cp stages of development

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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To create my music magazine contents page I firstly imported the photograph I wanted to use into Adobe Photoshop, selected around it accurately using the Polygonal Lasso Tool, and inverted the selection so that the background is selected.

Then I deleted the background (leaving the area around my friend transparent). Then I copied the image onto a new A4 document in Photoshop, rotated it so it was straight and resized it so that it is nearer to the left of the page.

Then I used the Gradient Tool to fill the background layer with the colour grey which had a horizontal fade out effect- similar to Vibe magazines. Then I adjusted the colour levels of the photograph to increase the contrast and add more depth to it, so that it stands out more e.g. the cap and jacket is much more vibrant.

Then I added a large letter ‘B’ behind the main image using the same font type as front cover masthead (Franklin Gothic Heavy-italic), rotated it and chose a medium grey colour- all to look similar to a Vibe magazine contents page. Then I added the ‘Contents’ title which is large, bold and is in a similar format/size as Vibe magazines.

Then I got a real Vibe magazine contents page, copy and pasted the header text/lines into Photoshop, and edited it so that it became relevant to my magazine (using image adjustments and ‘Polygonal Lasso’, ‘Type’, ‘Marquee’ and ‘Brush’ tools).

Then I copied the header text/lines onto my contents page and added a ‘Screen’ layer blending effect to make the black background turn transparent, leaving just the white text/lines) and make the background show around each of the letters/lines. Then I used the Type Tool to add text describing the clothing the artist is wearing on the front cover and contents page, which I then placed on the left of the page next to the main image.

Then I added text around the main image using the Type Tool which included: the 1/3 text next to the contents title (indicating that this is the first contents page out of three), the text about the main features and fashion section of the magazine, and text about the person in the photograph, the photographer, the location and the date it was taken.

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