comparison of post-stack seismic amplitude inversion

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Comparison of post-stack seismic amplitude inversion methods to relative acousticimpedanceC. A. M. Assis* (CEP/UNICAMP), G. B. D. Ignacio (CEP/UNICAMP) and H. B. Santos (CEP/UNICAMP & INCT-GP)

Copyright 2017, SBGf - Sociedade Brasileira de Geofısica.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 15thInternational Congress of theBrazilian Geophysical Society, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 31 July to 3 August, 2017.

Contents of this paper were reviewed by the Technical Committee of the 15th

International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society and do not necessarilyrepresent any position of the SBGf, its officers or members. Electronic reproductionor storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consentof the Brazilian Geophysical Society is prohibited.


We discuss and compare two methodologies toestimated the relative acoustic impedance (RAI). Oneis the coloured inversion, and the other is a linearizedrelation between the seismic trace and the impedance,that provides a linear system to be solved for theRAI. Additionally, we investigate the performance ofone direct technique and two iterative methods appliedto resolving the linear system problem to estimatethe RAI seismic section. The numerical experimentsdemonstrate that the coloured inversion can producegood RAI estimation and that the linear systemapproach can provide similar results. Tests with realdata indicate that the linear system approach canprovide a slightly better impedance section than thecoloured inversion if the numerical methods appliedto solve the linear system problem are optimallyparametrized at the well-log position.


Attributes are commonly employed to assist in theseismic data interpretation. One useful attribute isthe acoustic impedance (AI) obtained from the seismicamplitudes inversion. The AI seismic sections facilitatethe stratigraphic analysis because it is a rock property(Latimer et al., 2000). In some cases, the relativeacoustic impedance (RAI) is enough to help in thethin layer reservoir characterization (Brown et al., 2008).The coloured inversion methodology (Lancaster andWhitcombe, 2000) is a computationally cheap and quiterobust approach to estimate the RAI from the seismicdata. This technique makes use of an operator derivedat the well-log position to transform/invert the data to RAI.Hampson et al. (2005), proposed a simultaneous post-stack seismic amplitude inversion to absolute AI, in whicha spike deconvolution and the seismic trace integration areperformed in one step. Thus, given an initial low-frequencymodel, the absolute AI is estimated using a conjugategradient algorithm to solve a linear relation between theseismic and the impedances logarithm. In this work, weadapt the Hampson et al. (2005) methodology to makeit suitable for the RAI estimation. Different techniques tosolve the linear system obtained are tested, and the resultscompared with the RAI produced by the coloured inversion.Tests on real seismic data indicate that the linear system

approach can provide an impedance section with betterevent continuity than the coloured inverted data.


The coloured inversion methodology requires at least onewell-log tied to the seismic data to build an operator inthe frequency domain. The operator magnitude spectrais defined by the division between the average of thewell-log RAI spectra and the average seismic spectra.Assuming the wavelet embedded in the seismic data iszero phase, the operator phase is set to −90◦(Lancasterand Whitcombe, 2000). Finally, the derived operator isconvolved with each seismic trace in the time-domain.Hampson et al. (2005) proposed a post-stack inversionto AI that makes use of the convolutional model and theassumption of small reflectivity for the zero incidence angleP-wave reflection coefficient. Then with an initial guess forthe impedance model, the conjugate gradient together withthe linear relation between the seismic and the impedancelogarithm can be used to estimate the absolute impedance.Now, we look in more detail the Hampson et al. (2005)approach. The zero incidence angle P-wave reflectioncoefficient is given by

Ri =AIi+1−AIi

AIi+1 +AIi, (1)

where Ri is the reflection coefficient from the boundarybetween the rock layers with impedance AIi+1 and AIi.Rearranging equation 1 and taking the natural logarithm

lnAIi+1 = lnAIi + ln(1+Ri)− ln(1−Ri) . (2)

Knowing that ln(1+ x)≈ x for x≈ 0, it follows that

Ri ≈12[lnAIi+1− lnAIi] , (3)

that is the small reflectivity equation. In practice, it workswell for |R| < 0.3 (Oldenburg et al., 1983). Equation 3 wasobtained by linearizing the reflection coefficient logarithm.We propose to include the expansion of the impedancelogarithms in a Taylor series around one and retaining onlythe first order term. In order to approximately satisfy thisTaylor series assumption, the impedance is normalizedwith a reference value AIre f such as the impedance profilemaximum absolute value. Considering that our objective isto estimate the RAI, the proposed normalization is not anissue since we are not concerned with the real impedancemagnitude, but the primary information that we want toextract is the RAI increase or decrease in a neighborhood.Therefore, considering RAI/RAIre f ≈ 1 and knowing thatln(z)≈ z−1 for z≈ 1, we obtain

Ri ≈1

2RAIre f[RAIi+1−RAIi] , (4)

Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society


2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2Time(s)













Absolute Impedance

Impedance trend

Relative impedance (Impedance - trend)

Figure 1: Example of absolute acoustic impedanceand relative acoustic impedance. The RAI is obtainedby subtracting the trend from the absolute AI. Themeasurements initially in depth were converted to two-way traveltime. Data extracted from the Marmousi2 model(Martin et al., 2006).

where Ri is the frequency band-limited reflection coefficientobtained from the RAI. Figure 1 illustrates the relationshipbetween the absolute AI and the RAI. The absolute AIin each position is the exact rock property that wouldbe obtained from the product between the compressionalvelocity and the density of a rock sample, which is alwaysa positive quantity. On the other hand, the RAI mainlyprovides information about the increase or decrease ofthe impedance and it can be negative. Note that theRAI is obtained by subtracting the trend from the absoluteAI. In the frequency domain, the RAI is the absolute AIwithout the low-frequency content. Moreover, if the RAIis estimated from the seismic data, the high-frequencycontent is also missing due to the seismic band-limitation.Having said that, we claim that although equation 4 may bea less precise approximation than equation 3 to the exactzero incidence reflection coefficient, it is more suitable todeal with the RAI because it does not make use of thelogarithm function, this way, preventing problems with zerosand negative values. The equation 4 can be written inmatrix form using the difference operator

D =

−1 1 0 · · ·0 −1 1 · · ·...

.... . .

. . . .


then r1r2...


≈ 12

−1 1 0 · · ·0 −1 1 · · ·...

.... . .

. . . .

RAI1/RAIre fRAI2/RAIre f

...RAIN/RAIre f


The convolutional model is defined by

s = w∗ r+n , (7)

where s is the seismic signal, w is the wavelet embeddedin the seismic trace, ∗ denotes the convolution operation,r is the reflection coefficient sequence, and n is additive

noise. Rewriting the convolutional model in matrix form, forinstance discarding the noise component, and substitutingequation 6

s =12

WDx , (8)

where W is a Toeplitz matrix build with the wavelet andthe vector x is the normalized RAI profile. Equation 8 isa linear relationship between the seismic signal s and theimpedances x. Defining

A =12

WD , (9)

equation 1 can be rewritten as

Ax = s . (10)

In practice, while solving the linear system 10 it is beingperformed a spike deconvolution and a seismic traceintegration simultaneously. As a consequence, the matrixA is ill-conditioned as any seismic deconvolution probleminvolving a frequency band-limited wavelet. When thematrix A is nonsingular, direct methods as GaussianElimination or QR decomposition may be used to solvethe linear system 10. Furthermore, depending on thespecial properties of the matrix A, other efficient methodslike Cholesky decomposition (when the matrix is positivedefinite) could be used. However, when the matrix A issingular, and this how we will handle our problem, thelinear system 10 does not have a unique solution. When ithappens, despite the case where the linear system doesn’thave solutions (which is not the case of our particularproblem), the linear system 10 has infinite solutions. If x isa solution of the linear system 10, then x is also a solutionof the normal system

AT Ax = AT s, (11)

where AT is the transpose of A. A vector x is the solution ofthe linear system 11 if, and only if, x is also the solution ofthe least square problem (Trefethen and Bau III, 1997)

‖s−Ax‖2 = minw∈Rn

‖s−Aw‖2. (12)

If rank(A)< n, then the solution of the least square problem12 is not unique (Watkins, 2004). In other words, there aremany x for which ‖s−Ax‖2 is minimized. The minimum-norm solution of the problem 12, consequently, the solutionof the system 11 is given by x = A†s, where A† denotes thepseudo-inverse of the matrix A (Golub and Kahan, 1965).Consider the SV D decomposition of the matrix A ∈ Rn×n,with rank(A) = r ≤ n:

A =UΣV T , (13)

where U ∈ Rn×n and V ∈ Rn×n are orthogonal matricesand σ ∈ Rn×n is a diagonal matrix such that diag(Σ) ={σ1,σ2, . . . ,σr,0, . . .}, where σi, i = 1, . . . ,r, denotes thesingular values of A, with σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ . . . ≥ σr ≥ 0. Thepseudo-inverse of A might be written in terms of its SVDdecomposition:

A† =V Σ†UT , (14)

where the diagonal matrix Σ† ∈ Rn×n is the pseudo-inverse of Σ, with diagonal elements given by diag(Σ†) =

{σ−11 ,σ−1

2 , . . . ,σ−1r ,0, . . .} (Golub and Van Loan, 2012).

Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society


Theoretically, there is a remarkable difference betweensingular and nonsingular matrices. In other words, inthe absence of roundoff errors during calculations, thesingular value decomposition reveals the rank of thematrix. However, the presence of numerical errors turnsthe problem of determining the rank of a matrix harder,as might appears small singular values that theoreticallywould be zero (Watkins, 2004). Then, roughly speaking,it’s necessary to consider a tolerance parameter ε thatplays the following role: singular values σi lesser than ε

are not considered, as they would be zero in the absenceof numerical errors. So ordering the singular values ofA such that σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ . . . ≥ σr ≥ ε ≥ σr+1 ≥ . . ., then therank of A is assumed to be r. The application of theSVD decomposition to solve linear systems is considereda direct method and, in the absence of roundoff errors,provides the exact minimum-norm solution of the problem12. Nevertheless, when large matrices are considered, theSVD approach might become computationally expensive.Furthermore, when the matrix is also sparse, the useof iterative methods becomes more efficient (Greenbaum,1997). Although the application of iterative methods inour particular case does not provide the exact minimum-norm solution of the problem 12, they can generate anapproximate solution of the system 10.


Our objective is to compare different methods to estimatethe RAI from the seismic data. One approach will be viathe coloured inversion and the second will be via solvingthe linear system 10. In this paper, we consider the SVDthat is a direct method and two different iterative methods,the traditional conjugate-gradient and the randomizedKaczmarz method. The pseudo-inverse of the matrix A,calculated with the SVD, will be obtained by discardingsingular values smaller than a threshold. The thresholdwill be defined by testing a range of cutoff parametersand verifying which pseudo-inverse applied to the seismictrace nearest to the tied well-log data provides the highestcorrelation between the estimated RAI and the impedancefrom the well-log. A similar methodology will be applied tothe iterative methods, but the parameter to be defined willthe number of iterations. Additionally, the initial model willbe the −90◦ rotated seismic trace, that can be understoodas a simplified version of the coloured inverted data. Forcompleteness, the iterative methods that will be used arediscussed in more detail. The conjugate-gradient methodhas been already proposed by (Hampson et al., 2005)to solve the problem under investigation. Thus, it isgoing to be included in our tests. The conjugate-gradientmethod, which is a particular example of Krilov subspacemethod, is a variation on the steepest descent method(Greenbaum, 1997). However, the conjugate-gradientuses information from the last iteration, providing betterperformance. The conjugate-gradient works with positivedefinite matrices, expending less effort to generate thesolution in comparison with the Cholesky decomposition(Watkins, 2004). Here, we use the conjugate gradient forleast squares (CGLS) as discussed in Scales (1987). TheKaczmarz’s method (Natterer, 2001), also known underthe name Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART),commonly used in geophysical tomography, performsoperations only in the rows of the system, which turns thismethod very useful if the matrix is sparse. Briefly, the

classical scheme of Kaczmarz’s method works through allthe rows of A in a cyclic manner, projecting in each stepthe last iterate orthogonally onto the solution hyperplanegenerated by the i-th row of the system, that is: aT

i x =si, where ai denotes the i-th row of A. It has beenshowed, however, that the rate of convergence of theKaczmarz’s method is improved when the algorithm worksthrough the rows of A in a random manner, rather thansequentially (Natterer, 2001; Herman and Meyer, 1993).For this reason, in this paper, we are going to use therandomized Kaczmarz’s method. Given an initial point s0,the randomized Kaczmarz’s method performs the followingcalculations:

xk+1 = xk +(sri−aT



)ar(i), (15)

where r(i) is chosen from the set {1, 2, . . . , n} atrandom, with probability proportional to the Euclidian normof ar(i). The second part on the right of equation 15 isthe orthogonal projection mentioned above.Note that thealgorithm does not need to know the whole system, butonly a small random part of it. Then, when the matrix isvery sparse and well-posed, the computations in equation15 are cheap, and the method may outperform most of theknown iterative methods (Strohmer and Vershynin, 2009).

Application to Marmousi model

The Marmousi2 model (Martin et al., 2006) was usedto assess each methodology to estimate the RAI.The exact absolute AI model and the correspondentreflection coefficient data, originally on depth domain, weretransformed to the two-way travel time. The trend fromthe AI model was removed to obtain its RAI version. Thecalculations were made at the Marmousi2 trace position751. The inversion techniques were evaluated using aseismic trace calculated by convolving the exact reflectivityseries with a Ricker wavelet at 25-Hz peak frequency.Thus, the seismic data to be inverted contained onlyprimary reflections and the biggest obstacle in the processto recover the exact RAI, in theory, should be only theseismic frequency band-limitation. The coloured inversionproduced a RAI close to the exact model (Figure 2a). Themagnitudes from the estimated RAI did not match the exactmodel, probably, due to the seismic data band-limitation. Ingeneral, the RAI estimated via the linear system solutionperformed, Figures 2b-2d, slightly better than the colouredinversion, Figure 2a. The correlation coefficients in Table 1confirm that solving the linear system for the RAI was alittle bit more precise than the coloured inversion. It isworth mentioning that the SVD result shown here wasobtained by using a cutoff singular value of 0.004 and thetesting range was from 10−5 to 1. The CGLS algorithmwas parametrized with 150 iterations and the Kaczmarzwith 106 line operations. The linear system solved had500 lines, so in comparison with the CGLS technique, theKaczmarz algorithm performed about 2000 iterations. TheKaczmarz also expended more time to solve the systemthan the CGLS algorithm, given the number of iterationsnecessary to achieve nearly the same correlation with thewell-log for the seismic trace inverted to RAI near the well-log position. The SVD cutoff singular value and the iterativemethods number of iterations were chosen as discussed inthe Methodology section.

Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Time (s)








tive A

IExact RAI

RAI from Coloured Inversion


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Time (s)








tive A


Exact RAI

RAI from SVD


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Time (s)








tive A


Exact RAI

Initial model (rotated trace)



1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Time (s)








tive A


Exact RAI

Initial model (Rotated trace)

RAI from Kaczmarz


Figure 2: RAI from the Marmousi2 model at trace number 751. In red the exact RAI model and blue the estimated impedance.(a) Coloured inverted data. Results from linear system solution: (b) SVD; (c) CGLS with the initial solution in green; (d)Kaczmarz with the initial solution in green.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400Trace number






e (s)













Figure 3: Seismic data and the synthetic seismic tracecalculated by the convolution between the reflectivityestimated from the tied well-log and a 25-Hz Rickerwavelet.

Application to real data

We tested the inversion methodologies on a real datacomposed of a sonic and density log from the PenobscotL-30 well and a stacked seismic section offshore fromNova Scotia, Canada (Bianco, 2014). We consideredonly the time window around valid well-log values. Theseismic data frequency bandwidth is similar to the 25Hz Ricker wavelet. Figure 3 exhibits the seismic dataand synthetic trace calculated from the tied well-log.Figure 4 shows the inversion results, where the redarrows indicate the positions where the well-log RAI is inagreement with the inverted seismic data. The colouredinversion provided an interesting RAI section, which itis in agreement with the well-log in various positions(Figure 4b). Comparing the seismic section, Figure 3,and the RAI section, Figure 4b, it is clear that theinversion filled the space between neighbor reflectionsall over the data. In other words, the information wastransformed from a boundary measurement to an intervalrepresentation. The SVD technique applied to solve thelinear system approach performed well. Although it wasapplied trace by trace, the estimated RAI section presentedevents with higher continuity, Figure 4b, than the colouredinversion (Figure 4a). The black arrows in Figure 4indicate the positions where the events continuity was

Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Trace num ber






e (


Relat ive im pedance from coloured inversion






0.0E+ 00







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Trace num ber






e (








0.0E+ 00







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Trace num ber






e (


CGLS (rotated t race as init ial m odel)






0.0E+ 00







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Trace num ber






e (


Updated rotated t race with Kaczm arz






0.0E+ 00







Figure 4: Real data and the tied well-log transformed to RAI. The red arrows indicate the positions where the well-log RAI is inagreement with the inverted seismic data. (a) Coloured inversion. Followed by the linear system problem solved with: (b) SVD;(c) Seismic −90◦ rotated + CGLS; (d) Seismic −90◦ rotated + Kaczmarz.

improved compared to the coloured inversion (Figure 4a).A drawback of the SVD approach was that it favored thenegative RAI values over the positive ones in the dataregion from 1.0 to 1.8 seconds, (Figure 4b), while thecoloured inversion produced an impedance section morebalanced between the positive and negatives values. TheCGLS and Kaczmarz techniques provided nearly the sameRAI sections (Figures 4a and 4b). These results showedbetter layer continuity in some positions compared to thecoloured inversion. But, the positive RAI values wereslightly reduced, concerning the coloured inverted data, inthe time window from 1.0 to 1.8 seconds. This observationis similar to the one made with the SVD results, but

the CGLS and Kaczmarz techniques did not enhance thenegative RAI values as the SVD method. Moreover, theCGLS and Kaczmarz lateral continuity improvement arenearly the same as the one produce by the SVD solution.It is worth noting that the CGLS result was obtained with20 iterations and the Kaczmarz number of row operationsdivided by the solved system number of lines was about65 iterations. Furthermore, the Kaczmarz expended moretime than the CGLS to solve the linear system to achieveapproximately the same correlation coefficient with thewell-log data. Table 1 exhibits the correlation coefficientbetween the estimated RAI near the well-log correlatedand the well-log measurement. For the techniques used to

Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society


Table 1: Correlation of the inverted seismic data to RAI withthe exact relative impedance for each inversion approach.The left column displays the results from the Marmousi2model and the right column the results from the tests withreal data at the well-log position.

Method Correlation

Marmousi Real data

Coloured inversion 0.80 0.16SVD 0.87 0.20CGLS 0.89 0.15Kaczmarz 0.86 0.15

solve the linear system, these are the optimal correlationcoefficients. The SVD solution to the linear systemapproach obtained the highest correlation and the otherapproaches achieved approximately the same correlationcoefficient. This result is in agreement with the visualinspection of the results exhibited in Figure 4, where theSVD result seems to be a little bit better than the others.


The coloured inversion produced a good RAI section inthe tests with numerical and real data. The numericaltests with the linear system approach produced resultscloser to the exact response than the coloured inversion,independently of the numerical method chosen to solvethe problem. But analyzing closer the iterative methods,the Kaczmarz expended more time to solve the linearsystem than the CGLS algorithm. In the tests with realdata, the SVD technique parametrized with an optimalcutoff singular value determined at the well-log positionproduced a RAI with higher correlation coefficient to thewell-log measurement than the coloured inversion andthe iterative methods. In the real data set used here,the SVD favored the negative RAI values in some partsof the inverted seismic data while the coloured inversionproduced a RAI section with more balanced positive andnegative RAI values. Again, the Kaczmarz was took moretime than the CGLS technique to solve the linear system.


We compared two methodologies to estimate the relativeacoustic impedance. One approach was the colouredinversion that uses well-log information to derive anoperator to transform the seismic data to the RAI. Thesecond was by using a linear relation between the seismicdata and the RAI. Then we investigated one direct methodand two iterative methods to solve the linear systemobtained. The methodology discussed, demonstrated thatwell-log information can be used to calibrate the SVDand iterative methods like the CGLS and the Kaczmarzto produce results similar to the coloured inversion. Butwe highlight, that between the iterative schemes, theCGLS technique expended less time than the Kaczmarzto achieve the same accuracy level of the inverted seismicdata at the well-log position. The convergence andefficiency of both methods applied to the problem statedhere need to be further investigated. The SVD methodused to solve the linear system approach can producea slightly better RAI section from post-stack seismic datathan the coloured inversion. Even tough, we suggestthat both approaches should be taken into account in

an interpretation project that makes use of the RAI.Additionally, we argue that as the inversion is applied traceby trace and considering the usual seismic traces numberof samples, the SVD algorithm performance may not be aproblem in the inversion of an entire seismic volume.


The authors are grateful to Petrobras, ANP, PFRH-PB15,PFRH-PB230 and FAPESP for the financial support andthe scholarships. Additional support was provided bythe sponsors of the Wave Inversion Technology (WIT)Consortium. The authors are also grateful to LucioTunes Santos and Edwin Fagua Duarte for the valuablediscussions.


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Fifteenth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society

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