david keyes derrick hall delia burke vicky yuki community technology program seattle.gov/tech...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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David Keyes Derrick HallDelia BurkeVicky Yuki

Community Technology Program


Ensuring digital inclusion for all… SO Residents & neighborhoods have the Information technology capacity needed for• employment, • civic and cultural participation, • lifelong learning, and • access to essential services

What is Digital Inclusion

Access Literacy Content

(reading & writing)

For residents, businesses and NGO’s

Digital Divide Digital Inclusion Broadband Deployment & Adoption

Access to devices and the internet

Availability, cost, ease of use for connectivity to the Internet, and end-user hardware and software. Assistive technology. Also tech support.

Literacy in using computer and internet technologies

Skills required in order to utilize the equipment and Internet effectively for essential services, education, employment, civic engagement and cultural participation.

Meaningful and useful content and services available

Services available for those in need, culturally and educationally appropriate design, marketing and placement appropriate to reach underserved communities, and enabling of content production and distribution by lower capacity residents, businesses and organizations.

◦ In Brief Work alongside Web Team, Seattle Channel & Cable


Started with a bulletin board and then public terminal as part of the Public Access Network (PAN)

Cable funded

~ $1.3 million

Funds and tech assistance reinvested in the community

Seattle Community Technology ProgramSince 1994!

City Interests Ensure all residents can get to city services &

participate in city processes Educational excellence Youth development & violence prevention Workforce training English literacy and immigrant services Small business development Use of e- gov & essential services Civic engagement Safety & emergency preparedness Community building and problem solving Race & Social Justice

Map community assets Staff is critical to develop strategy and build

internal & external partnerships Reinvesting tech/telecom revenue into related

purposes Leverage city funds Use trusted community liaisons Encourage best practices, evaluation and staff

continuity Advisory board or council on digital inclusion

brings added value

Key Strategies

Mapping computer learning centers

IT Indicators Project• Measures based on city & community goals• Phone & online surveys• Focus groups• Data on cable, broadband use and on e-civic participation, as well as barriers to use• Used in planning city services


Focus groups in multiple languages, and with the disabled and African American community provide input on electronic civic participation, Internet use and barriers to use, social media, and technology literacy needs.

City survey data shows differences in use by ethnicity

Civic Participation 72% want to give opinion electronically Email preferred way to get info 58% interested in community meeting via

high speed Internet 69% of those 18-25 would prefer to get

urgent information from the City via text.

Combined strategies important!

Broadband access, adoption & civic engagement

Competitive annual grant program $320K to 23 projects Wide range of community groups Match more than 1:1 Guided by Advisory Board

Technology Matching Fund

Seattle.gov/tech/tmfCouncilmember Harrell with grantees at City Hall

Children & Families

Technology Matching Fund Diverse Community Impact

Civic Engagement

Job & Homelessness

Jubilee Women’s Center helped over 100 low income women gain MS Office Certification & other tech skills

Rainier Vista Tech Center provided computer-based ESL classes to 60 immigrants and refugees

Rainier Beach Empowerment Coalition enabled 15 youth journalists to post 247 headlines on issues they care about

TAF engaged 24 youth of color in learning robotics, blogging and genetics


◦ Resource hub, incl. map of computer centers◦ Training and networking◦ State Council on Digital Inclusion◦ Developed state definition of digital inclusion/

community technology◦ BTOP Public Computing project

35 Centers Workforce Development Council Computers in Courthouses, Libraries and community


IT Equity Project Management Tool

Identify accurate requirements

Make conscious and deliberate choices (i.e. languages)

Identify and eliminate unintended barriers

Improve user acceptance

Covers team, plan, product, & deployment

Link to Tool

The tool helps answer these questions:

What diversity is there in the stakeholders?

How does the project team reflect that diversity?

How does product design/selection ensure best outcome?

How are differing needs of user groups met throughout the project lifecycle?

• Outreach• Training• Support


To learn about the research and evaluation projects lead by the U.S. IMPACT Study research group and how the IMPACT Team can help your library through implementing strategic evaluation, workshops, research, visit:http://tascha.washington.edu/usimpact/

Find out more about IMLS initiatives to help community leaders make strategic decisions about technology investments at http://www.imls.gov/about/digitally_inclusive_communities.aspx

Learn about the project team and download a copy of the extended report: http://tascha.uw.edu/projects/digital-inclusion-framework/

Building blocks for technology healthy



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