denkstijlen honours programme 4e bijeenkomst 7 oktober 2004

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Honours Programme4e bijeenkomst7 oktober 2004

ArchimedesJusepe de Ribera   (1591-1652)

Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797)

"The Alchymist, in Search of the Philosopher's Stone, Discovers Phosphorus, and prays for the successful Conclusion of his operation." (1771)

Experiment on a Bird in the Airpump 1768

A Philosopher Lecturing with a Mechanical Planetary 1766

Three persons viewing a gladiator by candlelight – 1764/1765

Joseph Wright (1737 – 1797)

• “One of the most unjustly obscure painters”• "Lunar Society“

- Josiah Wedgewood

- James Watt

- Joseph Priestly

- Erasmus Darwin

- John Whitehurst

Selmar Hess1894

Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)

Robert A. Thom (1915-1979

Johannes Vermeer1632 - 1675

The Geographer  1668 - 1669

The Astronomer 1668

“‘The camera obscura helps me to see in a different way’, he explained, ‘to see more of what is there’”

“He borrowed Van Leeuwenhoek’s camera obscura again and allowed m to look through it. I saw miniature, reversed pictures of things, the colours became more intense…”

Vermeer, Camera Obscura

Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek

Robert A. Thom, Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek

Jules Verne (1822 – 1905)

Edouard Riou (1838-1900)

De la terre à la lune (1865)


Jules Verne (1865)“Foul Weather”

The weather, hitherto so fine, suddenly changed; the sky became heavy with clouds. It could not have been otherwise after the terrible derangement of the atmospheric strata, and the dispersion of the enormous quantity of vapour arising from the combustion of 200,000 pounds of pyroxyle! … On the morrow the horizon was covered with clouds-- a thick and impenetrable curtain between earth and sky, which unhappily extended as far as the Rocky Mountains. It was a fatality! But since man had chosen so to disturb the atmosphere, he was bound to accept the consequences of his experiment.

Self-portrait while drawing”Marta de Menezes, 2002

“Inner Cloud”Marta de Menezes, 2003Precipitated DNA in ethanol

Proteic Portrait” – Study.Marta de Menezes, 2002Sequence of marta protein, and computer predictions of its structure, printed on canvas.

Eduardo Kac - Bunny

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