doctors logo here compliance – what do i have to do? straight teeth = healthier teeth hygiene –...

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Compliance – What do I have to do?

Straight Teeth = Healthier Teeth

Hygiene – How do I keep my teeth clean?

Aesthetics – How will it look?

Comfort – Does it hurt?

Time – How long does it take?

Cost – How much does it cost?

Doctor Bio

Invisalign Teen

Ceramic Braces

Lingual Braces

Patient Gallery

Efficacy – Does it work?

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Does it work?

Both traditional braces and Invisalign are effective at treating a broad range of cases, including:



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Does it work?


• Traditional braces consist of metal or ceramic brackets and an arch wire.

• Braces exert constant pressure, which over time, move teeth into their proper positions.


• A custom-made series of aligners is created for each patient.

• Each set of aligners is worn for approximately 2 weeks and will gradually and gently shift the teeth into place.

• Tooth colored “attachments” may be placed on your teeth so that the aligner gets a good grip for certain tooth movements.

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What do I have to do?

No matter which treatment option you decide on your participation is essential for a good outcome.


• Certain sticky and hard foods are off limits such as gum, raw carrots, popcorn, and nuts.


• The aligners must be worn 20-22 hours per day.

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Straight Teeth = Healthier Teeth

Healthier gums

• Properly positioned teeth can help gums “fit” tighter around them, which may lead to better periodontal health.*

Improved hygiene

• With good oral hygiene, the chances of having plaque retention, tooth decay, and periodontal disease can be reduced.

Decreased risk of abnormal wear and trauma

• Properly aligned teeth can reduce the occurrence of tooth chipping, breaking, or wear; and can be less stressful on the supporting jaw bone and joints.

* Periodontal disease and tooth loss. Ong G. Int’l Dental Journal (6/98) Periodontal considerations in the use bonds or bands on molars in adolescents and adults. Boyd RL

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How do I keep my teeth clean?

To maintain proper oral hygiene it’s important to keep the teeth, gums and orthodontic appliance clean.

Excellent brushing and flossing – beautiful final


Poor brushing and flossing –

white spots and swollen gums

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How do I keep my teeth clean?


• To help prevent decalcification, tooth decay and gum disease it’s necessary to clean all areas of teeth and gums surrounding the brackets and wires.

• A floss threader, interproximal brush and/or water pick may be necessary to effectively clean the teeth and gums.

• Because it’s easy for food to get trapped between the braces, it’s important to brush after every meal.


• Because aligners are removable, patients can brush and floss like normal.

• The aligners can be kept clean by simply brushing and rinsing them in lukewarm water.

• Routine dental cleanings are quicker and easier because there are no brackets or wires to clean around.

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How will it look?


Choices include metal, ceramic (clear), or braces that go on the back of your teeth. Some patients enjoy customizing their look by incorporating colored rubber bands.



Aligners are virtually invisible to give the confidence of a great smile both during and after treatment.

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Does it hurt?


• Due to the material and shape, wires and brackets may poke and irritate cheeks and lips.

• When you initially get your braces on and when you have your appointments for adjustments you may feel general soreness in your mouth and your teeth may be tender for a few days.



• Because the aligners are made of smooth plastic, there are no metal wires or brackets to irritate cheeks or gums.

• Anticipate that you may experience some increased pressure on your teeth when switching to a new set of aligners.

Over-the-counter medications can help to alleviate the pain experienced with clear or braces treatment.

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How long does it take?

Frequency of appointments:

Length of appointments:

*With Invisalign there are no “emergency” visits for broken or loose brackets and wires.

Braces Invisalign

Every X Weeks Every X Weeks

XX minutes XX minutes

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How much does it cost?

• It often depends on the length of treatment and the severity of your case.

• If your insurance policy covers orthodontic expenses, both braces and Invisalign should be covered to the same extent.

• Additionally these costs can qualify for a FSA (Flexible Spending Account) reimbursement.

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Doctor Bio

• Facts to consider:– List education

– In practice since 19XX

– # of cases treated

– Discuss Invisalign Advantage status and what it means

– Does the doctor lecture at relevant events?

– Doe he/she keep abreast on the latest ortho advancements/techniques (CE courses)

[Doctor’s Photo]

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Invisalign Teen

• Invisalign Teen is equipped with compliance indicators to help gauge the approximate amount of time that the aligners are worn.

• Up to 6 individual replacement aligners are provided at no charge in case of lost aligners.

• Since the device is removable, it’s easy to participate in sports, play an instrument, or take photos without having metal in your mouth.

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Ceramic braces

Ceramic dental braces are just like traditional metal braces with the exception that the brackets that are bonded onto the patient’s teeth are clear or tooth-colored, as opposed to metal.

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Lingual braces

The term “lingual braces” refers to a method of orthodontic treatment where the brackets and wires that produce the patient’s tooth realignment are attached to the backside (palate or tongue side) of their teeth, as opposed to the front or cheek side as is the case with traditional braces.

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