition is life-threatening, you should dial 999 or go to your nearest A&E.


There is a current vacancy for a Councillor at Worth Parish Council. Whilst the vacancy is in the Crawley Down ward, anyone resident within three miles of the parish boundary can apply, so this would include those from Copthorne.

By becoming a parish councillor you could become someone your community will look to for help, guidance and support - a community leader with the power to influence decisions for the benefit of the people you serve. Seeing your community change for the better, as a result of decisions you have helped make, is something that can give you a sense of achievement and pride.

Please contact the Clerk, Jennifer Nagy, on 01342 713407, or email for more details.


We have now expanded our shop and range of Pet Foods & Supplies


Burleigh Quarry, East Street, Turners Hill

Tel : 01342 714774

Sales & Service

Lawn mowers ● Lawn tractors Chainsaws ● Hedgecutters ● Brushcutters

Strimmers ● Shredders ● Blowers Cultivators ● Trailers and attachments

Also …… Safety Clothing & Boots ● Oils ● Greases ● Sundries ● Garden ● Tools

BOSS ELECTRICAL SERVICES Part P.Registered. Fully insured.

Fuse boards, extra sockets, PAT testing, Safety inspections, Outside power.

No job too small.

Call Richard on Tel : 01342 458991

Simon Gladman THE GREEN MEN

23 Forest Close, Crawley Down, RH10 4LT 07971 087373 or 01342 604540

Professional care for your trees

SPENCER DRY CLEANERS 69 Gales Drive, Three Bridges, RH10 1QA

Tel : 01293 526582 Suits £8.95, Wedding Dresses,

Duvets, Service Washes, Alterations Free pick up and delivery from Hurst Farm


Vine House, Hartfield TN7 4AD

Family business for over 150 years 24 hour service ● Home visits

Advice on funeral plans Chapel of Rest

East Grinstead : 01342 315880 Hartfield : 01892 770253

We take care of everything personally at a sensitive time


Crawley Down & surrounding areas Honest and reliable

Grass cutting, hedge trimming, raking, Weeding etc. Fixed rate or rate per hour.

Call Nick on 07980 016549 for a FREE quote.


Tiling, Decorating, Flooring, Plastering, Kitchen & bathroom revamps

Call Alistair Hunt on 01342 717998 or 07866 937772

WSCC Trading Standards approved

Dörte Hass

IRONING 4 U All your IRONING requirements

& much more! Shirts, Trousers, Dresses, Bed & Table linen. Service washes and wash & finish available.

Duvets, pillows & sleeping bags cleaned. Alterations.

OPENING HOURS Tues : 7.30am-12.45pm & 2-6pm

Weds, Thurs & Fri : 9am-12.45pm & 2-5pm Other hours available to collect/ drop off by prior arrangement

Parmeria Place, Lion Lane, Turners Hill, RH10 4NY

Tel/Fax : 01342 717788


Free Range Poultry specialists

Free Range Eggs

Poultry Housing, Feed & Equipment

Fresh Fruit & Vegetables daily

Horse Feeds, including hay & straw

Large Range of Animal Feeds

& Bedding

Corralls Coal, Logs & Kindling

Open 7 days : 8am—5pm Hurst Farm, Turners Hill Road,

Crawley Down, RH10 4HG Tel : 01342 712045

CLOSURE OF AWAY AHEAD SALON As many of our regular customers will be aware, this salon has been owned by the Cox family for over 30 years. Our late parents took enormous satisfaction in being involved in such a vibrant and welcoming village and we have continued to support the business since August 2009 when our father David passed away so unexpectedly. The time has now come to move on and “Away Ahead” closed its doors on Saturday 16th September 2017 for the final time.

We must place on record our enormous thanks to the dedicated stylists in the past and present who have all contributed to the success of the salon. Christine, Nicky, Kayleigh, Holly, Annabel and Laura are a credit to their profession and we ask that you join us in showing your appreciation of their endeavours!

But most of all, we must thank you, the good folk of Crawley Down and the surrounding area, for your patronage over so many years.

Simon & Christopher Cox

High quality pressure washing services Driveway and Patio cleaning Path and Decking cleaning

For a free quote please call Iain on 01342 714299 or 07765 867719

Bee Clean !! One off or regular service

For all your cleaning needs Contact us on:

01342 529649 07734 435085



VILLAGE HALL Fully equipped kitchen, hall with badminton court, small meeting room & cosy coffee bar with garden. The Village Hall is perfect for indoor sport, clubs & activities. To book, please call Jill on 01342 714448

SP WEB CONNECTIONS General IT assistance

Website design & hosting Domain name registration

New computer supplies Windows & Mac

Free local area collect & return Tel : 01342 716971

Web : Email :

Unit 6 Grange Farm, Turners Hill Rd, Crawley Down, RH10 4EY

KEVIN GEAL Interior & exterior

painting & decorating Tel : 01342 714609

Mobile : 07708 562885 Email :

LANDSCAPING SERVICES Let your ideas come to life! No matter how large or small, hard landscaping (paths & patios), soft landscaping (grass & lawns),

beds, rockeries, water/pond projects, fountains, waterfalls, fencing. We will work

with you to help your dreams become a reality. Local friendly reliable company

- can provide local endorsements Phone for first consultation / quote

Please contact Mark on 07917 365065


Seasoned logs, locally sourced from

renewable timber sources,

delivered to your door.

Available in bags (approx. 80 logs)

£15 (plus small deposit on the storage bag)

Full pick up £70 hard wood

£50 soft wood mix (for wood burners)

Please contact Mark on 07917 365065

DRIVING CRAZY Local male & female driving instructors

Flexible hours to suit you the pupil

Email : Tel : 07946 419824

TIMBERSTORE Timber, Fencing & Preservation

Fence panels, fence posts, concrete posts, softwood & oak sleepers, softwood & hardwood decking, softwood cladding

Online discounts available

Tel : 01342 717155 Timberstore, Rowfant Sawmills, Wallage Lane, RH10 4NQ

Welcome every Fri in term time from 10am—11.30am Coach House Nursery

01342 712311

Your local Community Centre - come & see what’s on!

The Café Bar is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and offers a

selection of coffees, teas, pastries, cakes & snacks.

Range of fitness classes, groups & clubs plus rooms for private hire. BAR NOW OPEN TO ALL (closed Monday).

For further information, please contact: 01342 716791

Email : Website

Self-Store and

European Removals

Tel : 01342 712354

Crawley Down




Tel : 01342 712681 Email :

Your local MOT service & tyre centre


Tel : 01342 719222 Email :

STONEMAN FUNERAL SERVICE Fifth generation family funeral director

Littlewood House, Turners Hill Road Crawley Down, RH10 4HE

Tel : 01342 716333

AUDIO VISUAL INSTALLATIONS Professional installation of TV & HiFi

Fully qualified electrician with over 15 years’ experience

Call Glen on 01342 716352

TECH ASSIST TRAINING Need guidance with desktop PC, iPad, tablet, laptop or smartphone? I can help you learn.

Contact Sue on 07553 097923 or email :

PERSONAL CARE / HOME HELP Able to start immediately

12 yrs experience working within the community & NVQ trained

Hourly rate discussed dep.on needs Mobile : 07532 768292

Email :


Interior & exterior

Contact : 07711 712358

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