daily practices whole day i

Post on 07-May-2015






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These are the slides of Dada Rainjitananda's Webinar on Daily Practices to Transform Yourself. This was the second Webinar and it is focused on the practice of Yama.



• I salute the divinity within you with all the good thoughts of my mind and love of my heart.

Daily Practices to Transform YourselfWhole day - Part I

Presented by Dada RainjitanandaBased on the Ananda Marga


What is Ananda Marga?

• “Ananda” means Bliss• “Marga” means The Path • “The Path of Bliss”• Its a way of life

Morning Practices - yesterday

• From waking up till breakfast

Whole Day Practices

• What to practice during the day• As we work, study, or care for the family

Interacting with others

• Harmony• Promote welfare• Create a better society• Keep your mind in a balanced state• Peaceful

The Practice of YAMA• A system of five practices to attain

control over one's mind.


• Psycho-physical emanation• External activity is controlled by mind• Mind is guided by principles• Yama has five principles• Yama depends on the existence of an

external entity

1. Not harming anyone (Ahimsa’)

• In thought, word or deed.

1. Not harming anyone (Ahimsa’)

• You harm someone when you stop their physical, mental or spiritual progress.

Not harming anyone (Ahimsa’)

• It is not the same as “non-violence”• Born friend, born enemy, neutral• When one becomes a recognized enemy.

Not harming anyone (Ahimsa’)

• Food - one being is the food of other• Scale - the least developed

Not harming anyone (Ahimsa’)

• How to practice Ahimsa'• It does not just happen automatically

2. Use of words for welfare (Satya)

• Proper use of mind and words with the spirit of welfare.

2. Use of words for welfare (Satya)

• Not exactly the same as telling the fact or the truth. It implies welfare.


Through Satya Through Satya hope is hope is encouraged and it encouraged and it strengthens strengthens humanityhumanity

2. Use of words for welfare (Satya)

• How to practice Satya?

3. Non-stealing (Asteya)

• 1. Physical theft of any material• 2. Planning in the mind to take possession

3. Non-stealing (Asteya)

• 3. Depriving others of what is their due• 4. Planning in the mind to deprive others

3. Non-stealing (Asteya)

• How to practice Asteya• In today's connected world we can't ignore

4. Keep the mind in the Supreme (Brahmacarya)

• To remain attached to the Universal Consciousness

4. Keep the mind in the Supreme (Brahmacarya)

• Treat the objects as different expressions of that Universal Consciousness.

• To feel the Cosmic Entity in every material object

4. Keep the mind in the Supreme (Brahmacarya)

• How to practice Brahmacarya?• The "second lesson" or ideating regularly


MantraMantraDifferent types of mantras:Different types of mantras:

Universal – Baba Nam KevalamUniversal – Baba Nam KevalamPersonal – for individual silence meditationPersonal – for individual silence meditationThe "second lesson mantra"The "second lesson mantra"

5. Live Simply (Aparigraha)

• Minimum requirements• Maximum amenities

5. Live Simply (Aparigraha)

• How to practice Aparigraha?

How to live in the society

• The establishment of a Society depends on the mutual help of the members and their co-operative behavior.

Yama• Non-harming

• Benevolent truthfulness

• Non-stealing

• Seeing oneness

• Live simply

The Practice of YAMA


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