do recruiters give bad reputation to your company

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Do Recruiters Give Bad Reputation to Your Company

These are tough times.

And many of us are feeling it in our wallets.

But .. No matter how tough times are, we can't forget the basics.

And repair reputation definitely is one of the basics.

And, without the basics taken care of, how can you get


Below is one of the best articles we have ever read on the subject.

It lays everything out nicely, it's easy to read, and, understand, it touches on all of the key issues, and, best of all, when you have finished reading

it, you will definitely know which is a very good direction to take given

your circumstances.

The length of time, effort and cash does your organization spend building and looking after your

status and brand available on the market?

Whenever you consider the significance of developing positive associations with clients, suppliers, employees, community leaders, the

media, and a number of other groups, you've got a significant

investment... and, justifiably so.

Most of us are thinking about creating and keep the very best

image we are able to.

Your status comes with an enormous effect on the

development and success of the business.

Frequently Overlooked

Probably the most important (and frequently overlooked) groups to think about in strengthening your

company's status may be the candidates who're approached by you and your prospecting agents.

Oftentimes, this type of person requested to think about an chance together with your company, and

most of them are asked for interviews with a number of from

the company's reps.

Regrettably, many candidates are wrong or oversold concerning the

particular opening they're requested to think about.

Other candidates aren't provided significant feedback regarding

candidacy, and many people receive no communication after a

preliminary contact as well as after a job interview.

In the book, Determining Who Leads, Frederick Daniel McCool provides numerous interesting

experience concerning the executive search profession.

He notes the profession needs to admit its weak points in how

candidates are treated and also the impact of the poor treatment about

the employer and also the client company.

According to him that: "Job candidates judge your interviewer

through the humanity that's extended (or most frequently not

extended) by people they feel - appropriately or wrongly - should

provide them with some consideration."

This ill will might be produced by internal, in addition to exterior,


Most employers aren't malicious or intentional within their untrue stories or no communication.

Generally, they're very busy, and they've other searches, job orders,

or due dates which result in this lapse in quality service.

Additionally, lots of people tend not to provide the news to some

candidate he Or she is not selected for any position thus, they might

avoid this uncomfortable task, usually at the fee for the customer

company's status.

Largest, many candidates drift from the prospecting process with an

adverse impression of the organization.

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Many of the issues discussed in the article are not widely known.

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Though repair reputation is often discussed, access to information

about it can be hard to find.

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