concept note etcf information days april 3r d 2008 ankara

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CONCEPT NOTE ETCF Information Days April 3r d 2008 Ankara. Concept Note. Concept Note is one of the documents to be assessed in the Evaluation. 1st Phase: Administritive Check 2nd Phase: Concept Note. Concept Note. Should not exceed 4 full pages of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB


ETCF Information DaysApril 3rd 2008


ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB

Concept Note

Concept Note is one of the documents to be assessed in the Evaluation.

1st Phase: Administritive Check

2nd Phase: Concept Note

ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB

Concept Note

Should not exceed 4 full pages of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins

Respond, in the same sequence, to the headings in the Application Form.

Size of each section will reflect the relative importance of each heading

Should be drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate its assessment

ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB


1) Relevance of the Action General presentation and analysis of the

problems Specific problems to be addressed by the action. Brief description of the target groups and final

beneficiaries. Relevance of the proposal to the needs and

constraints in general of the target country(ies) or region(s) and to the target groups/final beneficiary groups in particular.

Relevance of the proposal to the priorities and requirements presented in the Guidelines.

ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB

2) Description of the action and its effectiveness Overall objective of the action, outputs and

expected results; Proposed activities and their effectiveness; Involvement of implementing partners, their role

and relationship to the applicant, Other possible stakeholders, their anticipated

role and/or potential attitudes towards the project

ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB


3) Sustainability of the action Initial risk analysis and eventual

contingency plans. (risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks)

Main preconditions and assumptions during and after the implementation phase.

How sustainability will be secured after completion of the action

ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB

Evaluation of the Concept Note

Scores awarded to the Concept Note are completely separate from those given to the Full Application

Administrative check Relevance of the action, its merits

and effectiveness, its viability and sustainability

ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB


Out of 50 points in accordance with the breakdown provided in the Evaluation Grid

ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB

Evaluation GridScores

1. Relevance of the action Sub-score 15

1.1 Relevance of the problems to needs and constraints of the country/region to be addressed in general, and to those of the target groups and final beneficiaries in particular

1.2 Relevance to the priorities and objectives mentioned in the Guidelines



2. Effectiveness and Feasibility of the action Sub-score 25

2.1 Assessment of the problem identification and analysis2.2 Assessment of the proposed activities (practicality and consistency in relation to the

objectives, purpose and expected results).2.3 Assessment of the role and involvement of all stakeholders and proposed partners.




3. Sustainability of the action Sub-score 10

3.1 Assessment of the identification of the main assumptions and risks, before the start up and throughout the implementation period.

3.2 Assessment of the identification of long-term sustainable impact on the target groups and final beneficiaries.




ETCF is funded by the European Union

Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB

After the Assessment A list will be established with the proposed actions

ranked according to their total score. Only the Concept Notes which get a score of a

minimum of 12 points in the category "Relevance" as well as a minimum total score of 30 points will be considered for pre-selection.

The list of Concept Notes will be reduced in accordance to the ranking to those whose sum of requested contributions amounts to three times the available budget for this Call for proposals.

Evaluation Committee will subsequently proceed with the full proposals of the pre-selected applicants

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