dear cosmos...” your moms and dads - sirians: by david from the arcturian race: “do not apply...

Post on 20-Apr-2020






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Dear Cosmos

FIRST CONTACT !!! Galactic Meeting Areas

Grand Opening March 21st & 22nd

Who am I...

Why am I here …

Where did I come from…

When & Where can I meet and talk to my Soul/Star families?

Do you know your ancestors are reaching out to you?

Did you know that “They” are a part (Aspect) of who you are?

What if you discover why this in important for you now?

First Contact: Discovering that one or more Spiritual Life Forms

(Guides/Angels/Energies called “Aspects”) are with-in you NOW, and

may have been for many of your earthly lifetimes… waiting patiently to

chat. I call this an Inside-Job or Get-Acquainted phase.

Second Contact: Meeting other Divine Spiritual Aspects within

other Humans on this planet of which many are “Members” of your

Soul/Spirit Family or Heritage. You and them may be Starseeds.

Third Contact: This is where other worldly Divine Spiritual

Members of Your Soul/Spirit Family communicate with you

ethereally or by other means.

Please consider reading my Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020 articles

for more details about 1st, 2nd and 3rd contact.

Dear Cosmos:

I have been hearing a lot about our planet being prepared for

visitations, meetings, and collaboration with other benevolent

Extraterrestrial Races which they say seeded and enriched our

human race here eons ago. I want to prepare myself and family

for this. What can I do?

Namaste Wanting to be Prepared:

Here are two famous quotes that will be helpful during this time

of transition to a Galactic Community:

“Ask, and it shall be given you;

seek, and ye shall find;

knock, and it shall be opened unto you” Matthew 7:7 (KJV)

“The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Never lose a holy curiosity.” ~ Albert Einstein ~

You see… If “They” seeded you

and enriched us with their DNA and energetic blueprints

then we are them and they are us energetically sooo...

The answers you seek can be found “WITHIN YOU”!

Consider finding a quiet place, preferably out in nature, and ask

away. We, my partner Jackie and I, have been doing that here at

our 10 acre ONE-TLC facility and retreat center for seven years

now. Lately our Internal and Spiritual Guidance is having us

prepare Galactic Meeting Areas for our Soul/Spirit Families that

are looking forward to meeting with their fellow Starseeds

ethereally and face-to-face.

Everyone is an ancient Starseed!

When you trace your lineage, heritage, ancestry, or past-lives all

the way back to the beginning… no one originated from Earth.

We ALL came from somewhere else. Our original families of

origin are still there awaiting our return or an opportunity to visit

with us here.

Below are Communications Received Feb. 8, 2020:

From the Anunnaki/Sumerian Race:

“One’s willingness to enter our Home and connect with

an Open Heart and Gratitude has the potential to

dissolve fear and doubt within their mind and


The Anunnaki Collective: by Jackie

“Our previous relationship with you is similar to your

relationship to your horses, and if you had the

capability to infuse your DNA into the horses you

would have more than domesticated them. We look

forward to the era in which we are both perceived as

equals and then some as we share the same ‘original’


Your Counterpart (An ANU Representative): by David

From the Pleiadian Race:

“The Joy of your journey is NOW an expansive heart

ready and willing to accept and honor all life forms and

consciousness presences.”

The Light of Your Soul (Your Pleiadian Representative): by Jackie

“Thank You for this opportunistic meeting area where

we can meet with our brethren, you the Anunnaki, and

other like-minded Spirit/Souls across time and space.

We are enjoying this area where Your and Our Higher

(more evolved/expanded) parental guidance is also

available. We hope you take advantage of these

opportunities as we are.”

The Serious Group: by David

From the Sirian Race:

“The tides are turning and there is Harmony at hand.

Attune your physical vessels to the still waters within

and reveal the secrets of your Divine Truth. We are

here to assist every step of the way. You will know us in

the calmness of your Soul.” Sirian Council: by Jackie

“We offer you opportunities to glimpse previous

experiences (lifetimes) you’ve had in order to glean the

magnificent outcomes that were derived from the

seemingly or perceived ‘less than stellar’ events. It is

our hope that you can ‘let by-gones be by-gones’

because not only at the deepest soul level ‘we are one’

and have come to understand that it always serves the

greater good.” Your Moms and Dads - Sirians: by David

From the Arcturian Race:

“Do not apply loftiness or hierarchy to any

single entity or race. In this now and evolved creation

and way of Being there is no one or no thing ‘better

than another’. All have equal purpose and abilities

specific to their individual soul plan and soul growth.

We are all here for each other’s reflection and

recognition of Divine Love & Light.” The Arcturian Council of Light: by Jackie

“As you become more enriched and expanded by your

Guiding Light within, know that just like a prism affects

the colors of the rainbow you also affect the rays of

your projection to others. We suggest, like in the movie

‘Contact’ that you consider making ‘small moves Ellie…

small moves’. Your rainbow and the collective

rainbows of others are the physical realities that you

are manifesting, therefore____________________.”

Your Higher Selves: by David

These are just four of the more than 200 races, beings, and

energetic forces that are assisting us in our Spiritual Growth.

They will meet and converse with you because they are pleased

with our individual and collective Soul/Spirit Growth. They want

to share more of what’s to come for us, and our planet, now that…

We are becoming members in the Galactic Community!

Namaste ~ David/LE (AKA: #37)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Let’s talk at our FREE Open House Events

We enjoy helping people discover

their “Aspects” and their

Divine Heritage & Purpose!

FREE ~ Soul/Star Family Gathering

Grand Opening Weekend Event

March 21st & 22nd

Oneness-Now-Energy ~ Transformational-Light-Center

Soul/Star Family Gathering FREE OPEN HOUSE: First Sunday of Each Month

Discover – Explore – Experience Your Spiritual Heritage

Get to know WHO you Really Are!

If you had a Weird or Paranormal Experience

and just want to chat with someone about it…

call or visit us at our free events. (See Website)

Remember… if you need help with anything… just Ask for it. We,

and many other enlightened beings, are available to assist you.

Jackie and I are truly interested in hearing from you and

whomever you are discovering You are.

We offer a compassionate ear and free consultations.

Jackie or David @ 979-278-3360 ~

We can help You Clarify & Transcend any


Physical~Emotional~Mental~Spiritual [Paranormal or Parapsychological]


Behavior issues: fears, traumas, weird

experiences, or imaginary friends

and monsters. [Good – Bad – Indifferent]


Communication: with Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, Twin Flames, Multi-

dimensional Selves, Deceased loved ones.

PARANORMAL: Alien Issues: Abductions, Entity/Spirit Removal, Spirit Replacement, Walk-in Integration. [Benevolent or Malevolent]

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