classroom to boardroom mmc 2010

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Michigan Music ConferenceJanuary 23, 2010

From the Classroom to the Boardroom

How to Speak “Administrator”

Contact/Document Information

Tim Schoenherr, P-CCS VAPAC

How to Speak “Administrator” Documents

Musicians know how to count Count the number of times the white team

passes the ball

Generalizations Not talking about ALL administrators Not talking about ALL teachers Characteristic observations


How “They” view themselves


How “We” View “Them”


How “We” View “Them”


How “We” View “Us”


How “They” view “Us”


How “They” view “Us”


Tunnel Vision

You might miss the gorilla

Perception = Reality Administrators

Busy Typically don’t know much about music Big picture Problem solvers Task-oriented Answer to Instruction Department

Perception is Reality Music teachers

Busy, in waves Crazy, especially just before a performance Typically don’t know much about administration Tunnel vision Also task-oriented, but in an “artsy-fartsy” way Answers to administration

What’s the best way to show my boss how right I am?

Focus on what you can control – You! Actions Reactions

We are in the people business Build (positive) relationships

Students/Parents Supervisor Teachers Support staff

Secretary/administrative assistant Custodian/plant engineer/maintenance


Relationships: Board of Education Special invitations to concerts Ask to perform at board meeting Provide talking points - brags

Student successes (awards, successes) Advocacy Enrollment

Don’t ignore politics of your district

Relationships: Community Respond to requests for student performers Perform in the community Communicate Use district public relations services

Relationships: Central Office CC all board communications Don’t assume they know your name Make a positive connection first Know and respect the structure Concerns only after building level

Relationships: Principal/Supervisor New? Initiate contact Manage your classroom Communicate “Heads up, trouble’s a-brewin’” Connect needs to student success Educate

Relationships: Teachers Get to know the staff Look for opportunities to say “yes” Be generous with shared students Eat lunch in the teacher’s lounge Free tickets! Connect to their classroom Coaches

Relationships: Support Staff Call them by name Say “thank you” Look for opportunities to compliment Follow the protocols, limit emergencies Pride

Relationships: Parents Communicate Gain their trust Provide opportunities for them Be positive Be honest

Relationships: Students Care about them

Communications Do respond to e-mails and phone calls Don’t respond to e-mails and phone calls

on the day of a concert Emotional? Wait. Keyboard courage is very, very bad No BC Write it. Print it. Throw it away.

So I have this thing I want to do. . . Based in curriculum How does it help kids? Don’t overuse “student safety” Cadillac is nice, but a Kia will get you there Ask for their ideas Accept “no” and move on It’s not personal unless it’s personal

What if I don’t get my way? Take your Legos and go home? By all means, pout and complain

Note: sarcasm is difficult to convey in writing

Respect the chain of command Find another way

Contact/Document Information

Tim Schoenherr, P-CCS VAPAC

How to Speak “Administrator” Documents

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