creating the right type of content for your marketing automation campaigns

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Maximize the use of your marketing automation tool. Understand people’s relationship to your content & design content as it relates to your lead lifecycle. Based on Marketing Automation For Dummies by Mathew Sweezey and published by Wiley. For more info, visit:


New Content for a New Tool: Creating the RIGHT type of content for your marketing automation campaignsFrom Marketing Automation For Dummies by Mathew Sweezey

It Works.

MAXIMIZE the use of your marketing automation tool.Understand people’s relationship to your content & design content as it relates to your lead lifecycle.

It Works.

Understanding the relationship to your content

Customers engage with two types of content:1. Problem-solving content in the buyer’s funnel

2. Content for professional development or entertainment

It Works.

1. Problem-solving content in the buyer’s funnel

Within the buyer’s journey (funnel) people look for content to help them solve a problem.

You need to make sure to send the correct content at the correct time.

It Works.

2. Content for professional development or entertainment

Consumed on a daily basis and is not a signal of a buying process

Most people consume the same amount of professional development and/or entertainment on a daily basis.

Examples: blogs you read every day or the Twitter followers you listen to daily.

It Works.

Design content as it relates to your lead life cycle

It Works.

It Works.

Early-Stage Leads

Early-stage leads do not:

It Works.

Need to hear from your sales team

Need to be prompted for a demo

Want to read your press release

Create content to help leads be better at their jobs

Blog posts focused on how to identify a problem

How-to articles

Short video clips

Your goal = build a relationship, not sell

Good forms of content for early-stage leads:

It Works.

It Works.

Mid-Stage Leads

Mid-stage cycle leads have: A problem

A pain point

A solution

It Works.

Mid-stage cycle leads do not have:

Buyers in the mid-stage do not typically have the budget, authority, or timeline to purchase.

Content should: Help explain options to solve their issue

Show substantial social proof

It Works.

The goal for mid-stage content is to help people identify the way to solve their pain as well as to get their team to buy in.

Good forms of content for mid-stage leads:

It Works.

Blog posts focused on how to solve the pain points

Webinars featuring client success stories

Case studies

Late-Stage Leads

It Works.

Late-stage leads:

Your goal = get on the short list of vendors.

It Works.

Good forms of content for late-stage leads:Blog posts comparing you with other vendors

Buyers’ guides

Sample RFPs

It Works.

Sales Leads

It Works.

Sales leads in the salespeople’s hands still need content.

Usually sales sends directly, but you need to create it.

It Works.

Good forms of content for sales leads:Blog posts on achievements

Case studies (can be the same ones used for mid-stage leads)

One-page sales sheets

It Works.

If you can understand the people’s relationship to your content & design content as it relates to each stage of the lead cycle


It Works.

Marketing Automation For Dummies by Mathew Sweezey, Marketing Automation Evangelist for Salesforce

Pick up a copy today!

It Works.

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