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Post on 18-Jun-2018






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Offi~jal U.S. Land Di•t.


f VOJ:,uM~ XV-[C~~ Nem, Vol. ~9J .. · CARRIZOZO~ NEW M,~Ioq, FRIDAY •. APRIL 24, 1941.

,.. .. - . 'NUMBER 42 ...., __ ' . I I


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~~~~.~~·~· ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~-~~~~~= . FOOD sTAMP PLAN . IN oF Ttio~lT~ ~o~NTAIN • MAY ~•.PoPPY DAY ~umaldo A. Dqran.

M•y G~r11. and. -Qdter P«.son$ , 1941 . 'l'~l Lel&ion Hom~ ill' blOO'IIll~ ·" Order Food Stamp Booka br' . ~ ., J!oppiea 1118 the AwdHary women Monlay night between 10:80 and

4'1<f\C Mall for Pal1tieipaul18? · w. . . : Y. SATURDAY · comctlete p~pautiona tor the ann~al 11 o'clock, Mt. R. A. Duran, pronlln-\,;'. . Yes. These pe®!)B. . can . be.. of MAB/J.UN .L. TORREZ and $:SO .nepekah8 meet in W9man'a: ~erv~e of Poppy Day. h~, Sat· Spanish-American citizen o!

~:il'~~~ ...... ·. . ~ea~ assil~tance !o·E<ll~lblea bY mail· Y.SADELL C. 'l'OlmEZ .. Ho~se, l2tb stteet and ln!liana urday, Ha~ 24. The little red !Jowera Carrizozo, pased away suddenly at ~flo ;c:; , ·. ·~ ~~ mg 1.n a Postoff1ce Money Otder • D~~~s~: A\re. · t . · . · 'of memory are bel~ taken :from, the his home here, due, to heart failure. 19' ~- · ,W ~ ~ Cashier's Check coverina' tw~ o.r morQ · NO'l1!CE OF ~sALE Opt111i · : Presen~t!on Qf flap- boxe,a In which they come f~ Mr. Duran had been around t()Wll

' R. A. 1f.-1 r. ~kr· . purchase applicatiolll!. When such NO'.i.'ICE IS HF,:REBY GIV]{N ~hat Paao• estern ~k*b Lodee No. •:Veteran's Hospital at Albuquerque, of the time Monday and seemed • · · ·. · · · ·· service is rendered fot partic)pants under and by virtue of the Fmal 19l, · where they were m11de bY disabled unusually good spirits. He wns

f'\lf.IDAY It SATURDA,Y caru rihould be talcen to note that Di:J'rfcto~u:{ ~e·t?!~~~ ,.t\ppol en't ol judges. wa.r vet>ei.'IUUI, and arranaed for diJJo popular with .all c:las&es ·of people -··· .... ,. - l!a!:h· ~pPiicatJon cavered by· the mall New Mexico, on th'e ll;lth Coiltes : Degree chi&rees, Ban- tr.ibut!on on the streets on Poppy and hllld held many· poliUca1 offices

A.n~ Sothern. Ian Bunter, R9l• order is properly siped, that the re· March, l!Hl, in · the above ner char es, Secr!lt Work. Day. In the county. He was county com-

lin<~ Younw, BJ'IIie Bn•. ke, quested P\11-chase is within the mini· cause wherein. Dlsa11tt!r L9an Odd F. llows meet in I. 0. O, F. Memorie.a 9f the Pt\8t an.> hopes missioner in territorial days and held ........ ,.'4 • .,.. .. . is _plnintiff and Mnr~ill b .... t"- fi · · _ 'In _ · m~ -and maximum sh6wn on tile y sabell <l. Tottez ll're Hall, N York Ave., and 9t ~t. for the future-that fa what JtOel uat same of ce nftet New Mexico

· IQilllicatJon, and that the Money Order · cause No.4B!JI! on 6:16 Sq per, Methodist 1:hurc~ OOQ, into the maid~ of" memorial poppy became li state. He had also s~rv~ ''Duley 11 or. Cash!Jer's Check covers the total of said Court, tf.e each. 1 T~ l!oppiea aro Ulllde in exact county ns sheriff. •tnx IUlseasor, . amount 0~ reqUieljt!Jd purchalles. , offer for sale and 8:00 R elrohs meet at ·ctob_ Houae. !'IP!kl• .of the wild ,~lea a! France count:," tt.ensur~r.~ ~He hnd re·

A ~nmedy of errou which .come When ~od .Sta.mp8 •re ord.ered in 1*!00 ~~e~n t~he c~~t Prcaen tion, of flap-Western and Btol#iurn which &Tew in such ·· that ho would like to be ·• t .. t and furiu\18 when • D u I c y' this manner. thll Stamp Bo~ka will day o! June, at .the front door Rebekah dgo No. 191. pr~ualou on the World War battle countyo clerk, in order to round ~ut · IIPJlla the beaoa and her 'boner' be malll!d diroeetly'to th8 oli~le, and o~ the Court. in Carrizozo, Rebe )1 dEigtet>-Western Rebek· ,:flelda. '!'hey are ahaPOd from crepe a-~~omplete circle, and thnt If lil•

· boo · not to the grocer or . other person Lincoln County, New Mexico, the fol- !lh X.od~ I No. 191. J)alllll', w1~ wire at.ema. Tho dl&- he1,1lth became pel'nJnnently bettclr provea a Q,Al

0 transmitJt.in~ the order. · . ~j"'i·~ d~ri~d ~r~y xiaituate Ill • ilJannlll'i Driii-Alamoa"Ordo Re· Mlle4 men who make tbem Qtten wo.rk be would try for thnt office, Mr.

. · · ..S Who May AccfPt Food StamPs In m:~~ ~er!~ Y~s :;lilY :e ~~e~~~ bekab Ldd&"e No. 18. : uodfl' Kfeat handlca.pa but •cqulro Duran was a Republican, but nt var-"Qulcker'n A Wink" and Am~r· Exchaq'e for Fdod? . to sutisfy platntJft'o judgment, to- Odd. Flllowo meet at I. Q, 0. F. ~lo llklll Jn produclnc a close times had helped t,lto Domoeratio · i~n Spoken Here. AIIP retail food stores In areas wit: Hall-~ce by EJ Paso team. 'reaembtnce to the natural flower. party. .

· · where the Food Stamp Plan fa in P(2ER) hSONALfi PROPERTYo!: Two .Meeti · · .oPen to nil 'ltl(mbera and I "Th men who malco the Dower• He was bol'n, in the Mimbres Valley ~ oroen vo years a~· . · · 1 0 F H II . 1 L "' ,.._

SUNDAY, MONDAY &; TUESDAY ope~tlon 11nd who bare completed two (2) Jersey cowa .five ~ :friends < Onc!Ct at • • O. · a • are the comradea o! thOle In whose n uno county on &·<..,.runry 7, 1880. a Retnller'a Statement Form may. ac. of n&e; ~no (1) Hereford cow 10:00. .()jlening. honor the popplea are worn." "They He moved with hln pa.rcntll 'to Lin-

Claudette Colbert. ,Ray M'JI d ccpt ~opd Stamps. ThiS lncludco five years of age, .all branded Preaen~Uon of flaa-Alamoeordo '!lD ~. onea who. were. no4 aallcd in J.dru:oln county in 1680~ On .- 1- an r · tailstores·dutndllng-grocerle~t,ment, ~L ~1~~Ef~lp.'~· Th t \Lodge No. 18. .. fupon to aive their Jives but to aive 20, 1DC'o, he waD married to

D'einnia O'Xeele, fruita and vegetables, bakery ond tnln lot or ttact of: Inn: In °~~ Invocation. 1 the health and atreneth which makes Miss Honorita Mirnbol, who llUrvivca

' dairy prctduets, dellcates!len ,storea, SbuUleaat Qu.arttm N~Aeallt Gtoup nlng!ng, life worth while. oiato the little him. He hoo ono con, Tcodora, who and drivers on rogulal'ly cata'blia4,cd Quarter ~SEJANE'r• ), Scctlo~i Welcome oddrcaa-Past P!'flldent !Jowers they pierce eteat memorlea also survlvea. lle boa lived In Car-rotan milk aw bakery routes. . · l!'ive (&), qwnchinp Eleven ~11) Louloo B, Cady. Ia! the paat_ a~ from thl• ,work they rlw.r.o for a number of yearn, where

What Wlll Oru.re Fo6d Stamps ~~~~~b~~~ ~nte:~n~ ~~~ Rreponae-Jnmeo M. Qrpenter, derive new h011e for the futalre~. he engaged in building nnd carpentry A briabt and breezy atory or an Buy? the couth bounUD.rf of oold SOuth Carrizozo. "Buy a ·Poppy on. Poppy Day:' when not fn pubUc offictJ, J;l() Wall·

Amtrican girl reporter in Europe, Ornnge Food Stampa, will be oc- eaGt Qu~rtcr Northctwt Qua.r- Introduction of AuaoclatJon .9fficen U.ey Fink. Pab. Chr. kind hearted, public oplrited and ln· who ta ever on the alert for a ccptcd by food otores [()r any toodo Ler (SE !4NE% ), Section Fivo · Introduction of Ci'Nnd Lodtc and tluentlai. .

- tJ •( 6); Seven Hundred Sixteen Rob k h A_ bl O<'~Jce- SVPBR""u, "'·- aJ 1 b ld h acoop, and "ho Jtopa at nothing tot human c:onaump on not consum~ (7l0) feet 'we3t of tho quarter c n .,..,ocm Y ""' .... • &'WIA .. uutr 10rv CC!B wore o at t e h t · f d on the ntorc prcmlseo. They wiU not (% J Section corner between Announccmento. Catholic church hero by Rev. Father

1 Ol 0 mur er. . be ncccpted for wines, Uquorn, beer, Section Four (4) and Fivo (6) 11:00 Pngcnt Rebekah at Work- Twelve 'f'Jar'e \'fOOl! Short burning Salvatore, Wcdn~day afternoon at S:OO -ALSO- or other alcoholic bcveroire?• tobacco above mentioned; thence Boven· Ann Brown Spclght and AJamocordo time fdta autotts&Uo abut.oU of ~· o'clock, followed by lntll.rmcnt lo the

Paramotllt N4!WI and Popeye in in any fonn, or for anlmal feed 011 !~idFiv~ou\~) ~~da~?t ~~ Rcheknho and Odd Fcllowa. auurea ""'~ operatlll&' ~onomy. local cemetery. . pot !ooo, north Thl'C!C llundrcd Ninety .1\ddreoa, l\lorol EducaUon -Jr. For raral iut &DY'Whtre. Unlimited ·

'Wimmeo Hadn't Oaabtll Drive' May, Ora'nre Stampe be Used to Buy Four (894) !ect to tho north· Pant Prcoldcnt, R<i>ckah Assembly by loeJtt.k), unoquet.d In economy ol CHBVtROLET SI•RING COLOUCA.DB · . A!'ytill~ Except Food7 we:st corner; tbcnco Eaot Sov<!n- of Texan. :olQratJon, the Superfa: Oa1 Burnlll6 ·

WJIDN:QSDAY A THURSDAY I No They may NOT be ~ to ty Five (7u) ~t to the nort~- 12:00 Dinner at H-all-(l()vcred di1h, · tor n.ku modern refri~- Timed to be a ooluto to oprinc • cast comer; thence couth Th~c • Ch 1 " '

------------- bny non-!OOd Items eueh e soap, Hundred Ninety FOUJ" (3~) rteay of tocal lo~es. eratlOI\ .-vall-"le anywhve, with cvro llt onnouncco n Coloreado of Jeah Caaney, Richard Denniolt'!at.arch, rna~hoa or 0 ther such bouae· !m to ploco of beginning, con· 1:46 Call to ordcz. lbotUod or tan cu. at a COl~ of only Modela" In W:Qiemhipo tho country

.- b _ hoM KOOCJe. tAdnlna" in all 13 llCrco more or Songo. a fttSW eenb a • over, lntroducln~ tho JlvcUcot ana)' What WIU Blue Su"'IIIJI Food 11cs:~. A tra<=;

1of-3 land c~~n· Prayer. j Tbero'a no ...e to -~ out of hues over oUe~ by tho 6111~

4llr" Jd GJ tJ •r ng !lPJ)roX o. acrcG CuwrllC• 1 · · · ,...:-UO en ovea 6ta•P• BU11 I cd In sE%NE% Sec. 6, 1\vp. PrC!lentntion of Awards, of order, ht 4Sott tlle wor:Jr. aDd Je.dcr of tho auto lnduotey. Tho an· Tho Bluo Stamps sfvcn freo by tho 11 SSouth, Range 17 Enct, til. Duclno~m m«JUng. l•n ucluetv. f•ture of Superfu Ia nouncomcnt wna malo In Detroit thia _.

·An amateur boxing toumarnent government may b~ JlMsl to .~ . M. P. !L, bcginnincr n,t n ·point Dills. . • ••• blll'l\6• that do u kcur&' work ln week by 'fill !am E. Holler, IC<lncral with !«l'! ,.pf -·~~ ra,c)cet~~Jhos~ aJrfctiltural -'S~~itii.a . ,.,.~c~~ ;~~~~: llc~ ~ 2 trdnu_U! roporto from each l~e. '~!bout two h~ N'o CCil)Unuou• .. manJ.ior.

~ andawealth.ofhqman-valu!l. products \\'hlch li'avali44~&'dtfd ·&c. 4·andi.J.r; In saia-·towndhlp uT.m1ctinz11lace. I~Jt. .. ~3111<19*. ~ No Further brlght<!nln~r n Uno wbJcb 'IJ 1as "surplua fOflda" 'bj" the Seentary •nd tana"o on Uno "Cflvidincr South Soloetion of officers. J•~hbc or cwliiMI• , •••• • •_t ~~ • facl'ude• an QnUJiually wldo

- ALSO - 'pf Agriculture. • and North halvoo of cald Sec. 3:00 Addrcno, Dr. c. T. Kibboo, bumii"'J&re ~ _.lliftft' .-~ ranp of lolors and two-UIIlo combtn-,.,Odd Oceupationa•• and "Y I What Are Bnrpla Fooda7 ° on n vnrintion of 13 degrceo Grond Monter, Grand Lodi'C! o! New atln&' ntfldtut retrfa~U(In for 24 Mr. Holler c.aid, "lo tho In-Can't Shoe a Horaefiy" .

0 u Tho aurplun foodn are named In ~~~:Su~ C::nutt~;nce ~~h o!! lllexico. --·l houra or toqer, they ao o• 4qtomat. at thb time d1 new colore oUldal Ustn which ore changed !rom chain and G2 Unkn to the north- . _ k!!liYt (l11Dtro116d \)' a thtirmolt&t inlttlor trim. Our th~c moat

1 time to time and arc kept p011tcd caot eorncr ot yard :1ence; thence · ELECTROLUX llhut.off. S;lccbl Deluxe modeil)-..tho KNI1"l'ING PROJECT . .,. I prominently in partJclp:~tlng food WC!lt 71 degrcen no m~. h _ b }" b d Tbo only conntetioo Super!ex re· sedan and fh-clp:won~tcr coupe

... _rts Theao foods are CArrie~) on northf3~2 _,clurihllruJI . hto ll portlnht T oug you IVe eyon qttlzM •• the ~to tho ,.. aupply. now avallnblo with cltllor groan

....., • ~ nc:1r oo. (J.' ~ w ence no • • • .. 1 1 b the ntorc sholwt~ and are exactly tho went corner poet. ot lenc,e, benra the City gas mams, you Supenfex I&Yea tboUAnck of trine 01' blu~ O:mda c otb lliP ololcry at

Kn. Selma Degits. ehaJnnan of e&nle In quality and price whether aamo cournc 2M cl:alno diGtance • • ng mod a~ ever:v dar,. •vee food and additional coat. War ProducUon, American Red Croos \sold for Blue Stampa or for callh. from above dc::crlbed comer at are DOW ~DJ~YJ • money, aa~ trl~ to mal'ket., and "With mod~lo In Con~ltuUon Blue, _ lor tbe Llncoln County Chapter re- May Surpltls FoodA Be Bo.uaht With ~C::u:! hM!seort.r.eA2 ~!f::~11

: erq gas cookmg ••• you .p~ 'll.ltb by m&kJDI' poaible Marino Dlue, and t\.ro-tonc:l In NAG-


."Arise, My Love''

porta that abe ba a D~s Mak:!ng Orange StampS? Ruldooo River; tho n c c u p CaD ,also a art&Wr varfett cA wboles.om6 frcah ll&i1 Gray nbovo ond~ltrrino Bluo bo· r l . . ... " . .· ... 8

. • ., ....... . . ... ..... Yes. Orange Stamps will pur· .strenm along the middle thr'..rcoo . ~ . t:t... b. .c.ts· f tCiti\\s. · L';l.'M., "' cl'.~':~ c:l w:'~. t.~t..t~J"ti ta':l c.:: I I &rld Swl!ittter projvct: ltl 'JiWI'ftsJ, i:J.,\ chase ANY foO'lh for human ccJnUfilP· a poitlt where the Pablo enJOY .. ue eneJJJ 0 I "It'e the flnut &rt.lcle We have In new blue tone upholstery lo oftercd.


. . ..



. '

1 that there Is a shortace of workere. tJon which aro not cit be consumed ditch. ·h~e ita i:,~ ~ GAS REFRIGERATION our home" ••• "A miracle of econ- Likowl1:0, tan 0 r urcen upholnU!rY b \ This project will cloee dpi'*' the th d' 1lle • , tlt!e v.'cat 0 You can a I omy• • • • "Pa,.. for ltatlf with ILl ovallnhlc with Rl~i::oc G_J'I<,~cnn~1i' i1Allldm1ctltlm~l~-~-\

__..... u 1 On e .ore prom o 1 . '"'-'\:··· ···m;,------j·GJ\een;-1l:lill-lWi1l'·'tiJJto-, n muu"" of ~:~~ay. Any one nterestcd · , . .:J..__ ___ ·-rn · · · con- oomo 1 See Harke)" IAld-er Co. for "ThC!lC new 'bright b'Poto' In tho

I No. Food Stamps are to be Ulled course di.rr.ance not me!l!lun;d Refrigerator on you I spring picture," Mr. Holle~ !lllld,

I ·; ., I ' l j

' . ..


t&ct Mnl. D~ta 8 Ild &ecurc lnstruc· only in the mmmer speclfiw in this to the south bomuhry of &:lid • • 'd eai "aui1J1ent o line that already mcludea tfons and materials. and only by tho . famUiea to !!';.~!!E~, ~· !~i'~Jr:n ~ present lD~lVl Ual . ~aS no mo( viftc. ':~ In J!,~f~ ~ r1:; popular t'.!·W FJoot11ne n:adol,

_........,........__.... ·-·--··-..· ........ . tt~ af<l {1!0:1~. ,Anj'cnt! VIM ~1 dtoonbttl Wild wli..ch i~ now c;yste:rt:~•., It'S ~asyto 1n-= :.~~=-hlt;l permaomt- fn if4 own dlstlrrcth'\l tan· owned by Mnrtin Torre% and [g stall and connec-t' -11 t • """·r b~ man" and brown br!Xlddot~. :introduced I

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grav«!a moved tlwm, wbetber partfclpantll, cmbraced in tile &amc above de- • 1y .,..en • • no m •• .., "" ' ff!W wcekn ago, the Fleetlino 1w.n re-to Orogrande bat Tue.aday, where retailer" wbo!t:salem. or others. is ccrilied bnd In the SE%NE%, SINCE YOU HAVE HAD GAS for year~ you !Wve lt. ~iv_. -ide occla.im as th firnt ear

.., Sec. G, Township II South, ki , b-LJ to y ' ed f ~ "' " e Jack is employed by the Southam gufll:v of n felony and ouhjeet to tine Range 17 Enst. COli ·ng, you vo 'Pro ..... Y .. uld our e assur 0 in the lowest price range. to nU<ml Pacific water service. aJid imprisonment. NOTICE ilS HEREBY FURTII- your;;e!l 0 hundred times, ! wonder PERMANENT 81LBNCB maximum 'town ror' smnrtne!;ll."

ER. GIVEN t.bnt the amountn how we ever did wlthout·ltl NO MOVING PAJn'S The new blue nno l:l'ecn upholat.cry awarded by the Court in snid Final Th'!usandn of familio~ w!:o have 'EOONOlUCAL OPBRATION ore distinctive In nhnde high-

. Amount ol Judgment rntb in· hE'yond the lr-l11 _ mains, aay the ~me SA.VlNGf!. THAT l».AY !'l.m lil' nddcd rlcbne.:;9 to t'lro liUI.tm"·

. W1-. .. we ha--v· ···e ·state . ·1;m;sf; f6 date ~ sate ··- J L:»etr Gagke'Refffl~~on. aslonoo 88 vou. have it lal. Their jncluslon In the ChO?ro-u. • . AttorneY's fee.a with interest You Jon t uuve to Tr.A any Cuaul" !'•a . of line gives tho eclor-conllCious

and National Banks m da~:!te~~e r;;~-~===== in your ~C:n~ equipment ••• sun ""' ~- ---· -- _Jt~~~~sts. *~ate •••••-•- conn~ it up. ~ts cost of operatfOJr, U ~.:.=• t th ~Ros- vcblcl:f a distinctive. pcn:o~ll:e-d

Totat .. -•• .:. .. -.... ~- --··---$475.78 Ia ~easonahlo ••• and .tnce ~ lift' we twere ·...:h ·. ._! ,.,_ :.t ()IN~elat • PART II


Inlbia ·eountry there a~e re.Uy 49 banking systema-··tbe national and tbt atate aystE>W of 48 statet, though the state ayatema are generally referred to collectively as a 1 i n g l e ay•tem. Each atate government and the federal govern­mentlthrough the Comptrbller ot tbe Currency bas juriadic• tion onlY over tht banb it created. Often a state a n d national bank will be found in the ume community. Out­wardly there ilnc> ditrerenoo. Thera is little difieNnce in opetation. Difrmnce are legal and adminiatrative. One of the chief virtueaa of tbia dual banking syatem is the check add b•Jance et.eh one ofleta to prevent abUM ot aupervilory

toltu!hct with all co:;fg or snle. . eoutl 1 C!OUn OUM .. , ~· '""' e NOTI<lE IS HEREBY FUR'I'liER .. .. !Juatke ot the Pt~aee; lt 8 ·9'~ last Mr. and Mrs Thomas Karr ar-

GIVEN that the tt;rms of said sale e~llstments In tho Na~l Reael!Ve &turdar &fttrnootl. 'l'IJj ~Y weda rl'rad home (rom Brooklyn. Iowa, ~re eash at th& tJme the property w1JI oo mode for a peri6dd o! four· ea~ to O.rrisoso wflm they igb b th Js struck oft and that the property years or minority Men wUl be en-1 · on n t; w ero ey wil} be sold snbject to the rlght of u' amen for aM- spent s brief ho~ with reta- WID' about l!lix weeks a~ro to at· redemption rJf the defendants llll al- &.a appren ce 10 ltl ~_. _.._. • I lowed by Jaw. men and firemen ratinra. ~· vea aJid :u,e..._ ~ tend the funeral of their htt e

FRANCES M. ~HULTZ, (lfrnalmen, radiomen, macllbitn'a 1 'l'he brtde 'baa llYtd In Ronrell for Jo Ann. Mr. Kart a Firat. publication .fJ'Ji~. M~lr· mat.es, 11viation mecha~cs and elec· 11N!veral rears, •nd f.t one- of tbepret- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mre. Fourth publication May 16, 1941. uiclans. These men will be aent to tied abet m08t popular of the yooncer Roblnaon who had been looJCina

the training st&tlons for the J1111Ular ! . . d. · . t d' 1 , M d M . • recruit tralni riod and it fO!Uid ,crow . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. a ter the 1 ry a or r. an . re.

Mr. and Mrs. SnO'IV and chddren . u .. i d. ng pe .. ·!~' . . ....llt tiel· 'the ,ct'oom fa a lOb' of Itt. and Mrs. . . veaterdayl!or theh- home Wet& in El Paso last Monday attet:d· qua ...... e , ttpon comp ..... Otl, 1r1 . . .. . . . . . . . . . .,

.. "~ .. --· ... po.wn.ht-~thet •. ~Thil'-lt pot~~ibla' becaua~lf~'Qtiobil· -. bank may beenme aata~ bal_lk.ir:i~Jf~il'es.,._and a_.a.tAe(e.__

---..nJtmiJ becomeanational bank. ·

to 1!011\e husinw ar:tairtf. !lent to BChoolt located tbroucholltftuler.Kd'!lrtntst ·and t1Ye4 Mt. for in Texaa. Jlng · tM United States for th6 abo\'8 a -~r.nber.!"f ~an~. He ~!~to'--Ro•. . ·~ ., · ....

IRECF :u·rfi~=;~-=-==---- wiU nc availabfe for $teneral ; well ~wi, thea. hl~!_!h•Jmol4 In tt~;, l!:YetJd Membent of the State Tax Com-NAVAL RESERVES service. . ,., 1OM n ""_,.0 .. WI ~.-e •n mM!aion met with the county Com·


.. ~ ~ .

OitiJtu sil.te Bank of Vau,Jui,

~ Entlstmentt wlffbe made ~wtfn, eney bodr l~ hlm~. Ito ,.. ... · yesterday to arran1e . There ~e appro:dm~tely lfY7,000 the ag.es of 17 and 86;.1lo1fevet fl ajaletant at the Lincoln Couatr New• tlie county budget •

lenllim!clrei'Ukra tn the Navy todny. man ts le&s than 21, he must ~in offtCe for HYeraJ J'I!!IIH• ~ mov- . In additi~n to '1mildfng up the regn. his parents or guudlans ~t. In&' to Ronrell he Ui bMn IIJIDj)loyed . . . . lar ~ the. Navy Department The same phy&cat, mental and moral bt thf Stalldud 04 StatlOD; *ttd ~ . A number of Odd F~llow• . and announced tod~y that It had opened for Naval Retterv•• wiU preieQt fi opel'Jthi« tlw StGiktd Rebekaba ·from _Carr1•ozo. • r •

Jn classes . ~ the . Naval be used a8 n()W pr~vll t01r the! r&~• 01. 1 Statl . .. . .. :~ ..... ....., .trw ·there. to attend the W b i t e

.ese:r¥&· that hav~ he~etO!ore .. Na.V'_AI ~ee. · ... · on Oil .... n~, .. ... . . · .. . · · · · · At~Qeiatton in· Alaoio-cl~. Full ~Is •re amt~tlble at an A bOlt of fdtn• ~th ~ a SOtou. aordo ApriBl6th·27tb. . :

Fet< 11-mlee 4tttina' 'thh ~ttenc:v Rechlttint Statfont. . '-'f)cf ~lllful Utt. · . . .. •

' ,.~


••• ..

- • -" ---- _f --· --, -""

··~ . '

' ... . . . .. . . ••


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' .

- 7 " • ---- ••

• .£ --~-


.. ----~- - --- ---------------­..

' •

Bat~ling B~hie&· •· " . •

-------~------~~~~-,-------To the majority oj

A'merican children Satur• . ' day night mearu dunking.


Flori"da· Extends···"'· Nation's Editors . . . . .

Her Hospitality·

" •• "' ,,_ ·-· .' . >. ··­

' . ' . ' ~ ' . '


-~ ' ., . .... ' ; ..

'l'o tl.ic 2,500 boy& who be·' long to Kips Bay Boyl club in New York, Sawr· day night nll'anll battl.e. 1'hc bo:cer with the liighe:~t numl1er of points 1Jt!l& a watch. tf ge range, 6 to 21.

• · Scribes Visit ·State During

Tlti1 Sl'ries of picture& · take:~ you to tht> club.

Rig lit: .1'/li:~ little fellmt· ;, loadt•d for bear. Tlte glove& t hPy 1161.' arP well paddt•d, so, e:ccept for a bloody raoJc or tu·o, no tlamag<• ;, pouiillc.

Tlw gladiator~ are al10um ltere tveiglJins in Jor the bouts. rang11 Jrom. 50 pounds to 135 pounds. .

• •


National Convent.ion ' ...

At Jacksonville. •

_ By BUSSEI.L ~y (Jlelenll!ld byWe~~tctn NeWI!Pilper'Untop.J JACKSONVILLE, FLA . .­

Why do peopl.e go to Florida? What do they :iee, what do they do; how are they entertained while there?

These and many other ques­tions concerning the state that_ has become known a~ the "na­tion's playpround" were an­swered for hundreds of editors and publishers of the nation re· c~ntly, who attended the Na­tional Editorial association con­vention at Jacksonville -and


t d th t t t f the _Florida extended a warm welcome to oure e s a e as gues s o ~~~ilin4f '-'dllllrt. Two Jmr Fwridam

Florida Press association. (upper lefiJ conduct a tobogganina · Florida, alert to Impress this dlS· "demomrralion," while t11lum flower tlnguished group, proved an admira- le/IJ di1play their c4arm• between ble host. The three day convention •talk• of1ugu cane. Deliet~e it or not, Pcdod In J ackswwllle itself was a but a nativo •9uaw fupprr rlshtJ learn•

I I h - all about the convention }rom Dob gala occasion, c imaxcd w t a ban· fllple)"himself. In a more aerlou• vein. quet given In their honor by John H. GoJJerqor Speuard L. llolland formally Perry, who also o.rranced tor a welcome~ tho delegate• to "the land of coast to coast salute on the NatlonaJ •umhlne." Farm and Home hour; orlgina~lng __ from his Jacksonville Journal sta· Mayo, Florida's agrlc~ral com· tlon WJHP conducted- by the Wash· missioner, welcomed tbp _grc!up and lngton nc,;..s commentator H. R. escorted them through the \forld'o Baulthagc. 1 largest state farmqr'a market and

Convention sesstOtAs were brotdm 1 ladles or the community served with Interesting sld..c tripa that ~Jle fresh strawberry shortcake. afternoon carried the group to Jaclt· Welcomed In St. PeternbutS• the nonvllle Beach for a dip in the At· "Sunohine City," with bondD 'and !antic and a fish fry, another to St. bonners they toured the city and Auguotinc where they violted Old were gucotn at o bapquct provided Fort Marlon, famed Morine Studios by the local dally pnpcro, Timco ·and other pointo of intoreot and and Independent. again hod ouppcr on the beach. Sec 'Peerless Pinellas.'

. Tour of State. The next day troverolng the I h I h ld "Pccrlcon Plnelloo" peninsula they

Dctcrm ned t at t le group 9 ou lunched at Clearwater on the GuU, really ace oomcthlng of Florida be- vloltcd the opnngc ll!Jhcrlcs at Tor· foro leaving, Florida newopapcr pon Sprlngo and enjoyed a rcccp­fol.kn took the vto!Ung ncrlbco on a tlon at Dupree Gardena, nrrlvlng In ocvcn-doy oll-cxpcnoc tour of . the Tampa ln time to view McDill field, otatc. the now oouthcootcrn army olr bane,

There were ohown the U'nlvcrolty and attend nnothcr banquet at which of Florida at Gnincovlllc, beautiful the Tampa Tribune WJlll hoat. Silver Springe ncar Ocain where, Turnlng couth through rich cltruo from glnoa boH01Jl bon~. they and trudt arena they nnw the towM viewed on underwater fntryland, of Bradenton Sarnnotn Punta Gar­watched the fUming of oceneo for do and nrrl~cd at Fi. Mycro for the forthcoming ocrcen vcrolon ot luncheon guent!,l 'of the Chamber of "The Yenrllna," npw Rooo Allen Commer~e. mlllt rnttlconakco nt hln Reptile In· Then ncrooo the myoterioun Evcr­otltutc and vtolted tho Seminole In· glndco via the Tamlaml Trail to ar­dtan village. rive In Miami for n ouppcr at tho

Journeying on they traveroed the owanlry Royal Palm Club cccnlc lake and hill ot'ction with ltn The next day wan dcvot~ to otaht­thounando of OC:t't'O of cltl'U!l' srovt'O, ccclng In the grcater Ma.aml area otoppt!d briefly at Lc('!)burg and San and included brt?nltlaot at one of Lando S~ranno ,to arrive at Orlando, tho tamed beach hotelo, tunchcon ct?ntrnl Florida o Iargent city and hub at Cor.al Gabfea .and llUPP'!r at tho of the grMt cltrw indU!ltry · Pan American lnternallonal airport,

Gucnto of tho city, they enjoyed where they wltncc~ed the arrival of a reccptlon and b11nquct and found clipper ohipn !rom South America. exc!!llcnt hotel n.ccommodatlonn tllat Here the party woo dlvldt>d with llll?urcd o rcotful night. .. a pnrtion ot tho nroup boarding a

':, - . ,'

.. ~ . [;, . -, ,_ - .

the townD of Melbourne, Cocoa, where a reception wan staged and refreshments .Dcrvcd, Titusville,· New Smyrna and at Daytona Beach completed the tour wUh a dellc.iollll hot chicken dinner nerved U1c party in a opacious grov'e at Farmer Dans which followed a opin on the world tamed Dayto'na Beach and a recep­tion and cot>ktall party.

Here the party brolro up and the vloltoro were carried on to Jaclwon· viUe where trnlno were waiting to take them to their respective otates.

Tho!lc who toolt the oido trip to Cuba had an equnlly enjoyable time and .JVcrc wlnt>d, dined and en· tcrtained during their three-day omy on the loland.

All agreed that the Florida con· ventlon apd tour won tho mO!rt on· Joyqble and lntcrcoUng in N. E. A. hlotory and ·a!l!:ertcd that If t!'lelr experience wan typical of Florida hropltnllty and cntertnlnment they could be depended on to return.

It woo tho flrot time tho Notional Editorial aococlotlon had convcn• tioncd In Florida· for 20 yeoro.

Eleanor Roosevelt Urges Compulsory

Service for Girl~ V1slt Bok Tower. oleam<>r for a olde trip to Cuba,

Tho nt>cond day carried them to while fhmJe remaining continued tho Eleanor Roo::cvclt in a current U}o Bpk Tower ncar Lake Wnlea, per· Florida tour and tho following day otntcmcnt rccommendo that a year mltted a o\op at Waverly to ot'c tho brealtlontcd nt Hollnvood Beach, of cumpub;ory uervko for glrlll be world'o larceot cltrun pocldnghouoe vinitcd plantallons of the United conaldercli an port of a permanent In opt!roUon and arrival at benuti- Statco Sugar corporation at Clcwlo- homo dcfen::c program. ful Cyprco.g Gardens at Winter Hn· ton, whcrt' they were luncheon Hcrc Is the manner in which tho vcn, where they found a dcllnhtful gucntn, sltirtt>d the nhorcn of Lnhc First. wdv ~.:c~::~r:..':t tt~: ~1~1!.1:) ~q.':;j ~~ Junchcon. ~-IP~;~,_~f,':;::.e ~ •• ~'ttl "ttilkit wao · Olwvcllo'bvo to ilrrivo ill West Palm !ltlhject:

'enjoyed in tho enl"hnnting gardt'ns BMch where they were guests of "I personally hope that a year· of on they witnessed a npeclal pro- tho city. compulsory service will alno be 'Con-

of aquatic sports, acquaplnn· Alon~: E:ast Coast. sidcred for I do not, of co1us,e1


. " ' , . Z927'7 ·

T HIS ch~milJg Uttle. girl in her . .big-brimmed sunbonne~ and

short dres~ will be qqlte at home on your lawn. Holding a watering can, she is an industrious as well as decorative figure. • • • •

In lO·JQch size, •lie come• on p~tt.ern Z92'17, 15 cents, aU ready to be traced to plywood or thin lumber, cut out with jig or coping saw ond p~inted. She mokes a line compnntan for tho Former Brown'• boy cutout, Z92'18, 111 cents. Send order to:

. . AUNT.MARTIIA ' BOX lH·W . Kalll81' f;lt)', MOo

_ Enclose U. cenl!l tor .each ·pattern desired. Pattern kO ..••• ~. ••• ••• Pattern No ••••••• , • , , ...... Narno ••• ,. ...... ,. •.•••••••• , •• , •••••••• Add res• , ••..•..............•...•.•. ,

DENVER HOTEL DREXEL HOTEL, 433 17m ST. Comrorillblc rooma \'fllh .ll.ll &:llllvtnJcru:u. A• ottrnetlva Jow dolb' ocd weekb' l'llle&.

Wktn All. Baaq Ardn ut Dtprt. . .

Heart and Mind Let us, then, fcllow-cltizcrw, unite

with one heart and one mind. Let un restoro to oocial intQrcquroc that hdtmony and oJicctlon WJ.th­out which liberty and even lfte it­oelf arc but dreary thlngo.-Tbcimas Jcfrcrcon. ..

Bright Outlook To temperance every day In

bright; and every hour In propi­tlow to dllJgence.-Samuel John­non.

----- and boat races. ~~~~~~~~~a:~r~;!~!J~~di;~:;t:~~~ nomo:'k~~i;tt-~;;£ and with every meal, scribt'!l n~~cd northward up the cast work boys probably do, nor nu th•...,. -pe too

. .. . -~-_.,_;&:..

' .. ~ "' . . ., .. .

·;_ . wore loaded down with baokets of coast, !ltopp!ng for luncheon at Me- do 1 think of them servinrt In camps. fMtlntof ''ntl"''<>to .. tlt ...... Florida's choicest oranges, grape- Kec Jungle Gardens neat Vero However, just 119 there are boys ~ Hot • rntta~• fruit and tangerines. Citrus juice Bench. • whose interests and capaciUeq. vary, just t:comc!l to fltlW wjthnu!. en~ fa~ · Datcl!l', rcccr.~wn. committceo ond co Mva girt:J mtcrcsb and <Ul.fU!ci• all who eated to drink. · a vt:ll'iely of souvenirs were wo.lting ties. I think the oppnrtunity should

. . .... ·' ~·.·-·. "'! ' ,' • ;., tl" ;_,. ~.

- t ' " " .!1., ., "'-·- ------------., 1 h' • • •

V ppPr right: Director John McCrory 8ive1 Olfll. oJ· hi• gladialor4 laJI·minute inJtrunimu. Below: And here, is cmo oJ tlh«t l!IICOUnlerl. T 1ro mosquito uY-igl1t1 are belting aacoy ln; the center Qf.,fho ring.

L<lovin1J Cypress Gardens the tuur all oiong the route nnd t'l'blle stops be offered to girls to work and train touched Winter Haven, Lnkeland and were of pecessity short the visitorn thcmoolves along many different Plant City. Hero Hon. Nathan were given an opportunity to see lines."

The above otatement ap)lt!ars In •

tho current Issue of tha Ladies Home

Agricultural Outlook Improves Journnl.

Speeiilcoily Mrn. Roonevelt sug • gests•thot the girls do their year or service, in large part, in their own eommunities . . . in hospitals·:--;- , in borne economics school courses . . . In farm-management C!tl1m::l~ in rural areas . . . and In

'--tlS5:H-~-----f~;~s~=.- 4Ir mechanical-~. resident centers such as the

--.. ---·-.....

Jl liilS.,... ... ......... , ....... ...............

at Youth admfuistratfcn's • . • n.girl wished to go there, she could obtain trnlning lor a job, in ease on emergency, ordinarily filled by a man. Afld there is mechanical work suited tO a woman's ablllty in

I many · peacetime Industries," she explains in advancing her iden. ·

"If we compel our chUdren, for their own good, to go to school, i see nothing undemocratic in giving

-·~"!'' the people of the ~ountr)' an oppot~ -=r.::,";;;;',;'..-· • tunity to decide at the- polls whether · • . . · " ;, • ' • • ' they believe a yeiU'•s no,rvice at a

Tim tdttntJhl llf'/eh:e 3lcdror¥ .. -Po4~·tt'll_i' •tj• ~ AJt~r .. ~J.I'Ollu it' che -- given age to_t- thb bby~d· gtrl!l of. lola. up Jo MM. J>l • itiJPt.tr. tlub ~ ,,._.. ""JtAih: ft>U "'~ · 'l'IH! .,..,_., ti~~~«fl•.Wiftotfl'ri! iurfllllt!cJlt u,,awd u. tit& 111•1 &su.ftf tbe naum1 't'ro"..tld be <J! villU . ., to k'ho locpJ into the+ 1111r fit -atknc»d• .in rh~ lotktl' tOo,fni •lldtt!Jt4m,!t_re< f1 lift bllfiii o{ -ilflwltutal fCOnfJ"'lt:•• U,nillii $1tilu deputmerttDT «&rfculwu. · Tbt~ litem as lndivldua1s Md to the na~ f!drtt tlu• ~lnu~i'!_~l_la~J ('~ub~!e,~·--_ ~'!!_l~ru ~t~~~!'•: !~ ';J'~bff._;.:_ -·~ .. -~- ·rmmll_ o¥&loo1c u ~..,.l,oor•blf. :' ___ _ ~ ......... __ .. tt~~~to{r:~}~~~~~it_:_ii/-ae:.

· College Students Speed Studies to. 'Beat' Conscription clded to require of them a year of · . service sho'Uld be placed on exactlY · · .~VANS'tON, ILL.-The increasing rner sessJcns, in otder to get their the l!lllttl& tooting as ~ent and, ijtey

I . L

• -. ' ·~- -,. ,-•- -- -- .... --·- . --~ ·"'--·-·- , .... ,_

lnftuenc(l ot the conscription act will degree .before they become 21 yeJti! sho'Uld be given The bliie! subsist-have Widespread ettects . on hlghet old." . ence and the sam~ wtage.'f . . ~du~atton, according to Or. Shirley ·sm~e the dofermenhf college stu- "Of courne, if • girl Uveslat hoi:ne; A. Hamrin, dlreCitor of Northwestern dents of draft age ends on JUir 1 Of what f4 allowed the boya as • sub­

-unlvtir$lty'a summer session and thl.l year, afudents will not be able shtence Jn camps Sho'Uld t>e· aUowed unlyerslty college. ·to predict' their own status bt tbe to the home for Ute girl'• SUbilst-

"Bocauso M~ students will 110t tu~ .. '!'fils will nndoUbtedly have ence . and abe aliotdd receif& th.IJ ~ able to C()mplcte • tolll"Y.ca.t' c:Ol• some etrect on enrollment. or. JJ:ittt.. ..m6 cash remtmetallill\ whi\b the~ lege course. Wore they become ell·. rJn. said. lte lltedtcted, howevet, bo7lt teceive. 'th~ dHremce·~ tb«· glbte to\' ntecUve ~~tl"'l'lce-,'" h~ said, that untm .war llJ declated, thm l)pf!·ot~e tendered'fuflkes M "many wlll taka three ~ears' in• will ~ little, if anr. in n!xular real difterence and they are entitled tcnslv(! work, including three. sum• ,eat n!ad.strtUon. · . ttt llicuJbl remuh~ra~lon.'• ih'A t~nml•lft•

- - ' . L'L .

• •

•• . . ~ .

' - ~.'


·EVXPERt . . .

-BUYE',RS . ' ~ . ' ' . • .trtlrlilt;.;a 1111 ~ lftf'cimtot!Qn. al

· to jltfceuluahn'e U!tlg ••h.r fot ~· W l.lf.U fo' ltvy, arid as fO lfjj IIVOflty - calf expect,llte. cdvettltlnil tcllllftfti Of ew. \'MWJJICipet' pe!fona • w~:wlltho aervrcww"dl•avai ~ •11111 ~! Jftr• • it 11' •1tootl

:r· -- . .

• habit.

' .... ' , . ..,.,. ..




• •


I ' ! ! .

f I • . I. . f

-- ;.-----~---

Sl:NOJ.>SIS -11

Qoorge McAusllind wos 311 years old when· • Jailed ftom .America to undertake hts

· ~~ as a mlsslonBry In ~he FIJI Islands. A .,..m""

1e he had committed La a fit of excite-

en had shattered all his confidence ~ ~~11. He felt forced to ·avoid prettY _..., Doncaster; who boarded the ship a11t Hqnol\llu. She Willi. en . route to visit

Get parentt, who were mlsslol)artes on fUead lllland, Mnr:v was attracted l by

GGtorge'a 11ttempta to avoid ·her. One (lay

torge. ac~ldentally fell· overboard. MBr:Y unG hesltattngly dove Into .the sea to rescue

eorge, who falls In love with her. When lhe boat approached her ho"ion Gilead Jstand, .. they learned thai · ~s parents

, ~ad both died. ,George vo~t' ed to take #!large of the mission. Faced with the ne· re-_ally of losing Mar:v U he left her now, George forced l!lmsell to ask her to be his wUe, Macy accepted . .his clumsy proposa1. ahnd theY lett the ship to live In her former

orne on the lslqnd. The scanty dress of the nat1Vcll shocked George at first, but he toon became reconciled to their customs. 114ar:Y dl.scovered that Corkran. a sailor friend of George's, had deserted shlp to live on the Island. He had come there to help George and Mar:v If they needed him. Their peaceful Ufe WIIB Interrupted one day when a ship slopped In the harbor In search t>f pear !a.

CHAPTER V-Continued -G-



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' ,: .. ·· .... . "" .. :.·.

--" ' .. ~-· ,. ..... -: ... _ . '.

. _,-..

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thit )oy of the little Slrl lleotcd In the picture. In nlze four, thin little dreon contll but a few cents over o dollar to malte, Including organdy frlllo, tiny pearl bultono, pattern and thread. Tho name pattern In glng· hom mpltell o cunnlnB piny frock. ·

To keep down the cost of operat­ing a mechahical refrigerator it Is important to watch the frost on the cooling unit and defrost as oft~n as it i.s necessary. ,

• • • WbeP J'!IDDing rods through your

c tains put a thimble' on the end o the ·rod. It will ruli tht:ough · m e easily. • • •

Tl) prevent metal salt-shalter tops from corroding, cover the in·. side of the tops with PnJ!lffin.

• • • Never serape kitchen utensils

with a knife. Use a stili, brush . ' dipped in scouring powder to re-move .stains and burns.

• • • . Nut meats may be removed

from the t4hell without breaking the kernel if hot water is poured over the nuts and allowed to re­main through the night.

• • • · For b~st results tn pointing a


new brlck wall, .use a. paint. Dll\de with o Po~·Uand cement base. It comes in powder :form und is mixed with water.

• • • II short of eggs when making

scrambled eggs for the gong, add a tobJespoon of fine. bread or craclter crumbs for each egg short

· -up to hall eggs and half crumbs, . -- -- ... ----. DlC-='STIOtf . ..::'l.:lti:Riirl · au~ ID·II>o 11ocac~ orruUot !1101 aeli!P "' • •

llalr-UIIIIf Cll lllo b<&l1. AI !lao Jlrcl aim ol dlltnM - e<n 11M we::= dr.>C!><! c:u lltU•Lt11 Tatlcll .. Nl PI rroo. No tuollto t::J IDo4t ol ~to "'*'"

=lac_ <ledltln<o .._., lor ~14 IC4lrtoll=. II 1M II!>T PUllU .SO..n'& ~_ll§[[•ll10 l>tltor, -

to 1&1 an:l ra:dn liOU'll.LilllaiiJ&C&. Ill.

Real Modesty "' When one rcmninn modest, not

after prolne but alter blame, U1en ill he really oo.-Jcan Paul .Rich­ter.

J. Fuller Pep By JB(\RY LINK '

-- -·-- ___ :.._. --- ~~-J


A mont commendable thing about the frilled organdy panel that oddo !luch a dainty touch to thin gown io that It In mode detachable ao that the frills may be laundered oepa· rotely. One of the drllghtn of prin· ccno frocks In that they nino arc ellDY to launder. No gaUlero, no plent!ll Be cure you uoe bolllant thread when you arc oewing, no that It won't ron or fade. Aloo, lf you wont to leave on extra two lnchcn in the hem to take core of l'lnpldly growing logo, bolUa!lt -thread wlll leave no IJlnrk when the homo ore changed.

• •

Tho pinafore with llll apron nnd bib, so chaonlng for UtUc glrlll, hllD been revived, and a very nennlble Janhion It ln. A change-about of gulmpco ond nltlrtll lo o flexible wardrobe note to be remembered when o~tivc playtime molten rnnny chongen necennary. You cnn often uno loot ycor'n outgrown dreMen to make the apron and pinafore bib. Uce the t>xlra fabric of tho nlllovcn for Uttlc rufficn over the nhouldern or fer a big pocket on the oldrt tD hold a favorite toy. ' A good Umc to teach youngotero

to !leW ts .ulhen ,.<TU tit a tri~~.!.~t: t!,l.cll: clothes. With a UtUe supervision, leftover plecen of ·material can be fanhloned Into doll clothes just like mother's. start them too

happiest medium o! approach. IR~IPoO<>d by \V.atem NaWII;>!Iper Union. I

----~-- - ------------~----.,.-----•

-Twin Ilankies

. . •

Pltlats. Longer Jtiekets Mark Newest Spring Suits.

Prectsion in tniforing maT!I i sprmg sull!l for 104.1. Fashion hos ~ determined that m'lody will wear I pleats in the suit skirt-knife, box or twin box pleats In back or front, but l

. plain ot the side. The fashionable : ' length for jackets Is 24 Inches or 1'

wrist length. Other detnlln to keep . ~n mind U buying or mnklng a .!luil are single link closing, neatly squared shoulders padded flush with the arm, and hip flop pocketll.

Take your pick .of the so-called "open shirt" revers, or the elongat­ed type thot creates the impression

· of Cl longer wntnt. The fancy feml• nine suit has o shorter jaqket with a definitely nipped-In waist and ellDy fullness in the skirt. Knife pleating, grouped pleats, new soft yoken, dou­ble flop pocltets and chunky gold buHons are eharacterloMcs.


Dolmati Sle~ves A coat. desUncd to be a hfgbtfght

In ras!Uon is the new aliirtwaist type with dolman ,.!ll~e'\(ell, ... Its uUel'·alm· ptrc:Uy of cu£ aria -·styling ia lta charm.·.

The widow Drown wllo'e been ~~parkin' old JetS Uooro e:nyalt tm't Jed'• dancfn' Ulilt tcaclnatu ber: WI bill "pep appeal."

Wbtch abOWII ebo'• a dheeTnln' womrm, becauao Jod'a a tull­fledgtd vlumtn tan cmtt e:tta bill UI.X.OOO'O PEP IVCI1'1 momlng.

PEP bun't. got Dll Ulo vttrunln-. of OOut4t, bu~ U'l llll:lm•IDnll OD \he two tbllt aro utrn-Ghort. ln many ptoplo'e m~Dt nnd D. Whllt'e moro, We plumb dolletoua. Why not try It tomorrow?

lf'~pPEP A ur•al rldt I• rntt~,l•• D, au D

All In Silence • A scolding wtfe can say endleoo

disconcerting things, and !lhc blt.!l or minscs; but a oilent woman says everything.-H, G. Wells,


,.--7acu og --AOVERTI G

• ADVERTISING repreeenla the leadership of a m.tion. It poinf* the way •

. W• merely loJ.ltrw-{oltoWto llE!:W, lteiq_~ta _ o~ comfort, o( con'Venience, of happin~•·


AI time g~• on adverti.J. .Inti ~ 11!00 more and more1

and a1 it it UiMtd mo~e' we all profit more. lt's the WAJ advertiling Lat ....

·- --o • - __...... •

ol lw/nglng a pro/If fo e,veryluul~ cohr:•r~t•cl1 . ,.. consumer lnCt.,JH


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County lu'--~·~·· · .... ·-


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Bac.n4 u •"11114 .. 1&11 111atter liiJJ, 10, If., at tlul poet olkof M CarriiiOIPo lin ltqHo. .... &lie~ ot llanlll. me~

,., . ......... .... fWII:Ih. - ... Ell

. . ~

' . FRIDAY, A~IU~ 25,1941



N()'J11CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, Dolores 0. Forsyth, Special Mast~r. In pursuance of the judii'JDent and d't'­cree rendered March 3, 1941 In cause No, 4760 on the Civil Docket ot the District Coul!t of the Third J udiclal District ol the State 0 f New MexieQ, within and tor Lincoln County{ In fa­vor of J. Vorl Groee as plaint tf, and against A. 'D. Simmons and Sular Sf mmons, Virgil Simmons and Allee Simmons, and ollbel's as defcndantaf and In which the undersigned specla master was appointed and ordered teo sell certlln lamia and real estate In said judgment al'ld decree and here· lnalter (,kflCrlbed, . will exhibit and offer for sale, and 5ell to tlte hl~rheat bidder for caah, at the frone of the Courthouse In Carrizozo, J..ID• coin County, New Mexico, at o'eloek A. M. on the 4th day {)f .June, 1041, tho following describe-d lands and real os~ate, or so much thereof aa may be neeeasary t0 satiet-y t11e 11\11118 of money hereinafter mentioned which have been awarded to the plain· tl ft in said co use. Said IIIJlda are sltua1.e In Lincoln County, New Mox· leo and 'C)cscribed ao follows1 tQ-wit:

All of Section 83, Township 2 South; Rani~ 11 East, N.M.P.M. together with all Improvement&,

·-thereon, contalnlnz 640 acres. The oumo to oo real.lzetl from the

E!&le of uald reat estate' are as followtt:

tf ~ounty . iliSIICiiiY ·~•PtOrl Stoutlnt

__ . • I, I ··

Lets Lift Youth Away i'iom ~ ' . . .

C r i m e 'l'hrpp~,rb Scoutang.

Your Dollan are Nt~ede~ to Support Scouting.·

'l'be Boy 'Jcout Mov~DJ~~ .. ~~-dil~ tlnctly an u.tet to our country for the · development of eiDcle.ney,

l'<¥izjllt~ and 1ood elttzeDJhip. •• .;.Gunther Krorcel,

Scout movement II, tn m:v JUd'lment, tbe best or,anin­tlon In the world tor traln!nl boY. and male adole.centl

•• ' • U. Finley. .. If every y In the United StaW& could be placed under the whole­lOme lnfl enc:u of tbe Scout pro­cram, W WQUld have fewer ~ •lmlstle word• u to the future of our nation.

·--~W. W. (BUI) Gallaeher.

I commend the Boy Scout move-ment m01t heartily. •

•••• Roy Shafer.

The Boy Scout movement atands above all thlnp for Hrvlce. I bleu God that he hu allowed me to see the day when tbll moveo menf wu lnaucuratecl.

-Albert Bnow.

Boy S(ou.IS ol Aoierl(i . '

. a• o:t on the by line; and on the east by wa~ No. 64 (Coro~. to Cartb!~n:c)) on the south by ToWJUhlp south; on the west by east and the western Cjbola National Fol'fit Meaa) -· • I

include c()DlJDunltlee Ot Gran Oulrv .. ,. .. _ . Center ]!oint, Liberty, etc., ":~~~~col~lectively •• West Men. B at NOI'tbw.eet cornw of

thence eut 6 mUea: thence s miles; thence eatt 8 mlte•j south along the w~t .f11Kt 01

National Forett lo oounTy line· we:at 4 mllet; thence

· lOuth thence weat 8 miles; thence north alon.r eut boundaey of Clbola Natlonat FOt'OIIt t& nortaieaat comer of TlN;,R'1E; thence wett 6

I miles· thence north 6 mllea.

NOW THEREF10RE notice Ia her~­. by blven that a pubUc hearinl' will be held Pl.lrsuant to said petition, on

1 the quettlon o! the· deelrablllty ~d . necessity In the intere~ of the pub-Uc ·health, safety, an'if welfare of

·t-he creation of such district; on the queation of the &PJ>roprl.!'~ baundrJea

. to be ailsi~ed to such dfttflct; U{lon Amount of judgment _ •• $805.94 Court costl - •.• -.. ••• . • 34.00 Interellt to da:, of aale • • 11.37 Special Master ,. fee • _.. 16.00 'OOTAL -····---·-···- $800.81 To_gothe_r with 'Idle e011ts of this publlaatlon. The terms 11ro that purchuer shall

pay c111h at the time said property Ia struck (){!.

the ,propriety of the ~etltlon, and of ali other procedlnp ~ken under the said Act; and uPOq Ill que.tfona rel· evant to .Udb lnqwrfe1.

'L'he aald public heariq will be held b)l the State Soli OonHrvatlon

1 Committee on the- 7th day ¢ ~. ------------ .194k bCIPnnlnJr at 2:00 o'c~ P, H.,

at ~torp<1lnt In the coun_ty ¢. Tor-

Doloren 0, Forayth Spoc!al Master.

~--------~ ranco; on the 8th daf. of May, 1~41, beirfnnln« at 10:00 o ClOck .\. H., at Claunch, In the County. of Socorro; on tho 8th day of May, 1941._~&'1n· nina- at 2:30 o'clock, P. ~. at Corona, In tho County of Llrw;oln.

Firat Publlcatlop April 18, 1941. 1-'ourllh Publication May 9, 1941.

NOTICE - You to Give Ua


{itJ 6iS (ID1f• Phonet2

All owners of land JylnJt within tho I mlts of tho above deec~ ter· ritory and ali other Interested par­tlca aro Invited- to attend anct \till be Jrfvcn opportunfEYI to be heatd at the time. and pl&oN hereinbefore IJ)t!Cl!ied.


The public Ia hereby notified and requeeted not t.o dump gar· bail of any kind In the area ad· . jactnt to the atock yarda, Eaat of tbe overpa11.

B7 order of Village Council.

E. F. Redding-, Aetlllfr .A&tlnlltra· Uve OHlcu.

..._ _______ . Firet PubtJcatlon April llt. 1941 Second Publleatlon April lllfl, 1941

·--- -------·----

from border to border and coast to coast


• T~ of ltiYtltn.wUI cake date out tb1a Jilt to bow A.muka bttur. lhlnka to tiM' .low .. Grud CUd.- TO!u" lua. )'OU WliU America from bordet 10 botdu aDd c:out to roue ror ooly 190 round ulp Ita cbalri'WI and coacha, or •ass round uJp Ln eWidud Puli"'IIPI (plut $-(S foe a Pullman lowu all cbe way, oi nuo lor a.a uppct).

You can ltiYtl u many u 9,000 •lie, &lid hy JOlnJ oo .. , of Soucbcro Psdfic'a Four Sctolc Routea ucl rccu.nW11 oo • tlJ6nnl S. P. touce, )-ou'U IH hlht u Much u J'OII would coLn1 md rcturrilila tbt tame war. P01 momplt. cake 111 S. P. uaiD to Lot AnceJa, coaclaue DOrth co S.. Pl'llldJm oowiliftiiitiiied"11411£rli;Chta 1o toCiiklaO · ·-·- ·~· '· Yia lhl d1rcct Oftrlucl Route ~ tbt Hlab Slur&, 11Cr0M ( ,

Grat Salt Lake ud throuP the Rodda. Cooilirue oo 10 ~' . . New York-dlrcq ot vla Mmtrctl. Add &.tOG aDd Pott· . . , . ·-ldd, Malnt. for no addltlocat rail or PuU1111n fare.

Vblt w~ D. c. ·~ tet~~ta to rour &o.erowa oe 1111 ol lfYttal toula, ~ ol wbkfa .boWl )'Cia anocber pu1 of tbt Uatced Sca1ea. .

TIH trll llltmllll HHI h /Nil ew -...,IJ_, e/hw1e• ,, t• fill ,_,. •J StiUIHrrl P«l/ltll 1Mtr Sfnlt RHIII 1• 111 ..

tll'ltr., ·..,1 .. •Ito ., IIJJ lltAII. Jfil,., fHttrlll S. p, AI,., .. ., ••• , •• w • .t~ ....

-- -- '. ·-

• ' ... ..

. .. .



, ' . ..

Phon• .67 •

. . .,.,. .. ,' .;.


, ·When .You Can" Get

Better Service · · Quicker Cleaning

. - " . ' . . . - . . -- ·- ---

. A'l' TUE-. -Na- Way Cleaner•

DeUvetf and Pickup Service . . . --..

•. •

/' •

Ceneral Motore Truckea with lnc:nued ler room In GMC'a new . . Baii-Bearlnc Steerhur, are "•• all-ateel eaba. And under the

... ,. to atMr u JOUr e&r." And hood. drlv.rt hAY• the etronceat­CMC•e excluabe ~-CoU· pulllnr ~lnee In the lnduatry, S..ta are u comfortable! There'• abe for ·~· .. Try a GMC today,

Tla .. 1"'7••nh IJr'-VQ• our IEWlt YMAC llo11 ol lowed aW'OIIobl• ro/11 ----Western Motor Co.

Curiaozo, N. M. Phone 31 V. Reil, Prop. '



..... ..... ................... ssrr·e••••=•••••=• ••


" . •



Order of Service of Firat Baptist Church

·-Sunday School 10 A. M. Preaching

1service 11 A. M.

B. T. U. 6:1& P. M. PreachingService, !7:15 P.M. W.M.U. Wednesday afternoon 2:80 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday ev-


ening 7:00 P. M. \ /~--/ Choir practice Wedne'Btlay ev· ening 7:45 P. M.

L. D. Cochran. Pastor ..

Santa Rita Church -. Rev. F'r. Salvatore announce.

Sunday MassE>o at 8:00 a. m. and 10 a. m. at Carrizozo.

--------Church of Chriat

1 Elvin Boot, Minister • Sunday Servicca I Bible School • 10:00 A. M f) 1 Preaching at 11 A. M. & 7 P. M • . Midweek Bible Study on Wed-i neaday at 6!45 P. M. ~ Ladieo' Bible Study on Thursday ' at 2:80 P. M~

AJI a£:rvicea in new buildina two block~ west ol Postoffice •

The Methodiat Ch~rch (L. A. Hugheg, Pa:~tor)

10:00 A.M. Sunday School, Frank . Adams, Supt.

• "~ 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship •

wwwwwww:.&cwwwww 6·.15 P. "". E •

m. pwortb League ~~t~--~~~--~ .. r~~P!.~M:.----~~~n •-----~


NOTARY PUBLIC l We invite you to coma and

10 Different Bod1 Types~ And You Can Take Y~ur Choic:e ob Six or ~D llightlo Anj.Modd.. ·


Located at Harkey's Lumber Yard ; worship with us .

Phone ............ 105 ! -- · · · -t ..

Rea. Phone. .. " .. · · 64 'I For Plain and Fant.'}' W)f(!'WWWWWWW~WW DRESS MAKING

Redroigning, turning collar & cutr.J

READ THE AD$ AJoaa Wltb the N.wa


At Mayer Apartments ---


• •



• •

i --

Car.tizozo, ·N. M '

---· -- -:-

• ·--- --~--- --- --"·- ·- ... ~ .

" 1 . . . . ' " .. - .

- . •·


.~···· ........ 1 ..

.. . . . . ' -'- -----"'"






: •


<rem Air

'" ,• -~··-- . '· -.


'l· ~. . I <uri ~~ Beauty SboJ'e·


· ·We have recently ·installed the .. .Jamou~ · FISliER permanent waving machine, the only one1in the state


. , 2 Operators 2--

REtfi BEAUTY S@PPE Phcne 115 ·

Meets Every Tuesday ~vening

Glen Dorsett Samuel Welsch Set>.-Treaa. Noble Grand ...

T. E. KELLEY Funeral DireCtor and

Licensed Embalmer 'Phone 88

Carrizozo • • • • • • N. M~

Service Men -To the men of Lincoln County,

whose numbers Wtlre drawn in the National Lottery ~nfi wbo are in· ducted into the Military Servires of our country; T b c American Legion, cordially lnvi~ .Y!JU to avail yourself of every facll1ty of the American Legion and Auxil· iary of Post No. 11, Carrizozo. We wiab to aesure you of o u r heartiest co-operation and· the eervlcea of thli postaao offered in any pnsslble way that may be of benefit to you,

Albert Scharf, Commander, By: Dan Cooley, Adjutant.

Plac:er, Lode and Proof of Labor blanb for sale at the



SetWl tr8us whh NO MOVING PAit'l'l

'17\'D.Y"D.UttiiOn ... ••*• .... .U wllo'"W~=~••IIIl.._. m•kH m~ teGI...,._I(> adoa 10 ... itt --. .., , •• "" •. • ..,..MmllarMT••••••• •• PlltMNIINI'IN 0111 . -· ..

• c.~terw,.., .,, ... ,~~tmua tlft!ll •uu II!UIIhftl ..... -J.IAVJMIITIIAT~Y ... Ir

' •


Tho American Red Cro:s8 will frive tht Standard Couf'l!() In First Aid, Wider tbedlrecUon of Dr. J. P. Turn­er, loeaJ Flnt Aid lllDtructor.

'J1U.t~ dusllla<'fOr adulto fnlly, and M !~ dUze111 llavo signed up tu ~e tht co!U'H whlell wfll et.art Jllllt aa iOou u tbe boolca ar:Jvc.



AnJ~ ono Jnt.creaUd in t.hlo courno ._ ahould c:ontact Dr. 'nnrnor or Mro.


Meets on the firot Thursday in each month.

Visiting Stars cordially invit.ed

Mrs. Pearl Bostian W. M.

Jeannette Lemon, Sec. __ ..,, 'o\!\'i·~-•!;·--·· .. , .. •' •' 2 ., .. • ...

DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH Coalora Lodge, No. 16

each month at 7 p.m.

Mayme Greiseo, Noble Grand Birdie Walku, Seerctaey'.

Coal! I · Coal!! Cold Weather

IS HERE, SO When io Need of Coal ---- NOTIFY- -


Reasonable Prices Pto"lnJ>t Deliv-ery


• (Q·MtAil F. A ... Jllh, tnt. c-rrtaese, N. M.

G. T. McQalUsn. Frank Adamo, Chalrmo.n

Ame-rlc.tn &d Cross, Llneon County CbJclter, Carrlzozo, New Mexico.

The names of Leo Ivan Carl of' Fort SJU, Oldahoma, ~nd o! Eugene c. Dow,. Jr., ot Camp Dareley, Abl· lent', .Tua. h&Vfl bet:n added ti» our

· · s~pt1£m Uat.

--~-~- .... ,. ,r,,-~- .4 ____ ,, -~- ,._ -- --- ··-- .. ·+ ~-- .. - ~-- ---------- . ... -.- -·--- -------- -- - '•

. . ' ' ' .. - . '

• .. . .

• •

•• + •. , ' : ·.: ~

• ~-- ..... -·- ... -~--·- . ,_-"-·- _. ,....,.r·r,:-~ • .,._. , .

,oj' .., ,. ... \'.·-.-,. "

. ry: :_ ··~ ·-llrl:·-: . .


RO LAND'.S ::::::::;::::::;:;__ - . - .. .. - .




• '

. , ... WE HA.VE • I ' -· . ,_ . -- ~ ' . ' .

. '

A full line of cosmetics and fa-:e reliabie brands to -beautify and Woman's natural good Jocks. .

creams. All embellish a • • • • •



~I I !



. You go to the ri~ht place - There-i~Only-One--- Mal~o Gasoline Dit~tilate ·' Htt--- -- ·· ·- ·- -"'-'---- - -- -·- ·---nt- --------11

' and Kerosene Wholesalt> and Retail 'ZOZO BO.Ol SHOP


Harry Mllfer's Pla(e NO CITY TAX


Carrizozo, New Mexico --- ~- . -·· . --.

--=='"""""-"'<-=--= ·- •0. ,. -= ..

' n I •

c Buicll SPECIAL 6-J;asstngerSedanet,IJIJ(J6. White sidewall tires ~tra'!c

W OULDN'T a sprinter or a Joog. distance runner look aUI:y trying

to race with a clothcapin firmly clamped on his nose I

Yct,Jn a. .11cnsc. .11omething Uirly dose to that happens in nearly every car that lacks Buick's sensational Com· _pound Carhuretion.f -

For your engine hu to breathe in huge quantitiet of rut" to be mixed with glao­lino before it is burned in the cylinders.

But single·carburetor fuel supply ays· tems can handle only a given volume of air._

We remove that clothespin very simply - by haviq two carburetors; one tbGt handles all casual driving smoothly and efficiently, another to jump in with more air and more fuel when you call £or extra power by stepping on tho gu treadle!

Simple P Vel'}'-.. imple-indeed.- -- -·- --

And limply m(l'rvtlofiS in tho cxf~ l?uwBAU. wallop it gives you and in tho gu savings you get- as much as 10% to 15% qver pre· vioua Buicks with the aame-sb:c en• , gin ea. T.o that extent; then. an ordinary en• -

tine has a clothespin on it.!l nose -a Maybe you'd better lfmhation on air su~ly for btg power go see your Buick operation. doalot now.

tO;t!an.il eqtdp~t 011 the Buick Sm:w., lbadatd ~'ill et!:# modt!i:. •


*d,/ivtnd at Flint, MicA. Stat' ta»; optimal tguipmmt and aumo­ritl· -txtra. Prim su/liut to dzdhJI without ftiJtitl.

• •



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WHO'S ' .



By LEMUEL F. PARTON cAaaoc:tqtrd New8puprro-- .... wNU Borvtce.1

lit.' EW YORK. - Qumtillan's line, 1 ~ "He u bounds ·in sweet faults," wua nu·ant fur James F. Dewey. The quit<• unilorll}IY successful fed· Sh F .1. r .. ernl labor

are a ar '"I"' co-nciliator Promote Harmony, s e e m s to

have learned Dewey'• Method that people

an• IIHJrt• opt to be brought together by pooling the1r IJttle redeeming Vll'en tlt11n by matching virtues. Shur<• 11 hunwn W<•akness with o nwn und he'u opt to begin to fee1 th•· st1r CJf fellow.ft'ellng. That lif'-t'ms to be tht- Idea, olthough ther-& 1n no evJdc•nC"c that all this is pre· nu•d1tutrd on Mr. Dcwey'n port. Hrn•'•• how he "joins" 'em:

lit• dcu•nn't mind his cnlorlen, or Worry ulwut IIIII WUIHtiJne.

H•· llk<•fl to sl('(•p lute. II•· Krnok<•s C'JUars flO strong they

muk•• un £o:n<• freight engmc nmoll Ilk<' un utomJzer.

lie Isn't eystematlc. TakJn_J over as a conclllator. pcrhap!l addreualntr m big Jittery meeting, be exra vales varloUJJ bulging poc.'lteb and dlacovere be ba1 forgotten hla credentials. Then be forr:ets about all tho.t, opens wiU1 o. wide nonpartisan smile, dellvera hln speech and make• them like II.

Ht· d1ollkl'u t'xerci!Je, yet he lo a rou~th ·ond- r•·udy hoofer who will dunn• on llw nll~thl<•nt provo-:ation­unlll h1n tungue hangs out.

• • lit> wt•ur!l hlu ho1r looncly and

'onunlly All llun and more of the oame,

Bl'tn Mr D~>wt•y oharply apart from U11' nllt'k and unpt'cc·able conformist who to ulwoyo putting oU1cr people In the tloghoune and llll'reby getting nowhcr" un a conclltntor. Sl'n. Jaml'n J. ("Puddler Jim") Davin act him up uo a mediator, In the depart.­ml'nt of labor, after ho had done oomtt ntrlkmGiy efJecUve conciliating In Pcnnoylvanlo. He woo o school teacher, auditor for a coal company and a tl'll'graph operator, At the old home place ot Cheotor, Pa., he apcndo a lot of lime potchlns thlnV up and making U1em work. Amateur llnk~>rlna alwayn dcnotco U1o true pragmotlo\ at work. Maybe that's what oil this otrlkc trouble need&.

• AMONG thooe ready to omnn that

a prophet Ia not without honor save In hlo own country, Leon M. H~>ndl'rllon, director of price stablll· Here'• a Prophet rotlon for tho

Nntlonnl De-Giucn Full Honora fcnno com·

I H . 0 • _ d mlnolon, may n u wn ...... n not be lnclud·

ed. Once bo wao o farm boy In MillviUo, N. J., and hio hometown folkn hove J\loL honored Jllm wit}); a bunqu(l.t · ond other proceedings, es­wbllnhlng him oo "No. 1 Citizen" of tho vUiagC! In which ho woo born 46 yeoro ngo. Jolnl'd with the citizen·

. .'.. - ' : ~ . ~ :_ .... • ' ' - •. '. ... . j ••.

,.,,, •• ·- -- -~·-•···-~---·'"·-·- --- I : ' '' .... ,' ,', ' ' ' • , , -: : :•:,-",,•· .~ • l!,t ''.·~or:~•, -,. "' 'C' o o l:lio, ---- -·--·-----------.----.•·-' ·.·"*··---_r·,-... ·:.-~-.. '"·~----·- . ..., ..,-..j..,. "........ • •,.. '•·•··.•.',·'···.• ·, •. ·,· ,-·... .-.•• ,. :· .• '··". '~ ·~-'li-~ , .. -. ,i, ' ~ .. ------ _-. -- -·· ---··--.- .~----·~·"":""·'--·----- ..... ·--~..,-- ··-----~--.---·--!_-···----.-•-:<·--'_,r..:>-.•'1< . ,.-.···· ---~-.;_-., ... ,-~--- "'"-----,--•--'-~--~-. - ~ ' ' --• '# •• - ...

' . . . ' < • <

COUNTY NEWS. • • ' . ..

Mighty Battlewagon for. Uncle Sam !

. Scene on the deck of th~ u. s. North Carolina, as tbe 35,000-ton battleship was commissioned six m<tntl~~ ahead of schedule. Three of the battleship's nine lO·incb rifles an Impressive backdrop for tbe ceremonies at Brooklyn, N. Y. North Carolina Is the first of 1'1 capital ships authorized under the two-ocean navy program. ---


• •

------- --------- ---- ------Capitol Hill Picks a Queen


I 1.-

Eleven &irls In a row, and beauties aU! From all this pulchritude prctt1 Bonnie Patton, sixth from the left, daughter of Rep. Nat Patton of Texas, wa1 "selected as "!'lllas Capitol IDU" b7 membe~. of the "Little Concre11." She Ia pictured with the runners-ups. The "JJtue Conrrcss'' la made up ot c:onrresalonal •ecretarles.

.B ~..:.:1.: . . • · r~am··

Back Yard Gar.deriing •

It needs to be S!lid in the ·begin-ning that a garden in the back yard is not · grown purely for utili~arian purposes·; this observation, we sub­mit, dlspo~cs of those lndolcnt folk who say that "the back yard gar· den doesn't pa,y."

' The desire to pl11n~ seeds, to nur·

ture them, to watcn their growth and to take joy in their final har­vest is as old as man's life on this globe. Making a garden is one way to become a. co-creator with that great For<;c which is behind aU forces. It is also a way to acquire some of the exercise and a quantity of the vitamin D which the seden· tary worker is very certain to lack. So-this year, let's make a garden. LOCATING THE GARDEN

It your. own particular back yar<l ~-- --~--~ _____ --o;-"" --+-'"- very heavj)y shaded, Jt_wJ!l be .

Alzyra Peixoto, daughter of the useless to try to transform it into president of .Urazll, arriving In a pro9uctlvc garden, slncc plants Miami with her husband. They are must have sun, and they do not shown o.u their way to Chester, Pa., thrive whcr.e great tree roots drink to attend the launching of a ship, up all of the available moisture. If "The Rio de Janeiro," for Brazlllau your J>a~k yard is drained by tree maritime force·s. roots and shadowed by tree branches

To Leave Italy q

. , . -'

'~~-; - '

Capt. William C. Bentley, IPlslst­ant mllltal')' attache for alr, of the u. s. embassy In nome, whom the JtaUao covemment requested with· drawn from Italy, "Jmmedlatelr."

you will hove to borrow your neigh· bor's yard, or a convenient vacant lot for ydur gardening operations. Often a large vpcant space-per-hops two or three lots adjoining, may be turned Into a community plot.

S1,1pposing, however, that your own yard io suited to gardening opera­tions, you will first clear It of al~ Utter. and rubbish In preparation f6t plowing or opadlng. 'l'urn under a quantity of barn-yard manure, If ouch Is nvallable. If your plot is of the overage olze of 30 by G!l feet, a ton of s~able manure can be opod· ed lnto It each year, with excellent reoultn. Poultry and pigeon manures ore also good fertilizers but must be. WJed with dlocretlon oinco they nrc very otrong. They should be well mixed with the ooll oo that no lumps of the manure will come In contact with the Geeds. TOOLS llOU WILL NEED

It in not necell!lary to buy expcn· ohtc toolo !or working the amoll gar­den. All that arc really needed oro a spoifo or opodlng fOrk, a steel rake, and n line with two otokes. A trowel or dlbber is U!leful but not lndlopenr::nblo. · STARTING EARLY PLANTS

' '

~78 .


- I .....

you really set three dlf!crcnt apron pottcrno when you oend

tor thio one: Uolng It, you cnn mB:~te two otylco of over-the-hcnd coveroUo, and n pretty lltUc u~ around. They nil fit trimly, otoy ln place, and protect your dreoces thoroughly.

• • • Pattern llo, C3'18 t., dealancd 1n cvm

alu!l M to 4!1. Slzo 30, lll~ yordll ~eh nuJterl.lll for No. I and tlo. 2; 3~4 yard.l trtmmlns: 1!& yorda for No. 3: 2~ rudl trills and blndlna. !lmd ordu to:

IEWINO ClllCLE PATTEKN DEPT. JhOIII uu -·------·-···---------:-------------------­. -

~au 'the run of gardening Is In growing your own secdllngo and trOD!Iplantlng them. Aln1ont aU gar· den crops may be stnrtcd indoors by planting tho need in ohoUow boxCD of cotcfully·prcj)arcd coil, watering carefully, .. 11nd keeping in a aunny

111 w. Wacker Dr. Chlca&a

Defense Securities on Sale May 1

Defense. Bonds. h

Series E-$25-$1,000 F--$:l00-$10,000.

e... ----' c ' ' - -. •

G-$100--$10,000 ;-.: s


National Unity

' • !

window. When tho scedlingn begin to grow It wl11 be ncteBnlll'Y to turn the box every doy to cecure an even f:xpoouro to tho sun. When the plant.o ncqulro their second pair of

· Eneloae Ill ccnta In C$18 ror Pattern Jiou ••• ••• •••••• filzo ••• , •••• llamo •••••••••••••••• , .............. •

~dUnatl ·······················~····

DON'T BE BOSSED leOVC!J they ate ready 1o tronr::plant, 11Y YOUR UXATtVII:•IlWE\1& dtber to tho garden, if the ceooon in COHSTIPAnoN nus MODDN WAY sufficiently advanced, or to larger - L

contalncrn If danger of f.root a till :::: ~~ &..~":":~ cxirlt.o. do-talce Fem-A.Mlnt at bedtime. Nut

. · · -" .......... momina-tborou&h. ccmrortabla r.Ud', WHEN TO 'lltANSP .... uu b~~f )'OU atart tba d.ly.1WJ of )'OUr

The perJod. of. latest. killing frost n enetl)' and PfPo !etllnl lib a can not be tlet speclflcnlly but varien millloof li'HO·A·'Mlnt d()firft diltlll'b

d in 1 1 allty J'l)tlrnl&ht'arestotlnterl'enwltbwetlt:tbe llOJlfrnl QYD any g ven· oc · · out day. Try Fcen-A·Mlnt, the chninc 'l'fic hardlcnt planl!l nhould there· aumtaxatlve, 70flntt! It tart~:~ coed. It' a fore be planted kale, bmdy and ecoct~mlcal ... aCamily wppty


,. .




corning from to approvC! and nccl!um the excellence of Mlllvlllr'o ·choict'.

"-t-=:.~~~:~m~ay:~~~~t- E£N-A-Mitt"f 7-o¢'_,___ __ about date of the last ldlllng

llerc Is n vUlngc llnmden, "lnno­ccnt of hin countr.V'D. blood," who didn't r.tay l.n a villagt>, one who hog been tn U1e thick of thmgo, up to hio elbow on nome ont' ret·ttnlly nald of him, ln nil nortn of oiT[llf!l bent known by o lpho bt-U eo I dcatgnallaruJ, na NRA, WJ>A, TNEC, SEC, NDAC, etc.

One of lhl' otrona m"n In the , notional rlt'frnsc plcturl'-- he In the 1 only Nrw Dl'nlcr on U1c defense i commlaoion of tWYen mt>mbt.'m end •

' ltn only vl'onomlnt-they called him '

- - ...... '

tho nation'n outntandtng cryntal gaz. ' er whrn hl' prt'dll'tt'd thl' buntnesa boom .ot 1!130. and 1lJ1 drop ~~c~+t-lo~~iiffii'S=jam's new defense bonds, l!l37. Ironically llJTIIllng, Bender son han aubscrlbed to the appclla tlon. .

Uta Induction lnto rovemment aervlce cl*me obout In rather a curious war. ln'l93•, u direc­tor ol tho remedial loan division of the Ruaaell Sa1e fo\andaUon, be beran anlplnr at the NRA, and hla ahots were ao acclli'atl!IJ aimed as to arouse, not the an· rer, but the admiration of Gen. UUJb Johnsen who trabbed hlm as conaumor advisor. VeQ' sCion thnrearter he became director of rt1tareb aacJ . p1alillbll, &ad

. •Whtl •a Suptmte tout llroadslle auk the NRA he was appOint~ aecretarJ ot tbe •en•te eommtt· tee on manufacture!l. Tbero he wall when tho 1936

national presidential campaign ar-. rived. He was withdrawn and made

economlsl for, t\le OcmoctnUo na· tlonal commiUee1. pt)U. said of him that tho source ot information an· abllni Jim Farley to predict so ahrewdly the outcome of thllll elec­tion was Leon llenderson.

Then Hondeuon becatl\e ei!OMm· • lo counsellor tb tho WPA al\d aubsc­qucmtb' hold various Important of· &ea u.ntU the croaUon Qt the advl· abr)' c:ommlsslon to tho . National Cou~WU ~n Oefenae. lila bobblee­!ltnokinl ol.lara. ana early rtama.

'--' , __ ' -·· "" ~-- ,_ -~ -,. .... " _,_ ·- •. -- ... _. __ ---<·- ------- -~-

- -.o.~-·--- -·-- -----------~-~~courage Home Improvements

lost Yeor'a Campalsrn. ' ....... rttcltti-2,1~.000

c .... a~~r a....,.-s,600 ~ ~,.~ ..... 16,500



' ... ' .


• Simplicity • Beauty • Economy

• -;,

' I

Business Leader

., " .


Lost or Won The next dreadful thing to a

tatU(t la:rt fu a batUe '\"rott.-Wcl· lington.

fto!ll, with beetll, ehnrd, carrotn, let· tuce, cauliflower and sweet core. At len days to . two weeks after, the dote of usual occurrcrtc;e· of 1uttina frost, beans. parsnipn. soJsify, mel· ons, cttcumbers, and tomat<ten may be planted. Plantn that love the heat-peppers, squashes, and the v...-•-.._li16·!~~~ SL'L'IJS like-should not be put c.ut until the ...,_...., .,.,.,... ~~D __ ground has been thoroughly warmed lor Home Gar-::::::. :::::::~ by the sun, that ill, two to four da.raandCommerclalGrowen, weeks after the last killing frost. llardyAIIhlCuandOonn,Hardy Of certain crops such as beans, rod- Graues lor Range Seedlns, lobes, penn, sweet corn and the like, Adapted Hrbrld Corn. • ·

His wen w make 'SUccessive pJ:ruPnbt·lu~~~~~~~~ln~ht:ahelh2D. ings to Insure a continuous supply Rs:le•"rd during the summer. 5arKl:=a.

CCllltoL All 'nko+'U. ~ .. -

Every garden requires at least a Fm-11 ,ace Hsufjlf}rl cabjl ..

litUe dnllY attention and will well Spe~td QtWititi Pritu .,. R•QU•u repay sueb cnre. Since, therefore, thltOCKY M ... ,...,. •• H s·~ E£0. CO • much ot the benefit of the gorden Is uvnuu lost if··lts care becomes a burden, It L-~l2SFI"-UJ St.,De~~nr,"· __ _. Is wise not to. plant too large a plot.' The soU llhould be frequenUy stirred to surnulate growth and to control weeds: · Particularly after a rain the soil should be loosened­as soon as tire ground is dry enough to work-to let ln the air.

In dry weather, water thoroughly once o week, soaking the soU deep. ly, then loosening it by cultivation as sOot\ as it is dry enough to work • ~, iidllnl1&f1.- i:~ttim.1•& tN

WNU-M 17--41

A Mem Heart He that is of merry heart hath a

continual !east.-Proverbs.

•t V~>a~mlllt6, Wu/liactoit, D. C., :~,f~~i~"fJ.II~k~l~,.a~· ~~t~~.n ... , ·writf ii• Sup•r• • li'll bel •shlti lot T•rm•ra' . . . -- --·--- ---- -- ~t-"-~rrt;;;

... • • • I ·II S1JPPO&T FOR .'tRANSPLANtED TJtEES . After a tree bas been transplanted it shOqld be provid!!d with ~orne ~:up.

. Jl9i't to prevent its being swayed by the- Winlt. For a nn!dlum-slzed or smaU tree, it Is a iOOd plan to .drive a hea.~ake h}to the ground a lew .

. Jnehl!$ rtom-tb~ ~ee· to whi<:h; near th~ 10Pi • p~ece -of ittrrt, sort blncUntt' mat~\at•leath«'!t, tJ14 .rubber .hose· or soh ro~fs •ttached; rThllr ma• lel'llll ahotifa 'thin t)i•pU!I~d aroifu:d I

the ttee and back to the stake lD . thtl· fcittn of a- fltut!l! elth*- .· . . ...

' - -:t "' •


~ .-.· .. ,~-'-"~·--•

-----~- -- ·-

1 • !

.. -~




•• "

' ' 'I ' •


' . 'co aocer JJ. Whitmnn-WNU Servlce.l . . ' . . ~ ' . . Ty~s of Beat. . ·

QUESTION: Can you advise me as to the heating of a house that I

plan to bulldf Is steam heat more ef· ficient than gas or oil~ftred air-con· diti<>ned heat? . Can you tell me

• ~~Q\J~ h~ ml.lch more expensive gas ts to operate than 1uel oil? Is the maintenance cost about the same on each? Which system wopld you QdvJae? · 1 J.IAKED BEANS-:-AN AMERICAN TRADmON!

' .

• . . . ~ . " ..

N'EW) IDE .. AS Enthusiastic Spirit

Enthu5iasm, is that secret and harmonious spirit which hovers over'. the production of genius, throwing the reader of a book, or the spectator of a statue, into the very ideal presence whence. these works have really originated. A -great work always leaves us in a st~t~ of ·muslng.-Isaac D'Israeli.


~ By RuTH WnTH SP:B.uts ·





' . roon and blue •cotton print and lined with blue chambray. The lid and the tront of the box are hi.Ilged with adh.esive tape be,foJ;e the .cov­ering is pasted on with stUf paste, The stand is made of ca)'dboaJ;d,

.. ·as shown ~ the .sketch. anq ls covered to match the box. The maroon bias tape edging of the stand is cemented in place in a way that you may fi11d useful In maltin'g many other things. The secret is in spreading the ceme.nt evenly· on both surfaces, letting it dry, and then vulcanizing the two together with the heat of.tht: press- · lng iron. FEMININE headgear usually

• • • NOTE: Why not put nwny Wlnter.thlngs

nil nicely mended? It wlll be grand to get them out In perfect order next Fall. Mrs. Spenr•' Book 2 shows you how to do tho most professlonnl kinds of mending, as well as every do,y household mend.lnl!. There Is .a simple, q1111mly made zJppef bag for hve garments In SEWING l3oolc 6 •. send order to:

Delicious down on · th~ farm ... nourishing ... lOVes fimp ... saves work ... savu monoy ••• M/(11', today; from your grocer.

· ·· ·· · -Al}sw~: The efficiency of a heat-. ~- , .Jng .. ~tem is .not-.gaugcd ·

· · · (See Recipe Below) - -- -- -- - - ~ ---- - -- ----- -- - - .

holds its shape best if it rests right side up on a stand that fits

·inside the crown, but this Is not true of a man's hat. Its dashing Unes may be preserved by plac· in,g~U upside down in.. a. holder. All of which is worth remember· lng when you are ft.xing up "his" · or even when you are gcn­ercluslly preparing to share a small corner of your own. MRS. RtJ:rn WYETH SPBARI


type of heat, but by the and CHURCH SUPPER THOUGHTS ~ .---T-W_S_WE_E_K_'_S_M_E_N_U'--. The man's hat box, shown here, Is covered on the outside with rna~

Drawer 10 lkdford mua

Name ..•. : ..•••••.••.••..•••••••••••

Addreaa ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

For the Ca111c It· is tho cause, and not the ·

death, that mak;es the martyr.-

design of the equipment that hi~ stalled. Steam or air conditione@ heat will keep the house warm, ·it the heating plant is aufflcientiy liU'ge. The air tUtoring and humid!·

,tying features in air conditioning systems are favored by maby home ownero. Theae featiJl'es are desir· able, providing, of co1.1rse, the sys­tem is iruJtalled by a reliable firm

Cock a weather eye at the next social event on 'your·11st~ 'T~ n church supper, you say? Mmmm . . . one of those delightful affairs that almply wouldn't be missed!

I know . • . • one of my fondeot memories is the home town church aupper, always famous for its foOd, especially Parker House rolls and baked beano.

Supper ·tor Fifty

•Deviled Beans In Buttered Noodles

*Fcrleetlon Salad Bot Rolls or Boston Brown Bread


Gardeners I

' ' Napop ' I

. having a thorough knowledge of ·- · ~ typo of lmnting. · Compnrntlve

costa depend entirely upon local gOB ratea and fuel oil costs. Your local s_aa company and oil burner mq.n can help you on thto better than I can. The maintenance cost may be slightly higher on oil fired unlto.

·· Cracked Plaster. Queatlon: The wal.l!l of my houao

arc of unflnl.!lhed plaatet, and 'were r~cently decornted with canein paint. There lo ona particularly bad crack in the· wall. How can ·tt be re­paired?

Anowcr: The crack Ia probably from aotUemcnt, and may grow worse llhould cettlemcnt continue. U no, you wiU be wactlng time and ma­terial to do any patching until cottle­ment lo over. U you feel cure that

. the craclt bOll reached Ita limit, ybu can repair It with patching plnllter, to be had at a hardware atoro. Willen tho narrow plll't of tho crack

• : ·with a knife to admit the patch, · and· for tho enUre lcncth of tho

crack, maltc It wider at the lath than It lo on the ourtacc, co that In hardening, tho patch wUl loclt lmcU Into place. Dlrcctlorw for uolng patching plMter arc on tho label ot the box.

•Fruit Whip Cotree Tea Milk ~eelpes Given. Perhaps you nra one' who tlltllkH

of bcarw as ·ll plain or ordinary dish .and, for that reD!lon, Jlesitate to agree on that. So, with this In mind, serve them at a dreB!l·UP affair. U here are rcclpco that will comple­you are, I think I cap help you mcnt your very Important mpln change your mind, for properly pre- dillh: plll'cd baked ben~ arc n delight •PcrtecUon Salad, which dCDcrve a place in the top Soak 10 tablccpoono of gelatin tllght of fine cooltlng. (five cnvelopen) in 21h cups cold

If you nrc rushed for time and water for five minuteD. Add 2% can't bake your own bcarw, there cupo mUd vinegar, 10 tablcspoono

.arc alwayo tho lemon juico, 10 cupg balling water, canned varlotlcc 2lh cupo augar, and· five tcaapoollll at your grocer's. colt. Stir until dlo!lolvcd and cet Their · mcal-ln-a- in a cool plncc. When mixture be­minute po!lSlblU- gins to atUicn, add five cupo finely tico llhouldn't be ahreddcd.. cabbage, 1lYo cupo diced overlooked: And celery, 10 finely chopped plmlcntoa then, too, they're and 30 cmqll awcct picltleo, chopped a "fcnllt for the fine. Pour mixture into llhallow pane lcact"- that have been rinsed with cold wa·

To be really· diJtcrcnt, yqp may tcr. When "oct," cut Into r:quarco want to experiment with ne!lSonlngp and place each oquaro in a lettuce unUI :you develop an Individual lla· cup and top with moyonnalr:o. Y~ vor in the canned product. It'a will need 5 or 0 largo hondo of let• amazing the variety of "taote tuco for 50 oervingc. trcatc" you can achieve. •Fruit Whlp.


THERE is much value In keep­ing thO flower garden trimmed.

Wise gardenera plclt bouquets of favorite annualc like Marigold, Zlnnln, Petunia; Sweet Peac and Snapdragon with cyntcmatic regu­laf'ity, for the picking promote! continued blooming.

PeriodJc trimming ill not bent tor such crnaU, low-growing edging 1lowcro no A.lytl!lum. A complete cutting, however, wiU benefit this typo of plant. Thlo trcaL'llcnt may be applied to Ageratum, Linarln, Lobelia, and Ncmenla ac well Oil Alyooum.

Pinho, Cynoglocoum, and Dwarf ·Bedding Ruot . Reolotant Snap­dragon are grown both for cutting and for garden beauty, but they too wiU profit by a thorouchgoing "haircut" ouch Oil that prcacribcd tor the smaller, edging fovoriteo.

It Is advloablo to plclt tho flow­oro of ccr4tln popular percnnlalc One ot tho flavoro co many lllto 1 quart fruit pulp

1n canned beano" tc curry. While 1 t a -~ .. the beano oro hcntlnc alowly, a teo- quar aug r ··t-wltcn they- ere- -in their prime, to

4 cgc whltco npoon of curry powder ill nifted over 2,~ cup lemon juice

... ......

I r It IIIII ,,,, ... ,,, _,,,(/j ,,, .. """,,,,( *"•

Cleanlnr Wood Floors. Qucotlon: What can I apply to

hardwood .flooro to remove marks, ouch l1!l ocratchco and opoto, Oil well an ocveral laycro of wax? The flooro arc almont new, and I do not want to have them ocrapcd.

the top and rnlxcd gently through the Put fruit pulp, aucar and unbent· beano. When U!oroughly heated, a en egg whltca Into a mixing bowl piece of butter Is added and when and bent until otlff. Chill. Servea that io obr:orbcd, the beano arc 50. (In thlo quantity, deoscrt whlp!l

prevent their running to occd, and to·promote the production of o occ­ond crop of bloru;omo In a olnclo seacon. Delphinium, Sweet WU· llam, Corcopolo, Perennial Dl· anthua, and Pyrethrum ahould bo handled in ilits manner.

W"KG UP.'.' ready to cerve. i h b

An en.Urcly different flavor lo klc- chould bo made w t a power eater vcloped by adding a tablenpoon of or mbting mac~ln.c) .•

Anowcr: To remove ocratchen from ahcllacl:cd llooro, wipe with turrrontlne. Or, omall acratcheo can be treated with a little denatured alcohol, put In with a oort camel'a hair brush, and deep ocratehes with a little thin obeliac. Varnished flooro should be treated wlth vornfsh. You edn clean the floors by wiping with ll9uld floor wax and plenty of clean clothtl. Polish j)y applying good pD!lte floor wax In thin rubbing well.

v.lnegar and oevcral tablcopoono of When fcedinc a ctf~·d, the mar- I I One's Nelahbor brown ougar to two cupo of beano· k in bl --- t d m u1 British Coastline Tl1,e moot plnuo may not llvo While hclltln" thor~'""'ly. Lik~"ioe, et g pro em may r sen J c • In U 1 d Is " uu&-• ~.. U£>O. You will need olx dozen rolls ..._ ___________ __, Pence, t oea not plcaoo b tho piece of butter in added juot (depending on the olzc) to &erve vlickcd nelghbor.-5chiller. before nerving. .. 50. Ao to beverages, put these Together with Scotland, Wnlco,

An .~daptatlon of thin latter tnn~c nmounta on your list: three pounds and North Ireland, England has a treat ill featured In thlo week o of coffee, li.J pound of tea or three \laricd nhorcllne of more than church nuppcr menu r;uggestlmm. callons of milk - each o! these ~Oote~:~t~nv~oio;.at~ear~gya'i;~ 11Devllell Deans in nutterell NoodiM. ... ... c .. , ..... r.;..,., ... ~. !~· ~·" dependent :Eire, nCW;;;j ~lC I!:L~ · Here it. Js: .


""""' ~..... . '" "" ._.. "" (Sec Picture ot Top of Column) Supper over, what 'next? Enter· channel, with approximately 1,000

2 N 10 nnn b ano 10 N 2 nns of additional mlles of coastline, ill 0 • c .. <> e or 0 · c 1: tainmcnt, of couroc. Half the suc·

0 ounces of fat cess of a party lleo In the "after· also a big worry to Britons, al· 1 onionr. Eire has declared that its

scraped, And why not a radio party? Ar-an electric sanding machine. :14 pound brown sugar range the stage to represent a

Papering Rough Walls. 8 ounces horseradish broadcD!lting studio . . . with mici'O> 1 ounce salt

. m~~~~n~re ~~;~pl:~::r~g'Ca~ *..·teaspoon poppet; ~~~~~~~ocks an~ other radio para-this be smaothed to rno1te a good H(!tlt. Ut" fo.t. Add <mict1 t!r!i eoott The tables where guests are sent· surface for waUpaper? · pntil slightly browned. Add remain· cd should represt!nt the radio sta-

Answer: Go over 'the walls with mg ingredlents and heat thoraugh- tlons of the Amer• bl k ly. Serve in a bed of buttered noo- 1 N k sandpaper t~.Tapped around n oc dies. Makes 50 servings. can etv.,r ...

Of v.,od to take down the highest 0 • • a table for each points of the texturing. Then, us- · state of the Un· tng the same kind of plastic paint, Because cooking In quantities does ion. Each one that was originally usca for the present problems, it's best to plan should be marked wnlls, fill the· remaining rough- a menu of foods that can be eaoUy by its call lettt-rs

direct British military aid.

:------· ~=·--~~==-- -----So You've Tried Eveijlhing? and arc atill m!aerablc with atonuich gul Spoilsyourtileep, and you hardly !'

dare eat. ADLA Tableu bring QUICK relief. Your druubt hu I ADLA Tableta. Get them today. ·


Idea and Work Succcnn Is nothing but a good

Idea coupled with hard work.­Balzoc.

nesses, using a brush or trowel. prepared and acrved. Guess we all (MINN for Mm-~lnal smoothing of the wall can be ncsota, MASS for

Simple Adversity • 1 who can stand prooperity, 'there l As !'llan Wishes Advernlty is sometimes bard are .a hundred that will atand ad- Men willingly belieVe what they "'

upnn a. man; huL for. .one. man vcrnlty-Carlylc. _ . . wish. Cae:mr.. . . .

• •

clone With a tmei, <ir with a rub- LYNN SAYS: 1i'fassacnit5ctts, etc.) ... and each . ber oqueegec, wch as is used for onE! appropriately decorated-minia· ~ washing plate glass windows. ture orange grove for Cali!omia,

When planning meals for large wheat field for North Dakota, ma-.. _ -- - -- _ .... - . Question~e~':!li!~: were left DO try to determine as ne~ly ffpJif':Enij!ffi'of-ttbaekeesd fboeransVefrmor Moiilas' sa~·

in two silver dishes, and hnve made ... · " 'bl"' th "'um· · '-~ · f ... t· th f 1 a" po"s1 ., e .. ucr o ~cop e op.ple· orchard 'or·Orcgon, blnek t""ts nt no amot.tilt o · Pb ~ to b" · rved ..... 't •~ ""'O .. " "- •·

ishing v:ID remove. How con I clean "' se ' "'" 1 w "' r .. .:Cv- scene for Wisconsin, plantn·

nomical to have no leftovers . . . tion scene for Virginia, etc. them? this is, of coutse, if only one Guests are seated·at the table rcn..

Answer: When s.Uver has been meal is to be served. ... spotted in that way, the only sure DO have a wcll-l:inian .. ced menu. resenting their birthplace. (This will

· method of cleaning is to have the ...., U work wonders in mixing up your . ith Sat• ~oo much variety. wi result in crowd). , job done by a silversm • • ts h •~ th · 1 te

. should not be allowed to remain in your gues enptfig ell' P a 8 If each group Is small, several " contact witl1 Silver. with a conglomel'ation. of food states may be combined into one

• . · they'll want·~ U).ste every· station, such as Station NEG (New Squeaky Bprhlr. thing! . :· · _ England group), or Sta~on NWG

Qu~tJon: A bedspring, has be- DO choose fonds that won't (Northwest group) . . , come loose, ood every twwt of the spoil if they mus.t stand for 15 A master 9f ceremonies, dressed

bed'& O<:cupant ·causes the spring tQ minute! or even longer. to repres"nt Uncle Sam, J"rtvJ·tes all .... ,,u·e· .... · . can this be rern.e. died? · " "~ .... · DO have who are . sta· tfon" .... t""e '·• . tor ·the "coa·· st-.. AnsWer: Us'.Dg a small camel"a: ~ ..v ,... "'

hair bnall, tty the effect of puttfnX resppnnible fm' ihe lin- · .broadcast. 'l'lle .program •

.. .... . L _a llttiE(oll at where two en, china and ~~~~~~~j~~~~t~~ a_s A_ ~~~d as the talent .. -··- -~~~6.~~:~'1!I~th~is~d~~-~t~~~thF-tl~~~~l~e-~:~~ music byh£i~fr~~~'tafll:~---:f

· gl!!f.}!fr• th · b t . oes no is c:e t e on the ' . or an orchestra . . . singing by a • '

. .

troiWie, I!! es answer · ge a DON'T forg· et :to·, .:1p· ·point n quartet or sdloi!fts . . . a dramatic 1 • new sptin"'. .. clea.n•up 5ct\Ud. .· .. • -~ • sketch · etc

, .Question: I .!:!~en making my DON'T attempt tQ;flrictease aii A ~ei ~aanion to your progmm • 0,;.n putty With whlte lead, whittng

1 ordinary recipe mdre .than .once. would be a Professor Quiz type. Ask

ana llnSeed on. My hardware man Proportions of ingredien~ change tot volunteers to ntJSwet the ques--th I ... uld _.,... bltln · as recipes bet:orne large, and It~ tJons subrnitte11 by the audience.

says at ""0 use o....,. w g no simple ·matt(ll' tor nn ama~ ·. A prize can be ·offered for the best ·~andlitiseed !)il;.no lead. WhieblJlix.. telU' t&,*'•eis.•t ih.. em. Unless you ans'Wers. e is l;x!tter? _ . • . • a~ ,.j:. .

.......... e. ..... Ordln"-. P.u·· tt". "o·n· .... ,_M have recupes --.eslgned to serve Commercials and .. time signals no~d ... 'The addW~n of ~~ut; large numbers, U's saf(!r to make sltoulll be interspersed throughout

• ....u:.c . h bl' . 1 d ·t l"' q~ bre,ads~: c~· and cockles, tb~ ptogr;un. These may be an• . · ' :t:,.~:!rer J'.rJ:e.S:n an~ ~~ · ~<:eordfng t4 !taridara {amfJY slze nouncetnents ot f6rtheomlng meet-nenee. recipes. lngs, services, etc,

• , taelelllled J17 WeJte1'11 Ke,..rpnper UlllOQ.I .. . - -- -------- --• •--,o. --··----- ~---·-·-· - -~---~~--~ - --·-.-.. - -·-·· .. ---·- ·-·--,) _,_,. • -,- --- ---· .,.. .

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THE~DRI~ E~RYBODY KNOWS Whoever you are ••• whatever you do ••• wherever you· may be , •• when you think of refreahment you welcome an lee­cold Coca-Coin. Fol' Cocll·Cola I• pure refre•hment-.famlllar to evervbody •.• and Ice-cold Coca-Cola I• everywhere. .

BOTTLED UNDE~ AUTHORITY OF THE ~OCA-COLA COMPANY BY 5 p .. . . Magnoha Coca-Cola Bottlma _Company •pqcq:cr • .. .

Coca-Cola Building Yandell Blvd. •t Birch El Puo, Texa, ·-4 --· · ~-- ' • ·· · ·

' -. __., ______ -~~-- ----~---------

-:-;----~-·--- -·--


''E . . ,, - XCitlng


A Chance on a Beautiful dining

....,.. e room Suite with Enry Dollar'•

worth of merchandise purcba1ed in our Dry Goods Dept. The person boldin1 lucky num· her will receiYe Buffet, Dining Table and four Chaira ABSOLUTELY F R E B.

VISIT our Grocery Department, ·now 10 CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED. •

PfTTY'S 6fNfRAl MDSI. - Phone 62 •

is the word for



New Serial


SEA" * Here rs a story so vivid end real that It will f11lrly lift you aboard the home· bound whaler, "Venturer:' where things ere happen· lng thick end fast.

Read lt in This Paper

! Subal'rib(l to the ~ l'\Hl,

_,..__ -on>._,_--== '"- .... ,. -

• • It

IJt .• MW Cht"rntltt for '41 II tht only Jowett-~~- ·--~ luxurfo.._ lelfy .. Y Pbher of the nme type entl ab:e featur.•ll en hlllar-prkell

Jtf.a •••• the Mly lowtl1• prke4 _. tMI ltrlna• yev· • ~. V.We-kt·HHCI lftl1n•, Vnltllall Kn••· Aclltn; hx·GirtiH fNI'!Wt antiiMftY ether qvalfty fM· ti.JN.I • • • .... ,., with IWit W. anlt1r lit ,..,a,.,. ,m., ..... , ...... b .... ...

"' It'• ... .... t .... •f fll• IMitlen. • • • lt't the .... 1 ..,....,y ...

' ..... . ...

V.REIL, Prop. 'DL-aU c1ivi..Jav

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. ' - ,_, ,_ " .... " ·, , ..

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:··Mrs, C. q. G~rri11on .of B•ke....,. field, Cl!olifornh~, pas•~t;l tbr,pt

. .

Moines, Iowa~ \.\',here 11b~ went. to ~&ttend the funeral c.rf htr little

l'bi1ece. Jo-Ann Karr. • .

Mr. Dan C6nley rec~ived ·a. painful enjury·w.heQ hhs. foot got

' • f •

caught in a hoisting . mac~bine ~~~ the Gold Pir,k Mine, where . weilsive -development _ w.brk . being done, His left fqot w a.s ~ 1dly mashed, but no bones were broken; so he t.op~s to be out and around in a Jew c;iays:

Mr. J. E. McKibben of Corofll\ was in town yesterday attending to bus ness ttffairs, while here b,e paid his renewal to the Lincoln County News.

Born--to :r,1r. and Mrs. R. C. Stinnett, Wednesday at 7:80 p. m., an 8-pound daughter.

We have heard that tte Histor­ical Society is wanting pos.session of our counLy records. W h e' r e

l<l4Dcu menta- -ot this kind Dei40n t1'ant-l

fit the county court bouse • not aL some distant point, or Hi • torical Society headqu.srters.

Mrs. Pulidora St. John, mother of Judge M. C. St. John 11 atlll quite ill at her home here.

Mr. W. S. Norman ia driving a new 1941 Chevrolet b,pUBbt at the City Garage this week.

om • . '

--liMf" -. ' . ·~

, I

_We Have:.-. ····· •

Onion Sets, Red and White. S:eeds lfn.our and It's tfrne·~;·~~t Busy. · plenty of GBrden Tools.

• Our STORE is light and clean Our STOCK large &l!d well assorted Our PRICES Reasonable · ·

The Titsworth company, lnL Capitan, N. M ...

Mr; Dick Kimbrell of Picacho wns a Carrizozo vi1itor this week.

Mr. Luis L. Sancbe1ot Loa Angeles spAnt Tucaday ere viJit­tng some friends.


fisher lumber (O. ~

Sunday School 11:415 L m. I


\'lith urban hour:cv.-ivco through· out the United Stntco complalntn;

nclvnneing tood p:fccb, and Americon ~rl:ulturo laced with nurpluo comn~odltJC!ll, tbcro in ono Ia rgc Jnrt of too population that ID going about Ito buolnC!lo ot crcatllli' an ndccJuatc rcccrvo cUliJll)' of tood !or. homo conoumptlon, nccorllng to

Preaohlnif Btr'.let~ U:OO •· m.-

1 Younc Peoplu' Jleetlog 7:00 p. m. Prayer JleetlD&' Wed. 7:00 p. m. · You are cordially Invited to attend j

our Mme ... J. B. COI.LINS, Putor. I

Phone 18

Paints, Varnisb, Oil All kinds or Bulldlna



ftif.(iSUe BUllY ~boppe Open every day ex~pt Fri· d&J. W1 baYe a new steam· ~which JWCOndltiona the b111r Before Giving a per­manent. ~ block west of Buen. Vitta Hotel. . • •

.. .__ _______ -I .,_ I I

Mioo Bcavorn, homo muno~rcmcnt 11up. I <'n'ir:cor t9r tho Fonn Sceurit)' Ad· --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:.:~;;::;;;~~~~;;;;;~ minlotratltm In Llru:oln count)'. : "=o =

"Canned good:J In tho cellar ~ro ono ourplun tbnt'o not barmtul", Afioo IJcavcro enid. "FSA borro'l'l"(Jfn aN aiming onl)' nt llllluring good nutri­tion tor thelr fnmllico tl:o year-round b)' giving extra C!m~bnolo to their ~ardenn. Conning and otoring littlrd· <'D produce io u common pruetlcC! among thrift)' honu:mokcrn," nhe ccnlinucd, .. nnd more FSA-borrowu fnrmcro In thio county are now planning bigger gnrdcn0 than ever bcforn."

tUno Beavcrn called attention to t.bo tact. that mnny fllrms~l/..'1 t..t.....-ilt ~-:.\ b~ producing Otough garden stuU to keep their fnm!Uco benlthy during the winter monthn.

•""''"u'"' como to FSA tor finnnclnl !ll:!llntance they .aro encourogcd to prO!bcc an much ns

JlOSs1ble of their JiVing ot home," ll1igg llenvero tl!lid, "and big, dtvernl­fied rillrdcns are t.J be found 011 murt ln.-mn operated by families workini with tbig federal agency."

Good nutritlcm, it wag explained requires 800 l!Dnnds o! v~etable11 for an adult n year.

__ "'''he qu.sstion~ •von our gardct~­

furnisb thia mueb for every mem'ber of the family • is an Important one

FBA- borrowern-.'' Mian­continucd.

4 fellow Gut To tat! tnt acid lbdlgcatlon, heartburn and

sour stomach can &UJt! take the joy out or 11 meal. It you're bothered thll way nilk )'our drUI!ilst. tor ADLA Tablett­lJismutb nnd Carbonat-is tor quick relief

·-Itolland•s Drug Store.

··--------------------~ . .


fiNE ·~



• • •

! ......

Gas Burning. •

REFRIGERATOR~ -lor rural homes, ·· ....... -~

Burners do 24 hours work :1

. J

go out

• . •

PIODUCT OP ·.'lliPICTIOH stOVE COMPANY -No lotA'i"fER wbere you live, Supufex, operated with either propane or butane gas; will

•• ...

sa':e food, time and money, save trip$ to markets and. . •

• •

save miles o£ steps. Super• fex casts little to operate because the burners remain lit only about two hours out o£ 24.

Enjoy better living, gr~er' variety of more wholesome, appetizing !ood.$.,.de1idous frozen desserts, with the refrigerator that pays lot • IE- • . me . W~th;~usavro~s-.. Super£~ catl be had .Uo with burners lor kei.'osene. Com~ 1n, or. w.rite otph_one !or free demonstt~tion :ig yout kitchen. ' •

Harkey~ Lumber Company : · . ·Carrizozo,_ New Medco: · · ·


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