description of the course -...

Post on 30-Aug-2018






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Name of the course:

Textile Materials and Testing

Code: ВDTCT30 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Course work

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours, LW – 3 hours

Number of credits: 7


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. D. Krasteva (FPEPM) – tel.: 965 2792, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for ВEng students specialty Design

and Technologies for Garment and Textiles of the Faculty of Power Engineering and Power

Machines at the Technical University-Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are

acquainted with basic textile materials and methods for determination of their properties.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The program includes topics related to production methods,

properties and application of the basic textile materials; methods, devices and apparatuses applied

for determination of their properties; statistical analysis of results obtained.

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge in the field of Chemistry, Physics, Polymers, Physical and

Chemical Processes, Probability Theory and Statistics, Strength of Materials and Mechanics. Skills

in working with statistical data processing programs are desired.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures - using multimedia projector, laboratory work – testing of

textiles using devices and apparatuses, data processing with PCs.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: A three-hour exam. For the module "Textile Materials" test

composed of 15 questions with maximum points of 24 and for module "Textile testing" - solving

two problems giving maximum points of 24. The final assessment is a sum from the points received

from the exam, the average mark from defence of protocols and the course work mark. During the

exam the students can use the Manual for laboratory work on Textile Testing and Analysis.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Незнакомова М., Текстилно материалознание, ТУ-София, 2010; 2.

Германова-Кръстева Д. Текстилни изпитвания и анализ, ТУ-София, 2012; 3. Кеворкян А.,

Текстилно материалознание и изпитвания, Техника, С. 1977; 4. Смирнов Л. С.

Текстурированные нити, М. Легкая индустрия, 1979; 5. Германова-Кръстева Д., Ръководство

за лабораторни упражнения по Текстилни изпитвания и анализ, ТУ-София, 2007; 6. Reumann

R.-D., Prüfverfahren in der Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2000; 7.

Bona M., Statistical Methods for the Textile Industry, Textilia, Torino, 1993; 8. Bona M., Textile

Quality, Textilia, Torino, 1994.


Name of the course:

Fashion and Apparel Design

Code: BDTCT31 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Course project

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours, LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 4


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. R. Atanasova (FPEPM) – tel.: 965 3647, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory subject for full-time students in

Design and Technologies for Garment and Textiles of Faculty of Power Engineering and Power

Machines of Technical University-Sofia for educative-qualification degree “Bachelor”.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students graduated successfully on this

subject to acquiring the need theoretical and professional knowledge about using the advanced

methods for fashion design.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The program comprises some actual problems referring

design, theory of composition, form as well as problems of fashion illustration, colour graphics in

art performance of apparel, depending on its type and purpose. Students got experienced in

visualization their creative ideas by using the basic principles of composition, depending on the

colour, ornament and properties of textile materials used for apparel.

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledges in the field of textile materials, engineer design of yarns

and fabrics, pattern making, textile and apparel manufacturing.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures read with helping of multimedia presentations, fashion

journals and video films; laboratory work – fashion design drawing on given theme, course project–

with explanation report and design drawing part.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment (two one hours writing tests in the middle

and in the end of semester) and aassessment from defense of the course project.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Атанасова, Радка П., Курс лекции по “Мода и дизайн на облеклото”

пред студентите от специалност “Проектиране и технологии за облекло и текстил” при ТУ –

София; 2. Лисийска, З., Художествено проектиране на облеклото, ЮЗУ, Благоевград, 1998; 3.

Попска, П., Проектиране на облеклото, Техника, София, 1995; 4. Аbling, Bina, Fashion

Sketchbook, Fairchild Publications, New York, 2007; 5. Druid, Elisabetta, Figure drawing for

fashion design, The Pepin Press, Amsterdam, 2001; 6. Tate, Sharon Lee, Inside fashion design,

Pearson, Upper Saddle River, 2004; 7. Tatham Caroline, Julian Seaman, Fashion Design Drawing

Course: principles, practice and techniques, Thames&Hudson, London, 2003.


Name of the course:

Clothing Construction

Code: BDTCT32 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours, LW – 3 hours

Number of credits: 7


Prof. Ph.D Hristo Petrov (EMF), tel.: 965 36 29, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory subject for full-time students in

Design and Technology of Clothing and Textiles of Faculty of Power Engineering and Power

Machines of Technical University of Sofia, for educative-qualification degree „bachelor”.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students graduated successfully on this

subject to acquiring the need minimum of theoretical and professional knowledge about using the

advanced methods for pattern making.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The program contents include the basic questions connected

to pattern making of variuos types and purpose garments. They are examined the style model

variants as well as the designing the accessory details (lining, interlining), grading the pieces

according to standard sizes of body measurements and some questions referring using CAD-CAM


PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledges in the field of: Mathematics, Textile materials and Теsting of Textiles.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures read with helping of slides, fashion journals and video films;

laboratory work with helping of specialized CAD system and traditional method of drawing in real

size; semester project–with explanation report, drawing part, design and defence.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment (two one hours writing tests in the middle and in the end of semester).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Петров Хр. М., Курс лекции по проектиране на облекла пред студентите

от специалност „Проектиране и технологии за облекло и текстил” при ТУ – София; 2. Петров,

Хр. М., Проектиране на облекла, ТУ – София, 2009 год., 3. Гиндев Г. М., Хр.Петров,

Моделиране и конструиране на облеклото, Техника, София, 1992 год.; 4. Петров Хр. М.,

Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по проектиране на облекла, ТУ – София, 1996 год.;

5. Rundschau, Fachzeitschrift fur Internationale Damenmode und Scnittechnik – избрани броеве; 6.

Rundschau, Fachzeitschrift fur Internationale Herrenmode und Scnittechnik – избрани броеве.


Name of the course

Sewing machines and equipment

Code: ВDTCT33 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours, LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 6


Assist. Ph.D. D. Sofronova (FPEPM), tel.: 965 3921, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for the students specialty Design and

Technologies for Garment and Textiles BEng programme of the Faculty of Power Engineering and

Power Machines.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected

to know the work and construction of the machines in the storage and preparation units in clothing

industry, cutting machines, sewing machines with different functions, semi-automatic sewing

machines and machining centers, ironing and fusing devices and their maintenance.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Warehouse in the sewing business.

Inspection tables; Laying and cutting devices and equipment - disk and plate shears, saws, automated

cutting devices; Classification of sewing machines. Stitch formation elements. Formation of stitch

class 100. Stitch formation at sewing machine class 200; Formation of stitch class 300 - oscillating

and rotating grippers; Basic mechanisms of sewing machine class 300. Zig zag machines; Formation

of stitch class 400 - one, two or more needle machines; Formation of stitch class 500 - overedge

machine. Sewing machines for "flat lock" stitches; Sewing semiautomatic for buttons and

buttonholes. Machining centers; Embroidery and branded machines. Fusing presses. Finishing


PREREQUISITES: Materials, Mechanics, Theory of machines and mechanism, Machine parts.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, using slides, laboratory work with protocols, work in teams,

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Computer aided test on two levels: one preliminary test and one basic test.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Косев К. Проектиране на трикотажни и конфекционни машини,

Техника, 1978; 2. Полухин, Райбах. Швейные машины цепного стежка зарубежных фирм,

Москва, 1979; 3.; 4.; 5.; 6.; 7.


Наименование на учебната


Предачни технологии и


Код: ВDTCT34 Семестър: 5

Вид на обучението:

Лекции, Лабораторни


Часове за седмица:

Л – 2 часа

ЛУ – 2 часа

Брой кредити: 6


Доц. дтн инж. Радостина А. Ангелова (ЕМФ), тел.: 965 2904, еmail: radost@tu-

Технически университет-София


дисциплина за студентите на специалността „Проектиране и технологии за облекло

и текстил” на ТУ – София за образователно-квалификационна степен „бакалавър”

ЦЕЛИ НА УЧЕБНАТА ДИСЦИПЛИНА: Студентите да получат задълбочени

познания за технологичните процеси в преденето на къси и дълги влакна, както и на

теоретичните предпоставки за осъществяването. Да бъдат в състояние да регулират

и настройват оборудването в зависимост от изискванията на производството. Да са

в състояние да съставят предачни планове за преработване на различни по вид и

качество суровини.

ОПИСАНИЕ НА ДИСЦИПЛИНАТА: Системи за предене на къси и дълги

влакна. Използвани суровини. Процеси и машини в различните системи.

Теоретични предпоставки, конструктивни решения, настройки, дефекти. Принципи

и методи на предене – рингови и безвретенни. Структура и физико-механични

показатели на преждите. Регенериране на отпадъците от производството. Съставяне

на предачни планове.

ПРЕДПОСТАВКИ: Знания по текстилно материалознание, механика, машинни

елементи, теория на машините и механизмите

МЕТОД НА ПРЕПОДАВАНЕ: Лекции – с използване на презентации на Power

point и видеофилми; лабораторни упражнения – с работа на машините,

справочници, документация на машините. Лабораторните упражнения се провеждат

в специализирани лаборатории, съоръжени с машини, стендове и уреди.

МЕТОДИ НА ИЗПИТВАНЕ И ОЦЕНЯВАНЕ: Писмен изпит, като крайната

оценка се оформя според точките, събрани от тестове през семестъра и тези от



ПРЕПОРЪЧИТЕЛНА ЛИТЕРАТУРА: 1. Георгиев Ив., Предачество, изд на ТУ –

София, 2010. 2. Ангелова Р., Предене на къси влакна, Ръководство за лабораторни

упражнения, изд. на ТУ – София, 2004. 3. Ангелова Р., Хр. Конова . Предене на

дълги влакна. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения, изд. на ТУ – София, 2009.

4. Червендинев Ат., Ив. Георгиев, Теоретични основи на предачното производство,

изд. на ТУ – София, 1991г. 5. Статии от: Textile Research Journal, J. of the Textile

Institute, Melliand Textilberichte, International Textile Bulletin, Textile Horizons,

America’s Textile International, Текстил-Облекло и др.


Name of the course

Spinning technologies and


Code: ВDTCT34 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours; LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 6


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. D.Sc. Radostina A. Angelova (EMF) – tel.: 965 2904, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory subject for the bachelor-

students in the specialty “”Design and Technology of Clothing and Textiles” at the

Technical University of Sofia for Bachelor education qualification degree.

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: The students will get profound

knowledge about the technological processes in spinning of short and long staple fibers as

well as about the theoretical background. They will be capable for regulating and

adjusting the spinning equipment depending on the production requirements. They will be

able to compile technological cards for processing of raw materials of different types and


DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Spinning systems for short and long staple fibers.

Raw materials used. Processes and machines in the spinning systems. Theoretical

background, variations in construction, settings, defects. Principles and methods for

spinning – ring and non-ring spinning methods. Structure and properties of yarns.

Regeneration of the waste products from the production processes. Technological cards.

BACKGROUND: Knowledge on Textile materials, Mechanics, Machine elements,

Theory of machines and mechanisms

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge in the field of texile materials and testing,

mechanics, machine elements, theory of machines and mechanisms are needed.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with the use of Power Point presentations and

videos, laboratory works based on real machines problems solving and on manuals and

guides for machine users. The labs are held in specialized laboratories, equipped with

machines, stands and apparatus.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam and tests within the labs during the



BIBILOGRAPHY: 1. Георгиев Ив., Предачество, изд на ТУ – София, 2010. 2.

Ангелова Р., Предене на къси влакна, Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения, изд.

на ТУ – София, 2004. 3. Ангелова Р., Хр. Конова . Предене на дълги влакна.

Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения, изд. на ТУ – София, 2009. 4. Червендинев

Ат., Ив. Георгиев, Теоретични основи на предачното производство, изд. на ТУ –

София, 1991г. 5. Статии от: Textile Research Journal, J. of the Textile Institute,

Melliand Textilberichte, International Textile Bulletin, Textile Horizons, America’s

Textile International, Текстил-Облекло и др.


Name of the course:

Clothing Modeling

Code: BDTCT35 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Course project

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours, LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 7


Prof. Ph.D Hristo Petrov (EMF), tel.: 965 36 29, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory subject for full-time students in

Design and Technology of Clothing and Textiles of Faculty of Power Engineering and Power

Machines of Technical University of Sofia, for educative-qualification degree „bachelor”.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students graduated successfully on this

subject to acquiring the need minimum of theoretical and professional knowledge about using the

advanced methods for modeling of clothes.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The program contents include the basic questions connected

to pattern making of variuos types and purpose garments. They are examined the style model

variants as well as the designing the accessory details (lining, interlining), grading the pieces

according to standard sizes of body measurements and some questions referring using CAD-CAM

Systems. The course project gives each student the opportunity to develop independently a clothes

collection on a free chosen theme and makeign the patterns for a part of the designed products.

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledges in the field of: Mathematics, Textile materials and Теsting of Textiles .

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures read with helping of slides, fashion journals and video films;

laboratory work with helping of specialized CAD system and traditional method of drawing in real

size; semester project–with explanation report, drawing part, design and defence.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment (two one hours writing tests in the middle and in the end of semester).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Петров Хр. М., Курс лекции по проектиране на облекла пред студентите

от специалност „Проектиране и технологии за облекло и текстил” при ТУ – София; 2. Петров,

Хр. М., Проектиране на облекла, ТУ – София, 2009 год., 3. Гиндев Г. М., Хр.Петров,

Моделиране и конструиране на облеклото, Техника, София, 1992 год.; 4. Петров Хр. М.,

Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по проектиране на облекла, ТУ – София, 1996 год.;

5. Rundschau, Fachzeitschrift fur Internationale Damenmode und Scnittechnik – избрани броеве; 6.

Rundschau, Fachzeitschrift fur Internationale Herrenmode und Scnittechnik – избрани броеве.


Name of the course:

Clothing Technology

Code: BDTCT36 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours, LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 7


Prof. Ph.D Hristo Petrov (EMF), tel.: 965 36 29, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory subject for full-time students in

Design and Technology of Clothing and Textiles of Faculty of Power Engineering and Power

Machines of Technical University of Sofia, for educative-qualification degree „bachelor”.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students graduated successfully on this

subject to acquiring the need theoretical and professional knowledge about using the advanced

methods for garments manufacturing.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The program contents include the basic questions connected

to the technological sequence of processes applied during the manufacturing of various types and

purpose garments. They are examined the technological characteristics of the processes depending

on the used equipment for laying, cutting, fusing, moisture-heating treatment and assembly of

products. They are analysed the technological capabilities of various machines and equipment and it

is given the possibility for practical habits for operation acquiring. It is studying the creating of

complete technologies for making various clothes as well as technological variants for processing

their assemblies.

PREREQUISITES: They are needful basic knowledges in the field of texile materials and testing as well as in pattern making.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures read with helping of slides, video films and other visual

materials; laboratory work to use machines to produce various kinds of garments.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Петров Хр. М., Курс лекции по „Технология на облеклото” пред

студентите от специалност „Проектиране и технологии за облекло и текстил” при ТУ –

София; 2. Кънчев Ц. Г., Хр. Петров и колектив, Технология на облеклото - част І, Техника,

София, 1997; 3. Кънчев, Ц. Г., З. Шулекова, Технология на облеклото - част ІІ, Техника,

София, 2001; 4. Модева, С. Т. и колектив, Процеси и машини в шевното производство,

Техника, София, 1985 ; 5. Трифонов К. И., Шевни машини и съоръжения, Техника, София,

1990 ; 6. Косев, К. И., Проектиране на трикотажни и конфекционни машини, Техника, София,

1987, 7. Петров, Хр., Атанасова, Р., Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по технология на

облеклото”, ТУ – София, 2012.


Name of the course

Weaving technologies and


Code: ВDTCT37 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:

Lectures. Laboratory work

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours; LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 6


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. D.Sc. Radostina A. Angelova (EMF) – tel.: 965 2904, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory subject for the bachelor-

students in the specialty “Design and Technology of Clothing and Textiles” at the

Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students graduated successfully

on this subject to obtain the required background of the theoretical and practical

knowledge for the machines and processes used in production of woven fabrics.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The content of the program includes the main

problems, related with the preparation of the threads for weaving as well as the weaving

process itself. The basic processes in the preparation of the warp threads for weaving are

discussed: winding, warping, sizing, drawing-in and tying-in, as well as the preparation of

the weft threads. The basic mechanisms of the weaving machines like the mechanisms of

warp let-off, warp shedding, filling insertion, beat-up and take-up are studied.

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge in the field of texile materials and testing, spinning

technologies, machine elements, theory of the machines and mechanisms, mechanics and

fluid mechanics are needed.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with the use of Power Point presentations and

videos, laboratory works based on real machines problems solving and on manuals and

guides for machine users.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam and three tests within the labs during the




1. Lecture notes. 2. Дамянов Г., Машини и процеси в тъкачеството, Техника, София,

1995. 3. Попов Г., Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по машини и процеси в

тъкачеството, ТУ-София, 2001. Papers from: Textile Research Journal, J. of the Textile

Institute, Melliand Textilberichte, International Textile Bulletin, Textile Horizons,

America’s Textile International, Текстил-Облекло и др.


Name of the course

Knitting Technologies and Machines

Code: ВDTCT38 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:

Lectures, Laboratory work

Course work

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours, LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 6


Assist. Ph.D. D. Sofronova (FPEPM), tel.: 965 3921, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Compulsory for the students specialty Design and

Technologies for Garment and Textiles BEng programme of Faculty of Power Engineering and

Power Machines.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected

to be able to know the construction of the loop structures, the main types of knits, technology and

knitting machines that produce knitwear with different functions.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Basic concepts in knitting. Types

of knitting needles and stitch formation; Classification of knitting machines; Classification of weft

and warp knits; Knitting automats for weft knitting- circular and flat knitting machines; Knitting

machine for warp knitting, etc.

PREREQUISITES: Textile materials; Electronics, Theory of mechanisms and machines.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, using slides, case studies, laboratory and course work, work in

teams, protocols and course work description preparation and defence.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Computer aided test on two levels: one preliminary test and one basic test.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Стоилов Т., Машини и процеси в трикотажното производство, ТУ-

София, 2008; 2. Оферман П., Х. Тауш-Мартон, Основи на плетачната технология; 3. Weber K.,

M. Weber, Wirkerei und Strickerei: Technologische und bindungstechnische Grundlagen; 4.; 5.; 6.; 7.


Name of the course

Uunconventional textiles

Code: BDTCT39 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:

Lectures and laboratory work

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours, LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 4


Assoc. Ph.D. Mihail Panchev (EMF) – tel.: 965 3880, email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: Optional for the students specialty "Design and

Technologies for Clothing and Textiles and Apparel", Faculty of Power Engineering and Power

Machines at the Technical University – Sofia, degree "Bachelor".

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Received by the students knowledge and skills in

unconventional textiles expand their horizons in terms of methods and means of getting products to

non-traditional textile methods.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The program set themes relating to the methods of

preparation of the products can be used in the preparation of textile products with specific technical

purpose and other than the concept of classic textiles. Students have the option of early access to

PowerRoint presentations. During the exercises the group performs all of the assistant task. The

results of measurements, processing the results and analysis are completed in a protocol to each

laboratory exercise. In the late hours of the Protocol shall be certified by the Head of the exercise.

PREREQUISITES: The course is based on knowledge in the field of Textile Materials and Testing, subject studied in Bachelor course.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures - using PowerPoint presentations and videos; laboratory -

working with tools and equipment. At the end of the semester students prepare presentations on a

specific topic.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Exam – the student has to expound two theoretical questions.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Nonwoven Fabrics: Raw Materials, Manufacture, Applications,

Characteristics, Testing Processes. Ltd, 2003.

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