doctors order sample text

Post on 27-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Doctors Order SAMPLE TEXT


    FIRST PICTURE1/4/168:30 PM>Pls admit patient under blue service>Secure consent>NPO>VSq2

    >D5LR 1L @ 120 cc/hr>LAbs:---CBCHBSAGbloodtyping>For --------- Primary CS with BTL (Bilateral Tubal Ligation)>Cefuroxime 1g IVTT q8 ANST (After negative skin test)>Abdominal ---- preparation> ---- PROM>Secure 1 pack PRBC ----->FHT ------

    >Refer accordingly

    1/4/169pm> ------->Soft diet ---->C/D (Consume and discontinue) IVF>Start PO meds:Cefuroxime 500 mg 1 tab BIDFeSO4 1 tab ODAscorbic Acid 1 tab ODDiclofenac 500 mg 1 tab TID PRN for Pain>Remove foley catheter and refer if unable to void after 4-5 hours

    >Breastfeeding Q2>Daily Hygiene>Refer

    SECOND PICTURE:POST-OP ANESTHESIA ORDERS1/4/16>To PACU then to ward once stable>V/S q 15 min x 2 hours then q hourly once stable>NPO>IVF of D5LR 1L + 30 units oxytocin @ 120 cc/hr>IVF TO FOLLOW: D5LR 1L + 10 units oxytocin @ 120 cc/hr

    >Meds:1.Diclofenac 75 mg + 7 cc PNSS very slow IVTT @ 12hrs x 3 doses - next dose at 10 pm - then shift to etoricoxib 30 mg/ml 1 tab BID x 5 days2. Tramadol 50 mg very slow IVTT q 8hrs x 4 doses - next dose at 6AM - then decrease to q 4hrs PRN for pain3. Ranitidine 50 mg IVTT q 8hrs while on NPO4. MEtoclopramide 10mg IVTT q 8hrs PRN for PAin>02 inhalation at 6 LPM (Liters per minute) via face mask>Keep it warm>Watch of for signs of bleeding & hypotension>Labs: CBC - 6AM & --->Follow-up --- lab results>Keep uterus well contracted at all times

    >refer accordingly> ---- (Thank you?? haha)

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