crown land tenure application - british columbia · application and associated fees: $1000.00 cad...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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Tracking Number: 100285626 | Version 1.1 | Submitted Date: (waiting for outstanding consent forms and/or payment) Page 1 of 4

Crown Land Tenure ApplicationTracking Number: 100285626

Applicant InformationIf approved, will the authorization be issued to an Individual or Company/Organization?


What is your relationship to thecompany/organization?


APPLICANT COMPANY / ORGANIZATION CONTACT INFORMATIONPlease enter the contact information of the Individual/Organization who is acting on behalf of the applicant.

Name: British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority FW/2019Doing Business As:Phone: 604-699-5178Fax:Email: alex.gray@bchydro.comBC Incorporation Number:Extra Provincial Inc. No:Society Number:GST Registration Number:Contact Name: Alexandra GrayMailing Address: 9th Floor-1111 West Georgia Street

Vancouver BC V6E 4M3

CORRESPONDENCE E-MAIL ADDRESSIf you would like to receive correspondence at a different email address than shown above, please provide the correspondence emailaddress here. If left blank, all correspondence will be sent to the above given email address.

Email:Contact Name: Alex Gray


Question Answer WarningDo all applicants and co-applicants meet the eligibility criteria

for the appropriate category as listed below?

Applicants and/or co-applicants who are Individuals must:1. be 19 years of age or older and2. must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of

Canada. (Except if you are applying for a Private Moorage)

Applicants and/or co-applicants who are Organizations musteither:

1. be incorporated or registered in British Columbia(Corporations also include registered partnerships,cooperatives, and non-profit societies which are formedunder the relevant Provincial statutes) or

2. First Nations who can apply through Band corporations orIndian Band and Tribal Councils (Band or Tribal Councilsrequire a Band Council Resolution).


TECHNICAL INFORMATIONPlease provide us with the following general information about you and your application:


Do you hold another Crown Land Tenure? Yes

Tracking Number: 100285626 | Version 1.1 | Submitted Date: (waiting for outstanding consent forms and/or payment) Page 2 of 4

Please specify your file number: 8016041If you have several file numbers, please make a note of at least one of themabove. Example numbers: 1234567, 153245, others

ALL SEASONS RESORTSThe All Seasons Resorts Program serves to support the development of Alpine Ski and non-ski resorts on Crown land. For more detailedinformation on this program please see the operational policy and if you have further questions please contact FrontCounter BC.

Are you applying within an alpine ski resort? No

WHAT IS YOUR INTENDED USE OF CROWN LAND?Use the "Add Purpose" button to select a proposed land use from the drop down menu. If you wish to use Crown land for a short term, low impact activity you may not need to apply for tenure, you may be authorized underthe Permissions policy or Private Moorage policy. To determine if your use is permissible under the Land Act please refer to either the Land Use Policy - Permissions or Land Use Policy -Private Moorage located here.

Purpose Tenure PeriodAggregates & Quarry MaterialsSand And Gravel

Licence of Occupation Five to ten years


Please describe how you plan to access yourproposed crown land from the closest publicroad:

Access to the site will generally be from Highway 29 and the contractor willdetermine the location of internal roads including access to the materialsource.

AGGREGATES & QUARRY MATERIALSAll uses of Crown land for mining, quarrying, digging or removal of building, construction and other materials listed in the Land Act,Section 19, Includes ancillary activities of material sorting, crushing, stockpiling and washing, and the operation of a temporary portableasphalt plant on site. Applies to quarrying of abandoned tailings areas on Crown land.

Specific Purpose: Sand And GravelPeriod: Five to ten yearsTenure: Licence of Occupation

TOTAL APPLICATION AREAPlease give us some information on the size of the area you are applyig for.

Please specify the area: 128 hectares

MINES ACT: NOTICE OF WORKTo explore and develop the Province's aggregate resources you may/will be required to obtain a Notice of Work under the Mines Act.

Have you submitted a Notice of Workapplication for a Mines Act permit?


Provide the Tracking Number:


Do you intend to use the aggregates for hydraulic fracturing(Fraccing)?


ADDITIONAL QUESTIONSIn many cases you might require other authorizations or permits in order to complete your project. In order to make that determinationand point you in the right direction please answer the questions below. In addition, your application may be referred to other agenciesfor comments.

Is the Applicant or any Co-Applicant or their Spouse(s) an employeeof the Provincial Government of British Columbia?


Are you planning to cut timber on the Crown Land you are applying No

Tracking Number: 100285626 | Version 1.1 | Submitted Date: (waiting for outstanding consent forms and/or payment) Page 3 of 4


Are you planning to use an open fire to burn timber or othermaterials?


Do you want to transport heavy equipment or materials on anexisting forest road?


Are you planning to work in or around water? Yes1. If you will be working in or around fresh water, you will require a Water Sustainability Act Change Approval orNotification from the Province.2. The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans might need to review yourproject.3. Review the Transport Canada website if the Navigation Protection Act applies.

Does your operation fall within a park area? No



DRAWINGSPlease provide information on the location and shape of your Crown land application area. You can use one or more of the toolsprovided.


Check here to indicate that you have read and agree to the privacy declaration stated above.REFERRAL INFORMATION

Some applications may also be passed on to other agencies, ministries or other affected parties for referral or consultation purposes. Areferral or notification is necessary when the approval of your application might affect someone else's rights or resources or those of thecitizens of BC. An example of someone who could receive your application for referral purposes is a habitat officer who looks after thefish and wildlife in the area of your application. This does not apply to all applications and is done only when required.

Please enter contact information below for the person who would best answer questions about your application that may arise fromanyone who received a referral or notification.

Company / Organization: British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority FW/2019Contact Name: Alexandra GrayContact Address: 9th Floor-1111 West Georgia Street

Vancouver BC V6E 4M3Contact Phone: 604-699-5178Contact Email:

I hereby consent to the disclosure of the information contained in this application to other agencies, government ministries orother affected parties for referral or First Nation consultation purposes.

APPLICATION AND ASSOCIATED FEESApplication and Associated Fees: $1000.00 CAD plus applicable taxes


Office to submit application to:


Tracking Number: 100285626 | Version 1.1 | Submitted Date: (waiting for outstanding consent forms and/or payment) Page 4 of 4

Is this application for an activity or project whichrequires more than one natural resourceauthorization from the Province of BC?


OFFICE USE ONLYOffice File Number Project Number

Disposition ID Client Number

2019-04-25 Page 1 of 5

Site C Clean Energy Project Land Act Licence of Occupation - Highway 29, Halfway River Materials Source

Management Plan


Highway 29 is two-lane rural arterial undivided highway under the jurisdiction of the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) that connects Hudson’s Hope to Fort St. John. It runs along the north side of the Peace River. Segments of the highway will be inundated or rendered unstable by the Site C reservoir, resulting in the need to realign approximately 30 km of existing highway at Lynx Creek, Dry Creek, Farrell Creek, Halfway River, and Cache Creek. Construction of the Halfway River segment, including a new bridge over Halfway River, is planned to commence in fall 2019 and be complete by the end of 2022.

Embankment and road base material for the construction of the Halfway River realignment will be required and is planned to be excavated primarily from a future inundated area. The Licence of Occupation area for materials source will be between the existing highway and the Peace River, along the Halfway River, and above the existing highway as shown on Dwg No. 1016_N11_00470-1 and -2.

The purpose of this document is to support BC Hydro’s Land Act Licence of Occupation application for the Halfway River Inundated Materials Source. This document provides information on existing environmental conditions within the requested Licence of Occupation area, proposed activities and works, schedule of work, access and equipment, and future use of the area. Additional applications will be submitted under separate cover to support the construction of the realigned Halfway River section of Highway 29. These include:

Mines Act Notice of Work for Halfway River Inundated Materials Source

Water Sustainability Act Application for Short Term Use of Water (WSA s.10)

Water Sustainability Act Applications for Changes In and About a Stream (WSA s.11)

Land Act Licence of Occupation for clearing and construction (File no. 8016041, issued January 2019)

Forest Act Occupant Licence to Cut L51243 (issued January 2019)


The source area is comprised of a river terrace and point bar feature along the west side of the Halfway River, immediately north of and adjacent to the existing Highway 29 alignment, The planned new alignment for Highway 29 traverses the approximate center of the source area (Area A) in a generally southwest to northeasterly direction. The area will ultimately be inundated by the Site C reservoir. The overall surface of the area is generally flat to gently undulating, ranging in elevation from approximately 434 m to 438 m. The lower elevations were proximal to the edges of the Halfway River channel and related seasonal flood channels that bisect the areas from northwest to southeast. The higher elevations are associated with a terrace area that comprises the approximate southwestern half of the site. The area was cleared and grubbed in winter 2019 in preparation for construction activities.

During site investigations in 2017 and 2018, test pits were dug throughout the proposed gravel extraction area to determine the extent of the gravel deposits and the gravel properties. Drill

Site C Clean Energy Project Land Act Licence of Occupation - Highway 29, Halfway River Inundated Materials Source

Description of Activities and Works

2019-04-25 Page 2 of 5

holes were also completed along the proposed alignment. The test pits and drilling confirmed the presence of undulating shale bedrock underlying the site at depths ranging from approximately 6 to 8 m, depending on location. This corresponds to an approximate elevation range of 427 m to 431 m. Ground water was encountered within most of the test pits and all the drill holes. The depth to groundwater varied by location and the time of investigation. Generally, during the April-May 2017 investigation the groundwater was encountered at elevation 432.6 m to 434.2 m. In January 2018 the groundwater was encountered slightly lower, at elevation 431.8 to 433.5 m. In Area A-1, which is planned as the major excavation area, the thickness of the granular material encountered in the test pits ranged from 1.2 to 4.9m (average 2.8 m); however, all the test pits terminated in gravel and the gravel likely extends to depths encountered by the alignment drilling. The maximum depth of exploration was limited by the groundwater table which was encountered in most of the test pits.

Existing baseline conditions are further described in the Fish and Fish Habitat, Vegetation and Ecological Communities, Wildlife Resources and Heritage Resources, are described in the Site C Project’s EIS Volume 2 Sections 12, 13 and 14, and Volume 4 Section 32, respectively.

Activities related to the realignment of Highway 29 at Halfway River may affect bear dens, beaver lodges/bank dens and rare plant occurrences. As outlined in the Site C Project’s Construction Environmental Management Plan1 (CEMP), any active bear den will be buffered by 200 m. The buffer will be retained until the den is no longer occupied. Beaver dens/dams will be removed as required as per the conditions laid out in Wildlife Act Permit FJ14-1540052 and the Water Sustainability Act Notification 9000138. Mitigation for the loss of rare plant occurrences is described in the Site C Vegetation and Wildlife Mitigation and Monitoring Plan V1, June 5, 2015.3


Highway 29 realignment at Halfway River will require relocation of a 3.7 kilometer section of highway and include the construction of river crossing. MoTI will be tendering and managing the construction contract for the relocation and bridge. Gravel and borrow material is required for the contract including embankment construction over the length of the project.

The inundated material source would supply the highway and bridge projects with gravel and borrow material as well as provide the contractors an area for their operations. This area would also be used for stockpiling of material and waste disposal and may be used for staging and a temporary work camp.

The Halfway River inundated materials source areas have been cleared during the February/March 2019 under a separate tenure. The highway construction contractor is anticipated to arrive on site in fall 2019 after the clearing is complete. The construction contractor’s first activities will be stripping the areas that will be mined. The stripping material will be stockpiled within the site limits and used for progressive reclamation. The highway contractor will primarily source material from the designated borrow area, but may utilize the stockpile area, contractor area, or waste area if required. Screening and/or crushing may begin in fall 2019. Some crushed material will be stockpiled for use as pavement and crush gravel.

1 Site C Clean Energy Project Construction Environmental Management Plan. 2016. Revision 4: July 26, 2016. Available from: 2 Wildlife Act Permit FJ14-154005, issued July 6, 2015. Available from: 3 BC Hydro. 2015. Site C Clean Energy Project Vegetation and Wildlife Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. June 5, 2015. Available


Site C Clean Energy Project Land Act Licence of Occupation - Highway 29, Halfway River Inundated Materials Source

Description of Activities and Works

2019-04-25 Page 3 of 5

The contractor will also need to screen or crush the pit run to meet a specified gradation for embankment purposes. The crushing and screening operations will include excavators, loaders, trucks and a crushing or screening plant. The location of the crushing operation will be determined by the contractor. The material will also be tested on site to ensure it meets specifications. The processed granular material will then be loaded and hauled to the construction site using trucks. A new access road to the borrow area will be constructed on the crown land being applied for under this permit.

A contractor area within the permit application boundary will be designated for use as a laydown or staging site. The contractor may utilize this location for a small temporary worker camp. If the contractor plans a camp at this location all relevant permits will be applied for and in place prior to its establishment. As part of the Highway 29 re-alignment at Halfway River, in order to provide a cost-effective and reliable concrete supply for construction, there is potential to establish a batch concrete plant on-site. See Appendix A - technical memo titled “Site C Clean Energy Project – Road and Bridge Infrastructure (Highway 29) Halfway River Concrete Batch Plant Specifications” and Appendix B - Pit Development Plan R3-329-601 for further details and proposed layout. These Plans serve to outline the general technical specifications (including plant footprint and servicing requirements) for the potential concrete batch plant and pit layout. Site specific requirements will ultimately be determined by the chosen contractor.

All operations will be in accordance with the applicable MoTI Standard Construction Specification 165 (SS165)4, the Mines Act, and the Health, Safety, and Reclamation code5.


Part of Unsurveyed (theoretical) Crown land East 1/2 of North West 1/4 of Section 19 Township 83 Range 22 West of the 6th Meridian Peace River District

Part of Unsurveyed (theoretical) Crown Land North East 1/4 of Section 19 Township 83 Range 22 West of the 6th Meridian Peace River District

Part of Unsurveyed (theoretical) Crown Land South East 1/4 of Section 30 Township 83 Range 22 West of the 6th Meridian Peace River District

Part of Unsurveyed (theoretical) Crown Land Fractional North West 1/4 of Section 20 Township 83 Range 22 West of The 6th Meridian Peace River District

That Part lying South of River or Legal Subdivision 3 Section 29 Township 83 Range 22 West of The 6th Meridian Peace River District

Remainder of Unsurveyed (theoretical) Crown Land, shore of Halfway River within South West ¼ of Section 29 Township 83 Range 22 West of The 6th Meridian Peace River District

4 Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, 2011. 2012 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. Adopted November 1,

2011. Section 165 – Protection of the Environments. Available from: 5 Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia. Available from:


Site C Clean Energy Project Land Act Licence of Occupation - Highway 29, Halfway River Inundated Materials Source

Description of Activities and Works

2019-04-25 Page 4 of 5

Unsurveyed (theoretical) Crown Land Fractional North East 1/4 of Section 20 Township 83 Range 22 West of The 6th Meridian Peace River District


Site preparation in the Halfway River area started in February 2019 with clearing and grubbing of commercial and non-commercial vegetation. Construction is expected to commence for the Halfway River segment in fall 2019 and is scheduled to be completed by fall 2022.

Mining for gravel and borrow for the highway realignment at Halfway River would commence in fall 2019 and may be required until 2023. Material from the borrow area will primarily be used for construction at Halfway River, but may also be required for other Project needs.

A detailed schedule will be developed closer to the start of works. All works will begin only on receipt of relevant permits and approvals.


Access to the site will generally be from Highway 29 and the contractor will determine the location of internal roads including access to the material source.

Access to the Halfway River construction site will be gated and locked when the construction site, including the area to be mined, is active.

All access roads within the Halfway River site boundary will be considered temporary as this area will ultimately be inundated by the Site C reservoir.

Equipment required at site will include bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, scrapers, fuel trucks and fuel storage facilities, service vehicles and other typical highway construction machinery.


The materials source areas at Halfway River will ultimately be inundated by the Site C reservoir. Disturbed areas will be stabilized following the completion of field investigations in a manner that complies with the MoTI Standard Construction Specification 165 (SS165), Site C CEMP and the Contractor’s Environmental Protection Plan (EPP).

In the period between extraction and inundation, the extraction areas will be progressively reclaimed. The scope of reclamation works is anticipated to include slope stability, placement of stripping and overburden as a growing medium, and seeding and preventative measures for invasive plants and noxious weeds. Progressive restoration will be undertaken as the areas are mined. Progressive reclamation will be in accordance with the Mines Health, Safety, and Reclamation code; MoTI SS165, and the Site C CEMP. The highway contractor will provide a progressive reclamation plan.


In the following sub-sections, component measures are described, followed by a description of general approaches to environmental management. An environmental protection plan (EPP) will be prepared by the highway contractor ahead of development described herein. The EPP

Site C Clean Energy Project Land Act Licence of Occupation - Highway 29, Halfway River Inundated Materials Source

Description of Activities and Works

2019-04-25 Page 5 of 5

will be required to meet MoTI and Site C CEMP requirements and hence will provide a description of site-specific measures to be implemented. Works will not begin until MoTI and BC Hydro accept the contractor’s EPP.

Air Quality

Air quality control, including dust and silica, will be completed under an approved EPP implemented by the highway contractor in accordance with MoTI SS165 and the Site C CEMP requirements. Air quality management may include control of emissions of fine particulate matter, pollution prevention, temporary barriers and smoke management.


Noise monitoring and mitigation will be completed under an approved EPP implemented by the highway contractor in accordance with BC MoTI SS165 and the Site C CEMP requirements.

Materials Management

A waste disposal area has been designated for the highway and bridge contractor. Unsuitable material will be stockpiled and capped with 0.6m pit run upon completion of the highway works and prior to inundation. Potential Acid Generating (PAG) rock may be encountered during the highway and bridge pile excavation. PAG rock will be disposed of in an engineered and controlled manner in accordance with the “Potential Acid Generating Rock Controlled Disposal”, see Appendix C. The contractor will provide a disposal plan for PAG in accordance with these provisions.

General Guidance on Management and Monitoring

Environmental management will comply with the MoTI’s SS165 “Protection of the Environment” and the Site C Project’s CEMP.

An archaeological overview assessment has been completed for the entire highway footprint and material source area and any archaeological resources identified from sites will be recovered before construction begins. The contractor will follow chance find procedures if additional artifacts are discovered during construction. Work in the area will be stopped until recovery is completed.


The newly aligned highway will be permanent. Access roads, laydown areas, and borrow sites will be reclaimed in accordance with the EPP, Site C CEMP and MoTI’s SS165. The material source locations at Halfway River will be permanently under water when the reservoir is full.

Closure Karen von Muehldorfer Regulatory Manager Site C Clean Energy Project


1016-N11-00470-1 R 0Apr 17, 2019Cons truction of the Site C Clean Energy Project is s ubject to required regulatory and permitting approvals.


Map Notes:1. Datum: NAD832. Projection: UTM Zone 10N3. Base Data: Province of B.C.4. Imagery: ESRI Online Basemapping.


























© BC Hydro 2019 – all rights reserved. This map is for information purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed.

Halfway River



Sources: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community









Hudson's Hope

Fort St. John

Map 1: Detail Map Land Act Licence of Occupation for Inundated Material Sources - Halfway River

LegendHalfway River License of Occupation for Inundated Material Sources Application Area (Area = Approx 128 hectares)Highway Realignment CenterlineAccess Roads


1:12,000 0 100 200 300 400 50050 m

1016-N11-00470-2 R 0Apr 17, 2019Cons truction of the Site C Clean Energy Project is s ubject to required regulatory and permitting approvals.


Map Notes:1. Datum: NAD832. Projection: UTM Zone 10N3. Base Data: Province of B.C.


























© BC Hydro 2019 – all rights reserved. This map is for information purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed.









Hudson's Hope

Fort St. John

Map 2: Overview Map Land Act Licence of Occupationfor Inundated Material Sources - Halfway River


LegendHalfway River License of Occupation for Inundated Material Sources Application Area (Area = Approx 128 hectares)Highway Realignment Centerline

Peace RiverHalfway River

Cache Creek

0 2 4 61Km1:100,000



Appendix A


Tetra Tech Canada Inc.117-877 Goldstream Avenue

Victoria, BC V9B 2X8Tel 250.915.2000 Fax 250.915.2009


To: John Bodnarchuk Date: March 15, 2019 c: Alex Izett, P.Eng. File: 705-1188230207-MEM-C0231-00

From: Dayna Alexander, P.Eng.

Subject: Site C Clean Energy Project – Road and Bridge Infrastructure (Highway 29) Halfway River Concrete Batch Plant Specifications


As part of the Highway 29 re-alignment at Halfway River (associated with the Site C Clean Energy Project), in order to provide a cost-effective and reliable concrete supply for construction, there is potential to establish a batch concrete plant on-site at Halfway River. To support permitting, this memorandum serves to outline the general technical specifications (including plant footprint and servicing requirements) for the potential concrete batch plant.


The following documents may be beneficial from a permitting perspective: BC Environmental Management Act – Code of Practice for the Concrete and Concrete Products Industry

( Concrete Plant Standards of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau

( Recommended Guide Specifications for Batching Equipment and Control Systems in Concrete Batch Plants



The 50% Detailed Design for the Halfway River bridge includes a Pit Development Plan that provides a potential location for a concrete plant (as well as an aggregate crusher and asphalt plant). The proposed location for the Halfway River Pit is on the west bank of the river, northwest of the existing Highway 29 Halfway River bridge, as shown on Drawing R3-329-601 (attached to this memo). The concrete volumes required for the Halfway River bridge (per the 50% Detailed Design) are as shown on the adjacent table. In total, the project will require approximately 15,000 m3 of concrete for construction. Concrete batch plants range in capacity (low to high), complexity (manual to full automated batching), and mobility (portable to stationary), and are available for either dry transit mix or wet central mix concrete. As the current plan

Halfway River Bridge Element Quantity

Deck Concrete 2,540 m3

Substructure Concrete 10,700 m3

Hollow Pier Concrete 1,740 m3

Total 14,980 m3


2705-1188230207-MEM-C0231-00 Halfway River Concrete Batch Plant Specs.docx

is to install the batch plant at the proposed Halfway River Pit, and the concrete requirements for bridge construction, the following assumptions have been made regarding selection of a batch plant for Halfway River: Capacity

On the low-end of capacity, small, highly-transportable and mobile concrete batch plants can produce wet concrete in the range of 10 to 50 m3 per hour, with individual concrete batch sizes less than 0.5 m3 for the smallest plants. On the high-end, large, stationary concrete batch plants can produce wet concrete in the range of 200 to 250 m3

per hour, with individual concrete batch sizes over 12 m3 for the largest plants. The Halfway River bridge requires a significant volume of concrete for construction and capacity will likely be the primary criteria in selecting an appropriate batch plant for the project. For critical concrete pours for bridge elements (and especially the deck pours), a high hourly output of concrete will be necessary. It is estimated that the potential batch plant will therefore require an output capacity upwards of 100 m3 per hour. Mobility

Some construction projects, such as concrete paving, use highly mobile batch plants, positioning the plant as close as possible to the concrete placement and relocating the plant as work progresses. With size being an obvious limiting factor in a plant’s mobility and transportability, concrete productivity is limited for mobile batch plants and the highest output concrete plants will be stationary. As noted above, capacity is likely to be the primary factor in selecting an appropriate plant for Halfway River which would likely eliminate most small, mobile facilities. Further, there is no project requirement for the batch plant at Halfway River to be mobile, with the proposed Halfway River Pit plant location intended for the duration of the work. Note that mobile batch plants need not be completed excluded, however, as there are those available that may meet capacity requirements. Automation

Automation of batching generally goes hand-in-hand with plant capacity. Small concrete batch plants may not have any automation; measuring of aggregate, cement, etc. for batching is completed manually. While the high-output, larger plants will be fully automated. In consideration of the volume of concrete required for Halfway River, and in view of the concrete mix requirements necessary for bridge construction, fully-automated batching is expected to be necessary for Halfway River. Transit vs. Central Mix

The difference between transit and central mix batch plants are where the concrete ingredients are mixed. Transit mix batch plants will load all the concrete ingredients into the concrete truck, with the truck itself acting as the concrete mixer i.e. truck mixer. Central mix batch plants mix the concrete at a stationary mixer before loading to trucks, i.e. a plant mixer. Transit mix allows for some of the mixing to take place during travel to site which may be an advantage, but transit mix can result in inconsistent concrete quality across truck loads and as well as being hard on the truck drums. Central mix batch plants are more expensive and may be harder to maintain, however, their advantage is consistent concrete quality across truck loads as well as higher production rates. When reviewing manufacturer’s products, transit mix batch plants are simply the base model of batch plant and can be upgraded to a central mix batch plant by adding on a plant mixer. The proposed Halfway River Pit plant location means there will be a relatively short distance for concrete to travel to site and there is therefore little advantage to mixing concrete in transit. Further, the quality requirements for bridge


3705-1188230207-MEM-C0231-00 Halfway River Concrete Batch Plant Specs.docx

construction may necessitate central mixing. It is therefore expected that a central mix batch plant will be required for Halfway River.


Based on the discussion in the previous section, the following batch plant models are considered feasible for Halfway River: BMH Systems EG-10 Series (

10-15.pdf) Vince Hagan HSM-10 Series (

plants-brochure.pdf) Vince Hagan HT Series (

brochure.pdf) Cemco Model 275 ( Besser ULC-IV (

iv/) A summary the rough specification expected for these concrete batch plants are as shown in the Table below:

Criteria Approximate



Concrete Output Capacity 100 to 200 m3 per hour N/A Concrete Type Central Mix N/A Dimensions Length: 15 to 20 m

Width: 3.5 to 5.0 m Height: Up to 15 m


Servicing Water All plants require water supply, with the size of water meters variable.

Power Varies by manufacturer BMH Systems EG-10: Power panel 480 or 575

volts Vince Hagan HSM-10 Series: 230 or

460V/3PH/60HZ Vince Hagan HSM-10 Series: 460V/3PH/60HZ Cemco Model 275: 10A 120V, plant has a

mounted diesel engine Besser ULC-IV: 330A 220V 3P


4705-1188230207-MEM-C0231-00 Halfway River Concrete Batch Plant Specs.docx


We trust this technical memo meets your present requirements. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, Tetra Tech Canada Inc.

Prepared by: Dayna Alexander, P.Eng. Civil Design Lead Direct Line: 250.915.2002 Attachments

R3-329-601 Halfway River Pit Development Plan (50% Detailed Design)

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix C: Potential Acid Generating Rock Controlled Disposal

i) Disposal of Excavated Rock

Rock excavated from the pile rock sockets is Potential Acid Generating rock and will be disposed at the designated disposal site within 5 days of its excavation. The excavated rock will have to be managed for the construction period and disposed of permanently at the designated disposal site. The temporary storage location and the permanent storage location may be the same but any other PAG disposal site must not be disturbed. The Contractor will design and maintain the disposal site for the excavated rock, including perimeter drainage works to keep the excavated rock dry from surface drainage, and maintain a temporary membrane over the rock to keep the rock dry from precipitation and not in contact with the atmosphere. The storage design for the temporary condition shall, at a minimum, include the following:

(a) The disposal location for the PAG rock must be stripped clear of any organic rich surface soils.

(b) The disposal site shall be underlain by a low permeability clay or clay/silt liner with a minimum thickness of 0.3m of clay or clay/silt with a fines content greater than 50% that has been placed and compacted to the compaction specifications of BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Standard Specification (SS) 201.37 in at least two lifts. The clay or clay silt liner must cover the site to the ditch in all directions and be graded toward the ditch in all directions at a minimum of 2%.

(c) The Contractor will construct and maintain for the duration of the Work a perimeter V-shaped ditch at least 1.0m deep and berm. The ditch will outlet while maintaining a minimum of 0.2m of water in the ditch when drainage is occurring. The ditch grade will have to be designed and constructed so that it does not erode. The ditch must include an outer berm designed to divert surface drainage around the site, or from entering the ditch.

(d) The excavated rock will be placed a minimum of 2m from the ditch edge but the permanent condition may require a greater distance to allow for a final clay or clay/silt cover depending on the sampling system designed.

(e) The excavated rock may be placed at a maximum slope of 2H:1V.

(f) Not later than 1 day following placement at any location all excavated rock at that location will be covered with an impermeable membrane.

(g) The membrane will be low density polyethylene such as Enviroflex 20 mil or approved equivalent. Any approved equivalent must have a design life of at least 2 years.

(h) Any plateau surface of the pile will be graded in a manner that maintains surface drainage off the membrane away from adjacent uncovered newly placed rock.

(i) The membrane may be overlapped at the top of a pile. The membrane may be overlapped on the sides of a pile provided 2m of overlap is used and graded in a manner to flow away from the overlap.

(j) The membrane must be weighted down with sand bags or equivalent to protect from wind. Piercing the membrane with anchors is not acceptable.

(k) The membrane must cover the excavated rock and end at an elevation lower than the adjacent rock so that water flows off the membrane into the ditch, without contacting the rock.

(l) Any breach of the membrane must be repaired by the Contractor within 12 hours of discovery.

(m) For the duration of the contract the Contractor must sample the water discharged from the perimeter ditch monthly and provide the results to the Ministry Representative within one week of the test results being available. Water discharged from the location of the PAG disposal site must meet the water quality requirements of the CEMP.

The permanent storage shall, at a minimum, include the following:

(n) In all directions the excavated rock pile will be graded with positive drainage away from the pile and towards the ditch at a slope of greater than 2 %.

(o) The Contractor will construct and maintain for the duration of the Work a perimeter V-shaped ditch or perforated pipe sampling system at least 1.0m deep. The ditch will outlet to the drainage system while maintaining a minimum of 0.2m of water in the ditch when drainage is occurring. The ditch grade will have to be designed and constructed so that it does not erode. The Contractor may maintain the ditch as a water quality sampling location or may maintain a perforated pipe system or alternate collections system to allow long-term water quality sampling.

(p) The excavated PAG rock will be placed below elevation 456m.

(q) The final excavated PAG rock storage pile will be covered at the top and sides with a minimum thickness of 2.0m of clay or clay/silt with a fines content greater than 50% that has been placed and compacted to the compaction specifications of SS 201.37. The clay or clay/silt cover may not be placed in freezing conditions or during rain.

(r) The membrane may not be left in place in the permanent condition. The excavated rock may not be left exposed to the atmosphere or to precipitation for more than 5 days without either the membrane or the clay or clay/silt cover of at least 2.0m thickness.

(s) In all directions the clay or clay/silt cover will be graded with positive drainage away from the pile and towards the ditch at a slope of greater than 2% but less than 20%. The top of the clay must be lower than elevation 458m. If the clay or clay/silt covers the former ditch location a perforated pipe, or alternative system, must be maintained for long-term water quality sampling.

(t) The surface of the clay or clay/silt cover will be covered with a 450 mm thick layer of gravel placed without compaction other than by placement.

(u) For the duration of the contract the Contractor must sample the water discharged from the perimeter ditch monthly and provide the results to the Ministry Representative within one week of the test results being available. Water discharged from the location of the PAG disposal site must meet the water quality requirements of the CEMP.

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