c.v and personal sdtatement reflective account

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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HND in Health & Social Care

Module Code: HSO5006Module Title: Employability Skills


Student Name: ______________________

Portfolio Contents

Page: signed:

Section 1

A career plan

Life skills/Employability Skills

Learning styles exercise

SWOT analysis

Personal Development Plan

Section 1 Reflective Accounts

Section 2


Cover Letter

Personal Statement

Job descriptions


Section 2 Reflective Accounts

Section 3

Supporting materials

Section 1

Career PlanCurrent situation:

Career Aspirations:

Life Skills Audit

Aspects of life events

List up to 5 tasks that you carry out in this particular aspect of life

List the skills you use to carry out this task

Work Experience:

Education & Training:

Club membership

Voluntary Work

Practical / Mechanical Skills

Paperwork / numerical skills:

Interpersonal skills:

Written Communication:

The list is only a guide – you can add to /change to suit your own personal situation

Employability SkillsInsert the exercise you did with Deborah here

Plus STAR exercise

Learning Styles(Insert VARK exercise here)

SWOT AnalysisStrengths Weakness

Opportunities Threats

Personal Development Plan

Short Term GoalsGoals: Action needed:

What?By whom?

Long Term GoalsGoals: Action needed:

What? By whom?

Reflective Account re Life & Employability Skills

Description of event / feedback / an experience you have had: Factual:

Reflective account of the event / feedback / an experience you have had : What have you learned are there things you would do differently now: Your own thoughts and feelings:

Reflective Account re VARK

Description of event / feedback / an experience you have had: Factual:

Reflective account of the event / feedback / an experience you have had : What have you learned are there things you would do differently now: Your own thoughts and feelings:

What Type of learner am I? How do I learn best? What’s my learning style?

Being trained by attending a moving and handling course, how to move and handle and use hoists and aids within social care, settings and tasks.

Working at home.

Working in class and at university.

I have found out that I am a kinesthetic, visual and reading learner, whilst attending recently a mandatory manual handling training course as part of my work role, the tutors actually showed us about how to use the equipment and we even took part in the demonstrating and correct use of the equipment, this way of learning had more of an impact with me and because I had visually seen the correct way to use the equipment I remembered better than if I had read it on paper, the tutor made the training fun and we participated in the training, when we came to do the short test at the end I found I could visualise using the equipment like we had done in training .At home I am a time management planner I have a weekly planner on my office wall and add all my appointments, classes and study time, fitness and me down so I know what I am doing and when, I like my radio on low in the background whilst reading or working on the computer and I work towards my assignment deadlines at a steady pace and set myself goals for finishing work on a specific time limit and stick to those guidelines.

I take a lot of notes I have taken during the lecture to remind me when I come back to look at them, I listen very carefully to the tutor and I participate in discussions when I can, I also like being shown videos or visual aids and I like group work very much, I find that I remember a lot more things this way, rather than just reading a handout.

Reflective Account re SWOT

Description of event / feedback / an experience you have had: Factual:

Reflective account of the event / feedback / an experience you have had : What have you learned are there things you would do differently now: Your own thoughts and feelings:

Reflective Account re PDP

Description of event / feedback / an experience you have had: Factual:

Reflective account of the event / feedback / an experience you have had : What have you learned are there things you would do differently now: Your own thoughts and feelings:

Personal Development.

I started the Bolton Award at the end of September 2015.


I started the Bolton Award at the end of September 2015 at Bolton University which I am in the final stage of completing, I should have completed the award by the end of February 2016 and the next presentation event is in April 2016, so I should receive the award then, it has taken me 6 months to complete the award which has consisted of a 5 month voluntary placement at the Salvation Army homeless drop in session every Wednesday 9-30am untill12-30pm and I have attended 6 extra classes in extra classes within the university I have also done 15 hours which are called enrichment hours in other volunteering or support roles, all working toward the criteria for completing the award, I am currently in my 2nd year of a 3 year degree and thought that it would be too much along with all my assignments and work I have needed to complete to do with all my various modules but I have surprised myself by completing all my modules and finding the extra time to complete the Bolton Award also within 6 months. I have learned that I can maintain a heavy workload academically and that I am getting better at managing my time and studying when I need to and that I actually am quiet intelligent, I have learned from all the extra classes I have taken how to improve my I.T skills and C.V and how to research future career prospects and what future employers are looking for in an employee. I would change if anything that I didn’t come to university before I did, I wish I would have come at a younger age as I am a mature student, but as I am finding out I not only have life experience and 10 year health and social care experience by the end of my degree I will have also the academic skills employers are looking for also, so I still have a fair bit of working life ahead of me so you’re never too old to learn.

Section 2

CVFull name in bold type and centralised

(You don’t need to call it Curriculum Vitae as it’s clear that this is a CV)

Personal details:Address here

Telephone number

Home Email address

Profile/career aim:A statement about what keys skills you have and what type of role you are looking for

Current responsibilities:Adapt your current job specification to target the job you are applying for.

Additional training:Relevant courses you have been on with dates, the most recent first

Employment history:List of previous jobs with datesYou could list the different skills used and responsibilities for each work role

Educational history:List of schools attended and grades achieved with datesYou could omit the more irrelevant qualifications, for example, a low grade in French.

Additional information:Any relevant information for the role, i.e. clean driving licence, use of IT, any specialist knowledge.

References:Two references are usual practice. A work based reference and an academic based reference would be ideal as it shows attainment in both theory and practice areas.

Types of Curriculum Vitae There are three main types of curriculum vitae – (Latin for 'life story'), called in some countries a 'resume'.

Chronological CV – presents your career history in chronological sequence, starting with your most recent job and working backwards.Useful when your carer history shows natural progression and growth with well known agencies and you are staying in the same field of work

Functional CV – highlights your main skills and interests without emphasising your past employment which may give you greater flexibility.Useful when the emphasis is on skills and strength rather than paid employment, or for unconnected jobs, or if returning to work after a break, or a change of career.

Targeted CV – used when you are aiming for one specific type of job and can be a combination of both functional and chronological.Useful when you want to emphasise key skills and achievements that are needed for the specific job so as to offer a tailor-made CV.

SSD do not accept CVs so you will have to transfer the relevant information onto the application form for that particular job. PCT do accept CVs with a covering letter but have no particular preference for the type of CV, so pick the CV that suits your needs.

A CV/resume is quite simply an 'advert' to sell yourself to an employer. You should send a CV to an employer when they ask for one in a job advert, or when you are enquiring if any jobs are available. So the purpose of your CV is to make you attractive, interesting, worth considering to the company and so receive a job interview. An employer may have several hundred enquiries about a single job; he or she will only choose a few people who appear suitable for interview. Therefore, your CV must be as good as you can make it.

A CV should be constructed on a word-processor (or at least typed), so you can easily customise your CV if necessary, and change the layout and the way you write your CV for different employers. Use bold and/or underline print for headings but don’t overuse different font types and sizes – you are not designing a magazine cover! Considerusing 'bullets' to start sub-sections or lists. Ensure there is plenty of white space, and a good border round the page. Make sure your spellings are correct.

Picture yourself to be a busy manager in the employer's office. S/he may have to read through 100 CVs in half an hour, and will have two piles - 'possible' and 'waste-bin' make sure yours is easy to read, succinct (aim for 2 pages of A4) and attractive.

What to Include in Your CVIt can be good to start with a Personal Profile/Objective statement. This is a two or three sentence overview of your skills, qualities, hopes, and plans. It should encourage the employer to read the rest.

Personal DetailsName, home address, phone number, email address, date of birth.

EducationGive places of education where you have studied - most recent education first. Include subject options taken in each year of your course. Include any special project, thesis, or dissertation work. Pre-college courses (high school, etc.) should then be included, including grades. Subjects taken and passed just before college will be of most interest. Earlier courses, taken at say age 15-16, may not need much detail.

Work ExperienceList your most recent experience first. Give the name of your employer, job title, and very important, what you actually did and achieved in that job. Part-time work should be included.

InterestsThey will be particularly interested in activities where you have leadership or responsibility, or which involve you in relating to others in a team. A one-person interest, such as stamp collecting, may be of less interest to them, unless it connects with the work you wish to do. Give only enough detail to explain. (If you were captain of a sports team, they do not want to know the exact date you started, how many games you played, and how many wins you had! They will ask at the interview, if they are interested.) If you have published any articles, jointly or by yourself, give details. If you have been involved in any type of volunteer work, do give details.

SkillsAbility in other languages, computing experience, or possession of a driving licence should be included.

ReferencesUsually give two names - one from your place of study, and one from any work situation you have had. Or if this does not apply, then an older family friend who has known you for some time. Make sure that referees are willing to give you a reference.

LengthMaybe all you need to say will fit onto one sheet of A4. But do not crowd it - you will probably need two sheets. Do not normally go longer than this. Put page numbers at the bottom of the pages - a little detail that may impress.

Cover letter page

Personal Statements

A statement about you, used when applying for jobs and such things as

university, as a way of selling yourself.

It will show the skills, qualities and life experience you have had. These things will

be linked into the career choice you have made, showing why you are a suitable


The application for university will aim directly at a particular course of study. For

example, if you wish to apply for nurse training, you must show that you have the

necessary qualities in your personal statement. So you would need to consider

the skills which a nurse requires, and show why you have qualities which could

be developed.

Key phrases could include: I can work well with others / I have a positive attitude /

I am motivated to succeed / I believe this career option to be worthwhile / I am

willing to learn.

If you have examples from your life experience which you feel are relevant, then

include them. E.G A home maker could be seen to make you into a well-

motivated, self-disciplined, time manager, able to work under pressure.

Personal experiences are important in demonstrating empathy, although any

disclosures, which are made, should be carefully considered.

The key to any personal statement is to be positive and take time in terms of

preparation, and full consideration of TRANSFERABLE SKILLS.


Job Descriptions

Reflective Account re CV and Personal Statement

Description of event / feedback / an experience you have had: Factual:

Reflective account of the event / feedback / an experience you have had : What have you learned are there things you would do differently now: Your own thoughts and feelings:


My c.v and personal statement was a learning experience it was the first time I had actually sat down and wrote a statement about my current situation and my aspirations and how I was to full fill those aspirations, it made me think about my future realistically, we fortunately had a lovely careers lady come into our class and talk us through what you do and don’t put on your c.v and in your personal statements, I learned what key words and statements that employers skim over and are looking for in a c.v and I learned how to sell yourself on paper, which was really helpful, I also learned how to structure a c.v and personal statement better and how to write more professionally and academically, the only thing I would do differently next time is to keep in future my c.v and personal statement updated more frequently as I had not updated my current c.v in just over a years’ time and I learned that you have to be constantly updating and improving your c.v to boost your chances of any future employment prospects.

Supporting MaterialsE.G. Records of meetings,

advertisements, applications

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