demystifying the public private partnership

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Demystifying the Public-Private Partnership

An Overview of the Model and its Application in Quebec

Philipp Duffy December 5, 2012

What is a Public-Private Partnership?

– An alternative mode of public procurement

– A bottom-up performance-based method of designing and evaluating infrastructure projects

– A means of better accessing private sector innovation and discipline

– A means for government to achieve time and cost certainty


But it is not:

– A privatization of public infrastructure

– A substitution of the private sector for the delivery of government services

– A simple method of financing or ability for governments to finance off balance sheet


How do P3s Work?

– Output/performance based contracts– Allocation of risk between public and private

parties– Integration of design, build, operation and

maintenance phases– Private financing– Payment upon delivery


The Experience in  Quebec and Canada (“DBFMO”)

– “Design - build – finance – maintain – operate” DBFMO model most prevalent• asset is at all times owned by the public

entity• incorporates all of the foregoing elements• allows achievement of all of the theoretical

benefits of a P3 Model• makes concessionaire responsible


The DBFMO Model

– Forces the public entity to clearly define the output and performance expected of the infrastructure

– Output specifications and performance requirements provide benchmarks for performance of private partner to be measured against (and penalties assessed)


The DBFMO Model (con’t)

– Forces the private party to consider cost over the entire life of the project life cycle considerations become much more important and feed innovation/efficiency

– Enforces discipline as a result of financing component


The DBFMO Model (con’t)

– Lends itself well to proper allocation of risk “packages risk” properly in the concessionaire

– Is easy to monitor for performance– Is inherently suitable to performance based

incentive/disincentive measures/accountability of private partner


Drawbacks of the P3 Model

– Risk premium– Private sector’s higher financing cost– Higher transaction costs inherent to the model


When Are P3s Appropriate?

– For larger infrastructure projects– Complex projects or projects presenting

timing/cost certainty risks– Projects with potential for tapping private sector

innovation or specialized know-how– Where a competitive market exists for private

party services


The Procurement Process

– Each of B.C., Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and the federal government have bodies responsible for evaluating, planning, procuring and overseeing major public infrastructure, including by way of P3

– In Quebec, handled by Infrastructure Québec– Infrastructure Québec replaced “The Agence des

partenariats public-privé du Québec” in 2009


Role of Infrastructure Québec

– Responsible for major public infrastructure projects ($40M+)

– Works with and advises the client to develop a 3-stage business care for the project

– Each stage is followed by ministerial approval


Role of Infrastructure Québec (con’t)

– First stage involves a strategic presentation of the project with preliminary budget ranges

– Second stage provides for tighter budgeting, a rigorous “value for money” analysis and I.Q.’s recommended model for procurement.

– It is within I.Q.’s mandate to recommend:• traditional design-bid build;• the “project management” method;• turn-key procurement, or• public-private partnership


Role of Infrastructure Québec (con’t)

– Third stage involves complete and final detailed business case for project, with estimated budget at ± 5%

– After approval any increases in cost of more than 5% must be reported to the government

– Where project proceeds either by PPP or turn-key, I.Q. coordinates the selection process


The Selection Process

– Preparation of preliminary output specifications and design requirements

– Preparation of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) package

– Review of responses to qualify a shortlist of consortia invited to participate in the RFP


The Selection Process (con’t)

– The RFP is released to qualified bidders• includes full output specifications• includes form of legal agreements• provides timetable:

for various workshops (legal, design, engineering, etc) and technical proposals

for delivery of financial and technical proposals

• provides for transparent Q&A/R.F.I. mechanisms designed for fairness


The Selection Process (con’t)

– Process necessarily expensive for both public and private parties

– Bidding agreement providing for deposit guarantees and compensatory payment to losing consortia


The Selection Process (con’t)

– Delivery of proposals– Proposals examined for compliance with RFP– Compliant proposals subjected to “best value”



Preferred Proponent Stage

– “Preferred Proponent” selected– Negotiation of final documents adapted to

winning proposal– Finalizing financing arrangements by private

party– Execution of Project Agreement (“Financial



The Project Agreement

– Together with schedules is the “Bible” of the project

– Allocates risk between public and private partners

– Site condition, design and construction obligations, works schedule, commissioning, deficiencies, services during operational term, maintenance and conservation, end of term requirements (handback)


The Project Agreement (con’t)

– Requirements Program (output specifications)– Payment mechanism (and failure points)– Variations procedure


The Project Agreement (con’t)

– Energy– Collateral agreement with design-builder and

service provider with step-in-rights in favour of public party

– Lender’s direct agreement


The Canadian Experience

– Conference Board Report of 2012– Examined 55 infrastructure P3s– “Value for money” analysis pointed to savings for

taxpayers over conventional procurement– Noted a high degree of cost and time certainty

through delivery


The Canadian Experience (con’t)

– Penalty regime seems to be working– Suggests that first wave (pre-2004) of P3s was

less successful since:• was driven by off balance sheet issues• attempted to transfer inappropriate risk• didn’t properly transfer financing risk


Projects in Quebec

– Maison Symphonique• delivered September 2011• Gold CCPPP award winner

– Autoroute 25• delivered may 2011


Projects in Quebec (con’t)

– Autoroute 30• to be delivered December 2012

– CRCHUM• projected delivery autumn 2013


Municipal Project Opportunities

– 2012 report of Canadian Construction Association, Canadian Public Workers Association, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and Federation of Canadian Municipalities rates 30% of existing municipal water and roadway infrastructure in 123 participating municipalities as in “fair” to “very poor” condition

– Replacement cost of $172Bn


Municipal Project Opportunities (con’t)

– Challenge for P3 model is size vs. cost:• process is expensive• need larger projects to attract private lenders


– CCPPP points to several successful smaller projects:• Vancouver Landfill Gas Cogenerating Project• Ottawa Paramedic Headquarters• Moncton Water Treatment Facility• Goderich Water and Wastewater System

Municipal Project Opportunities (con’t)


Municipal Project Opportunities in Quebec

– Infrastructure Québec available to provide services and support to municipalities

– Can also help in obtaining Federal funds– Advantage of transparency



– Alternative form of procurement– Value for money– Accountability and responsibility of private sector– Innovation and discipline– Not a panacea– Canada and Quebec good at this– Opportunities exist




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