dwarf with snake

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Dwarf with SnakeDeep to the roots of the fairytale

The fairytale is about dwarf and snakes. My pupils chose this book.

Page 1.İn the fairytale there is queen of the snakes. Her name is ŞAHMERAN.

Page 2.İn the fairytale dwarf is bad person. One day dwarf meets fairy girl. Fairy girl asked him wishes.

Dwarf would like to be an important person. Everyone will afraid of him.

Page 3.So Fairy girl gives him 2 strand of gold hair. Dwarf use one of them and becomes SULTAN. Snakes will do what

he wanted.

Page 4. Dwarf mistreateats people.He eats a lot .He gets illness. A doctor comes to the


Page 5.Doctor said that 'if you want to get better , you have to treat well your people. 'Dwarf promises about that. The doctor asks that 'Do you have one strand of hair of gold .

'Dwarf has got one. After that dwarf becomes good person.

Page 6.Dwarf lived happily forever.

We would like to make the fairytale characters. We made Şahmeran by waste materials. We had fun. We played with Şahmeran.

We made fairy girl by cardboard and waste fabrics. We made dwarf by play dough.

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