comenius 2-12-2013- 6-12-2013 poland. kolbuskowa dolna

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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POLAND The Republic of Poland is a large Central European country with a population of 40 million. The Baltic coastline forms the northern border, with the Carpathian mountains in the far south adjoining Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Ukraine. Germany lies to the west whilst Belarus, Lithuania and Kalingrad are to the north east border.


COMENIUS POLAND Kolbuskowa Dolna POLAND The Republic of Poland is a large Central European country with a population of 40 million. The Baltic coastline forms the northern border, with the Carpathian mountains in the far south adjoining Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Ukraine. Germany lies to the west whilst Belarus, Lithuania and Kalingrad are to the north east border. POLAND The Kingdom of Poland was established in 1025 CE, led by Boleslaw I. Catholicism had been adopted at the end of the previous century. Poland united with the Kingdom of Lithuania in 1569 CE. The Commonwealth had elected kings and a parliament of nobles. Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany in The people of Poland suffered hardship from both German and Soviet soldiers. During World War Two, thousands of Jewish residents died in the Warsaw ghetto uprising and in concentration camps alongside other Poles. After the war, Poland was a Communist Republic for 40 years, allied with the Soviet Union. Poland became independent in 1989 when the Soviet Union collapsed. Lech Walesa was elected President in He was a ship worker from Gdansk who led the Solidarity party when Poland became independen. Cuisine Cuisine: Poland is known for its hearty food, which keeps people warm and full during the long Polish winters. One of Polands most famous foods is pierogi, which are large dumplings filled most often with potatoes, cheese, and onions, but they can also have meat or fruit inside. Gobkiwhich means little pigeons but is not made out of pigeons!are large pieces of cabbage stuffed with ground meat and spices and cooked in tomato sauce. Soup is very popular in Poland, especially barszcz or borscht, made out of beets, or urek, a sour soup with potatoes and vegetables. Potatoes and dark, thick bread are staples ofPolish meals as wellPolish Famous people: Marie Curie, the famous scientist, was Polish. Her birth name was Marie Slowdowska and she moved from Poland to Paris. She won the noble prize for Physics with her husband in 1903 and for chemistry in She is remembered for discovering radium. Chopin the composer was also born in Poland. He, like Mozart, was a performer when very young. Although he later moved to Paris he was a proud Pole and Warsaws Chopin Airport is named in his memory. FACTS Facts: Official Name: Republic of Poland Size: 120,728 square miles (312,685 square kilometers); slightly smaller than New Mexico Population: 38,383,809 Capital: Warsaw Official Language: Polish Climate: Temperate; wet, cold winters; mild summers Currency: Zloty Products: Potatoes, fruits, vegetables, wheat, poultry, eggs, pork, dairy; iron, steel, coal, chemicals, machinery How to say hello How to say Hello: czesc [chesh-ch] NATIONAL COSTUME Traditional Polish clothing is very colorful and decorative. In folk costumes, women wear long, colorful skirts with ribbons and printed with large flowers. They may wear white blouses and black or red vests (again embroidered with colorful flowers) and laced up across the front with red ribbon. They also wear necklaces made of red beads and wear their hair in long braids. They might also wear a wreath of flowers around their head. Girls will wear traditional leather or wooden shoes. Mens folk dress is similar: they wear tight white pants and a white jacket embroidered with red, black, and colored flowers. They wear a white shirt and a red tie, and a flat-topped black- and-red hat.Polish FESTIVALS The most important holidays in Poland are Christmas Eve and Easter. Christmas Eve, celebrated December 24 th, is called Wigilia, and it celebrates the birth of Jesus. Traditionally, Poles put up a Christmas tree and decorate it with ornaments, stars, candy, and oranges, and presents are placed underneath it. The biggest meal of Christmas is eaten during Wigilia, and it contains no meat, but usually many fish dishes including carp and herring.Poland FESTIVALS The Christmas celebrations typically begin at the sighting of the first star in the sky (and the sun sets early in Poland in the winter, so the first star is usually seen around 3 p.m.), and families get together to eat and open presents. December 25 th and 26 th are considered the second day of Christmas and third day of Christmas and are celebrated with family get- togethers and holiday meals (this time containing meat). In many cities and villages, there is also usually a Christmas procession where people walk through the streets with candles, and end up in church to celebrate Mass. FESTIVALS Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, and takes place on a Sunday in March or April. Easter is celebrated in Poland with the dyeing and painting of eggs (called pisanki) and an elaborate meal eaten with the family. A traditional cake called mazurek is made for Easter, and is a flat cake filled with chocolate or a caramel-like filling called kajmak. Common symbols of Easter are eggs, rabbits, and flowers.Poland The day after Easter is a childrens holiday called mingus-dingus, in which children pour water on each other, often after planning an elaborate ambush or hiding out to surprise their siblings or friends with the water. FESTIVALS All Saints Day (Dzie Wszystkich witych) on November 1, which celebrates the dead and people visit the graves of loved ones, leaving candles and flowers. In the evening, graveyards in Poland are lit up with candlelight and are eerily beautiful.Poland The School Meeting the children Making Christmas Trees Creating a Winter Exhibition Swimming Gala Lessons Places Visited KRAKOW Our Flavors Team Cooking!!

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