cloquet mn 55720 healthwire permit 1003 · the experience “fun” for joey and thomas. in fact,...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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“Ms. Christmas” spreads joy at SHCC

Meet Paula Maki—or Ms. Christmas, as she prefers to be called.

Ms. Christmas has made it her mission to make others happy. And for the last several years, she has embraced the spirit of giving and delivered gifts to Sunnyside Health Care Center residents. Ms.

Christmas typically starts dropping off donations in the summer, and she continues delivering items until we have individual gifts for each and every resident at SHCC.

What happens next? The Life Engagement department matches gifts with specific residents for a truly personalized experience. Staff then wrap the packages and wait patiently for the Gift Giveaway Holiday Party.

The 2019 holiday party was an event to remember. On December 18, Ms. Christ-mas went the extra mile and distributed the gifts herself. Sunnyside residents were very happy to have her there, all while enjoying special sweets and holiday music by Greg Tiburzi.

A resounding thank-you to Ms. Christmas from the entire Sunnyside family!

Pulmonary rehab: the antidote to our respiratory problems

CMH has launched a program for patients with COPD and other respiratory ailments.

Our Pulmonary Rehabilitation program includes patient assessment and goal-setting, self-management education, ex-

ercise training, psychosocial support, and measuring out-comes.

Pulmonary Rehab is known for providing improvements in symptoms, exercise capac-ity, and health-related quality of life. A physician referral is needed to enroll.

For information or to reg-ister, contact: Azur Coleman at 218-878-7076 or

NoNprofit org.U.S. poStage

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Winter 2020

512 Skyline Blvd Cloquet MN HealthWire

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n ReSPiRatoRy tHeRaPy

CMH awarded breastfeed-ing and stroke readiness distictions

C M H H a S r e C e i v e D :

n a 5-Star Breastfeeding award through the Minnesota Breastfeeding-Friendly Ma-ternity Center Designation Program. (Our family physician Dr. Melissa robey is also Carlton County’s only internationally Board-Certified Lactation Consultant!)

n an acute Stroke ready Hospital des-ignation by the Minnesota Department of Health. this designation means CMH has met all nine designation criteria. By achiev-ing this distinction, our hospital can support better outcomes for stroke care.

We’d like to thank our community once again for entrusting us with their healthcare.

n SunnySide HealtH CaRe CenteR

Sunnyside resident Joe Burbul (L) sits be-side Paula Maki (r), otherwise known as “Ms. Christmas,” with his special gift.


Story continues on next page →

Winter 2020

H ealthcare is going through a time of unprecedented change. We show up every day caring for the people we serve, all while keeping an eye

on the future. It is kind of like flying a balloon—where part of your energy is spent predicting the future to forge a path forward.

We are constantly looking at how we can bet-ter serve our community, and we know our rela-tionships with physicians and other providers are a key ingredient to our success. With that, I am happy to announce that Raiter Clinic has joined and become a part of CMH.

Raiter Clinic has merged with Community Memorial Hospitala word from CMH CeO/administrator rick Breuer

Primary care is a key component of lifelong good health, and we will ensure every individual who trusts us with their healthcare can be treated in a timely fashion by our expanded team of fam-ily medicine physicians. The clinic will now be known as CMH Raiter Family Clinic.

Raiter Clinic has a legacy of taking care of people. We have been two local healthcare orga-nizations, working cooperatively over the years to care for those around us. We expect to take some time in 2020 to adjust to our new environ-ment and will then be going through a rigorous

What should patients know about CMH raiter Family Clinic?

all of our family physi-cians will work in the raiter building by early spring.

For the time being, patients should use ex-isting phone numbers to make appointments: 218-878-7626 for CMH Family Clinic; 218-879-1271 for raiter Clinic.

raiter is located di-rectly across the street from CMH at 417 Sky-line Boulevard. there is a large, free parking lot adjacent to the clinic.

Dr. Melissa robey (L), of CMH Family Clinic, and Dr. James rogers (r), of raiter Clinic, will soon be working together at the new CMH raiter Family Clinic. Our family physicians look for-ward to providing the same com-prehensive care as always—now stronger than ever.

two brothers embrace speech therapy—together

Monkey see, monkey do” is how Terese Power described the challenges her young boys faced while learning to talk.

Five-year-old Thomas, who struggled with chronic ear infections as an infant, often had difficulty hearing. This

affected his speech development. His younger brother, Joey, meanwhile, patterned his communication—or

lack thereof—after Thomas. Together, the boys created their own language of sounds and gestures, with a handful of words included.

Terese says that while neither boy has been diagnosed with a speech dis-order, her sons are undergoing speech therapy, both in school and at CMH.

They have made sig-nificant progress since they started.

The mother-of-three has nothing but praise for CMH speech thera-pists Deb Braun and Karen Hartung. “They have met Joey and Thomas’s needs and re-ally worked to identify different methods of engaging the boys,” she says.

This personalized approach has made the experience “fun” for Joey and Thomas. In fact, their speech therapy sessions are so enjoyable that the boys often want to stay long

after their appointments have come to an end. Terese couldn’t be more appreciative. She calls Deb and Karen “phenom-

enal women,” and she is thrilled with the tips and tools they have provided so she can continue working with her sons at home.

CMH welcomes family medicine physician dr. natalie Krier

A warm welcome to Dr. Natalie Krier, who joins CMH after completing a family residency training program in rural Colorado.

Our new family physician says she es-pecially liked the idea of practicing medicine in Cloquet because the area has extensive re-sources, but also a nice community feel.

Dr. Krier grew up in South Dakota and graduated from the

University of North Dakota Medical School. She and her husband have a six-month-old son.

planning process to pinpoint where we need to change, grow, and invest to better meet the needs of those we serve.

We expect new offerings ahead that will bene-fit all those around us—communities, businesses, agencies, and most importantly, each individual. Thank you to each of you who choose us for your healthcare; it is an honor to serve you.

n RaiteR FaMily CliniC, continued

raiter FaMiLy CLiniC is located directly across the street from CMH at 417 Skyline Boulevard. there is free, convenient parking adjacent to the building.

Brothers thomas and Joey Power enjoy their sessions with CMH speech therapists Deb Braun and Karen Hartung.

nurse Hotline now availableCMH has launched a nurse Hotline number for patients’ convenience—and profes-sional registered nurses are available 24/7 to answer your medical questions.

Please call 218-499-6799 at any time for quick re-sponses and well-thought-out healthcare solutions.

n HaPPeningS at CMH

Car seat safety clinicsMOntHLy, HeLD at area Fire StatiOnSVehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for

children between the ages of three and 14. CMH has joined with the Cloquet Area Fire Department to help educate the public on the correct usage of child car seats. No ap-pointment is necessary and the clinics are free.

Bring your child(ren), car seats, and vehicle. Con-tact Sarah at 218-499-4258 with questions.

Upcoming clinics include: Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 4–6pm at the Cloquet Area Fire District Station #2; Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 11am–1pm at the Cloquet Area Fire District Station #1; Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 1–3pm at the Cloquet Area Fire District Station #2.

Diabetes prevention at CMH26 SeSSiOnS Over One year StartS aPr 8, 2020 n 3–4pm n CMHJoin CMH’s Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and reduce your risk for developing diabetes. The year-long program is designed to help adults make lifestyle changes that will improve their overall health and reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Groups will meet with trained Lifestyle Coaches and classes focus on improving food choices, increasing physical activity, and manag-ing stress.

Information Session held on Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 4pm at CMH. Contact Mary Kay Marciniak at 218-878-7661 or to register, or go to Covered by most insurances, including Medicare.

Have you been diagnosed with pre-diabetes? You can make changes now to delay or even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. Taught by certified diabetes instruc-tors, the workshop is open to all those who would like to learn more about pre-diabetes. Call 218-878-7661 to register.

living on the Border with Pre-diabetes

Start now to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes

next WoRKSHoPtueSday,MaR 10, 20201–4pm$25 registration fee

Workshop held in CMH classrooms

Can’t make the workshop on March 10? Join us on May 5 (3–6pm) instead.

Living Well With Diabetes6 tHUrSDayS, Mar 5–aPr 9, 2020 n 1–3:30pm n CMH classroomsDo you live with diabetes or pre-diabetes? This six-week class is for you. You’ll make weekly action plans and find the support you need to spark real change. Family members, friends, and partners are welcome to participate. Meetings are on Thursdays starting March 5, 2020. Classes are free, with a suggested donation of $5 per session. Registration is required.

Contact Mary Kay Marciniak at 218-878-7661 or to register, or go to

a nesting PlaceMeetS FirSt anD tHirD WeDneSDayS OF eaCH MOntH 10–11am n CMH Pine Meeting roomA Nesting Place is a group for new moms with infants up to one year and anyone in their third trimester of pregnancy. Mothers are welcome no matter where they live or delivered their baby.

We provide a safe and supportive environment to discuss all postpartum issues: breastfeeding, baby blues, anxiety, depression, sleep, relationships, ex-ercise, nutrition—you name it! Meetings are free, facilitated by a healthcare professional, and the content is dependent on the group’s needs. Refresh-ments are provided and an infant scale is available to check weights. Contact Brenda Graden at 218-499-6792 for information. cmh-happeningsDiscover healthy and fun opportunities! Go to our “Happenings” link at the top of the CMH website and filter class offerings by month, by topic, or simply browse through our many of-ferings. all Happenings events are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.

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