crocker farm chronicle april 2014 la crónica de crocker ... 2013 2014... · joshua believes that...

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Crocker Farm Chronicle – April 2014 –

La Crónica de Crocker Farm – Abril 2014

Dear Families,

As we welcome the month of April, I would like to take a few moments to reflect upon the flurry of

events and celebrations that have been happening at Crocker Farm Elementary.

On the 7th of March we had a visit from the Klezamir Band – a wonderful afternoon full of music for the entire

school. This concert was made possible by the generous funding from the Massachusetts Arts Council and the

Harold Lander Grinspoon Foundation.

Mr. Hughes’ third grade class visited Hampshire College, March 14th, to observe set design for an on-going drama

project. This half day field trip allows our students to interact with a collegiate setting in an inspirational and age

appropriate manner. Hats off to Mr. Hughes for making this collaboration possible.

Family Math Night – On Wednesday evening, March 26th, Crocker Farm hosted a Family Math Night. Students

from preschool through 6th grade and their families came to school to enjoy pizza and to learn some math games.

Each student left with a bag of math games to continue to play at home. Special thanks to teachers who helped

make this event so successful - Sharri Conklin, Mary Lambert, Mario Perez and Lauren Mattone. Ms Mattone

brought her college students from her Math 116 class at Greenfield Community College to add to the fun and

games. Many thanks to our stellar PGO for supporting this community celebration by donating time and funding

to support the food and games. Title I funds from our district helped pay for take home bags and food as well.

Thank you to Toby Bobbit, Tara Luce and Emily Gonzales for helping to coordinate a bus to bring families to

school in the evening. Crocker Farm is so fortunate to have been supported by tutors and translators that night as


And a special thank you to the almost 100 families who came to support their children and their math

learning in a fun way. Looking forward to next year's Family Math Night! If you weren't able to come,

but would like to have the list of games you can play with number cards, dice and playing cards, let the

office know and we will send them home.

The second grade classes have been making trips to the Jones Library – “Every Child a Reader” program invites

the children to visit the Jones Library, sign up for their very own library card, have a story read to them, and take

a new book home. It is an event that is graciously sponsored by the Friends of the Jones Library.

Mrs. Robinson’s third graders brought their favorite people from history to life in their classrooms last week.

They hosted an afternoon full of “living biographies.” Each child dressed up as their person from history and told

a short narrative of their life to the gracious audience (parents, extended family, friends and teachers). Snacks

were served and the celebration encouraged students to grow their comfort levels with individual performance


The Hitchcock Center for the Environment visited with our sixth graders to discuss ground water education. This

in-school seminar embraced hands on learning and encouraged students to become great stewards.

Reading buddies from Ms. Carson’s and Ms. Goodwin-Brown’s classes visited the North Hadley Sugar Shack on

the 31st of March. This celebration of sugaring season will offer great narrative threads for those reading buddies

to explore. A special educational experience for those kids – what a creative way to make growing up in New

England exciting for our kids.

MCAS testing started in March – our third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders did their first round of testing. Many

heartfelt thanks to the generous families who donated nutritious snacks to our children’s classrooms. Testing will

continue in May.

The month of April brings us artistic energy! We have a mosaic mural going up with the help of the talented

artist in residence, Joshua Winer. Joshua Winer is an artist who specializes in working with schools and

communities to create works of mosaic art. He's passionate about sharing the experience of collaborative art

making. He's worked with many different communities to create mosaic murals, in his hometown of Boston, in

regional cities and towns, and across the United States. Joshua believes that the mosaic art form is ideal for

community art. Creating a large mosaic is the coming together of many hands, minds, talents and spirits. There is

so much satisfaction and joy in sharing this process as a community. Special thanks to parent Laura Ginsberg-

Peltz and the Crocker Farm PGO for all of their terrific support and funding to help make our school more


We started reading our school’s book in common, Harvesting Hope: the story of Cesar Chavez, written by

Kathleen Krull and illustrated by Yuyi Morales. This book will help reinforce our community conversations about

how we are all different with many similarities. It will also underline the importance of education in each

person’s life.

I encourage everyone to carefully peruse the calendar on the reverse of this sheet. Feel free to post the calendar on your

family’s refrigerator/message center so that you can stay informed about upcoming community events.

Important announcements: The last day of our 2013-2014 school year will be Wednesday, June 25th. If you would like to

start planning ahead, the calendar for 2014-2015 has been posted to our school’s website Please feel

free to reach out to your child’s classroom teachers to schedule another conference. We do not have dedicated conference

days in the spring but we leave it up to each family to schedule a conference with classroom teachers as they see fit.

Awaiting flowering spring bulbs,

Michele Tesauro, Principal of Crocker Farm Elementary School

MONTH of APRIL& first few days of MAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

7 Ms. Mattone’s class trip to town

8 Kindergarten Registration at the Middle School 9am – 2pm

9 Kindergarten Registration at the Middle School 9am – 2pm and 6pm – 7pm

10 11 12

13 14 Passover

15 Parents invited to book swap 3pm


16 17 8:45am coffee with the Principal @ community room in Crocker

18 NO SCHOOL Good Friday


20 21 No School 4/21 – 4/25




25 NO School


27 28 School resumes

29 30 3

rd and 4


grade musical concert 6:30pm in Cafeteria

MAY 1st May 2


Cambodian Assembly in the cafeteria at 1:30pm

May 3rd

May 4th May 5

th May 6

th May 7

th May 8

th May 9


6:30pm – 8:30pm Family Dance in Cafeteria Hosted by 5

th and

6th grade parents

May 10th

Queridas familias de Crocker Farm,

Como llega la primavera y el mes de Abril trae vientos cálidos y lluvia en vez de nieve, nos

gustaría tomar unos momentos para compartir algunos eventos y celebraciones que hemos

compartido con sus niños de la escuela Crocker Farm:

El 7 de marzo tuvimos un visita del grupo musical “Kelzamir Band” – compartimos

una tarde llena de música con la comunidad escolar. Este concierto fue posible por medio de donaciones

grandes del comité de arte del estado de Massachusetts y el fondo de Harold Lander Grinspoon.

El tercer grado de Señor Hughes tomó un autobús escolar hacia Hampshire College el catorce de marzo.

Hicieron este viaje para observar un proyecto dramático y como los alumnos se prepararon para la obra.

Visitas como esta dejan que nuestros alumnos disfruten de un campo universitario de una forma segura y

positiva. Alabamos al Señor Hughes por sus esfuerzos mayores que resultaron en esta colaboración.

La Noche de Matemáticas para familias – El miércoles 26 de marzo, nuestra escuela celebró una noche

de matemáticas. Alumnos, desde pre-escolar hasta sexto grado, vinieron a nuestra escuela con sus

familias desde las seis de la tarde hasta las ocho de la noche. Compartimos pizza y juegos de

matemática. Cada alumno se fue para su casa con juegos para seguir su práctica de matemática con sus

familiares. Mandamos las gracias a todos quienes ayudaron a planificar esta noche. Especialmente

damos las gracias a - Sharri Conklin, Mary Lambert, Mario Perez, y Lauren Mattone. La Señorita

Mattone invitó algunos de sus alumnos de su clase de matemáticas 116 desde G.C.C. (Greenfield

Community College) para que ayudar con los juegos. También deseamos agradecer a las donaciones de

comidas que vinieron del OPG (Organización de padres y guardianes). Dinero del programa título I del

nivel del distrito pagó por los juegos que llegaron a las casas y por la comida. Gracias a Toby Bobbit,

Tara Luce, y la Doctora Emily Gonzalez por coordinar el servicio de autobús. Nuestra escuela beneficia

de todos los tutores y traductores quienes nos ayudaron en este evento.

Mandamos las gracias a las familias (hubo casi 100 personas) quienes hicieron el tiempo para

llegar a la noche de matemáticas y apoyar a los niños. Miramos hacia el futuro! Si no pudieron

llegar y les gustaría tener una lista de los juegos que puedan jugar con naipes, dados, y tarjeta de

números, por favor llame a la oficina y mandaremos la lista a su casa en la mochila de su niño.

Todas las clases del segundo grado han hecho viajes hacia la biblioteca central de Amherst – “Jones

Library.” Estos viajes subrayan la gran importancia de la literatura y la lectura para nuestros niños.

Como parte de este programa en titulado, “Cada niño, un lector” la comunidad de los amigos de la

biblioteca Jones regalan un libro Nuevo a cada niño y piden que los niños saquen una tarjeta/solicitud

para poder sacar libros cuando desean.

La clase de la Señorita Robinson, se disfrazaron como sus personaje favoritos de la historia y lograron

traer el pasado a su clase. El viernes pasado el salón se llenó de visitantes para esta celebración en que

cada niño hizo una presentación breve en la voz y con el disfraz de su personaje. Padres, abuelos,

vecinos, y otros familiares visitaron y se sirvió una merienda deliciosa. Este evento se convierte en una

oportunidad especial para que cada niño descubre su voz teatral y trate de hablar en voz alta para

compartir su sabiduría en la clase.

El centro de estudios del medioambiente Hitchcock visitó con los alumnos de sexto grado para discutir

la situación de las aguas naturales. Esta presentación deja que los alumnos escuchan voces distintas con

perspectivas científicas mientras aprendan como cuidar el medioambiente.

Las parejas de lectores de las clases de la Señora Carson y la Señora Goodwin-Brown viajaron juntos al

norte de Hadley para visitar una choza de azúcar. Este viaje se logró el 31 de marzo. Esta celebración

de la época de azúcar de los árboles aumenta la lectura de los niños y deja que las parejas platican sobre

un momento social. También les da algo especial para crear cuentos originales.

Los examines de MCAS empezaron en marzo – los niños de tercer, cuarto, quinto y sexto grados

tomaron sus primeros exámenes del año. Agradecemos a todas las familias generosas quienes mandaron

comidas ricas para compartir durante estos días de exámenes. Los exámenes continúan en Mayo.

Gracias por apoyar a nuestros niños.

¡Durante el mes de abril celebramos con arte! El artista Joshua Winer está visitando para crear un

mosaico enorme para decorar a nuestra entrada. Joshua se especializa en trabajos de escala grande para

escuelas y comunidades. Su pasión no solamente viene del acto de creación sino viene de compartir

esos momentos creativos con nuestros alumnos. Joshua demuestra sus obras en su pueblo nativo de

Boston y por todo nuestro país. Joshua mantiene que su forma de arte es lo ideal para unir a una

comunidad. Toma muchas manos, cerebros y espíritus para crear algo inolvidable. Es una obra del

espíritu de la comunidad. Muchísimas gracias a Laura Ginsberg-Peltz (Madre de alumnos de Crocker

Farm) y el OPG por todos los esfuerzos y por los fondos para realizar este regalo.

Leemos nuestro libro en común, Cosechando Esperanza: la historia de Cesar Chavez, escrito por

Kathleen Krull con ilustraciones por Yuyi Morales. Este libro brinda conversaciones dentro de nuestra

comunidad sobre los temas de igualdad y diferencias. También ayuda a fomentar la gran importancia de

la educación en la vida de cada persona.

Les pido que toman un momento para revisar el calendario del mes de abril. Si pueden, pónganlo sobre la

puerta de la nevera o en el sitio donde todos los familiares lo puedan ver para quedarse informados de lo que

ocurre en nuestra comunidad.

Anuncios importantes: El último día de clases para este año escolar es el 25 de junio (día miércoles). Si Usted

desea planificar para el próximo otoño se puede encontrar en el sitio electrónico de nuestra escuela:

Si Usted desea otra conferencia con la maestra/o para platicar sobre su hijo, haga el favor de llamar a la

escuela o mandar un recado electrónico para hacer una cita. Durante la primavera, dejamos que las

conferencias se guíen por los padres.

Esperando los bulbos y las flores de primavera,

Michele Tesauro, Directora de la escuela elemental Crocker Farm

Abril & primeros días de Mayo Domingo Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado

7 La clase de Señorita Mattone toma un giro por el pueblo de Amherst

8 Registración para jardín de infantes desde las 9am – 2pm en la escuela media

9 Registración para jardín de infantes desde las 9am – 2pm y 6pm -7pm en la escuela media

10 11 12

13 14 Passover

15 Passover

16 17 8:45am café con la directora Dr. Tesauro en el salón de la comunidad

18 NO HAY ESCUELA Viernes Santo


20 21 No HAY ESCUELA 4/21 – 4/25

22 Vacaciones de Abril

23 NO Hay escuela

24 Vacaciones de Abril

25 NO hay escuela


27 28 Volvemos a escuela – horario normal

29 30 Concierto musical de tercer y cuarto grados 6:30pm

MAY 1st May 2


Festival de la comunidad de Cambodia 1:30pm en la cafeteria

May 3rd

May 4th May 5

th May 6

th May 7

th May 8

th May 9


6:30pm – 8:30pm Baile para las familias de Crocker Farm

May 10th

Abril & primeros días de Mayo Domingo Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado

7 La clase de Señorita Mattone toma un giro por el pueblo de Amherst

8 Registración para jardín de infantes desde las 9am – 2pm en la escuela media

9 Registración para jardín de infantes desde las 9am – 2pm y 6pm -7pm en la escuela media

10 11 12

13 14 Passover

15 Passover

16 17 8:45am café con la directora Dr. Tesauro en el salón de la comunidad

18 NO HAY ESCUELA Viernes Santo


20 21 No HAY ESCUELA 4/21 – 4/25

22 Vacaciones de Abril

23 NO Hay escuela

24 Vacaciones de Abril

25 NO hay escuela


27 28 Volvemos a escuela – horario normal

29 30 Concierto musical de tercer y cuarto grados 6:30pm

MAY 1st May 2


Festival de la comunidad de Cambodia 1:30pm en la cafeteria

May 3rd

May 4th May 5

th May 6

th May 7

th May 8

th May 9


6:30pm – 8:30pm Baile para las familias de Crocker Farm

May 10th

Musical updates from Ms. Zsigmondi

Dear Crocker Farm Families, 4/2/14

Spring is here and so are the new highlights from the music room!

During the month of February students studied African American


Kindergarten sang the call and response song “Mr. Rabbit” and the

spiritual, “There’s a little Wheel in my Heart.” They performed motions

while singing “I’m Gonna Sing when the Spirit says Sing” replacing the

word “sing” with action words and played instrumental patterns to

accompany the song, “The Ten Angel’s Band.” The classes enjoyed singing

games such as “Little Sally Water” and “Drew me a Bucket of Water” in

which students cooperate through motion in groups of four.

First and second grade classes sang the Spirituals, “This Little Light” and

the call and response songs, “I’m on My Way” and “Long John.” We

discussed the historic background of these songs. African American

children’s games for the younger students included: “Little Johnny Brown”

(each student folds a blanket at the appropriate time of the song and shows a

motion for all to do), “Pizza, pizza” (a call and response creative game that

encourages solo singing) and action songs such as “Grandma Sick in Bed”

and “Here we go Zudeo.”

Third and fourth grade students read the “Underground Railroad Rap” and

sang spirituals such as “Come and go with me to that Land” and “Down by

the Riverside.” They performed partner songs in two groups such as “This

Train is bound for Glory” with “Oh When the Saints go Marching in” and

the work song “This old Hammer” with “Train is a-coming.” Students

performed the cooperative action songs “Shake hands My Friend” and “Miss

Mary Mack” and played one of the favorite call and response singing games,

“Shoo, Lai Loo.”

Books with CD’s for the above grades included “Jazz on a Saturday Night”

and “Jazz Fly” and we watched videos of Paul Robeson, Mahalia Jackson,

Bobby McFerrin and Aretha Franklin. Fourth grade classes also heard

recordings of different styles of the Blues.

Musical updates from Ms. Zsigmondi

Fifth and sixth grade students recited the “Harriet Tubman”

rap and sang a song about her. They seemed to be interested

watching a film clip of Horace Boyer, who was a professor at

the music department of UMass, talking about the history

behind the song “Swing Low, Swing Chariot.” Among other

artists they watched recorded performances of Duke Ellington, Ella

Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday and we discussed the style of music, some

basic rules of improvisation and the traveling circumstances for these

musicians at the time of segregation. Fifth grade students discussed the

lyrics and sang the spiritual “Promised Land” and sixth grade students had

fun playing the walking bass pattern of the classic 12 bar blues using boom-

whackers (colored, pitched plastic tubes.)

Upper grade students danced the “12th

Street Rag,” and the South African

“Pata Pata” (to Miriam Makeba’s singing) and the “Alley Cat.”

The month of March

Kindergarten and first grade students are in the middle of their rhythm

and pitch unit. They are differentiating, reading, writing and playing simple

melodic and rhythmic patterns using rhymes, instruments, games and hand

on activities.

Second grade classes studied longer notes and used sand blocks to

accompany their singing of the Native American “Corn Grinding song,”

filled up the whole note with a syncopated rhythm using rhythm sticks in the

song “Ayo” and took turns with percussion instruments singing “I got a

Rainbow.” They explored musical forms discovering the use of the repeat

sign and different endings of sections in the song, “You Never Stop

Learning” and expressed the form of the “Walking Song” with movement

using the flowing colored scarves.

Third and fourth grade students are preparing an evening of musical

presentation on April 30th

at 6:30. I don’t want to tell about the songs and

spoil the surprise hoping that you will come and see it.

In continuation of the study of American music fifth and sixth grade

students sang “This Land is Your Land” in two parts with an added descant

melody and watched a short movie on “John Philip Sousa” the “March


Musical updates from Ms. Zsigmondi

My student teacher, Mr. Donoghue did exciting demonstrations of his

trumpet in several classes. Children had many questions and comments

about the instrument, its use, sound and history.

Happy Spring!

Ms. Zsigmondi

Music teacher


REMINDER: Students are not allowed to eat food on the bus ride to

and form school. This includes all foods such as breakfast, snacks or

candy. Students are not to handle food on the bus. This has been a long

standing rule, but it is particularly important to reduce potential

exposure for some of our students with life threatening food allergies.

Please remind your children to follow this rule to keep their classmates


As Spring arrives, we are still combating: the flu, colds, and various other

illnesses. Please use the following guidelines to help you determine when to

keep your child home from school.

Your child must be free of a fever for 24 hours before he/she may return to

school. Please check your child’s temperature in the morning before giving

Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (ibuprofen). Children should not come

to school if they would have a fever without medication.

If your child has had diarrhea or vomiting he/she must be free of all diarrhea

and vomiting for 24 hours before he/she returns to school.

If your child is not well enough to sit in class for a full school day and be

productive please keep him/her home.

Children who are diagnosed with strep throat must be on antibiotics for a full

24 hours and fever free before they return.

Replacing your child’s toothbrush after 24 hours of antibiotics will reduce

the risk of reinfection.

If your child has a cough which is frequent and persistent and would

interfere with his/her learning please keep him/her home.

Please remind your children to wash their hands frequently. This helps to

reduce the incidence of illness.

Please keep this sheet for future reference. Please call 362-1601 with any

questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Linda Stenlund, School Nurse


RECORDATORIO: A los estudiantes no se les permite comer en el

autobús de ida o de regreso a la escuela. Esto incluye toda la comida

como desayuno, meriendas o dulces. Los estudiantes no deben manejar

alimento en el autobús. Esto ha sido una regla permanente de mucho

tiempo, pero es en particular importante reducir la exposición potencial

para algunos de nuestros estudiantes con alergias a alimento que le

pueden costar la vida. ¡Por favor recuérdele a sus niños de seguir esta

regla para mantener seguros a sus compañeros de clase!

El tiempo frío viene y junto con ello vendrá la gripe, resfríos, y varias otras

enfermedades. Por favor use las pautas siguientes para ayudarle a determinar

cuando mantener a su niño en la casa.

Su niño debe estar sin una fiebre durante 24 horas antes de que él / ella

pueda volver a la escuela. Por favor compruebe la temperatura de su niño

por la mañana antes de dar Tylenol (acetaminophen) o Motrin (ibuprofen).

Los niños no deberían venir a la escuela si tuvieran una fiebre sin la


Si su niño ha tenido diarrea o vómitos él / ella debe estar sin síntomas de

diarrea y vomito durante 24 horas antes de que él / ella vuelva a la escuela.

Si su niño no se siente lo suficientemente bien como para sentarse en la clase

durante un día escolar completo y ser productivo por favor manténgalo él/

ella en su a casa.

Los niños que son diagnosticados con strep deben estar bajo antibióticos

durante unas 24 horas completas y libre de fiebre antes de regresar a la

escuela. Sustituyendo el cepillo de dientes de su niño después de 24 horas de

antibióticos reducirá el riesgo de una nueva infección.

Si su niño tiene una tos que es frecuente y persistente e interferiría con su

aprendizaje por favor manténgalo a él/ ella en su a casa.

Por favor recuérdele a sus niños lavarse las manos con frecuencia. Esto

ayuda a reducir el riesgo de enfermedad.

Por favor guarde esta hoja para futura referencia. Por favor llame 362-1601

con cualquier pregunta o preocupación.


Linda Stenlund, Enfermera Escolar



Por favor recuerden: Alumnos no pueden comer en el autobús escolar. Esto incluye todo tipo de

comida – desde desayuno, merienda o caramelos. Los alumnos no deben tocar ni jugar con comida en

el autobús. Esto siempre ha sido una regla pero subrayamos esta regla para prevenir ataques

alérgicos. Por favor haz que su niño sigue esta regla para crear un medioambiente sano para todos

nuestros alumnos.

Como llega la primavera, todavía encontramos casos de gripe, resfríos y todo tipo de

enfermedad. Usen las siguientes reglas para decidir cuándo debe mandar su niño o

mantenerlos en casa:

1. Su hijo/hija tiene que pasar 24 horas sin fiebre antes de que puedan volver a escuela.

Haz el favor de tomar la temperatura de su niño/niña a la mañana antes de darles

medicamento para bajar la fiebre (Tylenol o Motrin). Los niños no deben asistir a

escuela si tienen fiebre sin medicamento.

2. Si su hijo/hija tiene diarrea o vómitos – no pueden asistir a la escuela. También deben

pasar 24 horas sin síntomas de diarrea/vomito antes de volver a su clase.

3. Si su hijo/hija tiene una toz persistente o si se siente débil y no puede pararse o

mantener atención – no deben volver a escuela.

4. Niños quienes se hacen el examen para “garganta de strep” y que tienen un examen

positivo, no pueden volver a escuela hasta que han pasado 24 horas con el antibiótico.

Se debe cambiar el cepillo de dientes de un niño infectado con “garganta de strep” para

que no se contagian de nuevo.

5. Haz el favor de pedirles a los niños que se laven las manos con frecuencia. Esto nos

ayuda reducir las infecciones y enfermedades dentro de nuestra escuela.

Mantenga esta hoja para referencia – se puede poner sobre la heladera con un imán. Si Usted

tiene preguntas – llámenos a 413-362-1601.

Gracias por su ayuda,

Linda Stenlund, Enfermera de la escuela Crocker Farm

THE AMHERST-REGIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Serving Amherst, Pelham and the Amherst-Pelham Region





The Amherst and Pelham Schools will begin kindergarten registration for the 2013/2014

school year on:




9:00 AM – 2:00 PM each day

Amherst parents/guardians are urged to register at The Amherst Middle School

(170 Chestnut Street)

Pelham parents/guardians should register at the Pelham Elementary School during

the same hours.

There will be one EVENING REGISTRATION session to accommodate those whose

schedules prevent them from registering during the day. The evening registration will

take place on:

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 6:00-7:00 PM



There will be interpreters for the following languages present during the evening session

to assist families: Spanish and Chinese. Parents/guardians from any area of Amherst or

Pelham may register their children at this evening session.

Children who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2014 are eligible to

enroll in kindergarten for the fall. There are no exceptions to this requirement.

An original birth certificate, proof of immunization, proof of residency in the district and

a current physical examination are required for admission. The original birth certificate,

proof of residency, and immunization record should be brought to registration. A

physical examination can be performed up to the start of school and forms for a physician

to fill out will be available at registration. If parents/guardians have questions concerning

student eligibility, they are requested to direct their questions to the appropriate building


Central Office – 413-362-1810

Pelham – 413 362-1100

It is important that you register and make a screening appointment so placement can be

made in a timely fashion.

Last year’s AEF grants supported:

Family Engagement meetings for Spanish speaking families

LEGO NXT Mindstorm for all six elementary schools

New photosynthesis lab equipment for Amherst Regional High School

Welcome to High School program and academic support for 9th graders

Register online:

Or download an entry form:

Come out and join the Fun!



APRIL 14th and 15th!!

Bring your used books (all reading levels—fiction/nonfiction) to 

school BEFORE April 11th!!  We’ll have collection boxes in 

classrooms and the main office.  






The more books we collect, the more we’ll 

have to give away!  We’re especially 

grateful for donations of chapter books for older readers. 


Any questions?   Want to help sort books on April 11th or can work a shift April 14th or 15th? 

please contact Tracy Zafian, Crocker Farm PGO, at   

Intercambio de libros

en Crocker Farm

El 14 y 15 de abril


Traigan sus libros usados (de todos 

niveles de dificultad – y de todo tipo 

de tema) a la escuela Crocker Farm 

ANTES del 11 de abril.  Cajas de 

colección se encuentran a las 

entradas principales (cerca de la 

oficina central de Crocker Farm). 


Todos los alumnos tendrán la 

oportunidad de elegir libros para llevar a casa – no importa se pueden donar 

libros viejos o no – Habrá libros para todos. 


Especialmente buscamos libros con capítulos para los alumnos de los grados 

mayores.  Si tiene preguntas o si desean ayudar con esto – por favor mande un 

mensaje electrónico a Tracy Zafian – 





Dear Elementary Teachers, Parents, and Paraprofessionals:

We are so pleased to announce that we are ready to receive nominations for

the 2014 Roger L. Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award! Please see the

attached and get your nominations in by April 15, 2014.

Last year Kathryn Runyon received the award in its first year. We received

wonderful nominations and had excellent participation in the election (by

teachers and instructional paraprofessionals), and great coverage by the local


Please help us again honor teaching as an invaluable profession and recognize

outstanding teachers in the Amherst and Pelham elementary schools! Please

see the attached Call for Nominations.


The Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award Committee

Patricia Romney

Paul Wiley

Jana McClure Russ Vernon-Jones Andrea Battle Susan Kennedy-Marx Carlie Tartakov Imani Romney-Rosa Sonia Nieto

*This is not a school-sponsored event.

Call for Nominations for the 2014

Roger L. Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award

Please nominate a worthy teacher today! Elementary teachers, instructional paraprofessionals, and

parents of students currently in the elementary schools of Amherst and Pelham are invited to nominate an

outstanding teacher to receive the prestigious Roger L. Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award. A

completed nomination requires at least two nominators. See below.

A group of parents, alumni and retired educators, partnering with the Amherst Education Foundation, and

collaborating with the Amherst Public Schools, has created this award to honor Amherst and Pelham

elementary teachers and recognize excellence in teaching! We are raising money to create an endowment

of $25,000 so that one teacher can be honored each year and the award can continue into perpetuity. The

award will include a stipend of $750 this year, and a stipend based on the income from the endowment

each year thereafter.

Nominations are due April 15, 2014.

In order to nominate an outstanding teacher, please submit both of the following:

A brief written description of how the nominee meets each of the selection

criteria (See below and see attached nomination form.) – 1-3 pages

A letter of recommendation from a second person – 1-3 pages

(Nomination documents will be accepted in any language.)

Criteria for Selection

1. The Nominee demonstrates thorough knowledge of the elementary school curriculum and

prepares students for the society of the present and the future.

2. The Nominee teaches in an engaging and challenging manner appropriate for elementary

school students.

3. The Nominee encourages students’ self-confidence and a passion for learning.

4. The Nominee demonstrates a social justice commitment, visible in actions that promote equity

in the classroom and ensure equitable benefits for all students.

5. The Nominee builds strong relationships with students, setting high standards for their

personal and academic achievement and supporting them in reaching and even surpassing

these goals.

6. The Nominee works closely with parents, collaborating with them in the growth and

development of students.

7. The Nominee shares skills and information with other educational professionals, and continues

to grow and learn as a teacher.

Selection Process

1. Nominations should be e-mailed to:, or sent to “Wallace

Excellence in Teaching Award”, PO Box 3670, Amherst, MA 01004 and must be postmarked no

later than April 15, 2014.

2. The Principal of the school where each nominee teaches will be asked to indicate whether or

not, in his or her judgment, each nominee meets the selection criteria, and to offer other

comments on the nominee.

3. The Selection Committee (composed of one representative from the Amherst Education

Foundation and two from the Wallace Award Committee) will review all nominations and

principal input. Using the Selection Criteria the Committee will select 2 – 5 names to put on the


4. All professional staff (excluding administrators) and instructional paraprofessionals working

in the elementary school buildings (not Central Office) at least half-time may cast a ballot. (The

Selection Committee will decide on the form of the ballot.) The results of the balloting will

determine the recipient of the award. Voting will occur in May. There will be one recipient each


Eligibility Criteria

1. The nominee must have taught for at least three years in the Amherst and/or Pelham

elementary schools.

2. This award is to be made for excellence in teaching, not simply for excellence in any of the

other important roles in a school. Recognizing that individuals with many different job titles

may, in fact, teach, eligibility is open to any employee (excepting an administrator) who works at

least half-time in the elementary school buildings, including those who work in multiple school


3. The nominee must be currently teaching in the Amherst and/or Pelham elementary schools

and be expecting to continue to teach in our elementary schools in the school year following the

school year of nomination. (Exceptions may be made for teachers who have provided long-time

excellent service and may be retiring.)


While excellence in teaching will always be the primary criterion, the Selection Committee

is charged with ensuring that over time the awardees represent a diversity of identities and that

teachers from all the schools are recognized.

This award is named in honor of Roger Wallace, who retired in 2012 after 39 years of

excellent teaching in our elementary schools.

Please address questions to the Wallace Award Committee, c/o Pat Romney, 413-253-5630

or e-mail:

We will gratefully acknowledge each nomination that we receive.


Nomination for the Roger L. Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award 2014

Name of the Nominee ________________________________________

School _____________________

Names and contact information of at least two persons submitting this nomination:

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________


___ This nominee meets the Eligibility Criteria. See above.

Please describe how the nominee meets each of the Criteria for Selection listed below. This page may be

expanded up to 3 pages to provide more space for entries. A 1-3 page letter of recommendation from a

second nominator is also required.

1. The Nominee demonstrates thorough knowledge of the elementary school curriculum and

prepares students for the society of the present and the future.

2. The Nominee teaches in an engaging and challenging manner appropriate for elementary school


3. The Nominee encourages students’ self-confidence and a passion for learning.

4. The Nominee demonstrates a social justice commitment, visible in actions that promote equity in

the classroom and ensure equitable benefits for all students.

5. The Nominee builds strong relationships with students, setting high standards for their personal

and academic achievement and supporting them in reaching and even surpassing these goals.

6. The Nominee works closely with parents, collaborating with them in the growth and

development of students.

7. The Nominee shares skills and information with other educational professionals, and continues

to grow and learn as a teacher.

Convertirse en Ciudadano de EE.UU!

Clínica Gratuita de Un Día: sábado, 5 de abril en Holyoke

Recibe información sobre naturalización & asistencia con su


(Detalles disponible durante registro)

Se requiere preinscripción

Llame: 617-500-5998 o visite

Para ser ELEGIBLE, usted debe:

Haber sido residente permanente legal

o Por 5 años….o o Por 3 años….si su cónyuge es un ciudadano de los EE.UU

No haber tenido problemas con la ley Hablar, escribir y leer inglés básico (algunos

pueden tener derecho a una excepción) Traiga los documentos necesarios (por favor vea la lista


Traer al Clínica:


Tarjeta de residencia permanente (Green Card);

Carnet de conducir o cualquier otro tipo de identificación con fotografía;

Tarjeta de Seguro Social;

Dos fotos tamaños de pasaporte

Información sobre donde usted se ha vivido y trabajado los últimos 5 años

Los Una lista de todos sus domicilios desde 2009 hasta ahora y las fechas en las cuales vivió

en ellos

Una lista de los nombres y direcciones de sus empleadores desde el año 2009 hasta ahora, y las fechas en las cuales trabajó para ellos

Viajes al extranjero: Una lista de todos los viajes fuera de EE.UU que ha hecho en los últimos 5

años con los destinos y fechas de viaje. Lleve también sus pasaportes actuales y vencidos,

itinerarios, y los boletos de avión si los tiene. Información sobre sus hijos: Los nombres completos. Fechas de nacimiento, direcciones de

casa, y el numero-A (el número que está puesto en las tarjetas de residencia permanente, si lo


Impuestos: Su declaración de impuestos más reciente

Si va a solicitar la ciudadanía sobre la base del matrimonio, por favor traiga:

Todos sus certificados de matrimonio y de divorcio (si aplica) Evidencia de que su cónyuge ha sido residente por lo menos 3 años, tal como su certificado

de nacimiento, pasaporte o certificado de naturalización; Documentos que se refieren a usted y su cónyuge, tales como estados bancarios, contratos

de arrendamiento, hipotecas, y declaraciones de impuestos del IRS de los 3 últimos años. Si ha cambiado su nombre a través de un tribunal, traiga la orden judicial que demuestra

que cambió legalmente su nombre.

Aunque el taller es gratuito, la tarifa para solicitar la ciudadanía es $680. Si no tiene derecho a una exención de pago, hay que traer un giro postal (Money Order) de $680 a nombre de “U.S. Department of Homeland Security”

Si piensa que tiene derecho a una exención de pago, por favor traiga: Una carta en inglés del Departamento de Asistencia Transicional, Vivienda Pública, MassHealth o de otro proveedor de ayuda gubernamental que muestra la cantidad de dinero que recibe O Las declaraciones de impuestos del 2013 de todos los miembros de la familia.

Para mas información, favor de llamar

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County

Phone: (413) 259-3345 Email:

La Venta de Libros Usados

será sola una de muchas

actividades a la

32nd Amherst Crafts

on the Common

(feria artisanal)

12 de julio


Amherst Town Common

Para donar Libros de

niños los traiga a la

escuela de su hijo/a



18 de abril

ColectaColecta de de LibrosLibros UsadosUsados por beneficio de por beneficio de Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire CountyBig Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County

Esta no es una actividad escolar.




For more information contact

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County

Phone: (413) 259-3345 Email:

The Used Book Sale is only

one of many activities at the

Amherst Crafts

on the Common

July 12


Amherst Town Common

List activity here.

To donate new or

gently used

Children’s Books,

drop them off at

your child’s school!




Used Book Drive Used Book Drive to benefit CHD/Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampshire County




This is not a school sponsored activity.

Amherst Regional Middle School Betsy Dinger, Principal

170 Chestnut Street Michael Malone, Interim Assistant Principal

Amherst, Massachusetts 01002

(413) 362-1800 FAX (413) 549-9812

All 5th, 6th and 7th Grade Parents/Guardians PLEASE COME JOIN US

She In, Your Out: Understanding Relational Aggression in Children and Teens Dr. Julia McQuade is a clinical psychologist and assistant professor at Amherst College who is currently conducting the Peer Relationships Project in the local Amherst schools. This is a study that is examining children's social behaviors and adjustment. Dr. McQuade will be giving a talk to parents that focuses on relational aggression, a form of bullying that harms others' by manipulating and damaging relationships. This can include gossiping, and systematically excluding others. Dr. McQuade will discuss what is currently known about relational aggression, including what motivates children to use this behavior, why it may spike during middle school, and what role parents can play in preventing these behaviors.

Ella adentro, tu afuera: Entendiendo las relaciones Agresivas en Niños y Adolescentes

Dr. Julia McQuade es una psicóloga clínica y asistente de profesor en Amherst College que actualmente está llevando a cabo el proyecto de Relaciones con Compañeros en las Escuelas de Amherst. Este es un estudio que está examinando el comportamiento y adaptación social de los niños. La Dr. McQuade dará una conferencia a los padres que se enfocará en las relaciones agresivas entre niños y jóvenes, una forma de bullying que hiere a otros manipulando y dañando las relaciones. Esto puede incluir chisme y exclusión a otros. Dr. McQuade discutirá todo lo que se sabe actualmente acerca de las relaciones agresivas, incluyendo lo que motiva a las niños a usar este comportamiento, por qué ocurre durante la escuela secundaria y qué papel pueden jugar los padres para prevenir estos comportamientos.

When: Thursday, April 10

Where: Amherst Regional Middle School Library

Time: 6 – 7 p.m.

Amherst Ballet Spring Fling: Silent Auction & Celebration honoring local artist George Wardlaw

Join Amherst Ballet as they celebrate their 10th Annual Spring Fling Silent Auction on Saturday, April 5th from 6:00 - 9:30 pm at the Maple Ridge Community Center, 659 Amherst Road in Sunderland. Auction items include a wide range of gift certificates to local businesses, wares from local jewelers and potters and vacation homes in Wellfleet and Scotland as well as many other wonderful items.

Entertainment for the evening will be provided by local musician Tim Erikson and student choreographers and dancers from Amherst Ballet.

Email for more information how to purchases tickets or make a donation to the event


Subasta silenciosa y celebración del artista local – George Wardlaw

Vengan a celebrar con nosotros – celebramos 10 años de celebraciones de

primavera el 5 de abril desde las seis de la tarde hasta la nueve y media de

la noche en Maple Ridge Community Center, 659 Amherst Road, Sunderland,


La subasta silenciosa se realiza con una gran variedad de bonos de distintos

negocios, joyería y envases artesanales – se incluye huéspedes en Wellfleet, MA

y Escocia.

Entretenimiento durante la noche se realiza por el artista Tim Erikson y los

bailarines de Amherst Ballet.

Si Usted desea más información, haz el favor de mandar un recado electrónico

a: y podemos coordinar la venta de entradas o

recibir donaciones.

Amherst Baseball Leagues


Accepting Registrations for the Following Leagues:

ROOKIES (Ages 5-6 as of 5/1/14)

MINORS (Ages 7-9 as of 5/1/14)

LITTLE LEAGUE (Ages 10-12 as of 5/1/14)

BABE RUTH LEAGUE (Ages 13-15 as of 5/1/14)




University of Massachusetts AmherstPre Veterinary and Animal Science Club

Presents:The 79thAnnual

Bay State Livestock Classic

April 5th at 9am - 4:30pmFree Admission!

The Hadley Farm111 North Maple StreetHadley MA, 01035

T-Shirt Tye-D



Butter ChurningActivity

Face Painting

Petting ZooArtsand C


Raffles, Prizesand More!Pee-Wee Showmanship

ClassFor more information please contact:


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