dear lira. - fdr presidential library & museum · "ahould not be taken aroull4 the o1t1 in...

Post on 28-Feb-2019






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v I - . . ~n.

Dear lira.

:rov aol- la ~be welllnc J'Oat, in wb1ob 7011 ~~~-· ot a w14v ,...naloa Oil sbo part ot eaob •Sty ot opport oo of 1611Y14aal aelt·ozprooaloll tor oh114rell. I ha4 u hov Mt bou aollt•atlllC wrltlq ,._ about a oh114re~~'a theater wblala I aa sr)"lq so luqorota u a tan Ot Our pablla reoraatlOD rrocraa 1D OlllolDDat!, lOll apoto Of tho oCIIIIIUil t7 ouhr lD rolot OD to tbo ,...'Ill• ot JuYoDllo 4olblqaoDOJ'. 'l'haS 1a tho potnt ot rtow OD wbloh I haYo taku ., atu4 Oil tho utsv ot t ho oh114raa'a shoosor.

aoolal . LDoal prot .. aioaal/woltara worttr. haYo ozpr .. ao4

oont14anoa in t he ottooti Yon .. a ot auob a pro1raa aa4 a IODillno in~er .. t in ita oatabUohaont. ~or, auah baa booa tlllo 4.-rolO)Iaoat ot oirouaotanoaa inYolYad ln tho ~ooutioa ot ., plu that I now tlnd myt~elt in the a1d4lo ot a acaowbat rtolollll olrole wbloh \lloro ao_. to be no wa,- ot braatins ~oept throusb tho enl1ataont 6t outaide intereata in the •oauae.•

.uoept tor a rousb outline ot the tbool")" on wbiob the propoaal ia baaed, reoaatl7 pmbliaho4 in tho .-qlllror •• a •poataoriptw to m7 aerl .. ot artlol .. on the blatOI")" ot tho theater in Oinoinnati, I haTe not beoa ablo to 1•t the plaa before tho ,.blle. I teal that pablie enlllhteaaent on tho t.portanoe at the laoue i a a major taoto r in the proeotlon ot the Uea. I haYO been uauro4 ot t he eo-operation ot the looal pr .. a ln that roopeot 'Ill• tho idea baa . r oaohed the •n-· •tal• ot dnolopaODt.

lloWYer, tor reaaono wbleb in ., pr .. oa~ pooltloa 1 t woul d not be good poyoboloD to 41aouaa, I haYo not b- ablo ~o get tho propoaal before tho aeorootiloa ocaal .. ion, altbODih Jlr. Herb DaYle, i upor1nton4ont ot Pabllo Roorootioa, in wboao baa4a it hu boon to!- anorol .. ntho, a4&1ta the •4oo1rob111t7" ot ouob a pncna and tho • poaaibilltt .. • ot tho ~eoutloa ot the plu wbloh he onoouraged mo to 4nelopo.


I belie•• in tb1a 14.. .. I bel1a.a 1D Oo4, not violate an:r truat plaoa4 in •• 111 ralaUon to it. trtend 1 oan •-n. Thera 1a a lons roa4 a.ll .. 4, but progr .. a. I a SOill8 loot tor a wor4 troa :rou.

•114 I woul4 I naa4 .... 1'7

I u .U1J18

Youra aoat atnoerel:r,



in tb !bat in a oh114rtn'a theater cl.roted to trtt aelt-~r .. a1on

m&DT arta 1n•o1Yt4 we baTe the baa1 o pr1no1ple tor the preTention and

treatment ot thoae juYenlle bahaY1or probl,.. wh1oh tbrousll t~e toroe

ot their etteot upon aoolttT are oaua1nc ao .. ell oonoern.

We know that moat 4tY1at1ona troa no~l bahaYlor

ohildren are due ~o a teel1nc ot 1ntar1or1tT or 1nad,.uaOT tor wh1tb

tbe ob1ld 1• trine to oa.peaaate. lJI other worcla, thtr reprNat

the oh114 ' • att•J>t to or•U tor blaaelt a plaoe upon the worlcl atqe

where be 1nat1net1YtlT teela there 1a a role tor hia.


'l'bo r•ooa that HoiUIJ' ala4~u'e4 ohlUra oouUhta

tho graator n1111bv ot •tou,..aaor IUM lo nat oaoh ohll.Uoa haYO

round 1 t noooual'7 to roroa \aett •r to tba oetar or tbo ••aa• la

order t o gain tbo .. oopltloa tbor baYo baoa 4onle4 ln tbo plar u

oooletr baa wrlttoa it •

.U an lllU8tratlon or t .hU point lot ao quota OCIIlothi"'J

Judge Hottman onoo oaid lD a opeoob botoro tbo •oaan•o Cltr Olab.

It wa.a in I93e, Uo•oatl"'! upon tbo pollOJ or pollee 11 !1!!1 u ..

•to r ound up oblldron 1a aueh tho ouo manner u har4one& orl ainolo, •

ho otatod that oinoo ito adoption tboro ba4 boon •aa 1nor .. Dl"'J ton4oaor

on t ho part or auggeotabl• oh114roa with 4rr1atlou troa noraal. aontal

and pbroioal boaltb to ooaalt aat1-aoo1al aoto wbloh tbor tboacht

would a ttraot tbe uuatlon ot tbo poblio wbiob tbor oo sr•t1T 4aolro4

••• ••a•• ot oatlotrlng tbalr toellaa or lntorlorltr.

"ahould not be taken aroull4 the o1t1 in aoout oua, aooo.p.D1e4 '111

polloe and permitted ezultentl1 to point out the loealltl .. in whiob

tbe1 haTe ocmaltted otten•••· Hetber, • ob114 should be ~r .. ae4 with

tho teot that dollnqueno,. doea not pa,., attor4a no ootloe, ~>one

no plaoe .•

Judge Hottman apote ot tbe lntluenoe ot erl•• and gangater

ploturea u one ot the obler oau .. or JuToDlle del1nqueno,.. IIOweTer,

when we oona14er tho tlnal deteet to Wblob the .oile orlainel 1nTer1-

abl1 ocmea, tbe idea or oorreotlng the oh114 to wboa euob ploturee are

ouggoat1Te by an explanation or tbe tutlllt1 ot hie bebeTlor telle

tlat. It be ooul4 be tbu 1Jipreue4 the aoTle 1D Whiob be ••• the

thing bappa.n, u 1 t nra, betore hie .,. .. , would aoooaplleb 110re

t hen anr prooeoe ot r•a~nlng the p11ebolos1at ooul4 .. Pl01•



won't «•t h1JI UT Jlla•• Sa lito lo llko telllac no uter wllo ,.rtrqo

plq, To tho eb1ltl tho plii,J' l o tho UUC &Btl U .... •t utter •all

to Ilia whlob role ho tUM u lOB« u lt 1e a po4 one tr• tho

4rOJDAt10 polDt Of TlOWo \

'lbaro lo no &lttoronoo 1D tho little MJ' ot to&aJ' wbo llolU

up a kDk, a r ootallftllt or a Mrlo ba:-ott1oe anti tho llttlO lMIJ' ot

bunt Iatllano, J:t _., .. u .. ro tlittaronoo te Ilia \!~at llo ao_,llollol

nothin« than lt 41C to tho llUlo old t!.aer that ho ••• or ... lii'Oacllt

baolr with no dod I lldlano . .. a-, u Ilia J'O'UIC uoootor lr:a•, \!~at

the otiU or• &«ainot lila. It t .. ro ware no OtiU til•• •ultl lMI no

plaJ' . t'ILo «rMtor tllo o&U tllo • r• ,,._tlo lllo part, U lo Ill•

4tt1eQA• ot the otiU on whlell ho INION 111• olal..a tD reoocnt uoa,


in onroolli ng ltll ltancllo&JI&, Tb e reuon be ao ottaa tlD4a bll a.-ple

in the gangster or gunman ia tltat be ao eaally lcle~tltl .. hla aenaa

ot not "belonging• wltb tbe gangater•a o-Tloua poaltlon wltb aooie\y,

In tbe gangatar•a clat1anoe ot oarta1n rulea ot oon~not wbiob ba, tba

gangster, reearda .. arbitrarily eatabl1&b&d by • ••t-n)l oallacl sooiaty,

the boy eeea the hero1•• ot h1• own clat1anoa ot tbe oond1t1ona af

lite Whioh he teela ban bean wiallacl upon hb bT be lmow not wllat.

lD other worcla, b.ia ant1-aoo1al b&baTlor 11 a dr ... t1sat1on

ot himaelt - a clramat1zat1on tltroncb wblob be bo,.a to 41aooTer bbaelt

•• a really oolortnl and 1nter .. t1ng paraon, like tba guy in the )lioture

In tbla he 1& adng tile nonial )11&1 inatlne\ tr ahllclren in ..,

~, toroacl u he 1a by laot ot OJI)IOrtulty tor true periiOnalitr

deTelopment to tall baok on i t aatirely tor &elt-oh&raoterization,


In the baaan need tor experionoa outaida and b-.rond the

limitation• or the indiYidual wbiob we ••• tir&t expraaaed in tba

imaginative play ot obildran 1& oootained t.ho tull aeanina and eisni-

tioanoe or tho abatraot tbina called "theater.• •• go to tho theater

beoauae we want to to • •• lite in itl Y&rioty or mooda and conditione

an4 meaning& - to U•• tor a while tho dlrterant lite throuch a aalr-

pro~eotion in the oharaotora on the atago or aoraon or perhapa .. rely

to ••• ouraol••• obJootlvalyJ

Wo bear ao muob about tho bad intluonoo or tho theater on

oooiety. • ooiety ia not a rotleotion ot the theater; the theater ia

a r erlootion or aooiaty. Thoeo pletaree and playa d~ign .. to appeal

D to tbo ignorant and 110relly dapraYed are aeraly o~aroial exploitation

or itnoranoa and moral depr&Yity, not oreatora ot thai& oonditiona •

.U 0. ,B. Shaw would aay h•a, the purpoaa ot true clraJia ie to illuainate

lite. Ita whole oonoorn ia with o-.r&oter - it a&T be the obaraoter

ot an 1nd1Y14uel, a aooiety , or a nation. - u U 11 ahaped by or abapal


., 'faldnc pan in pl&J8 or 1D plQ' pro«aotion reproaonU

aub j eoti?e «rperianoa with a ?&riot:r ot aitaetioa. on tha oolt-4ataohoC

baeie eo t.portant to tha aoo1all1 objaoti?a point ot ?1... No othor

tol'lll ot lloeure tilDe aotint:r o&rrioe wlthinUioelt u a ooa.Utaent

power the ?er, pro•oo• ot dnelopiJ18 the eea.a ot judpant or nlaoo

upon whiob risbt beba?ior dapanda. Hare the oo.pea.at1on tor ua.atie­

fied naeda eo often eoUSht in the purauit of telae aoale ia roal; here

the eeoap • troa drab or unh&pPJ altuatloa. whioh 4&1 dl'ooal.J18 or

other per?ereione of behanor .... to the ?iotia to pro?lda are turned

into ohannela of eelt-axprooeion,

It there be an:r eubatltute tor thoae hU'IItul IIOT1oa eo widal:r

attended by ohildran it 1a a proaraa or thh type. It thoro be an:r

meana of oult1Tat1118 a widor taata and appraaiaUon 1D art upon whiah

good theater depanda it ia by euoh an aarl:r dlaolpllur, aathod.

• 111 apMii:i111 ot a eiiU.tra'a tll•t.e 1 aaan a tll•te e0114an ..

by oll114ron, not e tll•t.v aeluinl:r tor oll1lolru, The bMt pla:ra

are thoao w!Uoll 4apoll4 llJOA tlla or•U•• iaaliii&Uon ot tho aUiu ..

tor their oarr;rtaa po-.z and eilloo tho orea\!To 1 ... e1 ot tho o111l4 ia

lllcllv than that ot tho a4lllt, 1t U obrtoua that, &ltlloqll thee

are pla:ra will cb are so04 tor a4lllta whl cb are bad tor oll1ldrea, there

ore no pla:ra wbloll are appropriate tor oll114ran that are not oxoellent

tor a4ulta •

.u to tho t:rpo ot draa& I OOM14er appropriate tor all1l4ren ,

1t can be aoat Oll:r\billl t hat all114ru au relata wbolM oael.f or on a

oonatruot1•• ba81a to their a.n oxporlonoa, aotllal or poa tl&lato4,

Porhopa an "idea• ocmtoat 111 wbloh tba oll1 l4r01l apr•a.a tll-elTM

on the lr:1114 ot tbinsa tba:r • llld lllr:o to do 110ll1d be a co04 •:r ot

4otera1n1ns our cboloo ot plafO tor til•· AIQ'IIow, 1 t wCIIllU.' t. hun

ua to at loaat t .. t tho T&llla <6 tho plllloaopllf aGDtai.Do4 ill ~--·

110rU, •.t. lltt.lo oll114 111&11 lead til•.• lfo taU1111 - .. aipt lOU'Il

t111nsa .


l lla.,. be• \old t.b.d I 11118\ Ue14• a\ tbe o~a\eet wlle\ber

tile nature an4 purpou or tbe Pl'OII' .. ie to be eal\ual, twletiolliac

along tbe line or tbe eo-oalled eduoational t beater; reereatioa&l,

oonetitutiac a rom or l1Mue tiae utirlt:rl or tllen.pwtio, eoa­

oentratins upon problem ohil4ren an4 operatins on a baala or ollnleal

payobology. lt la m:r oonYiotion, boweTar, tbat 1r t ba Pl'OII'U ie to

be really erteotiYe it muet oonatltute a tbeater in ite own right,

incorporating in tel'll8 or art tbe prlnolplea or ed.uoatloa, looial

aervtoe, therapy, ond reoreatlon, yet unideat.iried w1tb &llJ' or tb•e

Ill a rield or oonoentrat1on.

! reoomaend tbat the Kaore&tion OOIIIlealoa aet up a depart­

mantel unit tor wort alons th1a line tbroucb tbe oo-oparetlon or

publio, parochial, and prlnh eohooll, and approprlatal:r 4•icnde4

aooiel and phllantbropio orcanlsatlona and qeaolMo 'fh•• are ....,,

aothltlea oarr1e4 on in tbe field or eduea\1011 &n4 oirlo and eoeiel

welfare wbloh oonld at onoe be oo~rdina\ed in \he t~atlon ot a

tentat1Ye plan Of Orc&nl&&tlODo

10 ,

n•• ot ouoh a oen\rulaaUoa ot aaunu .. WDD14 ··-·lUll aaoh

toward t be aolutlon ot tbo prolll• u \o bow to anrao\ tlleu looaa•an40

w1 t b \ be pop.1larly 4•1snate4 • oharaohr bu1141q" procroaa. 1 llolhTo

t hat t he ••ry tao\ore wblob .ale 1\ poyobolocloally l.,oeallllo to

organize glrlo' oluba on tbe baoto on whleb rho Boy• Oluba Ot 01no1n-

na\1 are ao ettoo\1Tol]' orsa n1ae4 are \booo wblob txploln the a\\rao\iTO

n•• or abo \boater procru to ctrl•.

:Let ua oall \ be '"CJ'OII Tho TOIIJIC Peopl• Tboohr CIILllA &114

oeob • •b•r aobool &114 crowp ot 701UIC ,ooplo a obap\er, & llo]' or lflrl

wbo 1e o m•ber ot Of:pll1&e4 Cl'ftp& out;ai4o aobool oball bo oall., a

tree lenoor wboao obl1raUon 1 t will bo to nppor\ \ba lnhr .. u <6 ·

tboao obaptera in wb1ob ba holdo •troa• ... borobi' II]' at\ondanoa to '

all their perro ... Ollo .. and by aay oon\ribuUoa ot urdoa wlliob ba aay

be oalled upon to rot~dor 1a aobanco tor tho bJ'Oador oppor\uai\7 or

partloipaUon in \bolr ooporah u\hiU... ut;tntl• eul .. ,.. ...

poo,lo are eopobla ot OCIIIUlllll\lllco


at leaat .,. perf'oi'II&.DU ot aao\ller ollaphr ••II ....... All a1pt

ple tlleti' uthitl• to 1N4 ap to oo o sr-M ,.n-o....., .. te be atec ..

1 •uuMt on ec• l1a1 t ot eqlltHa or twoat:r :reara tar pert1-

oipatioa , noept 1D tho iutaaoo ot proto .. ioaal aotor• IIIIo u.:r 'be o. _:u

oallacl UpoD or U. w1ll1J18 to 1'0lUDtOU t heir UI'TiOM to tho ettHtiYO

oarr:r111S out of t ho Prot:Na•

.__.., ••rr1oo oraaD1sat1oaa aot ec•••i .. eball be appro-

prUtol:r cl .. t snato4 aa apoaaore. ...,_,. aaoll aroap -:r apeolt:r ovtaiD

ohaptora aa t ho ob j oota ot ita attaotlOD, but all ahall ba plo4cacl to

uoiDll.ulon ahall haTo tlall ooatrol ill tho rocalatloa ot pello:r ao4

eotlrttloa ,


and ol!JII\hN, tutore wtlleh MJa ba deh:ra1Jaed ~ !!z.lU rMpoMI

ot tho" llOUJ! v.poa !bo., N -o1mt1op \!!• ogp111t1op or tba U'OCF!II

dgep4t. I herewith •lllllt a plu Uroach wh.leh the progr .. , oa the

bu1e ot the matho4 ot orpn1zat1oa I propoaa, aaa r1~~&~~oa 1 taalt.

I •ucaaat tbe aatabliahaaJat or a raqv.1rad antranoa faa tor

eeob obapter ot 1200, in a:obanca tor whleh an unl1a1ted nuabar or

eeaeon' • t1ok:eta with. T&lua ot p.oo aaoh aball be 1 .. uad. iha

. entrance tea ma7 be paid b7 tbe ob&ptar 1taalt or b7 eDT ona ot the

aponaor groupe, eaoh or wb1oh ma7 antar u man7 obeptara aa 1t ohooaea.

Pledgee tor tha a.ount ot tba antranoa taa ahall ba aoaaptad troa thoaa

obaptera lb1gh aoboola or other taan age crov.paJ who wlah to PAJ their

own t ee but e.ra llll&ble to adnnoa it, ,,

AUT aaou'll~ollaoted 1D tha aala ot Uokata 1n azoMa or tha

entranoa tea ahall r apraaant · pror1 t to ba ued b)' the pooup 1n

aooordanoa w1 t h 1 ta own pra-aatabllahed plu. ..ha pv.rpoao tor 'llllioh

protita are to be uaed ab&ll bo approYo4 b7 tho aoorMtloa li-'aa1on

wban t ba aJatranoa t ao 1a pa14 or tho ploAco tatoa.

5o pe~on UDder h1Sh aohoo1 as• m&J aa11 tlokat a and tlekato

ID&J be ao1d oDly to paraoD8 OYir •lsht•o 'year• of as•· .Ul PI~ ....

~ olshtoan yoare or as• ohall be adaitte4 to !Al !D4 !11 partora-

•n•t! tr••· They need not be r .. ldent a or C1oo1nnat1 or Haallton

County. Tbe patronase or •outaide~· or vleltora ohall be eolio1te4.

a aoaoon' o tioket ebal1 ontltla the holder to aay and all

portormanoeo given by th• Touns Pooploe Tbeator Guild. rrea tlokete

ahall be ieauod to publie dapendoto by ooolal welfare asonoi ...

(To Mre. Hooaavol t: Realizing the largen .. o of the work involved

in the orsanizati on of auoh a progroa I bava volunt .. re4 ~

aarvio .. to that purpoee tree.)


GllAND Dt.Kln' OP l.1JXl!MJIOUaG 441 L~ ,.,_., ... Iori< 17, n. TelepboDea -' }-2621. or 111 6-1990

Mra. Zlemor Rooae ... lt 29 llami.JI(toD Square lleat 11 ... Iori< 11, 1. r.

IC7 daar Mrs. Rooa..,el t,

April 221 1947

I h&Ye the boDor to aclalowledre

rour letter ot April 17th ud theDit rou tor rour ~

geatioD that I ••• Mr. HeDrT Morguthau. I llball

get 1n touab 'IIi th bia.

ReapectM17 rour•.

ADdre ~ltt~ Allalb



' :H....!.. · a·· ~ .·~

' . 4\ .. /

I •,

.I ~~

J­·~ O.....,.t ,< /

.C;- 7'£A-<.

l.oA- • t.1lT a4 I o:l.llited tho pone of­deer lila- 1a .,.. P-. !looM -ta rwo:l.nd -"' 1a -th...._,to tho --·• of- ClbU'OO\er Fretl.1a D. __ , boo obo ... 1a bio """" th...,..._t bio obolo lUo.

Ia oll tbo oo•VS.. -., - ,_..., to throw ott tholr Clb&iao of Ill....,., !.a oll tho uUou 'lbo - 'ol.aod tho fttliatl.aa toroea to Uberat.e the wl1.4 hw tMP ot oppnut.c., rz Ms.. D. -·oq).t 1o -•u.od - a4 z1...,t17 oo - ...., - 'lbo, rna the t1.ret ~ ot ...,. aar 1''0", P.•• ... ~ •• 1101"14 tor a noto'7 of - or Fo4 dll.

!odolf I II --- lbat oll thoM aoUoao .... on -. ... or tho Ual.ted htl.aoo -.14 lllr:o to -l'iol1oo tho lao Prolli-t Fret11a D. --\

11 ...... !.a a -o - to ........

tholr JNUtoa4o. I t..11en tll&t a oolliOV witll tllo al.a to U. 1111 .. JOV lato -·• .,., o ta ..U - ooitll ..,..t ,. _ .. !.a oll _tl'i... 'lloJ.o ooo10V ..u ..-u.· u-.. ~ OJ"paiM 1...,..., pn .. Uq tlae 11.-l~ fp A :dill ~ oopto -· .... 00 .. ., ... , 1a tho lito ,_._, •• -. Stbool1 e4 u..., wit:_.., orpaJ.•U..•• tlipa .,.. •• ,. _. ,..,U.o oo.-blloo, ooul4 oll be Cill-o to ,...... tile ,

11ll.o ra r 1.a w.o - .... u 1oo1et;r idtjlt ito ,.,_u. ...... !.a ... lwited ..... llr uuu., to M8M .. -.14 l1lr:o to ,.sa s....6 - ..... - -..s.- - .. Iaukl.actlla-oootaf•lllootaUIM-·"1 Soa of tho late Proll'•t. -I lllloiiU be ..... 0 $ M W U-001114 lot • - - .,_ • tll1a pa ; let Jll••


... 1 ..

- .... - -- -

~li:Jo I f:t:. ...-1 ]

.. •



Met vreugde geven wij kennls van de geboorte v•n

ons zoontje en broertje

j=ra.nk:ltn 9>elano



LEEUWAROEN, 24 Aug. 1946 Vreclemen de Vrfetltr. 6

TIJde'ljl! : Nleuwe Schtens 2 6


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