drupal performance and scalability

Post on 27-Aug-2014






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In this session we will present an overview from the point of view 'system that implementative on how to get the best performance from your drupal application. We will also show examples of use cases for drupal scalable infrastructure.



About Stefano

• Drupal developer since 2007

• Twinbit co-founder

• ILDN founder

• I’m a geek and i love Open Source software



About Marco

• web and open source consultant and developer

• interested in knowledge management, GIS, and integration of systems with CMS

• Twinbit co-founder




• Why speed is so important

• Tips for frontend optimization

• Tips for backend optimization

• Q&A time (we hope!)

What is performance?

“The delay perceived between an action (e.g. click) and a meaningful response”

What is performance?

Performance is money

Why do we care about it?

Why speed is so important?

some numbers

1 Seconddecrease page load time

Amazon's calculated that a page load slowdown of just

one second could cost it $1.6 billion in sales each


Source: http://www.tagman.com/mdp-blog/2012/03/just-one-second-delay-in-page-load-can-cause-7-loss-in-customer-conversions/

Google has calculated that by slowing its search results

by just four tenths of a second they could lose 8 million searches per day

Source: http://www.tagman.com/mdp-blog/2012/03/just-one-second-delay-in-page-load-can-cause-7-loss-in-customer-conversions/


Performance golden rule

80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend.

Start there.

80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend.

Source: http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/2012/02/10/the-performance-golden-rule/

But first, the horrible truth about Drupal

Drupal isDatabase intensive!!

Memory intensive!!

Can easily become a resource hog

Why most drupal sites are slow?

Poor frontend implementation!!

Slow mysql queries!!

Serving dynamic contents to anonymous !users!!

Module bloat (“open buffet” syndrome)

Let’s focus on frontend

1. When we request a URL a DNS lookup is done

2. Download the html and start reads from top

3. CSS Block rendering. The browser starts rendering once it has all the style declarations

4. Javascript blocks downloads. Make sure to serve js at last

5. Circa 4/8 assets (images / js / css /fonts) are downloaded in parallel from the same domain

www.twinbit.it ? IP =

How does a browser work?

Our goals

1. Put CSS on top (it blocks rendering)

2. Put JS on bottom (it blocks downloads)

3. Minimize the number of requests (CSS / js / images, fonts)

4. Send less data as possible

5. Spread your assets over several domains (CDN)

Put javascript on footer

Remove unneeded cssUsing hook_css_alter() to limit amount of requests

Remove unneeded cssUsing hook_css_alter() to limit amount of requests

Use aggregation

Built-in aggregation

Use aggregation

Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation modulehttp://drupal.org/project/advagg

or smart solution

Use aggregationAdvanced CSS/JS Aggregation module


Fully cached CSS/JS assets allow for zero file I/O if the Aggregated file already exists. Results in better page generation performance

On demand generation of CSS/JS Aggregates. If the file doesn't exist it will be generated on demand.

Gzip support. All aggregated files can be pre-compressed into a .gz file and served from Apache. This is faster then gzipping the file on each request.

Use aggregationAdvanced CSS/JS Aggregation module


built-in support for !!

HTTP Parallel Request & Threading Libraryhttps://drupal.org/project/httprl

Image requests

1. Sprites: One file for all UI elements (1 request)

2. Use automatic tools like Compass for generate sprites


3. Optimize images https://drupal.org/project/imageapi_optimize

4. Use font-based icons https://drupal.org/project/fontello

Keep in mind to send less data to servers, ever!

SPREAD your assets over several domains

use CDN modulehttps://drupal.org/project/cdn

2 tips1 . DNS Prefetching

2. Cookie-less domainset in settings.php the variable$cookie_domain = ‘www.twinbit.it’

<head> … <link rel=“dns-prefetch” href=“//script.google.com”> … </head>

Monitor your application

Monitor your application


Chrome and Firefox developer tools, are your best friends

Google page speed tools

or use external services like

New relic

and know the tools

take away

“Cache saves the cache”cache everything at every level

Let’s focus on backend

thank you for now!


Anonymous vs authenticated

Identify the type of your application in order to apply appropriate caching policies. !The more static the application is the more it will be served by the “client-side” caches. !Highly dynamic application will need efficient “application-side” caching.

Clustered architecture

Reverse proxy

A proxy server that retrieves resources on behalf of a client from one or more servers. These resources are then returned to the client as though they originated from the server itself. !Varnish is widely adopted, open source and natively supported by Drupal 7.x from 300x to 1000x faster serves static pages and assets powerful configuration language ESI (https://drupal.org/project/esi) can act as load balancer

More links https://drupal.org/node/1054886 https://drupal.org/project/varnish https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/wiki/VarnishAndDrupal


Web servers

Drupal configuration / coding ! use static caching $foo = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);

use cache_set/cache_get disable unneeded modules avoid variable_set() in frontend pages

and cache invalidation keep app logic away from template, use

hook_preprocess functions don’t reinvent the wheel! api.drupal.org

is your best friend! keep drupal performance configuration

in settings.php !

System ! configure Apache MaxClients

((System RAM) – (RAM used by other processes)) / (httpd process size) = MaxClients

KeepAliveTimeout < 5 sec ! use APC

apc.stat ~ 0 apc._num_files_hint > 1000 !

use Nginx if no proxy or CND

More links https://groups.drupal.org/high-performance

Web servers: more is better

! VM-C1: 1 cpu, 2 GB ram VM-C2: 2 cpu, 4 GB ram VM-C3: 4 cpu, 8 GB ram

Web servers: more is much better

Session management

Drupal is saving sessions to database. This can be used in a cluster but we want to save database queries. !To do this we can use different solutions: !!!! Memcache Redis MongoDB

pros very easy and fast

very fast native replication

cons no native replication

no native replication cluster configuration

Drupal compatibility

mature medium medium

Application caching

Drupal has several caches, by default stored in database. To avoid loading the database we can still use different solutions: ! memcache / redis mongodb !!

More links https://drupal.org/project/memcache https://drupal.org/project/mongodb http://www.mongodb.org/ !!!

Memcache tips ! exclude cache_form and cache_views unless different bucket size php mod: Memcache (3.x) vs Memcached bucket size!!! ! module settings !memcache.hash_strategy consistent memcached.sess_consistent_hash 1 !

Drupal settings.php $conf['memcache_stampede_protection'] = TRUE; $conf['lock_inc'] = 'sites/all/modules/memcache/memcache-lock.inc';

Application caching: memcache



3% core queries goes to slaves tag queries to be slave query (also using query_alter) tag queries to be slave query also using views UI !Tune innodb buffer size !SELECT CEILING(Total_InnoDB_Bytes*1.6/POWER(1024,3)) RIBPS FROM (SELECT SUM(data_length+index_length) Total_InnoDB_Bytes FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine='InnoDB' and table_schema = ‘drupal_db’) A; !!Use MySQL query cache!

Control servers

control server: monitoring software (munin), phpmyadmin, configuration engine (Puppet)

! staging server: should contain a copy of the production

environment. This is used for testing and deploying. ! file storage: user files

Interesting tools: !http://gatling-tool.org/ http://newrelic.com/ !!!!!!


Anon users: !proxy (varnish): 2000 req/s anonymous users 60 apache processes per cpu core, 1 req/s per process !Auth users: !web server (apache): 14 apache processes per cpu core in virtual env, 1 req/s per process

(consider clustering overhead). Could be much better using other hypervisors, with WMWARE we reached18/20)

web server (apache): 40MB per process


Target utenti (numero di sessioni utente aperte sul sistema in un giorno)


Peso medio hit in KB 100

Page hits per utente (numero di pagine visitate da un utente) 10

Tot hits/giorno 3M


% utenti intervallo ore intervallo

secondi nell'intervallo

media (req/sec)

triangolare (req/sec)

normale (req/sec)

100% 4.5 16200 185 370 332



VM Tipo CPU cores RAM (GB) NumeroTot. CPU cores

Tot. RAM (GB)

haproxy server 2 4 2 4 8

front-end serversfrontend, cpu bounded 4 8 6 24 48

cache serversmemory bound 2 4 3 6 12

mysql serversmemory bound 4 14 2 8 28

control server 2 4 2 4 8

staging environment 2 4 6 12 24

totale risorse 21 58 128

Processi (threads) apache per cpu core 15

Drupal memory footprint (MB)


Mysql connection fooprint (MB)



• caching is key to performance • set your performance target (capacity plan) • measure performance on changes




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