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TheEconomist .. .. .• • ••

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Collision courseAmerica, Iran and the threat of war

Contents The Economist May nth 2019

On thecover

As tensions rise betweenAmerica and Iran, both sidesneed to step back: leader,page 9. The risk of conflict isgrowing, page 29. Iran'spresident does not want towalk away from the nucleardea I,page 30

• The psychology of US-Chinatrade The two countries havebecome strategie rivals.Theirtrading relationship will befraught for years to come: leader,poge 10. China's measuredstrategy could soon be put tothe test, poge 58. How muchharm have tariffs done? Poge 59

• Democracy at risk in LatinAmerica Four decades afterdictatorships began to give way todemocracy, populism andpolarisation pose unprecedentedthreats: briefing, poge 16.Thedanger goes well beyond Cuba,Nicaragua and Venezuela:leader, poge 10

• Caster Semenya: aconsequential ruling It is a veryspecific decision for a very specialrunner. But it has implications farbeyond athletics, poge 49

• How creepy is your smartspeaker? Worries about privacyare overstated, but not entirelywithout merit: leader, poge 13.Household electronics areundergoing a sensorymakeover, poge 66

The world this week6 A round-up of political

and business news

Leaders9 America and Iran

Collision course10 Trade talks

Deal or no deal10 Latin America

Under the volcano12 The Istanbul election

Goingdown13 Snoop in the kitchen

How creepy is your smartspeaker?

Letters14 On psychiatry, the EU,

ballot initiatives, Huawei,air pollution, measles,Hell

Briefing16 LatinAmerica

The ao-year itch

oSchumpeter Beneath theAmazon-led digitaleconomy lies a physicalgold mine, page 57



4 LUG Z019

~~Contents continues overleaf

Europe19 Istanbul's mayor deposed20 Italy gets out of recession22 Free transport in Tallinn22 French names23 Russian trade unions24 Charlemagne The

politics of suburbia

Britain25 New left-wing thinking26 Monarchy and media27 Bagehot A defence

secretary on manoeuvres

Middle East & Africa29 America v Iran30 Rouhani's tough talk31 Rockets over Gaza31 Murder in Malawi32 Benin's lousy election

United States33 Trump v Congress34 The racism recession35 Policing madness36 Mexican-Americans38 Lexington [ared

Kushner's peace pian

The Americas39 What next for Venezuela40 Baseball in Peru

Contents The Economist May nth 20194

Asia41 Australia's election42 Press freedom in

Myanmar42 Philippine elections43 lndia's GDP statistics44 Monarchy in Thailand45 Banyan Legacy of the Raj

China46 Studying in Taiwan47 warships in the strait48 Chaguan The dangers of


International49 Caster Semenya and the

future of wornen's sport

Business51 Anheuser-Busch InBev53 Russia's abortive

aerospace renaissance53 Lyft's public distress54 Bidding for Anadarko54 Americans and pay-TV55 Bartleby Bad hirers56 Intel's fear of missing out57 Schumpeter The REIT


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Finance &economics58 China's trade-war tactics59 Arnerica's tariffs60 The EU bullies Switzerland60 India's stockmarket61 Mobile money in Nigeria61 Conditional welfare62 Buttonwood Volatility

and options63 Arnerica's community

banks64 Free exchange The future


Science &technology66 Smart speakers with sight67 Academic success67 Satellite internet68 Formula E racing69 A report on extinction69 Protecting coral reefs

Books& arts70 The uses of antiquity71 Into the underland72 johnson Family trees73 A beguiling debut novel73 Religion in America

Economie &financial indieators76 Statistics on 42 economies

Graphie detail77 How Mount Everest went mainstream

Obituary78 Les Murray, Australìa's best poet

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