cloud computing & it’s applications in real world

Post on 18-Feb-2016






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Cloud Computing & It’s Applications In Real World. By Darshan Shinde , Dept. Of Computer Science, University at Albany. What is Cloud Computing ?. Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Cloud Computing & It’s Applications In Real


By Darshan Shinde,Dept. Of Computer Science,

University at Albany.

What is Cloud Computing ?Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources,

software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand.

It is quite similar in it’s raw architecture to the way Electricity grid is structured.

In functional terms ‘Cloud’ is quite similar to the role that is otherwise performed by ‘Power stations’ in the electricity grid.

In more technical terms, Cloud computing can be said to be a natural evolution of the widespread adoption of virtualization, Service-oriented architecture and utility computing.

Stucture of Power/Electricity Grid

Structure of a Cloud Computing Model

A More Technical Structure ….

Origins of Term In 1960’s, John McCarthy (Turing Award 1971)

speculated that ‘computation may someday be organized as public utility’. What he referred as public utility then, now refers to the space, computational power, complex algorithms that are now behind the working of the ‘cloud’. Though, in strictest meaning, it may not be a ‘public’ enterprise anymore.

Example: Google, Microsoft

By 1990’s, telephone companies where able to see cost reduction in services, by switching on to VPNs from their dedicated point-to-point data circuit systems. This enabled them to utilize network bandwidth more effectively as traffic was now balanced depending upon usage. The term ‘cloud’ has it origins in the cloud symbol used to denote the demarcation point between that which was the responsibility of the provider from that of the user.

The term ‘Cloud computing’ was first used in a 1997 lecture by Ramnath Chellappa, Emory University.

Why Do We Need It Anyways ?Take only the quantity you need. Example : Ketchup

‘satchet’, charging your mobile phone.Take more quantity when you need. Example : Tony

Stark’s particle accelerator, MJ’s death.Optimize hardware costs. Example : LHC computing Grid.Data Management simplified. Example : Servers around

the globeUpdates are faster. Example : Windows UpdateSecurity – Centralization of Data could improve security.

Types of Cloud Computing

Types of Cloud Computing

Public Cloud – Here resources are dynamically provisioned on a fine-grained, self-service basis over the Internet, via web applications/web services, from an off-site third-party provider who bills on a fine-grained utility computing basis.

Community Cloud - several organizations have similar requirements and seek to share infrastructure so as to realize some of the benefits of cloud computing

Types of Cloud ComputingHybrid Cloud - two separate clouds joined together

(public, private, internal or external), or a combination of virtualized cloud server instances used together with real physical hardware

Private Cloud – An extensive usage of Hybrid model to simplify task for personal purposes. It also refers to the cloud that may be emulate by vendors on private networks.

Impact of Cloud Computing

Where Is It used ?Online Office Suite : ThinkFree

Rather than having a system hogged up with countless application and a setup that may run into GBs, it would be better to have a publishing platform online, which can accessed from anywhere in the world.

Advantages : Licensing Fees, Thin Clients, Older computers, Developing countries

Disadvantages : Online connectivity

Issues with Cloud ComputingPrivacy – Speculations exists if companies hosting the Cloud

services control, and thus, can monitor at will, lawfully or unlawfully, the communication and data stored between the user and the host company.

Open Source – It has provided the foundation for many cloud computing implementations. In such conditions, patenting issues can exist.

Performance – Businesses can doubt the performance of the applications hosted on the cloud, particularly if it is hosted in a distant place than where the application is to be used.

Issues with Cloud ComputingSecurity – It is a contentious issue which may be delaying

its adoption. It is mainly due to the private and public sector’s unease surrounding the external management of security based services. Organizations are being set up to standardize the requirements in this case. One organization in particular, the Cloud Security Alliance is a non-profit organization formed to promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing.

Issues with Cloud ComputingRichard Stallman said that cloud computing was simply a

trap aimed at forcing more people to buy into locked, proprietary systems that would cost them more and more over time. "It's stupidity. It's worse than stupidity: it's a marketing hype campaign", he told The Guardian. "Somebody is saying this is inevitable – and whenever you hear somebody saying that, it's very likely to be a set of businesses campaigning to make it true.“

Ordinary consumers may not be aware what exactly goes on ‘in the cloud’

Future of Cloud ComputingIn near future a centralized cloud could help people won't do their

work with software running on a general-purpose PC. Instead, they will work in Internet-based applications similar to Google Docs, and in applications run from smartphones.

It will allow users to have easy, instant, and individualized access to tools and information they need wherever they are, locatable from any networked device.

Smartphones could divert the move to ‘cloud’, wherein every appliance could have an ‘ip’. With a network of devices, (already under development) you can devices can be tied together in the same way that people are now tied together by the internet

Example : Jarvis in Iron Man Franchise

With 4G networks accessible in every major town in the US, North America and Eurozone by 2020, computing in small smart devices won’t have to necessarily use power of it’s own. i.e. every small computing device could function as a thin client. Giving better battery life and life cycle

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