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Post on 08-Feb-2016






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Дополнительный материал к УМК “English-5” Авторы В. П. Кузовлев и др. Данный материал можно использовать для повторения лексического материала по теме «Город», и грамматического материала: оборот there is/are, употребления артиклей a, the, предлогов места. 1. Here is Paul’s story about the city where he lives. Read it and fill in the gaps with is/are. There ____ a lot of horses here. The horses are cute. My grandparents breed (выращивают) horses. There ___ a bridge here. The bridge is near my old school.

There ____ a supermarket and some shops here. The supermarket is an

interesting place to go. I sometimes go there with my Mum.

There ___ a school in my place. The school is small. Now I go to another school.

There ____ a lot of cows here. The cows are not so cute. I don't like them. I'm

afraid of them.

There _____ two cinemas and a sports club here. I like going to the cinema

with my friends.

There ____ a church near here. The church is old and beautiful.

There ____- a hospital here. I don't like going there.

2. Katie Irwin lives in Edinburgh. She wrote a letter to her cousin to the USA. What did she write about? Dear Daniel,

You want to know what there is in my city. There is 0___a__ palace here. 1_____palace is

called the Palace of Holyroodhouse. There are 2______ cathedrals and churches here. There is

3_____ cathedral and two churches near our house. 4_____ cathedral is very beautiful. There is

5_____ café near our house. There is 6____ castle in Edinburgh. 7____ castle is very famous.

And what is there in your city? Are there 8_______ castles there?

Are there 9_____ palaces?

Love, Katie

3. What is there in your city/town/village? cinema? yes 2 There are 2 cinemas in my town. supermarket? café? theatre? school? castle? no There aren’t any castles in my town. cathedral? river? museum? bridge? gallery? square? hospital? church? something else? 4. Look at the photo and the map, read the story the guide told the tourists. 1) What sights did she tell the tourists about? Find them on the photo and on the map.

We are in Trafalgar square . It is the biggest square in central

London. Look! In front of you, in the middle of the square,

there is Nelson's Column . On the left, behind the Column, you

can see the National Gallery . It is famous for the largest

collection of paintings in the UK. And next to it, there is the

National Portrait Gallery . It is on the corner of the street. We'll

visit the Galleries tomorrow. There is a church opposite the

National Portrait Gallery. Now we are driving along the Mall .

On the left you can see a park . There is a beautiful lake in the

middle of the park. There is Buckingham Palace near the park,

it is the place where the Queen lives. Now let's have a walk in the park and enjoy its beauty.

2) Look at the map and help the tourists to find the places of interest.

Pupil 1 - Excuse me, how can I get to the Summer Garden? Pupil 2 - It is not far from here. The Summer Garden is behind Michael’s Castle.

1. Excuse me, where is St Isaac's Cathedral 2. Can you help me? Where is the Hermitage? 3. I'd like to see the Alexcander Column. Where is it? 4. Excuse me, how can I get to the Bronze Horseman? 5. Excuse me, where is St Peter and St Paul Cathedral? 6. I'd like to see the Palace Bridge. Where is it?

5. Children from Paul’s new school come to Paul's place. What are they talking about? Find the two conversations. A. - Are there any sports centres here?

B. - Are there any castles here?

1. - No, there aren't any. 2. - Yes, there is a sport club

C. - Is there anything interesting here? D. - Can we play football there?

3. - Of course we can!

4. Yes, we can go to the National park.

E. - Let's go there together. F. - Is it a place where wild ponies live?

5. - O.K., and let's invite Sam.

6. - Yes, it is, do you want to see them?

G. - Good idea!

H. - Yes, it is very interesting!

6. Daniel and his family come to visit their relatives in Edinburgh. 1) What questions does Daniel ask his cousin Katie? Complete the conversation. - __________________________________? - Yes, there are a lot of castles here. And there is the famous Edinburgh Castle here. - ___________________________________? - It is famous for its "Honours of Scotland" - ___________________________________? It is in the centre of the city.

- ____________________________________? -

Yes, it is. The Queen stays in the Palace of Holyroodhouse when she is in Scotland. - ___________________________- - Of course we can. We can go there tomorrow.

7. The magazine Highlights for Children asked children to write what they can see from their windows. Here are some of their letters. Who can see the following:

the places __ the things ___ , ______, ______ things alive (одушевленные) ____, _____, ______

Who writes about the following

something he/she likes ______ some events in the past _____

Write down the number of the letter next to the task. 1. There is a garden near my house. When I look out of the window I can see a tree. There is a bird in the tree. There are a lot of flowers near the tree. I love my garden very much. Polly 2 When I look out of the window I can see cars and buses. There are a lot of cars in the street. Ron 3 I live in Alaska. I can see a lot of boats from the window. I see flowers in my mum's garden and green trees. There are a lot of different birds here. Laura 4 When I look out of my window I can see my best friend's old house. She went to Florida two years ago. There is the house of my other friend near the hospital. We wrote each other letters when we were small. Sandra 5. From my window I can see my brother. He plays with the dog. . I can see my Dad in the garden. I love them very much. Cecile 8. Moscow has a long and interesting history. There are a lot of interesting places there. For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer A or B. There is an example at the beginning. The Kremlin is one of the most popular tourists attractions. There (0) B twenty towers in the Kremlin. There (1)________red stars (звезды)on the five tallest towers. There (2)_____ a great red wall around the Kremlin. In the middle of the Kremlin there is Cathedral (3) ______. Are there any (4) _______ in the Kremlin? Yes, there (5) _____ five cathedrals there and a small (6)_______. In front of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower there (7) _____ the big Tsar Bell. Inside(внутри) the Kremlin there is the Great Kremlin (8) _______ and four other palaces. Usually there are a lot of (9) _______ in the Kremlin. But there are not (10) ______ shops or cafes there.

0 A is B are 1. A are B is 2. A is B are 3. A castle B square 4. A galleries B cathedrals 5. A is B are 6. A church B playground 7. A are B is 8. A museum B Palace 9. A tourists B bridges 10 A any B some 9. Here is the picture that Celia drew. Help her to describe the picture. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions. Use the picture. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

(0) On the right there is a big park. There is a café (1)_________ the park. There is a cinema here. The cinema is (2) _________ the park. (3 )________ there is a supermarket. There is a school (4) _______ the supermarket. There is a playground (5) _____ the school. (6 )_______ there is a gallery. There is a museum (7) _____ the gallery. There is a hospital. The hospital is (8)_______ the museum.

10. Role Play Tourists often ask questions about the towns they visit. Pupil Card 1 You are a foreign tourist. You want:

• to eat. • to watch a new film. • to walk in the park. • to visit a doctor. • to see the paintings. • to play sport games. • to see something interesting. • to buy souvenirs.

Ask for help. You begin the conversation. Pupil Card 2 Look at the picture. You live in this city. Foreign tourists often visit it. Help them to find the way to places they ask about.

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