consequences of non using green products

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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The term is used to describe a product that meets one of these criteria.1.It has qualities that will protect the environment.2.It has replaced artificial ingredients with natural ingredients.

For example, a cleaning product may be considered green for two distinct reasons.

It may be manufactured without phosphates in order to reduce a source of pollution in the water supply, which makes it better for the environment than a cleaner that contains phosphates.

Or it may contain ingredients derived from natural sources to lower the risk of health problems that can be caused by exposing the skin to artificial dyes or fragrances.


The word eco-friendly means products that do not harm the earth or environment. These products, also called sustainable products, provide benefits for the people economically, socially, environmentally, while preserving the public health. These products are environmentally safe from its extraction of raw materials to production, consumption and disposal.


Swapping to environmentally safe, green products in really simple for any individual who wishes to contribute to the sustainability of environment and do their share of the sustainability of the environment. By using more environmentally safe products, we reduce pollution and contamination of the natural resources such as the air, water, and soil.


House warming Using wood logs instead of electricity or natural gas is the greenest way to keep your house warm. The burning wood emits environmentally safe carbon dioxide, which is equal to the oxygen the plant produce and converts to oxygen, so it doesn’t really leave any carbon foot prints. To install a log burner in our home, you need a place where you can set it up with a chimney attached to it.

House cleaning products

The conventional cleaning products in the market contain several toxic chemicals and may be harmful for the environment. Even though they make our house grime free and sparkling clean, they release harmful compounds and solvents into the atmosphere whenever they are used, and therefore, they are not good for your health.products that contain natural ingredients such as Baking soda, Beeswax, Vinegar, Olive Oil, and products labelled “no phosphates or solvents.” There are a number of cleaning products available in the market today labelled eco-friendly.

kitchen & dining

Your kitchen is one place where natural and green products can really make a difference for your family’s health. Conventional kitchen products contain dangerous plastics and toxic or non-sustainable ingredients. It’s easy to stock your kitchen with natural cleaning supplies, non-toxic accessories, and reusable and recycled products that reduce waste and promote sustainability. Using sustainable, natural materials and reducing waste is not only good for the environment; it’s also a sound way to save money and improve your family’s health.

Green vehicle

A green vehicle or environmentally friendly vehicle is a road motor vehicle that produces less harmful impacts to the environment than comparable conventional internal combustion engine vehicles running on gasoline or diesel

Green vehicles can be powered by alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies and include hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles, compressed-air vehicles, hydrogen and fuel-cell vehicles, neat ethanol vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles, natural gas vehicles, clean diesel vehicles, and some sources also include vehicles using blends of biodiesel and ethanol fuel or gasohol

THE BENEFITS OF ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS Eco-friendly products are not only safe for the environment, but they also help keeping your family protected from being exposed to any toxic chemicals. Most standard-quality products nowadays contain the use of harmful substances to a certain degree, which may potentially lead to cancer or other serious health problems. Off course, recognizing eco-friendly products that are truly as safe for the environment as they claim to be is not always easy, unless you know exactly what you are looking for.Another aspect that goes into making eco-friendly products is complete respect for the environment. This means that if the product is made from trees, then those trees must come from a sustainable forest. A sustainable forest is one where trees are regularly replanted and cultivated before any of them are cut down. It’s a smart way to ensure that this renewable resource is continually brought back and never wiped out completely.

Eco-friendly products also strive to minimize the use of any potential toxins or harmful chemicals in their production, if needed. In the case of cleaners, this is as simple as replacing chemicals with greener ingredients. However, it becomes trickier when we talk about some other types of eco-friendly products. For example, building contractors who decide to seek out eco-friendly products and materials must choose those which were assembled with toxin-free adhesives. This seemingly small effort ensures that you don’t breathe these harmful adhesives when the materials are used to build your home.

More and more people these days are looking for eco-friendly products and/or their relevant substitutes for their homes because they want to keep their families safe. Eco-friendly products mean much more than just saving the environment and protecting the planet, they ensure that our future is secure in both the fate of our families and in the health and safety of our children.


Environmental IssuesThe first concerns facing those living in the world today are major environmental ones. Toxins have leached out of industry facilities and factories into water supplies such as streams, rivers and into the world's oceans. Marine and aquatic life have suffered as a result of these poisonous chemicals contaminating ocean beds, wetlands and marshlands. Once a healthy food source, seafood and fresh water fish are often dangerous to eat due to mercury and other harmful and deadly chemicals found in randomly tested fish and seafood.

PesticidesAssociated health issues include consuming contaminated fish and seafood as well as other animal life, vegetables and fruits with pesticides. The harsh pesticides used to control and kill insects on vegetables and fruit have long-lasting detrimental effects on humans, especially growing children. Studies have shown that much of the residue of these pesticides continue past the other skin of these foodstuffs and lodge in the inner fruit that's consumed by humans. The legal allowance of pesticides used in the growing of foods is still considered to be "safe" for human consumption.

Industrial Growth and PollutionAir pollution is still a significant problem even with emissions control and factory burning regulations. Rain runoff from urban communities and cities still poses great environmental pollution threats. Recycling can play a significant role in preventing these forms of pollution. For example, fertilizers used for lawns and agriculture are one of the leading cause of rain runoff pollution. By simply reducing fertilizer use by adopting more organic gardening practices, you can reduce this type of pollution.


When DDT was banned in the United States, the surplus was sold to countries in South America for use in the production of banana crops, which were then sold back to American grocery stores. DDT is still being used in developing countries and more industrialized countries like China. This two-edged sword is present not just in foodstuff, but clothing, cosmetics, medicines, toys and many other products that you purchase and bring into your home.

WHAT YOU CAN DOSome of the things that you can do to help create a greener world :

•Alternative fuel vehicles

•Apply green building principles to new construction and remodeling projects

•Avoid household carpets, rugs, furniture and other products that contain formaldehyde and chemicals, opting instead for green substitutes

•Buy and grow organic vegetables, fruits, meats and poultry

•Change harsh dish detergents and laundry detergents for green products

•Go paperless

•Install low-volume flush toilets or compost toilets

•Invest in alternative renewable and sustainable energy

•Opt for non-chemical personal hygiene products

•Practice waste management by composting when possible and replacing plastic bags, plates, cups and utensils with biodegradable plant-based products

•Reduce, reuse and recycle when possible

•Replace household chemicals with green cleaning products

•Replace light bulbs with more energy efficient and non-heat producing LED bulbs

•Upgrade your home to be energy efficient

•Use rechargeable batteries

Thank you

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