rp sample full text (lily)

Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 1 The Study on the Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication Used in the Classroom of a Secondary School Nur Afiqah Bt Muslim 1014278 TEASL INSTED International Islamic University Malaysia LE 4000 English for Academic Writing Section 1

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Page 1: Rp sample full text (lily)

Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 1

The Study on the Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication Used in the Classroom of a Secondary School

Nur Afiqah Bt Muslim




International Islamic University Malaysia

LE 4000

English for Academic Writing

Section 1

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Running Head and Paging
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Author's name & affiliation
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Centered Title
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 2


Classroom management is very important in dealing with misbehaved students and teachers

are expected to take few actions in handling these misbehaviours and one of them is

classroom communication either verbal or non-verbal. This study was conducted to find out

the perceptions of misbehaved students towards non-verbal communication used in the

classroom of a secondary school. The sample comprised of 30 secondary school students from

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kota in Kelantan. The material used was questionnaire and it

was adapted based on reading (Avash Piya, 2007; Boose, Jaffe, Segal, & Smith, 2013;

Cacioppo, Hager, Ekman, & Petty, 1983; Cherry, 2013; Conway, n.d.; Galloway, 1972; Geng,

2011; Grant, 1972; Johnson, 1999; Muhammad Naem Butt & Muhammad Shafiq, 2013;

Omoteso and Semudara, 2011; Pickett, n.d.). Results revealed the most effective facial

expression and body movement perceived by misbehaved students to be used in the classroom

of a secondary school were maintaining eye contact and sitting beside them while teaching

which are consistent with Johnson (1999) where he stated that verbal and non-verbal

communication can be used by the teacher in managing misbehaved students in the

classroom. Hence, beside verbal communication teacher can also use non-verbal

communication in the classroom of a secondary school.

Keywords: perception of misbehaved students, non-verbal communication

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Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
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Abstract : On 2nd Page (one paragraph (150-250 words)
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 3

The Perceptions of Misbehaved Students Towards Non-Verbal Communication in the

Classroom of a Secondary School

Teachers’ understandings on students’ behaviours are highly required nowadays

especially to the students in secondary schools. Students in this present day are engaging in

many characters and every of it has meaning. Usually, when students do certain behaviours,

they might want something from the teachers, for example attention. There are some students

who do not acquire proper language to speak out their problems to the teachers and as a result,

they speak through their behaviours. Therefore, communication is very important among

teacher and students in order to understand each other.

Misbehaved students referred to the students who do any activity in the classroom that

can cause interferences during the learning process. Unpreparedness for class, talking in class,

rudeness to teachers, fighting and cheating were some of the misbehaviour activities that can

interrupt the process of teaching and learning (Slavin, 2001; Hussain, 2005 as cited by

Omoteso & Semudara, 2011). These misbehaviours were caused by many factors such as

violence in media, broken families as well as drugs. Apart from that, school also gave greater

impact on these misbehaviours. Therefore, classroom management is very important in

dealing with this issue and teachers are expected to take few actions in handling these

misbehaviours and one of them is classroom communication.

As mentioned, classroom communication plays an important role in managing

misbehaved students. McCroskey, McCroskey and Richmond (2006) referred classroom

communication to “the process by which one person stimulates meaning in the mind of

another through verbal and/or nonverbal messages” (pp. 2-3). Based on this definition, non-

verbal communication is one of the communications that can be used by the teacher in the

Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Independent variable.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Background starts.
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The 1st Heading in Text / Research : Title
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 4

classroom especially in managing misbehaved students. As suggested by Mehrabian and

Wienerfollowing (1967) that only 7percent of message is sent through words, with remaining

93percent sent nonverbal expressions (38percent happens through voice tone and 55percent

happens via general body language).

Perceptions of misbehaved students towards non-verbal communication give impacts

to the teacher in establishing classroom communication. Therefore, teacher should know their

students’ perception before using any communication. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

(2006) defined perception as “the way you notice something, especially with the sense” (p.

1079). While, misbehaved students referred to the students who involved in any activity that

cause disturbance towards student’s own learning, other students’ learning as well as teacher’s

ability to teach well (Merrett & Wheldall, 1986 as cited in Carotenuto, 2011).

Non-verbal communication is one of the communications that can be used by the

teacher in managing misbehaved students. Thus, non-verbal communication referred to those

non-verbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his

use of the environment which contain messages for the source or receiver (Samovar, Porter &

McDaniel, 2007 as cited in Yudarwati, n.d).

One theory that prompted research on how important is the non-verbal communication

in managing misbehaviour students was Ray Birdwhistell’s Theory on Kinesics. This theory

emphasized on body language which can help a person to tell his intention and interest. The

body language that he used can also describe his behaviours. Therefore, in the classroom

situation, teacher can used body language as non-verbal communication in managing

misbehaviour students by rolling his eyes for example. When students saw their teacher rolled

his eyes, they can understand that their teacher wanted them to behave and focus during the


Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Background ends.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Justify the need of the study.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Relevant theory presented.
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Numeric information for impact.
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Dependent variable.
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 5

The literature has revealed that classroom communication was one of the classroom

managements which necessary in managing misbehaved students in the classroom during the

learning period. Therefore, in order to achieve effective communication, teacher and students

must be able to correctly send and receive message. Johnson (1999) claimed that verbal and

non-verbal communications can be used by the teachers in the classroom especially in

managing misbehaved students. He also added that even though these two types of

communication were mutually dependent, non-verbal communication was more effective in

managing misbehaved students because non-verbal behaviours were used to support or

modify verbal behaviours.

In a classroom, a teacher will have different students with different needs. According

to experts, there were five categories of students which are passive, aggressive, attention

problems, perfectionist and socially incompetent. Then, effective classroom managements

will treat different students with different strategies (Marzono & Marzoni, 2003 as cited by

Wilkinson, Meiers & Knight, 2008). One of the strategies that teacher can use to manage

misbehaved students was by applying non-verbal communication during the learning period.

Neill (1991) and Thibodeaux (1991) reported that non-verbal communication was

potentially important because some messages needed to be sent implicitly rather than

explicitly in order to avoid from embarrassing students. When messages were sent implicitly

by using non-verbal signals, students would feel that their teacher was trying to help them and

not to embarrass them. They would also feel that their teacher appreciated them so that, they

would not involve in any misbehaviour activities and stay focus during the learning period.

Geng (2011) stated that poor classroom communication between teacher and students

can lead students to engage in doing disruptive behaviours. Brophy (1996) as cited by Geng

(2011) then described that to reduce misbehaved students in the classroom, teacher should

Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Simple past. Diverse reporting verb.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Simple past. Diverse reporting verb.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Simple past. Diverse reporting verb.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
In bold. Good phrases and cohesive devices.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Simple past. Diverse and appropriate reporting verb.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
In bold. Good phrases and cohesive devices.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
In present perfect.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Literature starts. Clear statement to describe.
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 6

develop strong relationship and have good communication with the students. So, in this issue,

teacher can use non-verbal communication with these misbehaved students such maintained

eye contact with them (Neill & Caswell, 1993). Besides developing strong relationship,

sustained eye contact indicated the level of interest towards each other. Thus, this allowed

students to feel the sense of belongings to the classroom and made them behaved well during

the lesson period. In brief, this meant that misbehaved students preferred teacher to use non-

verbal communication in the classroom in order for them to behave well.

In addition, Pease (1988) as cited in Muhammad Naeem Butt and Muhammad Shafiq

(2013) mentioned that body movement was very important because it worked as punctuation

marks in communication. Every movement that teacher made will give impact on students’

understanding. Thus, teacher needed to use correct body movements in order to give positive

influences to the students. When misbehaved students saw their teacher acted in positive

ways, they also wanted to act in positive ways. At the end, misbehaviour activities can be

reduced and students would be more focus during the lesson.

Misbehaved students tend to lose focus easily especially on the first lesson. Hence,

teacher should use a wide range of facial expressions, body movements and intonation to

attract their attention (Neill & Caswell, 1993). Once teacher got their attention, teacher can

manage them easily and prevent them from doing misbehaviour activities. Apart from that,

these non-verbal stimuli can also increase their motivation to learn as they saw their teacher

was very enthusiastic in teaching. In short, non-verbal communication can be used by the

teacher in managing misbehaved students during the learning process.

Many researches have mentioned about the perceptions of misbehaved students

towards non-verbal communication used in the classroom, but there was little empirical study

on the perceptions of misbehaved students towards non-verbal communication used in the

Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Clear key phrases to indicate gap.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Contrastive cohesive marker.
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Simple past. Diverse reporting verb.
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In bold.Good phrases and cohesive devices.
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 7

classroom of a secondary school.

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of misbehaved

students towards non-verbal communication used in the classroom of a secondary school.

The questions that the researcher seeks to answer are as follows:

1. What is the most effective facial expression perceived by misbehaved students to be

used in a classroom of a secondary school?

2. What is the most effective body movement perceived by misbehaved students to be

used in a classroom of a secondary school?


Respondents of the Study

For this study, 30 secondary school students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan

Kota, Kelantan were chosen to answer the questionnaires. Spending a month with these

respondents during the internship allowed a researcher to choose them as the respondents.

These respondents consisted of 14 male students and 16 female students in which 16 of them

were form 1 and 14 of them were form 4. The questionnaires were attached in the Facebook’s

message and send to these 30 respondents. It took few days to get all the questionnaires back.

Materials/ Research Instruments

The research utilized quantitative research methodology. The material used for this

study was questionnaire. The items used in the questionnaires were adapted based on reading

from journals, articles and web pages that were related to this research (Avash Piya, 2007;

Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Operational verb in passive voice )past tense_: were adapted (designed)
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
The second subheading : Materials/Instruments
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Participant (subject) characteristics
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Random sampling : Simple / Cluster
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Participant (subject) characteristics : Total number and Affliciation
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
First subheading : Respondents of the Study
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
The 2nd Heading: Method (continuous, not in a new page)
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Question form.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
More specific terms which are not repeated from GP.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Implies numerical methods/findings.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Present tense.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
Uses word like ‘perception’ to show degree/rate.
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Simple past.
Lily Rashid, 29/01/14
General purpose.
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Statement of problem.
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 8

Boose, Jaffe, Segal, & Smith, 2013; Cacioppo, Hager, Ekman, & Petty, 1983; Cherry, 2013;

Conway, n.d.; Galloway, 1972; Geng, 2011; Grant, 1972; Johnson, 1999; Muhammad Naem

Butt & Muhammad Shafiq, 2013; Omoteso and Semudara, 2011; Pickett, n.d.). There are

three parts in the questionnaire which were Section A, Section B and Section C.

Section A was about demographic background. Respondents’ personal details like gender,

form and email were asked in this section. While for Section B, the items that were asked to

the respondents were going to answer first research question (What is the most effective facial

expression perceived by misbehaved students to be used in a classroom of a secondary

school?) In this section, it required the respondents to rate the level of agreement for each

item. The level of agreement was arranged as follows: 1 = (Strongly Agree) 2 = (Agree) 3 =

(Neutral) 4 = (Disagree) and 5 = (Strongly Disagree). This questionnaire contained 10 items

for this section and the items were:

1. Teacher maintains eye contact with misbehaved students. (Muhammad Naem Butt &

Muhammad Shafiq, 2013)

2. Teacher smiles towards misbehaved students. (Galloway, 1972)

3. Teacher grins when misbehaved students misbehave in the classroom. (Galloway,


4. Teacher forms wrinkles on his forehead while looking at misbehaved students.

(Cacioppo, Hager, Ekman, & Petty, 1983).

5. Teacher raises his eyebrows towards misbehaved students. (Avash Piya, 2007)

6. Teacher avoids eye contact with misbehaved students. (Pickett, n.d.)

7. Teacher rolls his eyes towards misbehaved students. (Omoteso & Semudara, 2011)

narmi abdullah, 12/04/14
Organisation of survey questions
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 9

8. Teacher stares towards misbehaved students. (Cherry, 2013)

9. Teacher looks down as misbehaved students try to speak. (Cherry, 2013)

10. Teacher looks at misbehaved students and bites his lower lip. (Pickett, n.d.)

Section C was the third section in this questionnaire. The items used in this section

were going to answer second research question (What is the most effective body movement

perceived by misbehaved to be used in a classroom of a secondary school?). In this section,

respondents were also required to rate the level agreement for each item. The level of

agreement was arranged as follows: 1 = (Strongly Agree) 2 = (Agree) 3 = (Neutral) 4 =

(Disagree) and 5 = (Strongly Disagree). Section C contained 10 items and the items were:

1. Teacher makes "OK" sign with a thumb when misbehaved students give responses.

(Conway, n.d.)

2. Teacher sits beside the misbehaved students while teaching. (Conway, n.d.)

3. Teacher claps his hands several times loudly. (Pickett, n.d.)

4. Teacher nodes his head to the responses given by misbehaved students. (Grant, 1972)

5. Teacher puts his hand on the shoulder of misbehaved students. (Grant, 1972)

6. Teacher points to the door by means asking misbehaved students to go out from the

classroom. (Johnson, 1999)

7. Teacher turns around and ignores misbehaved students. (Geng, 2011)

8. Teacher shakes his head to the responses given by misbehaved students.

(Geng, 2011)

9. Teacher crosses his arms during teaching. (Cherry, 2013)

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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 10

10. Teacher slaps misbehaved students on their cheeks. (Boose, Jaffe, Segal, & Smith,


Research Procedure

Before the actual data collection period, a pilot study was conducted to assess the

validity of the research instrument. The initial questionnaires were distributed to 10

respondents were chosen from English for Academic Writing subject.. The questionnaire was

then redesigned and changes were made accordingly.

During the actual study, the questionnaires were distributed to the 30 respondents

consisted of 14 secondary school male students and 16 secondary school female students. The

questionnaires were distributed by using social network which is Facebook due to the school

holiday at that period.

The process of distribution was helped by one of the respondents after her permission

was attained. She was shortly briefed on how to respond to questions regarding the survey.

Hence, it was expected that she could later explain them to other respondents. For section A,

respondents were required to shade which bullet that represented their genders, write down

their class/form as well as their emails. It was a compulsory for the respondents to write down

their form/ level of study but not their emails. Then, for Section B and C, they just need to

rate their level of agreement for each item.

When she received the questionnaire, she helped the researcher by forwarding the

questionnaires to the other 29 respondents. The researcher managed to get back all the thirty

answered questionnaires within few days.

Data Analysis

To analyse the data, both variables were taken into consideration namely facial

Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
The fourth subheading : Data Analysis
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Operational verb in past tense: were distributed
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Operational verb in past tense: (questionnaire) designed/adapted
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Operational verb in past tense: was conducted (passive voice)
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
The third subheading: Procedure
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 11

expression and body movement. Data were entered into computer using Excel. Results were

presented through bar graph in percentages form.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of misbehaved students

towards non-verbal communication used in the classroom of a secondary school. Therefore,

the researcher went out to seek what is the most effective facial expression and body

movement perceived by misbehaved students to be used in a classroom of a secondary school.

Thirty questionnaires were distributed to the 30 respondents and the results were

acquired from it. The data that was collected showed that the most effective facial expression

which is maintaining eye contact with the misbehaved students and body movement which is

sitting beside them are required by the teacher in managing misbehaved students in the

classroom of a secondary school.

First research question was to seek what is the most effective facial expression

perceived by misbehaved students to be used in a classroom of a secondary school. Therefore,

there were 10 items in Section B which being asked to the respondents. Figure 1 to 10 show

the result for each item in Section B.

Figure 1. Teacher maintains eye contacts with misbehaved students.

Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Labelling figures/tables
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Use present tense when refering to figures and to explain current actions
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Thirty : spell out the number that begins a sentence, and use figure (number) when they appear in the middle of a sentence
Lily Rashid, 14/04/14
Introductory paragraph for results section
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Past tense to describe result
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Past tense to descibe result.
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
The 3rd Heading: Findings/Results (continuous not in new page)
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Operational verb in past tense: were presented
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Operational verb in past tense: were entered
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 12

Figure 2. Teacher smiles towards misbehaved students

Figure 3. Teacher grins when misbehaved students misbehave in the classroom.

Figure 4. Teacher forms wrinkles on his forehead while looking at misbehaved students.

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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 13

Figure 5. Teacher raises his eyebrows towards misbehaved students.

Figure 6. Teacher avoids eye contact with misbehaved students.

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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 14

Figure 7. Teacher rolls his eyes towards misbehaved students.

Figure 8. Teacher stares towards misbehaved students.

Figure 9. Teacher looks down as misbehaved students try to speak.

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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 15

Figure 10. Teacher looks at misbehaved students and bites his lower lip.

Figure 1 to 10 illustrate the results to the first research question. Based on the results,

the most effective facial expression perceived by misbehaved students to be used in the

classroom of a secondary school was maintaining eye contact with misbehaved students with

63 percent. This meant that a majority of the respondents strongly agreed that teacher should

maintain eye contact with misbehaved students in order to manage them well.

After maintaining eye contact with 63 percent, it was followed by staring towards

misbehaved students with 47 percent, smiling towards misbehaved students with 40percent,

forming wrinkles on teacher’s forehead with 33 percent, rolling eyes while looking to

misbehaved students with 23 percent, raising eye brows towards misbehaved students with 20

percent, biting lower lip while looking towards misbehaved students with 17 percent, grinning

towards misbehaved students 13 percent, avoiding eye contact with misbehaved students with

3 percent and there was no respondent strongly agreed that looking down as misbehaved

students try to speak as one of the facial expressions that can be used by the teacher in the

classroom of a secondary school.

Then, with the results given by the respondents, it clearly showed that maintaining

eye contact between teacher and misbehaved students was the most effective facial expression

that was used by the teacher in the classroom of a secondary school in order to manage them


Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Use past tense to present results and to describe completed actions
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Use past tense to present results and to describe completed actions
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Modal auxiliary verb such as should may also be used to express opinions or evaluate the findings
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Spell out the word percent, do not use the sign (%) except in graph
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Use past tense to present results and to describe completed actions
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Use present tense when refering to figures and to explain current actions
narmi abdullah, 14/04/14
Since all the figures show the same categories, this would be better displayed in ONE TABLE instead of several charts.
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 16

Whereas the second research question was to seek the information on what is the most

effective body movement perceived by misbehaved students to be used in the classroom of a

secondary school. Hence, 10 items in the Section C were going to answer this question.

Figure 11 to 20 show the result for each item in Section C.

Figure 11. Teacher makes “OK” sign with a thumb when misbehaved students give


Figure 12. Teacher sits beside misbehaved students while teaching.

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Use present tense when refering to figures and to explain current actions
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 17

Figure 13. Teacher claps his hands several times loudly.

Figure 14. Teacher nodes his head to the responses given by misbehaved students.

Figure 15. Teacher puts his hand on the shoulder of misbehaved students.

Figure 16. Teacher points to the door by means asking misbehaved students to go out from

the classroom.

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Figure 17. Teacher turns around and ignores misbehaved students.

Figure 18. Teacher shakes his head to the responses given by misbehaved students.

Figure 19. Teacher crosses his arms during teaching.

Figure 20. Teacher slaps misbehaved students on their cheeks.

Figure 11 to 20 demonstrate the results for the second research question. Based on the

results, the most effective body movement perceived by misbehaved students to be used in the

classroom of a secondary school was sitting beside them while teaching with 60 percent. This

result means that, more than half of the respondents strongly agreed that teacher should sit

beside misbehaved students while teaching in order to manage them well during the learning

Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Modal auxiliary verb such as should may also be used to express opinions or evaluate the findings.
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Use past tense to presents results and to describe completed actions
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Use present tense to present results and to explain current actions
narmi abdullah, 14/04/14
Since all the figures show the same categories, this would be better displayed in ONE TABLE instead of several charts.
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 19


After sitting beside misbehaved students with 60 percent, the results were followed by

making “OK” sign with a thumb with 57 percent, clapping hands several times loudly with 47

percent, nodding head to the misbehaved students’ responses with 40 percent, putting hands

on misbehaved students’ shoulder with 23 percent, pointing to the door by means asking

misbehaved students to go out from the classroom with 13 percent, turning around and

ignoring them with 7 percent, shaking head towards misbehaved students with 7 percent,

slapping on misbehaved students’ cheeks with 7 percent and there was no respondent who

strongly agreed that crossing arm while teaching is the one of the body movements that can be

used by the teacher in the classroom of a secondary school.

Hence, with the result given by the respondents, it was clearly showed that positive

body movement of sitting beside misbehaved students while teaching was the most effective

body movement.


The aims of this study was to find out what is the most effective facial expression and

body movement as perceived by misbehaved students to be used in the classroom of a

secondary school. In this current study, the most effective facial expression perceived by

misbehaved students were maintaining eye contact, followed by staring, smiling, forming

wrinkles in teacher’s forehead, rolling the eyes, raising eye brows, biting lower lip, grinning

and avoiding eye contact.

While for the most effective body movement perceived by misbehaved students were

sitting beside them while teaching, followed by making “OK” sign with a thumb, clapping

hands, nodding, putting hand on their shoulders, pointing to the door by means asking

misbehaved students go out from the classroom, turning around and ignoring them, shaking

Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
Link findings to ROs / RQs
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
The 4th Heading: Discussion (includes Conclusion, Implication, Limitation and recommendation)
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Running Head: Perceptions of Misbehaved Students towards Non-Verbal Communication 20

head and slapping on misbehaved students’ cheeks. Hence, this results of this current study

seemed to confirm the findings of a study conducted by Johnson (1999) who stated that

“verbal and non-verbal communication can be used by the teacher in managing misbehaved

students in the classroom” (p.396)

The previous study conducted by Marzono & Marzoni (2003) as cited by Wilkinson,

Meiers & Knight (2008) reported that in order to have effective classroom managements

teacher had to treat different students with different strategies. Thus, these findings suggest

that the teacher to use non-verbal communication such as facial expressions and body

movements especially maintaining eye contact and sitting beside them in managing and

controlling them. This is because, more than half of the respondents strongly agreed that these

two findings were the most effective non-verbal communication to be used in the classroom

of the secondary school.

The results showed the most effective facial expression as perceived by misbehaved

students to be used by the teacher in the classroom of a secondary school was maintaining eye

contact between teacher and misbehaved students. Therefore, this result agreed with Brophy

(1996) as cited by Geng (2011) and Neill & Caswell (1993) where they informed that teacher

can control misbehaved students during the learning period by using eye contact in order to

build strong relationship, have a good communication and develop the sense of belonging.

Last but not least, the results for this current study which stated the most effective

facial expression was maintaining eye contact and the most effective body movement was

sitting beside misbehaved students were consistent with Neill and Caswell (1993) where they

claimed that teacher should use a wide range of facial expressions, body movements and

intonation in managing misbehaved students since they tend to lose focus easily. Therefore,

based on these results, teacher can apply these positive non-verbal communications like

Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
In-text citation: Summary or Paraphrase, in simple past tense
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
In-text citation: Synthesis, in simple past tense
Lily Rashid, 11/04/14
In-text citation: Summary or Paraphrase, in simple past tense
narmi abdullah, 12/04/14
Use other studies to support findings
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In-text citation: Short quotation, in simple past tense (Use 4 different techniques correctly and effectively)
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Discussion & analysis of the main findings
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maintaining eye contact and sitting beside misbehaved students especially in managing

misbehaved students in the classroom of a secondary school.

In conclusion, this study has investigated the perceived non-verbal communication

favoured by misbehaved students in classroom. Returning to the research questions at the

beginning of this study, it is now possible to state that non-verbal communication was ideal to

be used in the classroom of a secondary school especially in managing problematic students.

One of the significant findings which emerges from this study is the most effective facial

expression perceived by the students in managing misbehaved students is maintaining eye

contact, followed by staring, smiling, forming wrinkles in teacher’s forehead, rolling the eyes,

raising eye brows, biting lower lip, grinning and avoiding eye contact. While for the most

effective body movement perceived by the students in managing misbehaved students is

sitting besides the them while teaching, followed by making “OK” sign with a thumb,

clapping hands, nodding, putting hand on their shoulders, pointing to the door by means

asking misbehaved students go out from the classroom, turning around and ignoring them,

shaking head and slapping on misbehaved students’ cheeks. Therefore, the findings of the

study suggest that teachers should ensure that they are familiar and prepared with positive

non-verbal communication prior to class in dealing with problematic students in the

classroom of the secondary schools. Even so, teacher cannot use negative non-verbal

communications towards students because these will give negative impacts to the students.

Research on the perceptions of misbehaved students towards non-verbal

communication can be continued in several directions. Firstly, future researcher could

investigate their perceptions towards other aspects of non-verbal communication such as,

touching, dress, posture as well as spatial distance. Then, the findings for these aspects are be

able to allow the readers to have more ideas about their perceptions towards the used of non-

Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Recommendation for further research
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Implications of the findings
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Review of the findings
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Restatement of the objectives
Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Overview of the study : why and how you conduct the study
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verbal communication in the classroom. Secondly, future researcher could expand their

sample up to the students in the tertiary level. The results might be more reliable since they

are in the university level where most of them are highly intellectual. Last but not least, in

order to have more results in this area, future researcher could combine their methodologies

but, it will take more times. Hence, the future researcher has to plan his research properly.

However, these findings are only true for Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kota,

Kelantan and cannot be generalized to other secondary school students in the same state or

nationwide. The same study needs to be conducted with students from other school to see if

there are any similarities with the factors that will influence teachers’ way of non-verbal

communication in managing misbehaved students in class.

The results from this study also outline some do’s and don’ts in using non-verbal

communication especially for facial expressions and body movements towards misbehaved

students. The do’s for facial expression that teacher can do towards misbehaved students are

teacher can maintain eye contact with them, stare towards them, smile towards them, rolls

eyes towards them and form wrinkles on his forehead to show to them. While for the don’ts

are, teacher should not avoid eye contact with them, look down as they try to speak, bite the

lower lip while looking at them, grin and raise eyebrows towards them.

Then, the do’s for body movement are teacher can sit beside them while teaching,

make “OK” sigh with a thumb as they give responses, clap his hands several times loudly,

node his head as to their responses and put his hand on their shoulders. Whereas for the don’ts

are teacher should not slap them, point to the door by means asking them to go out from the

classroom, shake his head to their responses, turn around and ignore them as well as cross his

arm while teaching.

In brief, classroom communication is very important in order to have effective

Lily Rashid, 12/04/14
Limitations of the study
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classroom management. Hence, teacher can choose either to use verbal or non-verbal

communication. But, there is a rule to use it. The rule is teacher can only use positive

communication with the students as producing positive generation with positive attitude is

very important.

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Appendix A

INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this questionnaire is to investigate the perceptions of misbehaved students towards non-verbal communication used in the classroom of a secondary school. You have been randomly selected as a respondent. Please respond to the items as honestly as possible. Your responses will be used for academic purposes only and will be treated as confidential. Thank you for your cooperation.

SECTION A : Please tell us about yourself Gender : ⃝ Male ⃝ Female

Form :

Email :

Facial expressions used in managing misbehaviour students in secondary schoolSECTION B : Please indicate your agreement Level of Agreement


Agree Neutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree

1Teacher maintains eye contact with misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

2 Teacher smiles to misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

3Teacher grins when misbehaviour students misbehave in the classroom. 1 2 3 4 5

4 Teacher forms wrinkles on his forehead while looking at misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

5Teacher raises his eyebrows towards misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

6 Teacher avoids eye contact with misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

7Teacher rolls his eyes towards misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

8 Teacher stares towards misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

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9Teacher looks down as misbehaviour students try to speak. 1 2 3 4 5

10 Teacher looks at misbehaviour students and bites his lower lip. 1 2 3 4 5

Body movements used in managing misbehaviour studentsSECTION C : Please indicate your agreement Level of Agreement


Agree Neutral DisagreeStrongly Disagree

1 Teacher makes "OK" sign with a thumb when misbehaviour students give responses. 1 2 3 4 5

2Teacher sits beside the misbehaviour students while teaching. 1 2 3 4 5

3 Teacher claps his hands several times loudly. 1 2 3 4 5

4Teacher nodes his head to the responses given by misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

5 Teacher puts his hand on the shoulder of misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

6Teacher points to the door by means asking misbehaviour students to go out from the classroom.

1 2 3 4 5

7 Teacher turns around and ignores misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

8Teacher shakes his head to the responses given by misbehaviour students. 1 2 3 4 5

9 Teacher crosses his arms during teaching. 1 2 3 4 5

10Teacher slaps misbehaviour students on their cheeks. 1 2 3 4 5