crystal grids - jess carlsoncrystal grids are a great way to not only make something beautiful to...

Post on 18-Jun-2020






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J E S S C A R L S O N . C O M

I am obsessed with crystals. For the longest time I wasn’t. I had crystals and I used them when they were called for in spells and rituals, but I wasn’t spending hours pouring over Etsy drooling at pretty, sparkly stones and minerals.

I absolutely believe that we’re consciously drawn to crystals because they’re pretty but subconsciously their energy pulls in. That’s why we all have specific stones that we’re drawn to. Sure, it may be pretty, but there’s something about the vibe that you just need in your life.

For me there are several stones that have a soul-level connection to: labradorite, lemurian quartz, ruby fuchsite, and amazonite.

If you’re like me and you love your crystals you probably try to have your crystals out around you as much as possible. Stones just being in your space is great and definitely helps give us some good energies and vibes we’re after. But there is power in numbers, even with crystals.

Crystal grids are a great way to not only make something beautiful to put in your space but that is also a powerful portal for working magick, energizing your space, and attracting the energy you need to manifest your desires.

This is a short guide to working crystal grids. You can find more in-depth info on crystals, crystal healing, crystal magick, and crystal grids in my ebook Healing That Sparkles. In this guide I’ll give you the basics and show you a bit of how I work with grids to help inspire you to start making your own.


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“Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation”


“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.” - ALBERT EINSTEIN

It’s really easy for crystal grids and the process of working with grids to get really complicated. But we can also keep it simple and have just as powerful of a tool as if it was completely over the top with a hundred stones.

WHAT IS A CRYSTAL GRID? A crystal grid is a formation of charged crystals placed in a geometric pattern and energetically connected to create a specific energy field to manifest a specific goal. The grid is created in sacred space and charged with a specific intention.

HOW DOES IT WORK? Along with sacred geometric pattern and the collective energy field generated by the crystals, the grid creates a system of lay-lines in a sense, creating a circuit of energy which both attracts like energy {like attracting like} and projects energy into the Universe.

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO MAKE ONE?You’ll need a center stone, also called a Master Stone, at least three outer stones, and a quartz crystal wand or point. You’ll need a stable surface to work on, ideally a place where your crystals will not be moved. If your grid is disturbed you’ll need to recreate it, so find ways to keep it away from tiny hands and tiny paws.

HOW LONG DOES IT NEED TO STAY IN PLACE? This will depend on your intention. A grid created to manifest a specific intention, like getting a new job, can be taken down once the goal manifests. A grid that is created for an ongoing purpose, like protecting the home, should be left in place and charged with energy and intention regularly, about once a week, and fully reactivated once a month {the new moon is a good time for this}.


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This is one of my favorite grids I have done. This was an abundance grid that I did after a huge run of bad luck with money. The intention was to bring in more money but specifically through my business...I wasn’t trying to win the lottery or have money just fall in my lap. I used candles and petitions along with a tarot card under my center stone. This grid worked wonderfully and within 30 days everything was back on track and doing better than before!

Sacred geometry can everywhere, including in our cells. Sacred geometry and the energy created by these shapes are the basis of all life. When used for constructing grids, they create powerful energy circuits which amplify the power of the crystals. It also allows our intention and the energy of the stones to speak a language of creation that the Universe naturally understands.

There are many different shapes that you can use from the spiral, to the lemniscate, to more complicated patterns like Metatron’s Cube. Some grids have very specific intentions and others can be used for almost any purpose.

The Pyramid Grid or the Flower of Life pattern can be used for any purpose. A Spiral, depending on the direction it is going on, could be used for either manifesting something or releasing something. Metatron’s Cube is idea for connecting to the archangels but especially Metatron and his energies of universal wisdom and higher knowledge.

Simplicity is fine! Don’t feel you have to go over the top just because it might look pretty. More doesn’t mean better. Focus on your intention above all else.

And don’t be afraid to add candles, pictures, and petitions to the center. The center is like the antenna for your energy and magick, so be creative if you feel called to be!


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This is a self-love grid that I created a handful of years ago using a Lemnis-cate or Infinity formation. This is an example of keeping your grid simple and really focusing on your energy and intention.

The grid only uses two kinds of stones, rose quartz and amethyst. For the center stone I chose a rose quartz heart. While a point or generator would be more traditional, I felt like nothing could be better for a self-love grid than slapping a rose quartz heart right in the center!

When this grid is out there is a wonderful vibe of love and acceptance that seems to touch everyone who hangs around it. It’s definitely one of my fa-vorites!

There are three key things to consider when you’re picking stones for your grid:


Once you have your intention for your grid in mind you can simply research crystals that associate with that intention and select what you need from those.

Color vibrations from your stones are part of the energy at work, so consider the color that might be associated with your intention, especially if it has to do with healing. If you want to reclaim your voice and the power to speak up for yourself you might need to work with your Throat Charkra. Doing a healing grid to clear and open your throat center means working with the color blue, since this is the associated color vibration for that energy center. Any blue stone could be used from blue lace agate to sodalite to lapis lazuli.

Also, never discount your intuition! Even if a stone doesn’t seem to make sense on paper with your intention but you feel a deep call to include it, go for it! I almost always include labradorite in some form on my grid because it’s “my stone.” Your intuition will always guide you in the right direction.

You can also use a pendulum to ask your stone if it is the right one for your grid. Hold your pendulum over the stone and ask: “Is this {rose quartz} crystal right for my {abundance} grid?” Watch your pendulum for the response. Is it a yes, a no, or possible a maybe? If it’s a maybe you might want to hold your stone and “feel” into the stone and see why there may not be a clear answer. And again, mind your intuition.


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“There is a voice that doesn’tuse words. Listen”



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Step by step, let’s make a grid!

Your IntentionDecide on your focus and intention. Is it love, money, success, health?

PetitionsIf you want to include a written petition or affirmation under your Master Stone, create that now.

AffirmationsCreate an affirmation for charging and energizing your grid. Example: “I charge this grid with thoughts and intentions of love and healing.”

Sacred Geometry Pick your geometric pattern for your grid. If you need to print or draw your pattern in order to properly create your grid, do that here.

CrystalsPick your crystals. The amount you’ll need will depend on your grid pattern and the number of each type of stone you will also be determined by your pattern. Don’t forget to be creative, but also remember there is a pattern you want to stick with. Also don’t forget your Master Stone. This is often a generator point or other standing point stone but you can use a candle surrounded by crystals.

Clear Your CrystalsMake sure that before you use your stones in your grid that they are cleared and prepared for use in your grid. Use whatever method you like; I prefer this.

Sacred SpaceFinally you’ll pick the area to create and maintain your grid. Keep it where it won’t be disturbed by anyone but also have it somewhere that you aren’t going to be disturbing it either. If you only have one altar that you use for all your magickal and spiritual work this might not be the place to put your grid, especially if it’s going to be for an ongoing purpose. Any time you need to use your altar you’ll be disturbing your grid and you’ll need to recreate it. A separate shelf, tabletop or the corner of an often untouched surface is best.


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The center stone (aka Master Stone or Master Crystal) is often a crystal that is in a form known as a Generator. Typically a standard generator has six equal sides with six equal faces. But that’s “standard”. They can truly be any-thing that comes to a point and has equal sides. The idea is that it has a very uniform shape, with no extra points or places for the energy to direct from, so that it all goes to the point at the top. This makes small crystal pyramids perfect generators for smaller grids.

There are different ways to activate your grid. This is just one.

Once everything is in place you need to activate the grid by creating a connection between your Master Stone and all others.

Hold your crystal wand or point in your hands and close your eyes. Focus on your intention for your grid, visualizing it flowing and manifesting from the grid and into your life. Visualize your Crown Chakra opening to receive Divine energy and let it flow down into you, through your body, and into your crystal wand or point.

When you feel you are full of this energy mingled with your intention, open your eyes and point the wand toward the Master Stone in the center. Visualize a line of sparking blue light coming from your wand and touching the tip of your Master Stone, filling it with energy.

Holding the visualization of the blue light, use your wand to pull that energy from the center stone to the first ring of stones. Trace this line of energy clockwise, seeing it linking all these stones with each other and ultimately the Master Stone.

Then pull this energy out the next ring or set of stones, doing the same. Continue to do this until you have connected all the stones with the energy from the wand. Pull your wand upward and visualize the energy separating from the wand with any excess energy flowing into the grid.

Take a moment to gaze on the energy of the grid, seeing it all glowing with this energy and all the stones connected by the energy. Begin to chant, recite, or simply state your intention affirmation out loud. Repeat it as many times as you feel you need to, directing the energy toward the grid.


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If you can’t touch your grid, how do you use it? Simple; leave it be.

That might sound a bit silly but you don’t need to do anything for your grid to work. What you can do is sit with it, meditate with it, charge it with your intentions and chant your affirmation with it. But you don’t have to actually DO anything.

If there isn’t a candle as part of my grid I will burn some candles around it or next to it. I will burn incense next to it when I do any reciting of my affirmations. And occasionally I’ll direct energy into it .

Maintaining your grid is as simple as directing energy into it. Personally I like to redo the whole thing each full moon if I have a grid I’m using that is going to stay active for a while.

Like any other kind of magick, if it’s something on going you’ll need to have some on going energy being directed to it. I like to think of this similar to when you work a honey jar or a mojo bag. You have to feel your mojo bag each week and you have to feed the honey jar by burning candles on it. It’s just a matter of keeping the intention alive.

With your grid even just paying mind to it helps, but the more of an active hand you have in it, the better.

On the pages that follow you’ll find some worksheets to help you create your grids along with some printable grids for you to work with.


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“By applying what you learn and ordering your thoughts in an intelligent manner it is possible to accomplish almost anything”









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Use this space to work out your grid affirmation.


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Use this space to reflect on the grid process and note your results.

Want more crystal magick?Check out my ebook

Healing That Sparkles,80+ pages full of info, tips,

healing and magick with gems and minerals!

L E A R N M O R E !



Jess Carlson is a witch, writer, and tarot card slinger from New England now residing in the Las Vegas desert. Jess teaches the magickally curious and

curiously magickal how to use spiritual practice, spell craft, tarot, and witchery to improve their lives in

every aspect. A firm believer in “the best magick is the magick you do,” Jess teaches practical and down to earth ways to use ritual, witchcraft, and spirituality that even the busiest of witches can use regularly.

When not talking to spirits or writing spells, Jess is often found playing video games, making art, and playing with makeup. As a passionate artist Jess is currently working to bring her version of magickal

branding and graphic design to the world in the fall of 2018 to help other spiritual and magickal blogs and businesses express their magick and attract success

and abundance.

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